Cystic Acne
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Cystic Acne

| Modified on Jan 13, 2025
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Cystic acne can be painful as well as embarrassing. Fortunately, there are a number of natural remedies that can help this frustrating condition. Home remedies for cystic acne include turmeric, apple cider vinegar, vitamin C and dietary changes.

Natural Remedies for Cystic Acne

Cystic acne differs from regular acne in that the pimples are larger, deeper and more painful. Cystic acne, also called nodulocystic acne, typically feel like soft, fluid-filled lumps beneath the skin’s surface. It is considered the most serious type of acne blemish. These cysts can be quite painful.

There are many effective home remedies that are used externally or internally for acute outbreaks of cystic acne, however, dietary changes may be necessary to solve a chronic case of cystic acne.

1. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil can be applied to acne cysts with a q-tip several times a day. Most people can tolerate lavender essential oil neat (without diluting.) If you find the oil to be too strong, dilute it into some coconut oil or castor oil first.

2. Clay

French green clay or bentonite clay have drawing and healing properties. Clay can be mixed into a paste with water and applied to cysts. The clay is allowed to dry and then is rinsed off gently.

3. Honey

Raw honey can be used topically for cystic acne a couple of times a day. Honey is a wonderful "medicine" because of its strong antiseptic and antibacterial effects. Look for a raw and local honey at health food stores and farmers' markets.

4.  Coconut Oil

Extra virgin coconut oil can be used topically and internally for acne cysts. While applying oil to a pimple may sound counterproductive, this remedy does work well in some cases. Coconut oil can also be used internally. It has antibacterial properties and can heal from the inside out. A typical dose is from 1-3 tablespoons daily. It can be taken plain or added to food.

5.  Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used externally or internally for cystic acne. To use it externally, dab a q-tip in raw apple cider vinegar and then onto your cysts. This should be done twice a day. If this seems too strong for you, dilute the apple cider vinegar with water using 1/2 of each.

Apple Cider vinegar added to a glass of water makes a tonic that helps to alkalize the body, healing a number of health problems, including cystic acne. Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and sip throughout the day.

6. Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps the body to fight infection. Acne cysts have an infectious component, so vitamin C is a good solution for this problem for many who suffer with it. 1000 mg of vitamin C can be taken 3 times a day. If this dose should cause loose stools, cut back on the amount you take.

7. Turmeric

Turmeric root, a spice from India, fights bacteria and inflammation. A typical dose of turmeric is 1/2 to 1 teaspoon twice daily. It can be taken in milk, almond milk, yogurt, or applesauce. Turmeric can be constipating and should be taken with plenty of water.

8. Eliminate Coffee

Whether it is the caffeine or the acidifying effect on the body that coffee has, eliminating coffee solves the cystic acne problem for some.

9. Avoid Dairy Products

Dairy products can be an issue for those with cystic acne. Try eliminating dairy products for two weeks and see if you notice an improvement. If dairy is the cause, you can try out cultured dairy products or raw dairy products instead. If the processing of dairy is the problem, cultured or raw products may agree with you even if most dairy products do not.

10. Cut Back on Sugar

Sugar is consumed in astonishing amounts through foods and drinks. Sugar provides no nutrition but plenty of calories. It also can cause inflammation. Dramatically reducing sugar consumption can make a big difference in the frequency and severity of outbreaks.

11. Keep Processed Foods to a Minimum

Processed foods are readily available, inexpensive and convenient. Unfortunately, they lack nutrition and often contain a lot of chemicals. Look for whole foods to eat instead. If you need convenience, reach for a banana. If you need cost efficiency, fix lentils.

12. Juicing

Freshly made juice is a powerhouse of nutrition. Fresh juice contains enzymes and micronutrients and quality calories. Green juices, carrot juice, and vegetable juices can be healing and delicious.

Some will find that one of the above remedies will be the answer they have been looking for. Others will need a combination of the remedies to bring healing to cystic acne.

Be encouraged; cystic acne can be beaten!  Have you tried one of these popular home remedies for cystic acne? We would love to hear from you! Continue reading to see what solutions our readers have found for the problem of cystic acne.

