Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Eczema Treatments for Soothing Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Gluten-Free Diet

3 User Reviews
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3 star (1) 

Posted by Jmiknikdes (North Royalton, Ohio, Usa) on 12/21/2011

I have suffered from eczema for 6 years. I cut out all wheat and anything with gluten in it from my diet and my eczema cleared up within 3 weeks. I have been completely clear for more than two months now. In my case it looks like I had a sensitivity to gluten that manifested itself in the form of eczema. Now if I eat anything with gluten/wheat in it, I get these fine red pimples in the form of a rash on my hands or ankles. This happens within a couple of hours of eating.

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Dpayne (Marshall, Texas/usa) on 06/09/2011

I have seen that a lot of people have noticed the eczema coming back after getting back to a "normal" diet. There has been a lot of research done that links eczema to celiac disease or the intolerance of gluten found in wheat and other grains. After you have detoxed and your body is clean and clear I encourage you to take a good look at your diet. If it flares back up as it did for others.

I have a daughter who was diagnosed with celiac at the age of 4 who is now 11 and since it is genetic we have all noticed things in our bodies that have become intollerant to the wheat glutens. Makes you wonder what they are doing to our food, but that is another topic!

My oldest daughter has in the month developed extream eczema on her hands, they hurt so bad that it is keeping her from really enjoying being a 12yr old. I am going to try the 3 day apple fast for my whole family and then keep everyone on a strict gluten free diet. I know it will help everyone.

Replied by Jack


I agree with Dpayne about gluten intolerance. I eat a paleo diet that excludes all grains, legumes, and sugar. All my food is cooked at home so that I can cook everything from single ingredients. I believe that my gut was able to process the apples without inflammation, which is why outbreaks stopped during the fast and I had the breasthing space to heal up. I am really on a mission to find the cause of this eczema!

So, after the 3 day apple detox my hands and feet became completely clear. It was so great having them back again. I started back on my paleo diet and very gradually the vesicles began appearing again. It's now 20 days on strict Paleo since the end of my apple detox and my hands are back to full outbreak status.

I have been tracking all foods that I have eaten so I know the culprit is in this list. In Japan you can only test for 13 allergies per blood sample for some reason, so to kick off with allergy testing for these foods:

white potato
sweet potato

I made sure I got a couple of nightshades in there, all the meats, the main fish I eat, and I need garlic to flavour food. Wish me luck :-)

Gluten-Free Diet, Zinc

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Di (Sedona, Arizona) on 11/12/2023

I cleared up a persistent, angry patch of eczema with a gluten-free diet for two years after a doctor told me the cause originates in the gut. I also took zinc carnosine after reading that it heals peptic ulcers in a government study, so I figured this may heal the gut.

Also, I've heard organic unrefined coconut oil mixed with baking soda is very healing.

Glycerin, Apple Cider Vinegar, Zinc Oxide Cream

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4 star (1) 

Posted by J (Scottsdale, Az) on 05/21/2011

I have been suffering from Dyshidrotic (hand) eczema for the past 5 months. Before I did this treatment it was severe (oozing, crusting, itchy, red, cracking skin). When I went to the dermatologist, he wanted to prescribe me a cortisone ointment. I told him that for personal health reasons, I don't want to use it and would like to do something more natural. So he suggested I soak my hands twice per day for 5-10 minutes in a solution of 1 tbsp of glycerin, 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and a quart of distilled water. After the soak, he said to apply a zinc oxide ointment (which I found in the diaper cream section; I use Triple Paste Medicated Ointment).

I have been doing this for the past couple of months and my hand eczema has improved dramatically. It is not gone, but it is a lot better. I also wear cotton gloves with vinyl gloves over them, secured with a rubber band, every time I shower, wash dishes etc. I don't really have to use the zinc oxide ointment much now, I use it as needed when the eczema is severe. Now, after the soaks, I apply Theraplex moisturizing cream. It works really well and doesn't have any chemicals or preservatives in it. Oh, and I only use fragrance free and preservative free soap. I hope this helps someone!

