Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Neuropathy: Holistic & Nutritional

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Gluten-Free Diet

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5 star (3) 

Posted by Lauri B (Boise, Idaho) on 02/02/2013

What is the cause of your neuropathy? Neuropathy is ususally a symptom of a greater problem. My daughter 6 years ago at the age of 18, experienced a sudden onset of periphrial neuropathy in both feet which quickly over the course of 2 months extended up her legs to her knees. She was in a wheelchair. After 6 months, her hands lost all movement. Within days of onset, her muscles wasted to nothing. (Yes, we were terrified! ) We did everything we could using western medicine, including every test 26 specialists at both OHSU and the Mayo clinic could throw at her. After all was said and done, they had no answers. No diagnosis.

I was a desperate mother who searched the internet for any clue to her mysterious and highly rare illness. I spent 1000s of hours researching every medical website I could find. I typed in her symptoms - and got nothing.

Then I decided to go through her pile of medical records and research every test, every word I didn't know to find exactly what they tested her for. Long story short here..... She had gluten ataxia! We eliminated all gluten from her diet. Within a week her energy levels started returning. We took her to a couple of Naturopath docs, who recommended she also go off of dairy, eggs and soy.

This story has a fantastic ending! She walked without leg braces at graduation, went on to graduate from college, where she continued to heal! She is healthy today! No nerve damage. No remaining paralysis. Full use of hands and feet. She is comletely healthy! She just stays away from toxic gluten and the other allergens.

Gluten Ataxia is becoming a very common ailment. You can have it without digestion issues. It can be "silent" If you have "brain fog", you could have it. It is an extreme reaction to gluten proteins.

check this website for more information

They have up to date information.

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Lily (Kelowna, British Columbia) on 01/14/2013

Gluten-Free Diet for Neuropathy

Research ideopathic gluten sensitivity. I have had relief from kicking gluten from my diet!! I tried all the other stuff & got some relief BUT this was relief and it happened within days of being diligent about NO GLUTEN.

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Laura (Erie, Co) on 11/07/2012

This is a followup to my previous post, and I am happy to report that a gluten-free diet has allowed my nerve damage to heal!

Long story short, it turns out that I am gluten intolerant. The main symptom was peripheral neuropathy, no IBS or anything like that.

In the last 6 months, my nerve damage has healed, and I have stopped taking the supplements. I also note that some of the supplements contain gluten so I had to adjust that.

I now take no supplements, I am simply very strict gluten free. Even inhaling flour while baking or crumbs in the toaster will cause a reaction with the same foot pain and extreme fatigue of before. I do, however, recover within 24 hrs of any accidental exposure.

To anybody who is or believes they are gluten sensitive, and concerned about being tempted by gluten foods, I promise, if you go gluten-free and start feeling better, you will NOT be tempted by that stuff. You will look at donuts and cakes and see nothing but a pile of poison......

Again, I believe that acetyl-L-carnitine and R-lipoic acid helped with my nerve damage, but be careful about making sure you find gluten-free products.

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Deb (Wloo, Ia) on 10/27/2011

My ex had severe neuropathy and many more problems. He decided to go on his diet as he found out that he was a celiac at age 55 but didn't bother to follow the diet. :) He finally tried his gluten free diet at 61 and after just two days he felt much better. Now three years later he is 99% better. Doesn't have acid reflux, brain fog, out of breath, tired, pain in feet and legs.

Grape Seed Extract

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4 star (1) 

Posted by Phyllis (Vero Beach, Fl) on 03/01/2016

About a month ago I came down with the flu so I didn't take most of my supplements until I got better including grapeseed extract (not grapefruit seed) While I was off of the supplements I noticed that my legs were very painful because I take Alpha Lipoic Acid for my neuropathy. Anyways, I started taking the Grapeseed extract again only 2 - 100 mg capsules in the morning and right away the pain went away. IF anyone has neuropathy pain you might want to try the grapeseed extract for the pain. Please let me know if it helps.

Grape Seed Extract
Posted by Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 09/12/2012

The first natural product/supplement that I tried for peripheral neuropathy (caused by oxaliplatin in chemotherapy) was grapeseed oil and then grapeseed extract in a caplet form with excellent results that allowed me to reduce the amount of hydro morph contin that I was taking by about 40%.

I have told others about it and most that tried the liquid form had stomach upset from it.

I use 50-100 mg three times per day.