Additional Pages of Interest:

Natural Remedies for Acne
Natural Remedies for Acne Scars

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kimberly (Rancho Cucamonga, California) on 12/28/2011

Hello, Yes a change in the body's ph balance will help cystic acne. I am a Licensed Esthetician. I must say that I am not a doctor and it is not in my scope to medically treat and so on... I learned about all of this through my son having a very severe and embarrassing skin ailment. We went to doctors and tried pills, creams, etc. The only thing that worked and it worked fast too was antioxidant alkaline water. We used the 2.5 ph water directly on his shin and he drank lots of the 9.5 water to cleanse and detoxify the acidic environment inside which was causing the exterior problem. It really works!

Replied by Jessica

What kind of water ionizer were you using? do you have a recommendation of a good one? I can't decide which to purchase

Apple Cider Vinegar

8 User Reviews
5 star (7) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Coloradopnutbutrcup (Aurora, Colorado, Usa) on 06/04/2013

Hi everyone, I found this site approx 4 weeks ago and I'd just learned from a co-worker the various benefits of ACV. The key however was buying a brand that had the "mother" in it as it's unfiltered. I had the chicken pox at age 20 and cystic acne took up residence on my face on and off for the last 20 years. It's hormonal plain and simple. After tons of otc products and optioning against accutane and spiralactone, finally at age 40, I can honestly say I found my cure and ACV works. After reading this site and copying the recipe routine posted by 05/12/2009: Sandra D from Greenwood, IN I began the ACV treatment on my cystic acne and began to see immediate results and now 4 weeks later I'm testifying (with tears in eyes) that it worked. The ACV balances internal PH, aids in digestion and gave my skin a healthy glow. Without let up, I drink 2 tbspns of ACV in 8 ounces of water first thing in the morning and either after lunch or before bed. I don't add honey as I don't mind the bitter taste. I wash my face in the morning with either CeraVe or Dove, and use a cotton swab with the ACV as a toner. Personally, I don't think the smell goes away much but after I put on my Mederma (for scars) and Palmer's Cocoa Butter Fade cream, then Aveeno moisturizer (LOL) I don't smell anything. I'm a flight attendant and facing customers with cystic acne plays on your self esteem big time. Well get this, 4 days ago I didn't wear any make up except lip gloss and got compliments from co-workers familiar with my skin ailments. Thank you all for sharing and thank you for this site. I've also started making a baking soda & water paste to exfoliate my face 2 - 3 times a week which absords oil, and make a mask of mango pulp, fresh lemon juice and water and leave on for 1 hour, then rinse with warm water. My skin in smooth, 90% blemish free 95% acne free. I'm elated.

Replied by Charlotte
(Dallas, Tx)

Be careful with the baking soda masks; always remember to re-adjust your external pH with a slightly acidic toner, because baking soda has a very alkaline pH, which can destroy your natural "acid mantle", over time, if left unbalanced. The acid mantle is a defense against bacteria entering pores.

Replied by Charlotte
(Dallas, Tx)

Be careful with the baking soda masks; always remember to re-adjust your external pH with a slightly acidic toner, because baking soda has a very alkaline pH, which can destroy your natural "acid mantle", over time, if left unbalanced. The acid mantle is a defense against bacteria entering pores.

Replied by Myra
(Camden, New Jersey)

I just read all of the post and I'm excited about trying out the ACV. I have been just diagnosed with Cystic Acne today, I have been affected by this for the last two months. I have tried using a-lot of products but so far it only made it worse. I never heard of such serious acne. When I was young er I had acne., but never this bad. I'm 29 yrs old and this year alone I have experienced major changes with my body, and this serious acne is one of them. I just recently within the last year got of birth control. My primary DR. just prescribed me a anti-body gel to put on my face. I don't want to use it. But I feel helpless in this situation right now. I'm going to get me some ACV and use that with the gel. I hope everything works out. Wish me luck please.. ???? Is it ok to coconut oil??

Replied by Bee

Hi, I have been using apple cider vinegar for 1.5 months now. Haven't seen much improvement. I still get new cystic acne every other day. Not sure if this is purging or what. Can I know if ACV works for you, how long until you seen the improvement?