Goat Milk

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Posted by Stephanie (Paris, France) on 02/19/2012

I was in Ireland this summer, and went to waterford and heard about a herd of goats that were very rare, so I decided to go to the santurary. When talking about the goats to the lady she said that the milk was amazing for curing eczema. She told me about a little boy who had awful eczema, all over his body, his skin would flake all over the covers when he woke up. He had been to the docs and taken steriods, but they didn't work, but as soon as he started to drink the milk it improved drasticly, within 2 weeks his eczema was almost all gone, with hardly any scars! Am not sure if your able to buy the milk or where, but is worth checking it out if you have severe eczema! Hope this helps! Sorry if my spelling is bad, am not quite perfect at english!


1 User Review
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Posted by Quinny (Phoenix, Arizona, Usa) on 08/25/2011

For your eczema use golden seal in a paste or poultice. Google for more ways it takes care of eczema.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jess (Seattle) on 02/23/2022

I started taking 10 drops/day of Grapefruit Seed Extract for a different problem. Within 3 days, the mild eczema on my arms was completely gone! It's been there for months so I was surprised by this. I did a search online & found that GSE can help with eczema.

Hair Dye

1 User Review

Posted by Bambi (Parma, Ohio) on 04/15/2016

What hair dye is OK to use for eczema? It seems to flare up after use of dye.

Replied by Mapu

Pls research the dangers of Hair Dyes. Also research Henna powder for a safer. Mountain Rose Herbs carry good quality Henna.

Hemp Seed Oil

1 User Review
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Posted by Pika (Colorado) on 11/23/2013

I have eczema ever since I can remember. I always have it on my eye lids and sometimes on my elbow, arms, chest. Steroid creams worked but I believe this past Fall the huge outbreak was due to the accumulation of those creams. My eyelids were all swollen, red, and my neck was covered with red, painful and itchy patches. They even spread to my face and chest. It was miserable. I tried many methods, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, honey, eventually, what worked for me was hemp seed oil! I took one table spoon in the morning, one at night, and rubbed the oil on my skin as well. The relief came quite quickly, in a couple of days and I was clear of eczema in a month!

Hemp Seed Oil and Flax Seed Oil

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Posted by Eugene (Concord, Tn) on 09/10/2017

Was diagnosed with Nummular Eczema and it was quite an ordeal and am posting this in hopes of helping others. Through trial and error I developed a regiment that has got me back to normal. I take one capsule of Hemp Seed oil either every day or every other day. I also take daily one capsule of Flax seed oil which cleared up the itching and swelling around my eyes. These are the most important. I also take 1 or 2 Probiotic Acidophilus. I also take 1 Borage oil capsule every other day, I think helps but I believe the others are the most important.

Herbal Tea

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Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/21/2024


I am pretty sure I have shared eczema remedies in the past. My daughters and I have both had struggles with it.

13 years ago I had a flare of eczema (my first) that lasted 9 months. I tried everything I could find. Finally, borage oil worked for me.

For the last 13 years, anytime a bug bit wouldn't seem to heal, I realized it had turned into eczema. Borage oil for a few days and it was better. A few weeks for good measure.

Back in April I had my first flare up in quite some time. In hindsight I realize it may have begun after a round of antibiotics for a relentless UTI (That's another story! ) But I suspect things got out of balance. My "go to's" were not working. I went through so much Borage oil. I used probiotics, kombucha, and everything I have ever tried before and then some. It would begin to look better than flare back up bigger. The spot was on the inside of my arm near my elbow. The itching was unbearable. I could tolerate it if I kept it slathered with Gold Bond (healing, hydrating with Aloe)covered with hypoallergenic cotton pads and a sock.

It became infected with Staph. I resorted to a prescription antibiotic, hydrocortisone and an anti-fungal mixed together. (Similar to the Arcane solution that has been recommended for years on Earth Clinic's pet page! ) It did calm things back down.

The area grew, over months, from dime sized to something about 2-3 inches in diameter. To remain sane I was using a steroid cream for about a month. My diet would be considered pretty clean and anti-inflammatory. I have a lot of food allergies and avoid all of those things, too. Still, it was getting worse and not better. If I left the dressing off for 30 minutes it would begin to ooze, even if it looked like it was improving. Apparently, it wasn't.

Meanwhile, my daughter was experiencing a flare as well, but as she is pregnant, she had a lot less options and it was around her eyes.

I thought about how it is said that the state of the skin is connected to liver health. (An aside that is not completely unrelated - a local lay midwife is seeing more miscarriage and preeclampsia, which she believes it caused by long term liver damage from COVID. She is having all of her moms use a tea daily of dandelion, nettle, and burdock root.)