Replied by Amanda
(Europe, Europer)

Hi, Can you confirm whether you take grape seed oil, grape seed extract and whether you take it in capsule or liquid form. Thanks

Replied by Al
(Alvena, Sk., Canada)

Amanda from Europe, I took one teaspoon of grapeseed oil three times per day to start and then switched to grapeseed extract caplets, 50 mg 3 times/day and increased to 100mg 3 times/day because of the results. I have since gone back to 50 mg 3 times/day since I started on ALA. We are now cooking exclusively with grapeseed oil. It has zero cholesterol. Al

Grape Seed Oil

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Roger S (Nsw) on 07/25/2018

Editor's Choice

A few years ago I read on a discussion forum type thing like this one but have not been able to find the right references. Anyhow, I read where people with peripheral neuropathy (Soles) rubbed in grapeseed OIL before bed and in the morning it was gone. Well, I tried it. In the Morning feet were the same. Next night again. Nothing Next night nothing. Bugger! I thought about it, found it was omega 6. Not the healthiest drink and thought why not. My feet are killing me, even walking on raised ripples in wet sand.

Got a bottle of organic, cold pressed grapeseed oil and drank a big swig straight from the bottle. 3 X a day. The third day no change. 4th morning got out of bed and could not believe it. My sole pain was ABSOLUTELY GONE!! I had 550 ml left from a 1 liter bottle so it worked out that I took 50ml each swig. My soles felt tender with not a tinge of pain and felt like the baby's bottom.

I never took any more from that moment on and it was gone for over a year or more. I could walk on any surface with ease. It came back eventually so slowly that after a couple of years I am about to repeat it.

Hepatitis C and Neuropathy Link

Posted by Diane (Sherborn,ma.) on 05/01/2014

I'm hoping either Ted or Bill can chime in on this one. It's a rather startling revelation to me and I'm betting to those suffering the same conditions...I spoke to my liver Dr. yesterday in a hospital in Boston and she said that in the over 2,000 patients she has treated, she has never heard of hepatitis c causing neuropathy with one of her patients. I've been led to believe that hep-c caused my neuropathy, as I don't have diabetes and have been tested 3 times...and never had chemo.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Diane...In a study published in the BMJ in 2003 it was found that varying degrees of peripheral neuropathy, in the form of cryoglobulinaemia, commonly occurred in patients with Hep C. They found that 40 of 51 Hepatitic C patients had this form of peripheral neuropathy.

Peripheral Neuropathy in Hepatitis C

Although the numbers may vary, if you type "Hepatitis C neuropathy" in Google Search you will find many other instances and confirmations that this form of peripheral neuropathy commonly occurs together with Hep C as well as in other diseases like leukemia and pneumonia.

In other studies it has also been suggested that this form of peripheral neuropathy is caused by auto-antibody response arising due to a heavily stressed immune system because of the HCV factor. Nevertheless, cryoglobulinaemia is still referred to in medical research as an idiopathic disease.

idiopathic = completely clueless as to the real cause of the disease

Treatment of cryoglobulinaemia is normally entirely palliative(treat the symptoms) using analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, since there appears to be no apparent cure.

I also think that your liver doctor needs to open a book or go on a Hep C refresher course or perhaps she just needs to renew her dusty but outdated Standard of Care Manual.

Replied by Diane
(Sherborn, MA)

Bill, Thank you...thank you...thank you...Man O man...I can't believe this Dr.didn't know this...I will send her the Google information so she can see for herself...I should say that this is not the first time I have been mis-informed by the medical community..Beware readers...They are not the Gods they think they are...

Lastly Bill...It it a safe assumption that if I get rid of hep-c, my poly peripheral neuropathy will go far away??? Here's hoping...and thank you again very very much...Blessings to you and your family...

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Diane...Yes, for the most part, the peripheral neuropathy is caused by the Hep C. As I've said, modern medical research has no understanding of this form peripheral neuropathy caused by Hep C but Ted has stated that in certain cases of peripheral neuropathy the cause may be due to pathogenic infection -- usually of mycoplasma or fungal origin -- although I would not rule out viral infection as well. The Hep C neuropathy arises because of a heavily weakened liver, immune system and blood transport system which is ultimately caused by the Hep C virus. This allows poisons to accumulate in the blood due to an inefficient excretory system(liver). This also lowers the immune protection and makes cell oxygenation inefficient thus allowing other pathogens into the body to cause separate though related Hep C problems such as peripheral neuropathy, fatigue and joint pain.