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

Hi Bee, try using Apple Cider Vinegar with tea tree oil topically, twice per day.

Replied by Kiana
(Atlanta, Ga)


Can you post the recipe? I'm having a hard time finding the original post. Thanks!

EC: Here is her original post:

[YEA] I am a 43 yr old woman. About ten years ago I started suffering from terrible cystic acne. I am taking testosterone blocker and minocycline. Nothing worked. I also use Duac gel which is an antibiotic and peroxide. Still nothing worked. Tryed thousands of combinations of medications and home remedies. Yesterday I read this blog on apple cider vinegar....thought what the heck. I will try it. I took 2 tablespoons in a glass of water and dabbed some on the exsisting cysts. Then that evening did the same thing only using the cider as a toner.

Today my acne is almost completely clear. Why, I do not know. But be assurred this is no joke. My dermatologist is going to freak out. I am very active in the gym etc. Now I can go in and strut my stuff with confidence.

My regime is:

Morning: Wash face with Oil free cleanser
use apple cider vinegar as a toner with cotton swab
(smell will go away in a second) drink 2 tablespoons in an 8 oz glass of water
afternoon 1-2 tablespoons in a glass of water)

night: Wash face with Oil free cleanser
use apple cider vinegar as a toner with cotton swab
(smell will go away in a second) drink 2 tablespoons in an 8 oz glass of water

Kroger or walmart vinegar works great.....

So for $3.49 I cured my acne or at laest kept it at bay I was spending

$99.00 month minocycline
$68 month aldactone
$70 month duac gel
$20-60 month on every over the counter thing I could find and thought would help

You may contact me if you need advice etc.

Happy in the Sun
Sandra D Grnwd, In

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lowstomachacid (NY, NY) on 10/28/2012

I just have to tell all of you who are seeing results from ACV, this may be because you have low stomach acid and the ACV is helping you digest fats better so they're not ending up in your blood stream and then your skin. I just began taking HCL supplements and my face is starting to get better. It's not great but finally it's starting to look better. A few years ago I had stomach problems and took Nexium and then had a huge acne outbreak. It wasn't until I googled and googled that I found out that low stomach acid causes acne. I just went off the birth-control pill and I'm finding myself with awful cystic acne all over my chin, cheeks, forehead even above my eyes! And they all hurt. It's been rough. I know the problem is internal and I know I have other symptoms of low stomach acid so I just started this new regimen of a pill with each meal. Using ACV was on the list of other options to use if you have low stomach acid so that may be your problem as well if taking it orally is helping to clear up your face. I'm going to increase my dosage of HCL and also start using the ACV as a toner. Hope this works!

Replied by Janet
(Philadelphia Pa)

I'm so glad to view your post because it is important to recognize cystic acne as possibly a symptom. If you Google "problems the gut relative to acne" you can gather information about use of antibiotics causing imbalance in the intestine which is indicative of the acne. This problem for me has gone on for years and I began 2 tablespoons raw, organic apple cider vinegar and organic probiotic yogurt daily and use coconut oil to wash face along with vinegar as toner. The turmeric mixed with milk (to bleach discoloration of skin) I use as a mask and this calms down the sebaceous glands oil production. Turmeric and sugar and milk mixed to exfoliate. The coconut oil used with very hot water to massage face and drain pores and effective as antibacterial it rods those little white bumps as well as drain the cysts and prevent. Turmeric is antinflammatory as well as antibacterial. I am looking to buy vitamin c ester to make my own serum because this prevents acne, repairs skin and reverses wrinkles, and acts to prevent harmful rays causing damage. I want the synthetic ester. Stability and skin absorption is important as well as light exposure. I have been gathering info for almost one year and feel confident about the validity .. I just don't have resources or time to articulate ; however, this should get anyone started with a final resolution hopeful. The gut problem should be explored due to cancer risks and for me two family members passed away from colon cancer and I tested positive for the gene and it strikes me hard to have left myself an invitation and so looking forward with optimism and very pretty skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anon (Detroit, Mi - Michigan) on 06/03/2012

i read a post that said to use _____ Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner.. I just have one question... Is it suppose to tingle? Sometimes it even stings a little. Ive been battling cystic acne ever since high school but its gotten worse over the years. Tried ever otc product that exists and nothing works so im trying something different this time around... I wash my face with nubian queen black soap... And apply the acv... I then moisturize with ambi acne cream... So ive only been doin this for a couple days now... ill le you know my results soon.

