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Posted by Joy (Zimbabwe) on 06/19/2016
I used to suffer terribly with cold sores, until I discovered that holding an ice cube on my lip directly over the tell-tale "tingle" that I came to dread!!! Hold it there until the cube has melted, and hey presto, no more tingle and no outbreak!! This discovery has revolutionised my life... perhaps a bit dramatic, but it sure feels wonderful to no longer suffer with a dreaded fever blister!! :)
Oregano Oil
Posted by Jnell (Bc, Canada) on 01/16/2014
A drop or 2 of Oil of Oregano applied directly to my cold sore (lip), using a clean cotton swab, upon onset, stop growth dead in it's tracks! What would normally take 7-10 days to fester and heal now takes only 3 days!
Posted by Josephine (Uk) on 10/20/2013
Just wanted to say that acetone for nose ulcers work very well. Just just a cotton bud dipped it into acetone and applied to the sore for one minute. I did this every moring and niht for two days.. The tinggling sensation went after the second application. Thank you Earth Clinic.
Posted by Anon (Australia) on 07/04/2013
YEA to garlic, ice and honey for cold sores. I tend to get cold sores on my lips when I'm run-down and haven't been sleeping and/or eating very well. I usually don't get a tingling sensation until after the little monster rears it ugly head, the only sign I have to go off is dry, chapped lips, which can easily be attributed to the winter weather.
Noticed the tiny, tingly/itchy bump when I woke up a yesterday and freaked out because I'm volunteering at a week-long event starting tomorrow and didn't want a massive blister in the centre of my bottom lip. I usually use Zovirax but that usually takes over a week to heal and even then has left small blemishes/scars.
I read on another site about the garlic remedy and decided to test it out. Cut a clove of garlic in half and crushed it to release the juices, then held it over the bump for about thirty seconds. Burned like no tomorrow, but the tingling sensation was gone and never came back. Once the burning sensation had died, I soaked some paper towel and dabbed it clean before applying honey. Repeated every few hours. Next day, no blister! Just a small scab that's a good half or third the size of my usual sores.
Came here to see what other natural remedies could be added to the program, but I don't fancy the idea of popping or invading the wound to apply solutions for fear of infection and chemical solutions like acetone or hydrogen peroxide scare me. At any rate, I now use a clove of garlic, followed by a cube of ice, dab it dry and then add a touch of honey, applied every couple of hours. Swelling is pretty much non-existent and there is no tingling or itchiness at all. From the looks of things it'll be gone in a day or two! (Fastest recovery time ever! )
Posted by Kilgore (Jackson, Ms) on 12/06/2012
I have had a long standing oral herpes infection completely resolved by taking Lugol's iodine 5% solution. Ten drops in my coffee in the morning and ten more in milk after lunch. Took about two months, but infection is completely gone, including scars and blemishes.
Oregano Oil
Posted by Craig (Edmonton, AB, Canada) on 12/08/2008
I use Oil of Oregano for cold sores, the second I feel that tingle i put a drop or two on the area that is tingleing and repeat a few times through out the day for about 2-4 days, it never blisters and breaks out, in fact its quickly regressed and dissapears within those days. I have been doing this for over a year and usually get cold sores about 4 times a year, and its worked every time...
Clove Oil
Posted by Christy B (Turbotville, Pa USA) on 03/13/2024
Most of the time, when I feel the first tingle of a cold sore, I can head it off with high doses of lysine. Unfortunately, there are some times, like the one I'm dealing with now, where a cold sore comes out overnight without any warning and is past the point of not showing up by the time I wake up in the morning. Whenever that happens, I put a little bit of clove bud essential oil on a cotton ball and hold it against the sore for about 30 seconds. It's amazing because it clears the cold sore up faster and also takes the pain and itching away immediately. I have a toddler, so after I apply clove bud oil, I cover the sore with a colloidal patch to keep little hands from bumping into the infected site.
Black Tea
Posted by Trista (Sydney, Australia ) on 09/13/2022
Recently found that black tea gets rid of my coldsores.
I usually drink coffee but like to have tea sometimes.
I had a cold sore a few weeks ago and didn't have lemongrass that I usually use on them.
After having a few sips of black tea I realised the swelling feeling was gone.. so I put some directly on the sore. It basically stopped the progression of the coldsore and started healing.
I tried it again today after having another one pop up, it didn't disappoint and is healing.
Apparently the tannins in the tea kill off the coldsore virus.
