3 days after eating more zinc rich foods, ie. Liver, beef, pumpkin seeds and just eating more foods. I had been trying to do more anti inflamitory diet of green smoothies and more colourful produce. I didn't expect to get healed eating meats!!! I am looking into supplementing iwth zinc although there are a variety of different forms so I have to research which one is the most absorbable. I am 80% better and no longer have to wear gloves to work. Still have dry skin with a touch of redness, but am so relieved to know what caused this. Thank you so much for your comment as this was what steered me in the healing direction.
I have recently read that Eczema is mainly caused by deficiency of zinc in the body. Taking zinc supplements or foods rich in zinc will help in restoring the healing property of the body and treating eczema. Zinc promotes the synthesis of collagen, which is a necessary element of proper wound healing also.
Foods high in zinc are beef, lamb, pork, crab, lettuce, avocado, banana, cauliflower, cheese, egg, milk, yogurt, wheatgerm, seeds such as pumpkin, squash and watermelon, and oysters top the list. So if you are an oyster lover like me, dig in! :)