(Ontario, CA)
Avoid the vaseline as it is very toxic and should never be put on skin...in fact it should go in the garbage. It is banned in Europe and has been (along with Johnson and Johnson products...all). vaseline is a petroleum product after all.
By the way ASAP 365 silver gel works amazing well. It is all natural and is an antibiotic, antibacterial, and anti-fungal. It works very well on eczema.
Vaseline is a byproduct Petroleum, and should not be put on the body.
(In, US)
Hot Water
I didn't run it all Spring / Summer because I figured the Humidity would be high enough, but that didn't translate to the inside air. I suffered all Summer and re-found my solution now.
I use the Aircare 6 gallon that sits on the floor because I have used multiple brands that sit on the counter and they are all worthless, they mold in places I can't clean, the wicks are expensive etc...
The Aircare wicks will mold, but they need to be replaced every 3 Months anyway. They recommend an additive that I won't use because I don't want to breathe it. The Aircare 1000 SF model has no places that can mold on the machine that I can tell, unlike the countertop brands.
I don't know if this is my Summer "solution", will have to wait and see.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
But I digress... I cleared up the one on my foot using everything including iodine, but did not connect iodine as the main thing because I only did it once and it burned so bad I didn't do it again. But when it spread to my head, neck, and ear I've had more time to experiment. I've had the head eczema for about a 1.5 month, and got relief as soon as I started using iodine. By the 2nd day it is gone. Nothing hurts, my skin is still tough and thick but even that is better and fading.
Mix 1/3 Lugol's iodine with about 2/3 water, using a Q-tip or toilet paper dapped it on affected area. Be careful it stings like a mother (that is why it is mixed with water). I like it to sting a little, then I know it is working. If it stings too much add more water. The first thing that happens is, it stops the itching, second thing is, it dries it up. I used Vaseline to keep it moist and it helps with pain. Also, I did drink a little.... Dipped a q-tip in the lugols solution and then dipped the q-tip in a small amount of water (oz or so) and drank. I drank less than a drop each day of Lugols.
For those who always ask ... it was just plain lugols iodine the only other thing on the bottle is Aqueous Solution.
May God Bless you and end your suffering.
(Boston, MA)
Dear HM, thank you for sharing this remedy. I started it this afternoon as soon as I read your post! I have tried many home remedies for my dermatitis over the years and nothing has helped. The first application of lugol's definitely burned as you said it would, but not as much as some of the other remedies I tried. I would like to also mention that people should not go out in public just after applying iodine to fair skin on the face. LOL. It does stain for a few hours!
(Calgary, Ca)
HM, check out Tony Pantalleresco's instructions on YouTube for making your own Lugol's Iodine, nix any rubbing alcohol. It only stings a little on open wounds compared to the drug store variety, and it is stronger. When you re-apply, if you haven't scratched or waited too long or bathed it off, it doesn't sting.
The test to know when your body is full of good iodine is when a swath of iodine, make it big and dark, on an arm, leg, tummy (any hidden area) is still slightly visible 12 or more hours later. After that, a small swath at day keeps it intact.
I have kept old iodine bottles for application. A drug store should have, possibly for free, an orange container for the iodine. I usually make about 90ml at a time. I got my two mixers from a drug store (I2-dark crystals) and a chap who supplies chemicals to science teachers (KI-white powder). You can also get them on line.
Check out Walter Last's article "The Borax Conspiracy"?nothing on eczema but a worthy study.
Walter suggests the following for eczema & skin ulcers: vitamin C, B2, B6, zinc, magnesium, EFA, allergy test, internal cleanse
I had not taken my supplements for about three+ months (lazy) and my eczema came back in a flurry.
Namaste and care, Mhikl
(Flushing, New York)
(Coto De Caza, Ca)
I have had itchy dermatitis on and off around my nose for about 10 years. It was triggered after working in an office in Los Angeles for a man who smoked all day long (illegally of course, but he was a top entertainment executive so no one complained at that point in time). After years of smoking, the cigarette smoke was embedded in his furniture-- that's a horrendous smell to someone whose never smoked. Plus, think of all those microbes! At any rate, it took about 3 years to clear and then came back every time I would get around old, furniture embedded cigarette smoke. Psychological response? Maybe! At any rate, it came back again this summer after a few months' respites.
But this time, I am happy to report that after years of playing around with every prescription and supplement under the sun, I think I have finally hit upon a dermatitis cure! It will only cost about $5... $.79 for the decolorized iodine, and $4 for a bottle of vitamin E oil. Here is my cure:
Using decolorized iodine for the face, take a q-tip and dab the dermatitis with iodine. If this is not on your face, you can use regular iodine. But it will stain you orange for a few hours.
If your dermatitis is on sensitive skin around your nose, like me, it will burn like crazy when you apply the iodine. Don't inhale the fumes while it is drying (takes about 10 seconds to dry). After it dries, apply some natural vitamin e oil. I open a large capsule and use that for several days before it runs out. Your skin will redden from the iodine and dry out, but the vitamin e will heal it and keep it from flaking. Keep this area moist with vitamin e oil all day and night if possible.
Do the topical iodine for 2 days, 3x a day. After the 2nd day, cut the iodine back to 1x a day. However, you will still want to keep the vitamin e oil on all day. After 3 days of 1x daily application of iodine, cut the iodine back to every other day. Continue every other day for 10 days (or less). Keep up the vitamin e oil every day until the dermatitis has disappear completely.
Let me tell you, the iodine and vitamin 3 oil starts to work on clearing up the dermatitis in about 24 hours! Initially the skin will look red and inflamed, but don't worry... the vitamin e speeds up the healing process.
I hope everyone with dermatitis (even perioral dermatitis) will try this cure. My particular form of dermatitis is one of the trickiest to heal so I am thrilled to maybe have a cure! I will let you know in the future how long this holds before I have to do the iodine again. Hopefully, never! Thanks.
2014 Update:
Took me MANY years to figure this out but it turned out my issue was a vitamin d deficiency. The iodine cure lasted for a few years and then came back. It finally went away permanently with vitamin d serum 20,000 IU per day for two weeks.