Low iron is a common cause of restless leg(RLS), dizziness, headaches and even anxiety.
It's important to test that iron isn't too high (because that can cause issues too) but I agree that for iron levels test - even when in the low range of normal - it can still cause these symptoms. I have read that Ferritin levels under 40 can cause low iron symptoms.
There is a differnce between bio-available iron and bio-UNavailable iron (RUST! ) , Bio-unavailable iron (oxidised iron/rust) can get stored in the liver and organs and cause issues.
Bio-UNavailable iron may also block avialable Iron from being absorbed.
So it may be beneficial to excrete any bio-Unavailable iron from your body. IP6 (extract from brown rice) is the best supplement to detox oxidised harmful iron.
Organic Unsulfered Molasses is the best iron supplement. 1 Tb morning and night.
This is my opinion
I get long lasting relief with iron.
Low iron can result in low oxygen carried by the blood and nerve damage.
Magnesium and iron both effect/benefit the blood.
The reason magnesium can give some temporary relief is that when magnesium is taken, the blood vessels dilate. This results in a very relaxing effect in people who have enough blood to fill the now larger blood vessels (for people with adrenal fatigue magnesium can often make them dizzy or faint, due to low blood levels.)
This dilating of the blood vessels allow for more blood flow with increasing oxygen delivery - this is how magnesium can give temporary benefit to people who actually need more iron.
Iron and B12 are very important for blood and nerves health, they have really helped my family's health.