So I decided to make my daughter and I a very strong herbal tea every day. 2 Tablespoons Red Raspberry leaf (for her pregnancy, and good for me, too) 2 Tablespoons dried nettle leaf (anti-allergy and nutritive), and 2 Tablespoons Dandelion leaf (for liver health -I accidentally ordered leaf instead of root, which was what I meant to use.) I put that in a half gallon jar and added 6 cups of boiling water. After it steeped for 1-3 hours, I strained it and split it up. she lives next door so I would walk hers over each day and she drank it faithfully. I added stevia to mine and drank mine as well. I told her it would take at least 3 weeks to work because liver detox takes time. (In pregnancy, you need to be very gentle about such things, as it is.)

We have been on this for a month and both of us started noticing improvement last week! Three days ago I was able to begin leaving my arm uncovered. It does not itch and the skin is looking almost completely normal.

I am very happy to share this remedy and hope it will help others too.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Yo

It appears that you have way too many health problems that come and go. Have you thought of seeing a homeopath? After I took a homeopathic remedy suggested here for shingles like rash, my severe intermittent shoulder blades pain was gone, literally overnight. The rash was gone as well. I started looking into homeopathy and learning about it. Before that I never even thought about this modality. Long story short I am now under a homeopathic practitioner care and we are peeling layer by layer to get to the cause of my chronic health problems. It is a long, gradual process, especially if the condition is chronic, but I am impressed with homeopathy even more. One particular remedy obtained via a homeopathic pharmacy was nothing short of WOW, which actually means it was a match. I am on the 7th month of treatments and follow a strict protocol. It is affordable, I am on a disability by the way, and the remedies are affordable as well. My practitioner is in the UK and I have signed up for a membership package. The sessions are via Zoom.

This is a link to my practitioner's own story and how she became a homeopath. She also talks about severe eczema her daughter had.

There are great homeopaths in the US and every other country. Check out Larry Malerba videos on YT.
So please start looking into your chronic health issues from a different prospective Otherwise it is like chasing one health problem after another with no end in sight

Replied by Jane

Please go easy with herbal teas. No need to make them very strong. Especially for your daughter. Strong herbal teas won't heal faster. You can get side effects from herbal teas. You need to see why you both got eczema at the same time. It seems that you take antibiotics for your health problems, so your skin issues are not surprising. But why your pregnant daughter? Please don't experience with her. I have just graduated from 4 years acupuncture school. I also got certified in NAET, homeopathy and herbology. Getting rid of the symptoms should not be your goal, but figuring out why your body is not in homeostasis. Skin problems are almost always a manifestation of internal imbalance, body's dysregulation. It will only get worse if homeostasis is not restored. Chinese medicine perspective - What cause eczema? In Chinese medicine, any skin condition is an indication of an imbalance of yin and yang in the body. The principle of yin and yang is to create an equilibrium between these two polar opposites within the body to function harmoniously. In the case of eczema, there is no one definitive answer to what cause this debilitating skin condition, rather the answer lies within the presentation of the individual itself. The cause of eczema from Chinese medicine perspective are Wind Heat, Damp Heat, Toxic Heat and/or Blood deficiency causing Dryness and Wind. Lastly, before I switched my career from nursing (15 years in post-op hospital ward) to acupuncture, I used to get treatments for acute conditions from a very old Chinese practitioner, maybe 90 yo, he could probably diagnose and treat with his eyes closed, his wife was preparing herbal teas just for me, in a gallon size jugs, I had to pick up it from him the next day. Acupuncture, herbology and homeopathy treat a person as a whole, the remedies are uniquely for a unique person and his condition. May the vital force be with you!


Always check your liver and kidney markers when drinking herbal teas, especially in excessive amounts. Pregnant women should not drink herbal teas unless they are certified organic and only under a practitioner supervision. Keep in mind that anyone can just write on a package that is certified organic. I order all my herbal teas, honey etc. directly from New Zealand.

Homemade Cream

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Helen (Vancouver, B.c., Canada) on 05/01/2011

My husband used to have dry skin issues during winter months while we lived in the middle east, although it was visible as very small patches on his elbow and ankle that could be easily treated using QV cream mostly and corticosteroid rarely. Dermatologists diagnosed it to be psoriasis. After we moved in to Canada a year ago, he developed extreme dry skin 2 months ago which covered his arms, legs (from the knee down), trunk (both front and back). The GP diagnosed it to be psoriasis whereas the Dermatologist said it was eczema. Both of them prescribed corticosteroids.

