Folic Acid
I came across a homeopathic remedy called Restful Legs by Hyland. OH, BLESSED RELIEF! I realize that different things work for different people, especially for this condition, but you might want to give it a try. They have a website you can google. I purchased it in a health food store, but it is available in chain drug stores as well according to their website. It's relatively inexpensive.... about $8.00.
(Kendal, U.k)
(New York, Usa)
Thank you Janet from Kendal, UK for your imput. I have tried tonic water and as with all the other remedies I've tried, acv, baking soda etc, I only get about 1 1/2 - 2 hours of some relief and then I'm up again. As an update on the Restful Legs remedy... It works sometimes and not as well at other times. I'm now trying it with the other remedies, tonic water, acv, baking soda, etc. I had blood test to see if I'm deficient in anything but I'm not. Many thanks to all who contribute to this site!
Horse Chestnut
Hot Shower, Massage
(Abbotsford, Bc Canada)
Inversion Table, Exercise
Now for what has helped me immeasurably - when I realized that lower back trouble triggers RLS in me, I invested in an inversion table that I try to use every night. It has done wonders for me. As my back goes, so goes RLS. And I have found that lower back exercises also will calm it down, specifically the "bridge", and the "bird dog". You can do an internet search for those with the word "exercise" and find them pretty easily if you want to give them a try.
I get long lasting relief with iron.
Low iron can result in low oxygen carried by the blood and nerve damage.
Magnesium and iron both effect/benefit the blood.
The reason magnesium can give some temporary relief is that when magnesium is taken, the blood vessels dilate. This results in a very relaxing effect in people who have enough blood to fill the now larger blood vessels (for people with adrenal fatigue magnesium can often make them dizzy or faint, due to low blood levels.)
This dilating of the blood vessels allow for more blood flow with increasing oxygen delivery - this is how magnesium can give temporary benefit to people who actually need more iron.
Iron and B12 are very important for blood and nerves health, they have really helped my family's health.
Jon: I think it was Robert Von Sarbacher that recommends eating much salads from Iceberg Lettuce, which we traditionally view as a low nutrient food. His research finds that this lettuce is rich in "Iron Water" & "Magnesium Water", a distinction he says is very different than natural chelated Iron or Magnesium in edible plant material.
Yes, I agree with what you have said here.
Low iron is a common cause of restless leg(RLS), dizziness, headaches and even anxiety.
It's important to test that iron isn't too high (because that can cause issues too) but I agree that for iron levels test - even when in the low range of normal - it can still cause these symptoms. I have read that Ferritin levels under 40 can cause low iron symptoms.
There is a differnce between bio-available iron and bio-UNavailable iron (RUST! ) , Bio-unavailable iron (oxidised iron/rust) can get stored in the liver and organs and cause issues.
Bio-UNavailable iron may also block avialable Iron from being absorbed.
So it may be beneficial to excrete any bio-Unavailable iron from your body. IP6 (extract from brown rice) is the best supplement to detox oxidised harmful iron.
Organic Unsulfered Molasses is the best iron supplement. 1 Tb morning and night.
This is my opinion
Iron and Potassium
Iron and Potassium
I had a sleep study done a couple of years ago, and the doctor remarked at how much leg movement I have in my sleep (even with taking the supplements). He indicated that RLS is associated with low iron. So, I increased my iron a little, and the symptoms improved. I know, however, that the potassium helps because if I run out of it my legs are "dancing" within a couple of days.
(Brattleboro, VT)
Of course, it goes without saying to check with your doc before starting ANY supplements. It is not actually low iron that can cause RLS, but low Ferritin stores. I have not seen anyone mention this.You have to ask for the Ferritin test, not just an iron test. It all depends on how your brain assimilates the iron, and stores it. Your iron level is another whole test. and, that would be why Molassess helps because of all the iron in it. Remember one "cure" that works for one person, will be troublesome for the next one. using the word cure with RLS is a misnomer, as there is no cure. Like there is no cure for diabetes. You can control the symptoms at times for RLS, but not cure it.
Iron, Vitamin C
I had also made the connection earlier to vitamin C and alcohol. Every time I drink alcohol, I get severe episodes. When I take vitamin C immediately afterwards it alleviated the symptoms. So I figured out that alcohol must be washing away vital nutrients such as vitamins from the body, which makes sense, because alcohol is a natural solvent. Now I take both vitamin C and Iron supplement before bedtime, and I sleep very well with no episodes.
I have no doubt that these nutrients support the electrical/neurological functions of the brain, diaphragm, throat muscles, as well as sensitivity to chemicals which cause mucous oversecretion. Apple cidar vinegar, which another contributor mentioned works because it is loaded with vitamin C.
Remember, for this to work well you have to play with or adjust the dosage to find the right one for you. Vitamin C can be tolerated in high doses by most people but watch your Iron intake very carefully.
By the way, it was very helpful to read all the previous contributions. Now I can join the dots.
God bless you all.
Kava Oil
(Not the South)
Keeping Legs Cool
My particular situation concerning Restless Leg Syndrome has been getting steadily worse as I have aged. (I am a 65 year old male in relatively good health)
My Dr. checked my magnesium and that was at the upper end, but still in the acceptable parameters. He suggested Benadryl and/or melatonin to help me get to sleep. These both made me sleepy, but with the RLS raging, I could never relax enough to fall off to sleep.
I tried cutting out all sugar after a certain time of day but that didn't help either. I also put a bar of Ivory soap between the sheets, to no avail.
One night recently, as I lay on top of the covers listening to music and playing games on my tablet, waiting to get sleepy, it occurred to me that my legs had not yet started to spasm. This was curious, so I made a point to stay out from underneath the covers and wait for them to start. They never did!
What I deduced was that when under the covers, (which for me included an electric blanket because I don't like getting into a cold bed! ) my legs would heat up and the spasms would start. As long as I was on top of the covers wearing a pair of sweats, if need be, they stayed cool enough and spasm-free.
Later on, after I get up to use the bathroom and return to bed, I get under the covers to finish out the night, with no spasms. I also have stopped using the electric blanket.
I don't understand it, nor can I explain it, but I can tell you honestly I have not had a case of RLS while getting to sleep ever since I have being doing this, and it is going on a month now!
I hope that this in not something that is restricted to my situation, and that other people can find relief, as I have.