Replied by Margaret

I know this is an old post, but I wanted to reply anyway. I was a big fan of African Black Soap for washing my face, and recently made the connection between my dehydrated oily skin and the alkalinity of the soap! Because ACV is a way lower ph, applying it afterward may be responsible for the tingling (especially as the alkaline cleanser has likely damaged your moisture barrier). A low ph cleanser is more skin-friendly!

Replied by Chiara
(Hampton Roads, Va)

It can tingle sometimes.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debbie (St Pete Beach, Florida) on 10/10/2011

I am 51 years old and fought cystic acne for years. I was on accutane four seperate times over 20 years. Each time it worked for about 5 years and then the acne would return. My face is now acne free but for the first time in my life I am getting cysts on my chest.

Here's the double whammy... I think I am getting these cyst on my chest because of my nightly hot flashes. My chest is covered with sweat and the acne flourishes despite prescription topical treatments. The only way I get rid of most of these bumps is to go to the dermatologist and have them injected with steroids.

So, after looking at this website, I see that ACV is mentioned to stop hotflashes and cure cystic acne. I am running to the store now to get some. I will report back in a few weeks. Perhaps, I can kill two problems with one remedy!!!

Replied by Deltagirl
(Portsmouth, Usa)

have been struggling with Cystic Acne for a couple of years now-and nothing has been working. It has been horrible. A few weeks ago I had three start to form on my chin - I felt the painful tenderness that precludes cystic acne. At the same time I was starting to catch a cold, so began to take my regular "shot" routine of organic Apple Cider Vinegar to ward off the bug. I noticed about an hour or so later that the pain in my chin had subsided, so decided to google for any link with ACV and cystic acne and found this site.

Have started drinking ACV regularly since finding this site and so far it appears to be working! (fingers crossed! ). I am totally ecstatic and hope that it continues! I bought the store's supply of ACV! Lol.

Replied by Valerie
(New York)

I just went to the vitamin store and bought Turmeric caps and a gallon of ACV. I am 51 years old and NEVER had to deal with acne much less this painful cystic acne until I started menopause about 3 years ago! I have been put on birth control pills, numerous topical prescription creams, lotions and oral pills all with no resolution to the problem! I have had it! I work with the public as a Medical Assiatant by day and group exercise instructor by night! I am so self conscious of this and SICK and tired of gobbing on makeup to cover the cysts and redness caused by them! I hope the turmeric and ACV works!

Replied by Hopefully

Have you tried moisturing with coconut oil (anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial) and cutting out milk (dairy may cause acne cycts)? Best Wishes!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Devra (Jamaica, Ny) on 07/27/2011

Stay away from foods that don't work with you. I suffered with cysts acne for 20 years and had to cut out rice, peas some bean and grains. It is true that apple cider vinigar is a miracle, it balances the oil of the skin and also gives a healthy shine all over.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Asianmom (Austin, Tx) on 06/17/2011

Hello, my 16 years old son has really bad cystic acne. We spent so much money taking him to dermatologists and nothing except Acutane helped. Since he plays Tennis every day for 4 hours a day after school, after the first round of Acutane which worked wonderful on him, his cystic acne came back. His dermatologist would not want to put him on Acutane again because his exposure to the sun. So he is only taking an antibiotic right now and use Cetaphil as his cleanser. The antibiotic does not help. He is still breaking out like crazy. I tried the apple cider vinegar toner on him (twice a day) for a week now and I have not noticed any improvement. How long does it take to see the result? He would not want to take apple cider vinegar diluted with any thing. He tried one and spitted it out because he couldn't take the taste of it, even with fruit juice. Does anyone has any tip that can help him to combat his cyst acne problem? Thanks so much for all your help.