Replied by Diane
(Sherborn, Ma)

Bill, I was put on Atenolol in 2003 because my father had heart issues at my age-- big mistake on my part... I wound up with a resting pulse of 160 got horrendous cold extremities followed by a radio frequency cather ablation operation (4 1/2 hours)...They fixed my heart but I kept the terrible cold extremities which I never had before...Then in 2012 I had a respiratory infection and had TWO cycles of Cipro...then 6 months later I got stage 4 chirossis (I also have hep-c)...and my peripheral neuropathy came on terrible within a week of when I was diagnosed with stage 4 chirrosis...Would you hazzard a guess what the original cause of my neuropathy was so I may be able to address it...I have tried everything out there..Could the antibiotcs cause the neuropathy or maybe the Atenolol? Or the hep-c? Just looking for an educated guess as my doctors have no clue...thank you...again and again..

Replied by Nanowriter
(Hotspot, Texas)

You may want to look into how these meds deplete necessary nutrients. A quick search turned up CoQ10 depletion from the atenolol and global B vitamin depletion as well as zinc from the Cipro.

CoQ10 depletion has been associated with statins and the very bad side effects many people suffer from them. You may want to see if any of the CoQ10 deficiency symptoms line up with yours, especially the ones that began after the atenolol. If not, cold extremities are a classic sign of iodine deficiency/hypothyroid.

The worsening of your viral infection (hepatitis) after the Cipro is interesting in light of the fact that your B vitamins may have been depleted because I do wonder how much the b's help us with viral defense, especially of herpes viruses, which travel on nerves.

Anyhoo, CoQ10 is easy to get as a supplement and you can get b vitamins through brewers yeast and liver or as supplements as well.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Phillipines)

Hi Diane...Both the Atenolol and the Cipro can cause neuropathies. Their many side effects are listed here and here on and these lists are huge. Please notice that Atenolol can also cause cold hands and feet as well as racing heart. Cipro contains fluorine, a poison for the body, and fluorine depletes the thyroid of iodine -- which can also cause loss of energy, cold extremities, brain fog or pins and needles and a host of other problems.

Atenolol is a beta blocker that is supposed to slow down the heart beat but in many instances does exactly the opposite. Beta blockers just treat the symptoms, they do not cure the core reasons for heart problems.

I also have nothing good to say about Cipro, which is a fluoroquinolone antiobiotic that also also contains fluorine as well. Everyone knows my low opinion of anti-biotics, but taking an anti-biotic that contains fluorine as well will have even worse effects upon the body -- and to me this is completely crazy. I must also add that Cipro and other fluoroquinolone antibiotics have also been linked to severe liver and renal toxicity -- see this link. At a guess, I would say that that this liver and renal toxicity may well be at least be partially linked to the high fluorine content of this drug.

To get rid of the fluorine and to help with the cold extremities in your body I would take a liquid kelp extract on a daily basis. The thyroid controls the temperature and metabolic rate of the body, so if you improve the thyroid then you improve its ability to properly control body temperature at the extremities. Removing the fluorine will take a while because fluorine is normally absorbed and stored in the bones and teeth as well as in the glandular regions of the body.

Because of all the above reasons, I cannot exactly say with any certainty what has caused your neuropathy because, as well as Hep C itself being a cause, because there are too many other possible drug related side-effects that could also have caused it.

And the next time your doctor gives you any pills to take -- go straight to and look up their side-effects and THEN decide whether you want to take the pills or not.

Replied by Diane
(Sherborn, MA)

Hi Bill, Thank you again for your wonderful feedback. I indeed do now check before I take any drugs...

How much liquid kelp extract should I use or could I use Lugols iodine as a substitute? Or will the extra minerals in kelp help more than Lugols?

Three times I was prescribed drugs that would have put me in anaphylectic shock. I didn't recognize the name because the dr's used generic names which fooled me. My pharmacist caught it twice and I caught it once...AND the dr's have my records for things I am allergic to.

I'm wondering if Borax might help me as well? My shooting pains are throughout my entire body, even my eyes get needle stabs in the middle of the night. It started with cold extremities and now I have electric shocks, stabbing needle pains and terrible cramps in my legs and everywhere else...Right now I cannot move my toes as they cramp terribly and are turning black. 24/7 pain...I DO indeed thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would not know where else to turn to as my dr's said there's nothing else they can do.Much, much blessings.

Replied by Bee
(New York, US)

Hi, Wow I am so sorry you have these side effects and all................... How did you get off the drugs if you did?

I too never read what I was taking nor questioned the doctor.... but now I read everything and question all and research... but if I do ask a doctor they just seem to say what they know and think is best but it appears it's trial and error and practicing medicine..and they rarely listen to their patients..

