Magnesium, Vitamin E, Quinine
Methyl Folate
Multiple Remedies
Multiple Remedies
Hubby rubs my legs down with muscle ointment, Vicks or Castor Oil on the soles of the feet, and a couple times a day Hylands Homepathic tabs under the tongue. 1 banana a day. I drink my last liquid one hr before bed. Soak my feet or take a bath in Epsom salts when I remember to. The RLS is almost non-existent, just a few small twitching daily now-and upon waking not noticing any twitching. I have a prescription for sleeping but absolutely refuse to use it unless all else fails. I do believe most people can get this under control if they are diligent, consistent and mean business. I am now sleeping 7-8 hrs a night now. Haven't done that for 3 yrs. For the people that nothing has worked to alleviate this, its time for a "Ferritin" test to rule that out if you haven't had one.
(Portsmouth, Hampshire)
Restless legs syndrome... put legs up on a wall for 10 to 20 minutes a day or more. You will find this will alleviate the symptoms if you can try this.
(Wny, Ny)
I have been taking magnesium supplements both in am and pm and do not have them anymore; it's been just over 2 years now.
(Sarasota, Fl)
Yes, PLEASE, PLEASE have your Ferritin tested. You would be surprised at how people and doctors are uneducated as to the effects of iron overload. It is a hereditary disorder with simple treatment! Restless legs syndrome is a diligent in finding solution.
Multiple Remedies
1) Cream of wheat: eat this cereal, this is high in iron and calcium
2) Munch on pumpkin seeds: high in magnesium and other minerals
3) Drink mineral water for a few days
These will stop RLS. This is what I'm focusing right now and has stopped my RLS.
Other things that have helped me in the past:
1) warm water with 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar and honey before sleep
2) ivory soap has helped too
3) Cutting down on sodium if the intake is high
4) Eating banana (high in potassium)
Don't feel defeated with RLS, you can cure it over time. My RLS comes irregularly, so the body must be ok for a while and then all of a sudden, the minerals get depleted and then you need to boost the levels of these essential minerals and vitamins.
Hope this helps. Take care.
Multiple Remedies
1-Massaging the legs.
-Almond oil is a light oil widely used in the profession but any good oil will work.
-Three places to massage: on the side above the ankle, inside the thighs, vertically all along the back of the calves.
-Tapping gently on the great saphenous vein with castor oil. It runs along the inside side of the thigh.
2-Being warm:
This is extremely important for me: even if I have never noticed that my legs were cold, I have discovered with surprise that my legs need to be warm.
Wearing a pyjama and also sometimes support stockings (but I believe any regular hosiery will do). I have a dawn conforter and a dawn matress pad. If nothing works, I crawl against my husband and the warmth of his body always helps me.
All the problems of the feet have an influence on the legs.
-Foot bath before retiring with hydrogen peroxide or Epsom Salt or baking soda or sea salt are extremely important.
-I massage lightly my legs, from ankle to knee (in this direction) with the water from the bath.
-I have worn insole in my shoes for more than 25 years. I cannot do without them.
3-Drinking before going to bed
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water
Baking soda and cider vinegar (Ted's recipe)
Cinnamon and honey in warm water
4-Spiritual healing (reiki or other modalities)
Laying on of hands done by yourself or a practitionner
Remote healing sent by a friend or a practitionner.
If you don't know anyone to send it to you, you can contact me and I will do it for you for one or two days so that you can experience it and see if you can get some relief this way. (My pleasure. No charge)
5-Other good aids:
Exercices with legs
Inversion table
Full bath
Magnet anklet
Foot detox pads
Soap in bed
Magnesium supplement
In-home professional massage
Sleeping on the floor
Bed in North-South direction
Unplugging everything in bedroom (to avoid the electromagnetic field EMF)
Avoiding digital clocks on bedstand
Chi Kong
Tai Chi
Electric massager
Cider vinegar on legs
Foot bath with cider vinegar
Drinking drops of hydrogen peroxide
While massaging my legs, I discovered that there are three places inside the legs that feel hard and painful and benefit immensely from the massage: on the side above the ankle, inside the thighs, vertically all along the back of the calves.
Looking at a chart, I realized these places correspond to the path of the great and the small saphenous veins. Does that mean that Restless Leg Syndrom is a blood circulation problem?
(Denver, Co)
"three places inside the legs that feel hard and painful" sound like trigger points. Check out the book "Trigger Point Therapy Workbook" by Clair Davies to see if it makes sense to you. I've suffered from RLS for about 10 years and finally reached out to a naturopath who immediately knew what caused it and what to do. RLS is from lymphatic waste pooling in the legs which irritates the nerves, causing the muscles to spasm. This made perfect sense to me, but I'd never thought of it before. Before I went to the naturopath, I'd been taking 3 capsules of magnesium asporotate (Solaray brand) before bed, which works as a muscle relaxant. (Taking much more than that has a laxative effect. ) I'd also do deep runner stretches of the hip flexors, which were the muscles giving me all the trouble. This helped somewhat. Often I'd be up 2-3 times during the night, awakened by jerky legs. I'd walk around the house, sometimes almost to the point of tears because it was SO incredibly frustrating. The magnesium and stretching helped, but obviously they weren't enough. The naturopath suggested the following things which worked like magic:
- 10 to 15 minutes daily bouncing on a mini trampoline. This helps stimulate and clear the lymphatic system
- homeopathic lymphatic drops daily, again to stimulate the lymphatic system
- curcumin daily to clean out the liver which deals with waste delivered to it by the lymphatic system
- yoga, especially inverted poses. For the last 25 or so years I've taken good care of myself: exercised regularly, eaten health food, drank plenty of water, taken supplements. I was already avoiding foods that cause toxins (waste) in the first place--meaning junk food and foods I was allergic to. This was a difficult problem to solve. Now, I usually sleep normally and have slacked off on the trampoline. (If I did the trampoline daily, I'd probably have a complete cure. ) When I exercise a lot, the RLS flares up. I can usually stop it and get back to sleep by deep leg stretches and then a shoulder stand for about 5 minutes. This was really affecting my life in a negative way. I'm so thankful I found things that worked and hope others do too.
(Chevy Chase, Md)
Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement
Eat a spoonful of mustard before bed! It's working for me so far! It's like a miracle cure!
Niacin deficiency is pinpointed as the culprit in many neurological issues by Dr Hoffer including ADHD There is rumors of a toxicity issue with long term high doses but many people have taken up to 3000mg daily long term.
Niacin is known to give the skin a flush for awhile. I would start off slow to see if you react to even the non-flushing kind.
Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil
Peppermint Oil
I make the oil myself with any matter of carrier oil (olive, etc) some drops of peppermint, wintergreen and birch as they contain natural salicate acid similar to aspirin to neutralize pain. I also add some drops of frankencense to bring on relaxation and alleviate anxiety.
Pineapple Juice, Tonic Water, Nutmeg