Replied by Blkmanchgo
(Chicago, Il)

Hi asian mom, Whenever I see anyone with with custic acne I like to recommend they try the yogic water technique. What you do is first thing in the morning you drink 8 glasses of pure water, then you do simple yoga stretches and breathing. It worked for me although I have a few other skin complaints. It's actually harder then it sounds he might have to build up to 8 cups so maybe start off with six. Some people even dissolve sea salt on their tongue after every cup but I guess thats optional. I know it sounds weird and he's sixteen but try it for two weeks and let us know.

Replied by Linda
(Alpharetta, Ga)

You might try ACV in form of capsules. You can also make the salad dressing with ACV instead of normal vinegar. Avoid mustard! It increases chances of break outs. Baking soda would be helpful as well, but it does not taste great either.

Replied by Gadzuchs

Thank you Linda! I have recently developed a cyst between my nose and eye. It seems to have gotten worse, even with cider vinegar, and I just realized that I had eaten a lot of mustard in the last week and a half. It never would have occurred to me if you had not posted that. Going to check it out now.

Replied by Rock

Take it like a man. Cry now, smile later. Youll get used to it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Meli (Las Cruces, Nm) on 05/04/2011

I am so thrilled I came across this site. For cystic acne, I've used everything from antiobiotics, prescribed creams, even Accutane, which worked for a while but was hell to go through the treatment. I found this a few days ago & started using the ACV as a toner twice a day, and my skin immediately started showing improvement. I'm going to try adding ACV to a homemade body wash and face scrub too!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cassi2 (Houston, TX) on 05/26/2009

i have had adult cystic acne for years and have tried everything the doctors have thrown at me. Well I don't know if it was all the ACV or what. I have a drawer ful of prescription and over the counter topicals and also antibiotics that i've tried over the years along with birth control pills. of course none worked completely and all had their drawbacks or side effects. about a week ago i had the biggest, baddest, most painful cyst i've ever had on my chin. i usually get one at a time but not this time - another popped up just under my lip line and another on my jaw line. i was so embarassed and in so much pain. my face was swollen all over the place. so i gave up all my prescription stuff and decided to go all natural.
i started with the all natural organic ACV cocktail three times daily for three days with 2 teaspoons ACV mixed with local dark honey to sweeten to taste and about 8-10 ounces of water and a couple ice cubes. i also took straight acv and soaked a cotton ball in it and held it to each cyst for about 30 seconds to a minute. i did this for three days, twice a day. then i used a ACV toner of 50/50 pure water and ACV and wiped it on my face twice a day for three days. i also cut some fresh aloe vera and would wipe it all over my face at night after all the cleansing. i used my regular cleansers - either pevonia or origins. its taken a week but only the biggest chin cyst is still there a bit but all the redness is totally gone. my face did get a bit dry but i put it into shock mode i am sure - that's why i only did the shocking part for three days and then moved to a maintenance. the skin around the cysts dried up and flaked off and i did have a scab where i was stupid and HAD to pick because i was in so much pain. but there are no scars and no more redness at all. my face looks great already. i am now on a maintenance of the cocktail twice a day, and toner only in the evenings with the aloe as my night time moisturizer. i am using aveeno for a daily moisturizer/sun block which is supposed to help with redness and calm your skin.

i am also taking a good B complex vitamin as that is good for stress and also i take tumeric capsules as they are good for acne and cleansing from the inside also. i haven't changed my diet but that was my next step if this didn't work.

i do hope this helps someone else out there - i really was too uncomfortable and embarassed to even go out and had to pile on the makeup.

Replied by Charlotte
(Dfw, Tx)

That is untrue about bacteria being unable to feed on honey because of the size of the molecules. When you eat honey, the molecules are broken down by your own body's processes into 2 smaller molecules which are regular forms of sugar (which bacteria *can* feed on).

What you're talking about would only be true if you were using the honey externally, like on your face or a wound, but internally, your body will break up the molecule.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandra D (Greenwood, IN) on 05/12/2009

Editor's Choice

I am a 43 yr old woman. About ten years ago I started suffering from terrible cystic acne. I am taking testosterone blocker and minocycline. Nothing worked. I also use Duac gel which is an antibiotic and peroxide. Still nothing worked. Tryed thousands of combinations of medications and home remedies. Yesterday I read this blog on apple cider vinegar....thought what the heck. I will try it. I took 2 tablespoons in a glass of water and dabbed some on the exsisting cysts. Then that evening did the same thing only using the cider as a toner.