Replied by Diane
(Sherborn, MA)

HI Bill, Thanks for the feedback with regard to borax and neuropathy...I would also like to know how one takes borax? I've read to take 1/8th teaspoon or 1/4 teaspoon. I've also read that you should take a break from it after 5 days and also after 3 days. I also read that you can take it for 3 weeks and then stop a week. Would like you opinion on this...Thank you much

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Diane...Normally, for women, you would take 1/8 tspn of borax in a liter of water and drink this liter of borax water throughout the day. You should take this remedy for 5 days and then have a rest from the protocol for at least 2 days in a cycle like that. For men, the dose should be 1/4 tspn borax in a liter of water.

If you wish to take a week's break from the borax protocol then that's also OK but when I used borax water for my own candida problems I took it on a 5 days on, 2 days off basis for 9 months without a break or a problem.

Replied by C.f.r.

How much CoQ10 to replinish after taking Atenolol?


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Kilgore (Jackson, Ms) on 12/06/2012

Try iodine for the neuropathy. It completely restored nerve function in my foot in two months. I used ALA for a year with improvement but no complete resolution. 20 drops of the 5% solution in coffee or milk.

Replied by Kay
(In The Valley, Ca)

Is that 20 drops of 5% every day? How long can you safely do this? Thanks, Kay

Replied by Kilgore
(Jackson, Ms)

Yes work up to 20 drops. In my experience, the protocol can be done indefinitely, but if you experience detox symptoms, you can take breaks from the iodine and use the salt loading protocol to clear out toxins.

Replied by Elaine

Are we talking about the iodine we buy at the drug store? Like for a cut?

Replied by Lizette

Lugel's Iodine is the best and most mindful it requires very little!


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Posted by Jt (Minneapolis, Mn) on 07/17/2015

Hi Mark, I hope you are feeling much better now after several years.

I know I'm a bit late in the game and I don't know if I am quoting something that I shouldn't be from the web but it comes from world-renowned Dr. Russell Blaylock who is a retired neurosurgeon. He found some success in treating P.N. with L-Theanine in higher doses. I quote him: "I tried L-theanine, a natural substance isolated from green tea, on a person suffering with unrelieved, intense postherpetic pain (which sometimes follows a shingles infection). By the next day, my patient dramatically improved and by the second day showed 90 percent improvement."

"L-theanine is a mild stimulant for glutamate receptors and keeps glutamate from full activation, which acts to tame excitotoxicity. L-theanine has a good safety profile, even in very high doses.

Suggested dose: 200 mg three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. It can also be increased to 400 mg three times a day if needed.

L-theanine is also helpful with sleep and reduces anxiety/depression. Combined with other anti-inflammatory flavonoid supplements such as curcumin, quercetin, resveratrol, luteolin, hesperidin and ellagic acid, the results can be even better."

God bless,


Laser Treatment

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Posted by Alice (Oro Valley, Az, Usa) on 03/29/2013

I have neuropathy in my toes and the balls of my feet and diagnosis said it was creeping back up my lower legs and had some loss of feeling in my geet and the bottoms of my feet. I had gotten pretty much rid of this before using vitamins. But this time it wasn't really working. I was trying to get back on a vegan diet which should have helped, but I was still failing and eating meat. I was looking for help until I could let the diet help. For over 2 years I haven't taken the statins that may have caused or contributed to it. Also, I am overweight.

In any case, my toes and feet were swelling and turning angry red, and often felt like they were on fire. My naturopath was out of town, but she emailed me and said since there was swelling she would send me to the ER or 24 hour clinic, as it might be heart related. Not wanting to expose myself to the purveyors of statins, stents, and quadruple bypass surgury, I researched further, looking for relief. An ad on earthclinic mentioned laser therapy for peripheral neuropathy symptom relief, so I clicked on it. Found a practitioner near home, and made an appointment.

He said the swelling was probably connected to the neuropathy, and that treatment might help but he couldn't guarantee it and that it was not a cure for neuropathy, but a reliever of symptoms, and that it would probably take some time to see results. He prescribed 6 weeks of treatment at a price I could not afford at this time.

I went back online hoping to maybe find Mexican doctors that could do it for less, just like Mexican dentists have repaired my teeth for way less. Didn't find any, but I did find ads for low level lasers that were way less powerful than the one the doctor had. People buy these to help their horses, dogs, and other animals. They also use these lasers on themselves. I had been told these weaker lasers don't work.

