Diatomaceous Earth
Let me say this about iron & all supplements. A doctor I used to have, now retired, said that what they call "normal" in blood testing just means average. He said that after decade of practice he saw "average", therefore "normal", go down quite a bit. So he said go by symptoms and not just blood tests.
The 2nd time I got rls, many months later, I knew it was not iron. The stinging and itchy feelings reminded me of when I had done a parasite cleanse and checking on the net sure enough I saw someone saying that after getting rid of the bugs the rls went away. (Maybe they operate best in low iron conditions??)
I began to take a heaping tsp of diatomaceous earth in water every morning on a mostly empty stomach. In one day the rls was down to very mild in in a week it was gone.
Hulda Clark, famous for her cleansing regimes, said every person she ever tested for parastes had them, and everyone had tapeworms. One way to see this for yourself: Take 2 cayenne capsules in water 3 X a day with 2 glasses of water to keep from a burning sensation in your stomach.
Don't eat any rice or things like seseme seeds or nuts. In a very few days you should see "white rice" or seseme seed looking things, or things that look like cut nuts. These are parts of tapeworms. The cayenne pepper does not kill the head, though, which is what reproduces.
Anyway, food grade diatomaceous earth is cheap and very safe and will make all those symptoms go away, rls and tapeworm parts.
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
I read the post about the Low oxalate diet, and he had listed the food that I had been eating, and ate a lot of before the diet. I straight away went to the low oxalate info page and read everything. Straight away stopped eating high oxalate food, but so not to start my body 'dumping', ate medium to low oxalate food. I have experienced only slight twitching, more annoying than anything, with three nights of just an awareness feeling in my legs. With pretty much three full nights of sleep. For me this is miraculous! I have by the side of my bed oils, magnesium, homeopathic remedies and creams. The only thing I have used since starting the diet is an essential oil for nerves, and I have only used it a few times.
I highly recommend this diet. Read all that you can, start slowly and persevere! There are many conditions that a low oxalate diet helps.
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
I use to put frozen pulp fruits and honey in a blender and eat or drink 5 hours before bed. It works for me.
Liquid reflux and sodium are like poison for RLS suffers.
Dietary Changes, Magnesium
When people who have had success with a certain protocol share their knowledge, that's such a wonderful blessing to others who have RLS or any other ailment and who DO have the hope of receiving help. Even if it only helps 10% of the majority, it worked for someone, they are thankful! :-) How selfish & heartless it is when people are criticized for sharing knowledge for relief with others, regardless of how ridiculous the method may sound to those criticizing all because the method didn't work for them. So that leaves me wondering why are they even here on this website? Earth clinic is a place where people come and share their knowledge based on what they've tried and what did and didn't help them. Most of the remedies listed on this site may seem strange, weird or unexplanatory as to how they scientifically work so that just makes me more curious as to why people who criticize would even bother reading on this website. If all these wonderful testimonies weren't to my liking, I would be reading elsewhere instead of trying to discourage people who are looking and hoping for some form of relief from their ailment.
As for my own personal experience with RLS, I have symptoms off and on and like a majority of others have stated symptoms are more aggressive when low magnesium and sugar are in the picture. These 2 are the prime triggers for MY symptoms. Once I raise my magnesium levels and cut out the sugar the symptoms usually resolve rather quickly. At times I can eat sugar and a few hours later I will have full blown symptoms mostly in my legs after I fall asleep. It would also be good for others to make sure they aren't dealing with some type of anxiety disorder as well because foods do cause certain chemical reactions within the body and these chemicals sometime cause anxiety to buildup in the muscles and a person can show signs resemble RLS especially if they aren't an active person, based on MY own experience. In my case, I've been diagnosed with both disorders.
I have also gotten relief a few times from doing exercises in which I tighten all my body muscles at once and hold them for about 15 seconds, then I release them. After doing these exercises for about 10 or 15 minutes I can usually fall back to sleep most nights. This may not work for everyone but it's a lot better than not trying anything. Be your OWN critic, try anything that's safe of course or don't! Just remember, you still have nothing to lose except the faith to believe your circumstances could change from YOU not trying.
