A Bar of Soap
(Oregon, US)
Plagued with severe Restless Leg Syndrome. Tried many things. Bar Irish spring soap. One between knees and some pieces in socks under toes. Haha was shocked and so excited when I got sleep and at how fast it went away! Thank you all for your input and sorry to all of those who haven't yet found something that works for you. Good luck to those of you. Everyone should at least try soap. Doesn't hurt and so glad now that I was desperate enough to try it. Had to be, when nothing else worked ya know. Who woulda thought Irish spring soap. I was happier than I had been in a long time. And so excited. Sleep deprivation from rls is no joke. And helps also knowing that people out there understand exactly what it feels like. Support leads to coping mechanisms, often sometimes solutions and often sometimes good friends who actually get it. Thanks guys! :)
Removing the wrapper will likely allow the energies in the soap to be much more effective ...
A Bar of Soap
A Bar of Soap
A Bar of Soap
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Pam, Try a half teaspoon of baking soda in a quarter glass of water... Dissolved of course. Now put a teaspoon in your hand and rub on knees and legs. Apply twice.
If restlessness still persists, get all sugar out of your system. Especially no sugar after five pm. Sugar in anything if you are borderline could present as restless leg or other extremities pain.
A Bar of Soap
(Fort Myers Fl)
I have been a sufferer of severe RLS for almost 10 years and have tried almost everything that is homiopathic and nothing has EVER worked. I also find it frustrationg when people say, try this, this worked for me... I HAVE tried. If you think about it, how is a bar of soap supposed to help nerves?? And magnesium isn't the solution either... Been taking it for a long time and nothing. Only thing that has worked is medication from my Dr.
It's important to realize that 1. the body does know how to heal itself, it's been doing it for millions of years as we allow it to do so. 2. Nutrients/vitamins play a huge role in nervous system health. 3. It's crucial to try natural and non-harmful remedies whenever possible.
Iron, Folic acid, Vitamin B, Magnesium…exercise daily; no smoking or caffeine; apple cidar vinegar and molasses mixed into a glass of water all have provided relief for people suffering from RLS.
And, of course the soap in the sheets, baking soda/water rubbed on the affected area and no sugar.
And, before we judge something as "placebo effect, " we should actually realize that the most powerful healing tool each of us has is our MIND…Our mind tells our bodies how to heal, what to let go of, etc.
That's not to say we don't need a bit of help from the body and a few outside sources here and there, but when we harness the mind, we harness the power of nature to heal ourselves!
Again, I think it is crucial to determine the underlying issue - is it a nutrient deficiency? A hormonal issue (some research says it is - for both men and women…men have hormones, too), stress? A combination?
Good luck - I've had success with vitamins and exercise and placing my legs against the wall/feet up at night for about 5-15 minutes while lying in bed. My mom has had success with Calm (a magnesium drink).
(Sd, US)
i researched restless leg syndrome the causes vary It can be from an allergic reaction to supplement, refined sugar, or wheat. My ND suggested that going on a elimination diet is the best way to figure out if you're intolerant/allergic. Apparently statisically allergy tests scratch test /blood tests are not as accurate as we have been taught to believe .
Ntritional deficiencies such as Iron deficiency Deficiencies in other minerals, such as magnesium, potassium and calcium, may cause RLS Some people have been helped by adding Vitamin E ,
(Ky, US)
Sugar seems to be my number one enemy also. I always have restless legs but if I eat sugar or starch mirapex doesn't stand a chance. Here's something weird... If mirpex doesn't work well enough I get up and drink a cup of espresso. In fact I have started to drink espresso every night before bed. For some reason the initial effect of espresso is always sedating for me but after 30 minutes it tends to wake me up. My sleep is kind of off and on but way better than it was. I wake up frequently but always go back to sleep quickly. I told my doctor about the espresso but he looked at me like, you are nuts! All I know is that is works for me and it might work for others.
(Westminster, Ca)
Mark Ky.
Espresso = coffee, which = (beans) legumes. Guess what you get with a concentrated serving of legumes? Magnesium. Looks like you just might need magnesium supplementation in your diet, but preferably without the caffeine of espresso, so you don't keep waking up.
(Canberra, Australia)
I have been reading all the comments above and believe me RLS is very debilitating, I have had this problem since 1963, I have tried everything and I can tell you magnesium is not the problem or the cure, neither is sugar.
I have been placed on a medication called Sifrol and this really does help( it is used for Parkinson disease ) and it works but it must be taken every day at the same time other wise my legs start up again.
If you want to try, you will need to speak with your medical practitioner.
Good Luck
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Johanna,
I've suffered with RLS for over 10 years. And in my type of RLS, I found a direct relationship with consumption of sugar with leg irritation especially at night. Your RLS and mine may differ as to cause or trigger. You state categorically that sugar is unrelated to RLS but in my case and many more that I've heard of ... sugar is very much related.
Just because you can not see a cause and effect relationship is not justification for saying the same is true with everyone suffering from the condition.
By the way, I found that topical application of baking soda...one half teaspoon dissolved in a half glass of water and then the liquid applied to knees....twice or more applied in four or five minutes gives me a lot of relief.
I'm happy for you that you have found relief with the medication you mention. RLS is a frustrating and a nearly debilitating condition so any suggestion is appreciated.
I too believe we can overcome with the mind. It is important to line the mind up to receive the healings.
(Bluefield, Va)
It's possible that there is some type of energy in the soap that transfers to the legs. Radiation was always present but it took Marie Curie to discover it. Bacteria were there before we had microscopes to see them. Just because we can't explain something, doesn't mean its effect isn't real.
