Medical Council – A Monthly Journal for the Physican and Surgeon. Volume 15,1910
Between twenty and thirty years ago a man came to me, a Cornish miner, and asked if I could do anything for him for fistula in ano. He had been a patient in and out of Calumet Hospital, and the faculty said he could not be cured unless it was cut out. He was over 60 years old, face full of angry pimples. I told him I could do nothing for him, but told him to try simple decoction of burdock root, as his case was hopeless, any way. Next day he got a bushel bag of the new large roots, cleaned and chipped thin two quarts of them, boiled in two quarts of water gently down to one quart. I told him to wash the fistula once a day in warm soapy water, keep a clean rag to hold discharges, and take a full wineglass of the decoction till it was finished in three days. When his bag of roots was finished he was to come, it alive, and let me see him. When he had taken all he came. He felt fresh, free and easy. His face looked fresh and clear. Fistula completely healed. Very cheap and very easy to perform. No mineral or caustic used. A pint a day of the decoction would not do harm. This is better than any new treatment.
Also, in England one day I saw a man digging potatoes, covered from head to foot with boils. He was nearly dead with suffering. His poor face was a study. I asked him if he wanted a cure, and on his signifying his wishes I told him to take home some burdock roots (of which the ground was full) . I told him how to use them, and advised him to have clean clothes and to be clean himself. I saw him three weeks afterwards and could not see the mark of a single boil.
I have seen this done number of times, and it is simply marvelous in action . There is no medicine so simple and so powerful as that, and it does not make any one sick, sore, worry or weary. Also, I think nothing equals it for inflammatory symptoms in kidneys, bladder or urethra.
WM. DUNSTAN, M.D. – Dollar Bay, Mich. 191