(San Diego)
(New Zealand)
Well Kim, I have consistently recommended Magnesium Chloride LIQUID for leg muscle issues on this Site and I hope this will help you. Follow the maker's directions. If it does indeed prove beneficial for you, it ought to show results VERY quickly indeed! That is the good news. Please let us know if it does help you.
Cheers, Michael
Electric Massager
Eliminate Benadryl
(Uniontown, Oh)
Eliminate Coffee
I just wanted to share that since giving up coffee, I don't have Restless Legs syndrome anymore. Simple.
(Kendal, U.k)
(Greenville, Sc)
Try this; worked for me. My leg agitation would drive me crazy at night and I realized that there was a corrolation between intake of sugar after six oclock or so, and the irritable leg issue.
Two solutions: First I cut way back on night time consumption of sugar products. Especially damaging is sugar late at night. That almost always caused RLS.
But, if I break down and do have the ice cream etc. And know that the irritation is likely, in fact, I usually can feel it coming on even before I am ready to sleep, I use a solution of baking soda in water; a half teaspoon in a half cup of water and apply on my knee caps... Which is where the irritation centers in on me. Then I drink the remainder of the soda/water. That combo alkalizes the body. The sugar is a terrible cause of acidic body condition, probably produced over a lifetime of too much sugar consumption and the inability to metabolize it efficently gives a side effect of acidic condition which perhaps along with insulin issues causes the RLS.
This formula really works. No sugar at night but if you do and the RLS starts take the baking soda in water topically and drink the rest to create an alkaline condition.
(Sharon, Pennsylvania)
Epsom Salt
I have a warm epsom salt bath using 2 cups of epsom salt in the bath, every night before bed.
I also take 800mg of Magnesium Glycinate daily (400mg am, and 400mg pm).
RLS can be very painful, excruciating, and I am so happy to have found relief finally.
Thank you for this cure
Examine Mineral Deficiencies
(Mt.olive, Ms. Usa)
After having hemorrhoid surgery I had terrible RLS every night. Also had heart surgery 6 weeks before hemorrhoid surgery. Dr. gave me Meripex which did not help with RLS. @ 65 years enough is enough!!! Been taking percocet like Linda from Florida said she did also. Anxious to try some of the remedies suggested in the testimonials. Will let you know the outcome.........Laura
(Manchester, Ct)
It's been 9 years since my son was born and I started taking Mirapex for my RLS (so that my wife could sleep when she came back from nursing our first child during the night). I've had to up the dose considerably (in order for me to even fall asleep now... With terrible side effects). Read about Magnesium and took some at intervals today. Staved off the nightly RLS symptoms until 10:00 p.m. However, at about midnight I woke with symptoms again and have been up for 6 hours now. Found your website and drank the ACR/honey mix 30 min ago and downed two tablespoons of molassis 15 min ago. Rather than a controlled study... I needed some relief. I hope for better tomorrows. I'll keep you posted. Peace to you all and thanks for sharing your results with others. Having no control over such a debilitating health concern has left me so bummed out.
(London, Uk)
Hi, in general you are v.right, your diet, supplements, this and that. My case maybe different but that does not matter. I'm doing the same but I'd say nothing works regardless. If there is something the change is non-tangible 3-5%. Hard to say working or not. Sorry to tell you that but what people are posting that works normally won't.
Regards, Bogdan
(Weston, Kansas)
(Salt Lake City, Ut)
Fish Oil
Folic Acid
I'd like to add that EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), which is a form of self-applied acupressure, has also helped me greatly. Used correctly, it will stop the twitching in your legs. For me it was only temporary because of the folic acid deficiency, but it was a huge help to me in the middle of the night when I couldn't get to sleep because of my restless legs. I hope this can help someone else who struggles with this problem.