As we knew of the side effects of using these creams over large areas of the body, we refrained from using them completely although the situation was very bad. I developed a cream using natural ingredients that was so effective, it has brought about a major turn around and now, am so glad to say, his skin has recovered completely and is back to being normal in every sense of the word. I would like to share this recipe along with the protocol he followed with all other sufferers of this condition with a sincere wish that it will be just as effective for you and help you lead a normal life as I can totally empathise with this, having seen my husband go through all the pain and agony of having eczema.

- one 450g tub Wellskin Glaxal Base moisturizing cream (for sensitive skin)

[I used this cream as the base for preparing the cream]

- 100% Aloe Vera gel (edible variety)
- Extra virgin olive oil
- vegetable glycerine (100% pure)
- Neem oil
- Calendula oil
- Tea tree oil
- Vitamin E oil (40, 000 I. U. )
- Evening primrose oil softgels - 500 mg (GLA 50mg)

Except for the cream base, I got all the other ingredients from wholefoods market.

To half the cream base, I added about 1/4th cup aloe vera gel, 1/4 to 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil, 1/4 to 1/2 cup glycerine, about 2 tblsp vitamin E oil, around 20-30 drops each of neem oil, calendula oil and tea tree oil and squeezed in about 10 evening primrose softgel cap contents. Mix thorougly and store in a clean jar in a cool, dry place.

To use, apply generous amount of this cream to the affected areas of skin like a face mask and leave on for 1 to 3 hours, if u can. By this time, most of the cream would have been absorbed. Either dab off the excess or leave on over night. Please do not cover with plastic wraps as it can result in further inflammations. Apply morning after shower like regular moisturizer and more intensively in the evening ( as mentioned above) an hour to three hours before going to bed. The key here is to let the cream sit for 2-3 hrs in the evening and atleast 1/2 to 1 hour in the morning. Within 2-3 days , we noticed a dramatic change in the skin condition and on the fourth day, his skin had completly recovered!!

At the same time, my husband stopped using soaps of any kind and used only cetaphil. As for diet, we decided to have only fish, vegetables ( no tomatoes, potatoes), wholegrain brown rice and a berry smoothie using organic unsweetened coconut milk for breakfast (no eggs). Avoid sugar and all simple carbs atleast for the duration of this treatment. And drink loads of water too.

Wishing all of you a speedy recovery, one that's free of medications and all its unwanted side effects.

Replied by Helen
(Vancouver, B.c., Canada)

I forgot mention in the above post that my husband also avoids all dairy products and have the following supplements on a daily basis:

- multi vitamin mineral complex (free of wheat, yeast, sugar, starch, dairy products, gluten, artificial preservatives, flavors, colors )
- Omega 3-6-9
- Vitamin E

He also takes olive leaf extract and a digestive enzyme supplement (the contents of one of each are mixed with a cup of water and taken with dinner).

Replied by Muttmom
(Emery, Sd)

I was misdiagnosed and treated for ringworm for months after telling the derm that Bagbalm made it much better. In the end I used Vaseline and all the crud sloughed off. I think a heavy neutral emollient helps is the trick and only washed every 3 days. I stopped washing and drying twice a day as per DR. (very aggravating) It was discoid eczema- (from unecassary biopsy) symtoms- started as bug bite. Lower leg of 60 yr old male, itched worse at night, enlarging circle looking similar to ringworm, never contagious, did not respond to anti fungals.

Replied by Jatima
(Fort Meade, Md)

I've found to help with my own eczema and my baby boys (2yrs old) to shower/bath using head and shoulder or off brand.. not as earth friendly but does the job with minimal of effort and I still can eat anything I want.

Homemade Thieves Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lu (United States) on 04/23/2020

Homemade thieves oil I did not find this remedy listed in there eczema section and I had nothing short of miraculous results.

I had a small, approximately dime sized patch of eczema on my elbow. Even my doctor told me there was nothing to do about it except "manage" it. Among the natural cures I tried: ACV, lavender oil, tea tree oil, coconut oil, hydrogen peroxide, isopropyl alcohol, OTC eczema remedies, oregano oil: these are the ones I remember. NOTHING helped and I had this patch for YEARS which I would sometimes scratch to the point of bleeding. Homemade thieves oil applied neat daily knocked it out completely in under two weeks and have had no sign of remission for well over a year now. I just want to share this in case it helps anyone else.