Today my acne is almost completely clear. Why, I do not know. But be assurred this is no joke. My dermatologist is going to freak out. I am very active in the gym etc. Now I can go in and strut my stuff with confidence.

My regime is:


Wash face with Oil free cleanser
Use apple cider vinegar as a toner with cotton swab (smell will go away in a second)
Drink 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in an 8 oz glass of water
In afternoon, repeat drinking 1-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar in a glass of water)


Wash face with Oil free cleanser
use apple cider vinegar as a toner with cotton swab
Drink 2 tablespoons in an 8 oz glass of water

So for $3.49 I cured my acne or at laest kept it at bay I was spending

$99.00 month minocycline
$68 month aldactone
$70 month duac gel
$20-60 month on every over the counter thing I could find and thought would help

Happy in the Sun

Sandra D Grnwd, In

Replied by Janet
(Kerr, Tx)

Beware of minocycline... Its is linked to drug induced lupus which can attack the skin. We had three miserable years with my teenage daughter. We are still have outbreaks but nothing like we had.

Replied by Christa
(Huntsville, Tx)

Sandra, thanks for the regimen breakdown. It helped alot. Had to find a stronger mixer than just water, but once I did, me and the ACV became friends. So happy to have found this site! Thx again!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ann (Seattle, USA) on 04/10/2009

When I was a teenager, I had terrible cystic acne. No medications helped me, but eventually I "outgrew" it. Now that I am perimenopausal (age 51) I seem to be getting it again. In desperation, I tried birth control pills. It helped with the acne, but the side effects were miserable. I quit the Pill a month ago. Last week I could feel the beginnings of a deep pimple on my chin (it wasn't terribly visible yet, but I could certainly feel it). I applied ACV with a cotton swab for two days mornings and evenings. It's gone! Before, there'd been nothing to do but wait for a deep lesion to surface and evetually go away (a long, painful and unattractive process!) Never has anything worked as well or as quickly as the humble ACV!

Replied by Ann
(NY, NY)

Hi Ann in Seattle. I too have been having issues with cystic acne in my chin. How did you apply the ACV and did you rinse it off? thanks in advance for your reply.

Replied by Ann
(Seattle, US)

Hello, Ann in NY. All I did was saturate the end of a cotton swab with ACV and apply it to the lesion in the morning and again in the evening (after washing my face). In the morning, I just allowed the ACV to dry before applying moisturizer and makeup. That's it! I hope it works for you, too!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (Lady's Island, SC) on 09/04/2007

I have been suffering from cystic breakouts and chronic constipation most of my adult life. These issues seem to only have intensified with age. Mind you, I eat an organic, almost-vegetarian diet and am always sure to get my minimum fiber intake. Before ACV, I was lucky if I had a bowel movement every other day and always felt "backed up" and suffered from terrible gas! My face would suddenly erupt in cystic acne lesions that took weeks to heal. After spending literally thousands of dollars on products in an attempt to rid myself of both conditions, I am now able to throw out more than half of the things in my medicine cabinet. I take 2 tbs. ACV morning and night, straight-- I don't even mind the taste. I also apply it topically to my face every morn-- seems to brighten my complexion and tone my pores. If you have sensitive skin, you might want to consider dilluting it, as it is pretty strong. My skin has never been better and I am completely "regular" now-I only wish I had tried this sooner and imagine the years of suffering I could have saved myself. If something ails you, try it-- it certainly can't hurt!

Replied by Aya
(Atlanta, Ga)

I am suffering from the same things you have mentioned in this post. I started to form cystic acne after traveling and my bowel movements became irregular. I have been like this for the past 4 months now. Did your gassiness issue go away as well? What did you do to become "regular"?