I have read there is zero change using lasers, period.

I bought one for $199. The first time I used it I saw immediate improvement, with swelling going down. 3rd treatment even more improvement.

I got the laser last Saturday. Today, Friday, less than a week later, with 4 total treatments and my feet are nearly normal. The neuropathy numbness is still there in my feet, but it seems to be getting better too.

I'm still getting prickles, but I remember when I got rid of the neuropathy before, that I had to go through some prickles and electric zaps just like I experienced when I was getting the neuropathy.

But the difference is like a miracle.

Replied by Steve
(Las Vegas, Nv)

That's great the laser worked for you, Alice. My brother has some diabetic neuropathy and has gotten good results using a laser therapy pen. He says it helps with other aches and pains as well.

Low Estrogen Induced Neuropathy Remedies

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Sue (Phoenix, Az) on 09/03/2011

Estrogen can morph into neurotransmitters. So on some level you could say it is a neurotransmitter. As hormone levels drop neuropathy can occur. Neuropathy in women can start within a decade of approaching menopause. There are quite a few studies out on estriol and Parkinsons as well.

If you know a senior lady who suddenly developed some neurological condition who is trying to find some answers, a good question to ask is "Did you recently stop taking estrogen?" I know of several women who developed neuropathy after 30 years of estrogen therapy- just stopping. There are some natural safer ways to increase estrogen, I understand.

What helped me was a very small daily dose of natural thyroid (not the synthetic). I tested fine but my body temp was always around 96.8. Subclinical thyroid conditions do exist and if there is neuropahy it is worth researching as well. I did not know it would do this. I was just tired of wearing a winter coat at work and shivering in the desert.

If iron is low neuropathy can occur. My experience is that the homeopathic Carc Carb 6x or blackstrap molasses (huge section in this site) was real helpful. I used to go to a Dr. In Pa who demand that you take blackstrap molasses every day. If you did not he could tell.

Anyway it is worth doing a search on the following: "Estrogen Neuropathy" "Menopause Neuropathy" "Anemia Neuropathy" "Hypothyroidism Neuropathy" "Estriol Parkinsons" Estrogen Neurotransmitter"

Another thing that can help is searching "Dosha Test" If the body type is Vata neuropathy can occur. There are ways to make corrections to diet and sleeping schedule that can bring relief.

Micro Current Therapy

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1 star (1) 

Posted by Xxx (Yyy, Zzz) on 10/23/2012

Here's a heads up for you the reader...

I heard about "Frequency Specific Micro Current "therapy from my chiropractor... I looked into it and called about 10 therapists around the country... 8 told me that they could cure peripheral neuropathy in ONE treatment... I had 14 treatments lasting 2 hours (28 hours).. IT CHANGED NOTHING!

I also had 14 treatments 2 hours each (28 hours) for hepatitis-c and had my enzymes checked at the end and they went UP! By just a few point however... Maybe it will work for you...however!


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Posted by Diane (Sherborn, Ma) on 01/09/2015


I just started tasking MSM for my neuropathy pain at 1 gram at night before bed. (I've seen recommendations of 6-20 grams a day.) Coincidentally I just started having diarrhea and black stools. Hard to believe it's from that low dose. However, I do have hep-c..

Any suggestions would be welcomed.. I certainly will stop MSM for several days and see what the result is.

Thank you. BTW the MSM is the FIRST thing that has helped with my neuropathy pain.

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

D: This is common condition called "herx" or "dieoff" reaction. The MSM is detoxing pathogens and dead tissue accumulated in your gallbladder and colon.

Advice is to continue at this small dose (when it's best to make it to the bathroom) and slowly increase the dose as you notice less discharge and lighter color.

If you can get up to 1 or 1.5 grm 3x per day that would be good progress and I don't recommend going above that, but instead take 1grm Vit-C w/ 1grm MSM 3x day which should be sufficient detox w/ only these two nutrients.

Additional remedies will be necessary to treat the hep-c or the condition will repeat unless you stay w/ the MSM/C. Here is a link to the E.C. hep-c page

Posted by Janet (Kendal, U.k) on 08/19/2011

My partner also suffered with PN due to his diabetes, he was already taking ACV and CO, this seemed to help his blood sugars , but not the pain.

However literally after the first dose of MSM he got instant relief, he continues to take it but rather on an if and when need basis. Also we read that LECITHIN can help, which he also takes, daily, due to a relative short shelf life. He is so much better.!!! Oh I hope this helps , any one that suffers this puts up with so much.:(.

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