Red Raspberry Leaf
Saw Palmetto
Saw Palmetto, Spearmind Tea
I started doing alot of research, and I stopped taking all the supplements, stopped drinking ACV and I wasnt cooking with any oil, I did continue to follow the Paleo diet. Within a week my face was a little better, so I decided to start taking the Omega 3, and Primrose oil again. Acne was back in a few days. So it was the EFA'S that were giving me this terrible acne!!! It was trial and error, but its true.
I heard about saw palmetto, and I decided to give a try I take 320mg daily. It started working!!! I read that it helps to regulate hormones especially testosterone. I also read about the spearmint tea and gave it a try two cups a day. It works wonderful. I also noticed that my hair on legs wasnt growing as fast!!! I read that it helps with the androgens and with body hair. I feel so happy, my acne is gone, less body hair. I hope this info helps someone, because it has helped me! I still take the ACV it helps with weight loss cook with EVCO and once a week 50mg of zinc, I only use organic makeup and face cleansers! I stay away from sugar, eat lots of veggies and fruit!
(Seattle, Wash)
Cystic acne may be contributed to an increase in the androgen hormone which increases as you get closer to your menstruation. Studies show that the androgen hormones decrease when you drink spearmint or peppermint which contributes to decrease in the androgen. So drink a couple cups of peppermint or spearmint tea is worth trying to decrease hormone cystic acne . I do this as well as use tea tree oil on the cystic acne.
Tea Trea Oil
EC: Here's the commonly quoted 2007 article from the NIH suggesting Tea Tree and Lavender Oils are endocrine disruptors and can increase breast size in boys.
Here's another opinion:
Tea Trea Oil
At night before bed, I mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a little bit of aloe vera gel and apply that to the bumps. I have done this for the past 2 nights, and the bumps are finally going away/reducing/about to peel off. Maybe this can work for someone else out there! Good luck to all.
Tea Tree Oil
(Asheboro, Nc)
I too have been battling acne cysts and boils for the past 9 years, since I started going through menopause.
Last week I thought I would try some OTC exfoliator because it was on sale. BIG mistake. The next day I had 7 new, very painful acne cysts. I went right back to the paste I concocted of Turmeric, colloidal oatmeal, sea salt, a little warm water, and a few drops of tea tree oil. I have been applying that paste, letting it dry, and then washing it off with Tea Tree Oil soap and they cysts have about self peeled after about three days. I have also started taking a turmeric capsule by mouth every day as well.'
Does anyone know how to make a paste out of turmeric, colloidal oatmeal and milk to get rid of menopausal peach fuzz. The tiny hairs on my face are the culprits for the cysts and blemishes. I believe if I could get rid of the hair, I could elminate the bacteria that are trapped around the hair follicles.
(Bull City, Nc)
You are right. The glands at the base of the hair produce sebum, thus acne sometimes. A remedy that is not only great for menopause but also cystic acne is Spearmint leaf tea. It lowers testoserone naturally. When you go through menopause, the estrogen that normally keeps testosterone in check is lowered. Try it. 2-5 cups a day, I use organic leaf. It will help manage the hair and likely help some of your other syptoms. Plus its safe and delicious.
(Mysecret, Kentucky, United States)

So, like I always do when I have a health concern, I came to this site and read the rave reviews about Turmeric. Last night I made this concoction:
- 1 tbs. turmeric
- 1 cup of hemp milk
- 1 tbs. raw honey
- a dash of black pepper.
I drank it around 8:00 pm. When I woke up this morning, the pimple had gone down by 2/3. The bump is much smaller and flatter. I dosed myself with the same concoction today around 12:00 pm and I expect it will be nearly gone tomorrow. Pretty amazing. I don't get cystic pimples very often but when I do they can last for weeks. It seems that the Turmeric zapped it almost completely within 24 hours. Highly recommend!
In my reading, all three have huge value and help with skin ailments.... Both internal and external. The neem is suppose to be on the same level as the oil of oregano as far as doing the "anti-" work and the turmeric is for me, BIG. I had a cyst in my right armpit and I thought it was an ingrown hair. It wasn't.... There was no soreness and nothing would come out. At my yearly physical, the Dr. dismissed it and said it was nothing to be concerned about. That's when I decided to try a turmeric paste. I mixed a very small batch of turmeric with virgin coconut oil (the oil keeps the turmeric from drying out), put it on a bandaid and put the bandaid on my armpit and left on overnight. I did this for 2 nights. The following morning, I was able to extract 2 hard white( the size of a click pen) pcs. From that cyst. The excess fluid came with it and it has healed beautifully.
I would see which one of these may click with you. The oil of oregano is wonderful to dab on externally. The oregano never lets my cold sores grow or get that healing scab... Just kinda zaps them. I hope this helps...
(Nashville, Tn)
Sue, thank you so much for your advice! I did my research, and I just placed an order for some tumeric powder and oil of oregano. I am so excited for it to get here so I can try it! I just used some ACV on my cysts about 30 minutes ago, and my face does seem a bit calmer, although still red. And I have been eating these a------e tablets all day. I will report back on what happens. (fingers crossed) :)
(Worden, Il, Usa)
Sarah... The turmeric may have a staining effect on your skin. Mine didn't stain too badly with the coconut oil mixture. It will wash off and you can also use a diluted ACV for rest of staining. I take 4 capsules a day internally.... Mainly for inflammation, but I know it does help with the skin, also. The oil of oregano, (if you take internally... I do 2 to 3 drops under tongue for about 10 to 15 seconds, then drink full glass of water) I don't take everyday, as it can deplete your iron levels. Just have to pay attention to what your body says.
I have never considered my complexion as "glowing, or beautiful, etc" and have come to the conclusion that it is gut related. So, I am concentrating on that. I take a 30 billion probotic and also Kombucha capsule (raw) 2 capsules twice a day. This protocol has only been the past month or so, but so far I think I'm on the right track. You may consider checking into that, too. Keep me posted... I hope I've helped.
I read all of the raves about Turmeric, so I stopped at the store a few days ago and bought Turmeric capsules. I took 3 capsules before I went to bed and the next morning my cystic acne had healed at least 70%. I kept taking them (about 6 a day) and one cyst that I've had FOR MONTHS has flattened completely and other cysts are about 80-90% healed.
I tried facials, acne wash/creams, warm compresses, draining, and Turmeric is the only thing that has worked. I've also started putting Apple Cider Vinegar on the cysts and that seems to dry up the oozing.
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions! I can't even tell you how much it's changed my life.
I suffered for years with cystic acne/boils due to monthly hormonal changes, and was placed on oral contraception, antibiotics and topical retinoids to mitigate the problem, with little success. Now that I am trying to conceive, I'm unable to take these prescribed medications (and I'm also tired of the cost).
I came across this website looking for natural cures for many ailments yesterday. I ran to the store to buy Turmeric as soon as I read these testimonials, because I HAD two huge, throbbing cysts on my face, and another one that was in the beginning stages (red bump, itchy). After ONE DOSE, I am already noticing a huge difference. I took the following last night around 8pm:
1 tsp Turmeric
1 tsp Honey (to taste)
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
1 c Hot Water
2-3 tbsp milk (to taste)
The taste reminds me of Chai so it doesn't bother me at all.
I also applied a hot compress for about 10 minutes to the worst one before I went to bed, and applied antibiotic cream.
I woke up this morning, took a shower and the worst two boils had come to heads. Once the pus drained, they were still somewhat red, but completely flat and no more pain and throbbing. The other one that was forming is reduced in size and redness completely gone!
Thanks to and all readers for their suggestions and feedback. I look forward to trying other remedies including those using ACV.