You can buy thieves oil but I googled a DIY recipe and made it at home: essential oils of cinnamon, clove, lemon, eucalyptus, and rosemary.


7 User Reviews
5 star (7) 

Posted by Mariah (Boardman, Ohio Usa) on 04/15/2012

I started getting severe eczema all over my body and scalp after using a combination of bleach and dish soap to clean some cement blocks. I cleaned them because our previous landlord next door to us had rabbits running all over our yard and on the cement blocks, and I was worried about getting an infection of some kind. I walked on the cement blocks while I was mopping it down with the cleaning solution. I threw away the old mop. I did not think that after using a solution as strong as the one I had used that the chemical would cause a allergic reaction when I touched my shoes to take them off. I was broke out in 8-12 minutes I broke out all over my body and scalp after my exposure. I did try the apple cider vinegar and it did cause the pus filled eczema to scab over. But then my skin felt so dry from the vinegar, I started itching. I found another remedy, which seems to work much better, and is not expensive to make. You put oatmeal lotion in a bowl {I use the kind from Dollar General stores, as it's thick and has no added fragrance, at $3 a bottle, quite a bargain. } After putting the whole bottle in a mixing bowl add some honey to the lotion in the bowl. The ratio should be 2/3 lotion to 1/3 honey. Add about 1/3-1/2 cup of boiled spring water to the mixture after it has cooled to a warm tempature not to burn you when you put it on. Add a vitamin e capsule to help preserve the mixture. Mix thoroughly and amazing the you will notice how the honey mixed in with the mixture along with the vitamin e makes a big difference in how long it takes to heal up the eczema. I have had this condition for 2 yrs, and been to numerous doctors and had shots, but nothing else seemed to work. Then I read something on a website about how honey can heal skin eruptions of almost any kind. The water added to the mixture makes the honey portion of the mixture less sticky, so it won't stick to your clothes. You may have to test out the amount of honey in the mixture that works for you. My mom told me that soldiers in the war had to use honey to heal their wounds, as they no access to any wound creams. Unbeleivably, according to one of the sites I was on honey can lower blood sugar in diabetics, cure obesity, and possibly help with skin rashes. Just look up using honey to make body lotion. Don't look it up as all one word or as a or you you won't find what you are looking for. Looking it up as a sentence for a general search will bring up alot of websites about using honey in ways you may not know of.

I hope this can be of help to any of you who have suffered a long battle with this problem as I have.

Posted by Alan (Oldham, Uk) on 01/08/2011

My wife as a child had eczema all over her body, my understanding of her problem hit home when now in her late 50s she got eczema all over her hands. We tried everything from doctor to tales of old. Her fingers split and weep and eruptions between the fingers cause itching.

Our current remedy which does work on the spliting of the skin is either a bandage or plaster with a small amount of pure honey next day the spliting has healed and most of the soreness gone. What we have not tried yet because she cant stand the stuff is eating it to see if it eases her by internal. Could I ask that if anyone has eczema and likes pure blossom honey please try it and publish your findings this will help all other sufferers out there.

Replied by Maskeen
(Dubai, Uae)

Yes, eczema is an internal condition which manifests its symptoms externally. a friend's daughter, when she became tired of steroid based creams and other rx drugs, drank neem tea. eczema cleared up within 7 days. take fresh neem leaves and boil. drink when cool.

Replied by Alan From Oldham
(Oldham, Lancashire Uk)

Hi Maskeen, Thank you for the direction to the use of neem tea, it has taken me a week to find neem leaf low and behold I found it right on my doorstep Rochdale nr Oldham trying it as a drink and in the bath. Try to keep the posting up to date. One point you missed, taste!! Yuk!!

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Oh Alan I couldn't agree more. I was given fresh leaves to use at one time - yes yuk. Last year unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I had no acess to leaves so we used neem capsules and it lessened my hubbies acne scarring. Neem is great for the skin so if the taste gets to much maybe try the capsules. We tried two brands and the one with magnesium stearate was less effective.

A relative found her husband's eczema comes back when he has white flour. If he has wholemeal crackers and bread he is much better. Maybe it's the bleaching.

Replied by El
(United States)

I love Manuka honey for ezcema.