Replied by Elle
(College Park, Ga)

Hi Aya, Wow, its so interesting that you said you experienced cystic acne when you began traveling because that was my experience too. I had to go over seas for my job in feb/mar of 09 and since then Ive battled cystic ance. Ive tried everything from all the stuff (antibiotics, duac, acanya, steroid injections, etc) a dermatologist prescribes and holistic methods as well. But I wonder if there's more to this traveling commonality.... Did you travel overseas by chance?

Replied by Leilani
(Boston, Ma)

Elle and Aya!! I have had cystic acne since puberty... Its been getting better (im now 21) but still comes around every week or every other week.. And when it hits it hits hard and everywhere :( I have been traveling with my parents overseas since I was pretty much able to walk.... Hawaii, new zealand, australia, europe, carribean islands, I live on marthas vineyard.. Which I guess is overseas.. Mexico and costa rica too! My younger sister has PERFECT skin... Maybe an occasional whitehead... Me, being older have traveled more than her and to certain countries she's never been! I will try googling different search terms that correlate with foreign countries and cystic acne.. Maybe its a bacteria/skin disease one can literally catch from the water out there that the natives are immune to! Who knows... But this is fascinating.... I take ACV internally on occasion, but am going to use it as a toner RIGHT NOW! Thank you all! And also... Does anyone have any good alternatives to A____ tablets? ones without artificial sweeteners? I also have bad constipation... The best thing for me (because laxatives are terrible for you) are stool softeners... Docusate sodium (dulcolax makes the most effective ones) I eat oatmeal every day and occasionally use the leftover on my face! Great for drying up whiteheads and helping draw up the cysts. Maybe ill mix some ACV with plain yogurt and oatmeal! SO GLAD I found this site! I'll be posting more of my remedies while using ones I find here as well!

Replied by Tappr8
(New York, Ny)

Both of those things happened to me after traveling to Costa Rica... I wonder if they're related at all?

Replied by Dr J
(Dallas, Tx)

Apple cider vinegar is very beneficial, however I would not recommend taking it straight. It is too acidic and can harm the enamel on your teeth. Be sure to take it diluted.

Replied by Mary Louise
(Lee's Summit, Mo)

I am 62 and always had acne. Just had a bad flair up after returning from Colorado. Researched and found out traveling was the cause and because of the change in humidity. Also, it is the middle of the night and I am so grateful to find out that I can get up in the morning and use ACV especially for my first huge chin cyst. Thanks to all of you!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric, Honey

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Amber (North Carolina) on 05/28/2014

I suffered with cystic acne for 10 years before I found anything that worked. I tried everything short of oral medications and injections. Turns out what worked for me was in my kitchen cabinets the whole time.

The routine was based on my daily routine, it can be tweaked as needed. Everyone's skin responds differently to different things.

AM: Was face with equal parts apple cider vinegar and hot water. Liberally apply pure aloe.

PM: (Right before showering) Wash face with hot water and an organic oatmeal based facial soap, I use Grandma's Acne Bar. Mix equal parts honey and turmeric, I use a table spoon of each. Apply to face. Then I jump in the shower and let the steam do it's thing while I wash, washing my face last with hot water and a wash cloth. Pat face dry, rinse again with vinegar/water. Liberally apply aloe.

I always started both the am and pm treatments by laying a hot wet washcloth on my face for about 5 minutes. Don't know whether that makes a difference, though.

I seen a reduction in the size and soreness of bumps the first morning after I tried this, the redness persisted for a few weeks. I found that my skin was a little sensitive at the end of the first week just from the vinegar, only slightly though, nothing compared to the painful bumps. I pureed a cucumber and mixed it with a little green tea and left this on my face for about 20 minutes. Made a world of difference.