Posted by naturalremedies101 (orlando, fl ) on 08/11/2022
My bottom lip was tingling all day. At the end of the day around 6pm, I looked in a zoom-in mirror and could see the horrendous 3 bumps forming. I immediately began applying acetone. I did this for 30 seconds-1 min at a time up every 20-30 minutes up until I went to bed around 10pm. I worked the next day and could still see the bumps, but they did not pop or grow. I went ahead and applied and applied nail polish remover in the morning before going to work and once in the afternoon. When I got home, I applied it again until I went to sleep multiple times. I kept a cotton pad with acetone on until it burned too much. On day 3, there was no longer a coldsore forming! I can't believe this actually worked :)
Posted by Lynn4 (maryland) on 07/11/2022
Cold Sores:
When one of these appears in the mouth - what has worked for me is eating a good quality raw kale greens - or take Lysine tablets. it works.
Posted by Fruitful Eden (Or) on 11/21/2020 4 posts
Like Gloria (2009), Bleach worked for me when I have a cold sore a few years back. It made sense that it would kill a virus since that's what it says on the bottle. so I diluted a little bleach and pressed it on there until it stung and then I only had to reapply it a few times because it didn't get any worse after that.
Posted by Bethany H. (San Diego, Ca) on 02/10/2019
L-lysine for cold sores WORKS!!!
My mom, sisters and I suffer from cold sores- or at least we used to, because we discovered that taking L-lysine stops, actually STOPS cold sores in their tracks. As soon as you feel that “is that a cold sore funny sore feeling “ on your lip or around lips area, start taking L-lysine immediately! Take 1000 mg of L-lysine two to three times a day. So immediately effective and we all carry in our purse and on trips so we have immediate help in case it strikes while you're out and about. I've spent so much money or various cold sore lip creams but this is the best ever! L-lysine.
Ear Wax
Posted by Tworoos (Katy, Tx) on 05/11/2018
Just adding my two cents on ear wax for cold sores. Yes, it's "gross". BUT IT WORKS. I've tried everything from acetone to OTC creams (like Abreva), to prescriptions. Nothing makes them go away much faster than if you let them run their course. I stumbled upon this cure via your website. I was searching for a cure because I could feel that dreaded tingle and wanted to see if there was anything new out there. This isn't new. This is an old remedy. Try it anyway. My cold sore never even erupted. That's the first time IN MY LIFE that I was able to head off one of the nasty buggers! From now on this is all I'm going to use.
No burning like you get with acetone. No Dr. visits for a prescription. No running to the store for vitamins, etc. Just grab a Q-tip and apply. Could not be easier. Yeah, it's still "gross". But far better than the sporting the sore on your face for a week or two, right?
Posted by Ed (Seattle, Wa) on 01/01/2016
My diet is somewhat acidic. I would experience cold sore attacks every other week. I stopped taking daily multivitamins due to high L-arinine content of solid multivitamin pills. I have been eating roman lettuce, green cabbage, carrots and other vegetables every day starting this summer.
I had only 1 instant of tingling and reddish color on my lower lip where cold sores would appear before. Tingling, inflammation and skin redness went away in minutes after applying acetone.
Lysine, Vitamin C and Coconut Oil
Posted by Mia (Mi, Fl) on 03/24/2015
I didn't have any acetone to use this time and I really didn't like using it at all so I used 4,000 mg of Lysine spread out through the day, 3,000 mg of Vit C spread out through the day, and I dabbed coconut oil on the sore twice.
In ONE DAY, it was dried up with barely a tiny scab left over and this thing had seven different bubbles and felt like my lip was really ready to swell up.
I will stick with remedy FOREVER.
Baking Soda
Posted by Suzanne (Fort Wayne, US) on 07/26/2014
Inez from Kent UK. Inez, I too suffered from cold sores till I started taking baking soda mixed with water in the morning on an empty stomach. I have 1/2 teaspoon baking soda with a cup of water four to five days a week. I have not had one outbreak since I started years ago. there is much written on the subject here on EC. It works, it's cheap and I feel great.
Posted by Lavender (Minnesota) on 12/22/2013
This works at the first sign of a sore, quickly and every time.... ICE.... Take a cloth so your fingers don't freeze off, wrap it around a cube of ice. Place the ice directly on the sore. You can move it around the surrounding area, as well. Leave it there until you can't stand it anymore....then do it often as you have time to during one day's time....
I promise you it will go away. The ice does not bother me, I'm used to it, you will too knowing the sore will be gone by evening. This works for me everytime, been doing this for YEARS!