You may have to adjust the frequency of treatment depending on your skin's sensitivity to vinegar and the soap. Also, turmeric will stain clothes and skin. Supposedly the turmeric stain can be removed from your face with a mild toner but I never leave it on long enough to find out, usually just the 15 minutes or so that I'm in the shower. I would suggest starting the honey and turmeric on a weekend so the stain goes away if it happens. Everyone's skin will absorb the color at different speeds, so just be cautious at first.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Vitamin C

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Christa (Huntsville, Tx) on 12/19/2011

Thank you to everyone who recommended the ACV or vitamin c to help with cystic acne. Here is my story. I've been suffering with bad cystic acne for the last 3-4 months and have spent much time trying to figure out what was causing it and how to fix it. I thought it was my Adderall causing it, but when I quit taking it, I was still breaking out, just at a slower rate. I finally based it down to hormonal changes caused by going off of birth control after having been on it for over 8 years, but adderall does seem to severly compound the problem, so for those with cystic acne that are taking that, it's something to think about. I graduated this December and didn't want to go to graduation with this horrible painful acne. I couldn't even get pictures done because of it. I found this site about a week before my graduation and started on a regimen of ACV and vitamin c to see if I could get the praiseworthy results so many have boasted on this site. I had little faith but it was worth a shot. Like many others have said, when you're desperate and you've tried everything else, you're willing to try just about anything that might have a chance of working. On the site, people seemed to recommend either the ACV or the vitamin c, so I decided to try the two together to see if I could get results fast! After just one night of using the ACV I woke up to better skin. The new huge cyst I had forming had been significantly reduced and the pain was gone, and my face as a whole looked better. My other scars, cysts and acne were reduced, less red, and my skin really did look brighter just as someone else on here had said. I was amazed. I have since continued on my regimen and now my face is almost completely clear. And it's only been a little over a week! Now that's what I call results!

I have been on face medication (spironolactone and bactrim) from my dermatologist for over 10 years for milder acne but it wouldn't phase this new cystic acne I've been dealing with. In fact, I could almost hear the acne laughing at it. No OTC face products worked on it either, which makes since because this type of acne is caused by something inside you, not by surface oils or hygiene related causes. I did talk to my doctor about the ACV and vitamin c working and she said it works because it is changing the pH of the body. This is because both the ACV and vitamin c are highly acidic. (In the vitamin c packet that I take, it is the high amt. of vitamin C, a. K. A. Ascorbic acid that makes it work). I thought I had discovered something natural I could use during pregnancy but my doc said no, even on the ACV. It's too potent. So much for that idea, but I can still use it until that time comes, and can still use it on my face when pregnant. She said you just can't drink it if pregnant.

I would recommend anybody with cystic acne to try this out. It has worked great for me. Also, a benefit to using both the ACV and vitamin c together is that the ACV is cheap which saves you from spending so much on the vitamin c, and the vitamin c tastes better, which saves you from having to drink so much of the ACV. To those of you having trouble downing the ACV, I feel you. I don't recommend diluting it with water as many others have. You guys must have mild mannered taste buds. I tried the water thing, and threw up. I have found that mixing it with Hawaiian Punch (most flavors work), or V8 Splash helps me get it down. They are strong flavored and have a sort of twang alredy which helps mask the ACVs twang. It is truely some gnarly stuff!

Here is my regimen:

Drink 1-2 tbs ACV morning and night

Drink 1 pkg or tablet of vitamin c in afternoon

Spot treat cysts with straight ACV holding on each one for at least 10 seconds

All over face with a 50/50 water dilution of ACV as a toner

You can also mix it up and do the vitamin c morning and night and drink the ACV in the afternoon. Just play with it. I would start out being aggressive with it and back off slowly until you get to a maintanence point.

Good luck and I hope this helps!!!

B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ellie (Santa Cruz, CA) on 05/30/2021

I battled with painful cystic acne throughout my life. It went away when I was on birth control, but came back when I went off.

A year ago at the age of 33, I finally found the answer that cured my acne- high doses of vitamin b5 pantothenic acid. I started out by taking about 8 500mg tablets a day. I learned about it from a mom on a YouTube video who cured her son's acne this way. I couldn't believe that it worked. Within about 1 month all of my acne was gone. This had never happened in all of my adult life! Now about a year later, I still take it but around 3-4 tablets a day and my skin is 100% clear. Once in a blue moon, I will get a small pimple pop up and I notice if I take a high dose of vitamin b5 it goes away in about 1-2 days.

This has never happened to me before, even with I was on birth control I still had a pimple here and there. And also I tried EVERYTHING you could imagine - even went 100% vegan and mostly raw for 6 months and it barely changed a thing. This supplement is the only thing that finally cured me. I hope that helps!