I think you must be right about the sugar being a huge part of triggering RLS, and along with trying the soap bar (I think just because we see no scientific explanation that we understand, is not reason to throw out something that has helped so many) and bicarb treatments. Sugary food seems very bad for health, and is never really required although it is craved. I have been to EarthClinic and am fascinated. I was looking for peptic ulcer relief, and that too involves expunging refined sugar. You may not be diabetic, or have insulin pathology as one poster announces you must, (and, of course, you might! ) A lot of people, as they grow older retain more glucose in their blood as the renal threshold rises. That is a normal phenomenon.
(Walking Dead Land)
You might preach to your victims that there is no cure, to keep up business at your "support" groups, but you are simply wrong. As mentioned above, magnesium deficiency is often the culprit, along with B12 and selenium. Anyone with an ounce of nutritional and/or physiology knowledge would know this. If you possess neither of those, you shouldn't be managing 'support' groups.
Yes, I'm wondering if it has something to do with static electricity. Perhaps the soap neutralises the static in the sheets.
(Rockport, Texas)
In my personal opinion, I think if people are desperate for a solution and they finally have one that works it should be left alone. If you are supposedly part of one of these "support groups" then, to me, you should be more attentive to the support mission of the website than the undermining of people who want to get back to nature and organics to help with their remedies. If you do not agree with what people are actually saying works for them, and yes, outside influences do play a part in RLS whether you know it or not, then the old saying should be applied "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." Especially if you feel you need to log into an ORGANIC supported site to preach about the overall effect of "modern medicine." What do we see nowadays? Every RX you take has added side effects, allergic reactions, etc. For millions upon thousands upon hundreds of years the human body has sustained itself through natural means. It is what our white blood cells and lymph nodes are hard at work doing. Natural remedies are easily absorbed by the body, compared to new medications that your body has to learn to adapt to, which does not always work. Each person is different as is their "genetic make-up." So, take the prescribed medication, then what? End up with a new side-effect if your body cannot process it correctly.Also, what is the long term medical evidence that attest to prolonged periods of these medications? I have had lymph node cancer in the past and I have found that switching to natural products, choosing a plant-based diet and taking care of myself have helped in the long run, compared to "quick fixes" have worked for me. I'm not saying that it will work for everyone but why not, at least, try it? Sugar and a lot of these "ingredients-in-food-that-we-can't-even-pronounce" have been a huge problem for all of the US. You see illnesses popping up everyday that we have not even heard of before. Think about this for a second. You're eating things that are not naturally broken down by the body, and you are surprised when you start contracting illnesses, diseases and ailments. I went to Texas A&M (Go Islanders!) to study anatomy, forensic science, entomology and microbiology and I am still surprised every day from my findings on how resilient the human body is. I know, as a person with some medical background (my mother also has a masters in Nursing and specializes in Oncology and works for Hospice), that I am the LAST person to give medical advice but what I just read in your comments warranted a rebuttal. You are getting second-hand information and, as you stated, your friend is a chemist, then he/she should have SOME idea that some of these Vitamins/Minerals (or lack thereof) do cause a problem and can actually make the illness worse. 'Iron, folate, and magnesium are thought to have the most direct impact on RLS symptoms. (Source: HealthLine, Can certain foods ease my RLS symptoms)'
I apologize for my abruptness in advance but I can't help but be a little unnerved by someone claiming to help people and they decide to take their frustration out on a community trying to work together for a common solution. No, it might not work for everyone but it's worth a shot. And I agree with Rick, maybe managing a support group(s) might not be for you.
ps. Sleep deprivation is an epidemic, but its what we put in our bodies for nourishment, hydration and ailments that cause the bigger problem. You'll find that research in those categories explain a lot. These are sources that are trusted and written by MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS that combat these problems on a day-to-day basis. Notice that SUGAR is listed in every one of these articles.
Which foods should I avoid if I have RLS?
- Chocolate
- Sugary sodas
- Fried foods
- Foods and beverages that contain caffeine may stimulate your nerves and aggravate RLS. This includes:
- coffee
- tea
- energy drinks
- chocolate
You should also limit or avoid fattening items, such as:
- soda
- fried foods
- processed foods
- foods high in sugar
A 2009 study showed people who are obese have an increased risk of RLS. This may be because obesity is linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and lower dopamine receptors. All of these conditions have the potential to cause RLS.
Iron Supplementation
The significance of low iron in causing RLS is outlined in the segment on Causes of Restless Legs Syndrome.
Since the 1950s, it has been known that iron therapy, even without the presence of anemia has benefits for RLS symptoms. Studies have shown a strong relation between body iron stores as determined by serum ferritin and the severity of the RLS symptoms. A study has shown that in patients whose serum ferritin was < 75 µg/l, oral iron therapy (325 mg ferrous sulfate twice a day on an empty stomach) on average improved RLS symptom after 3 months.
A recent study has shown that giving oral iron more than once a day or at a dose greater than 85 mg per day does not necessary lead to a greater increase in absorbable iron. Oral iron equivalent to 65-85 mg of elemental iron will be best absorbed if given once a day. It should NOT be given with solid or liquid food/dietary supplements or with milk. It should be given on an empty stomach an hour before eating or two hours after eating along with 100-200 mg of vitamin C. An iron panel (early morning fasting blood to check iron, ferritin, TIBC, and percent iron saturation) should be done after three months to check on progress of the treatment. Oral iron should be stopped 2 days before the iron studies are done. The goal is to get the serum ferritin above 100 µg/l.
If the patient cannot tolerate the iron, or, if after three months there has been very little change in the iron stores, an iron infusion may be appropriate. Delivering iron directly into the blood by vein allows the iron to bypass the gastrointestinal tract, which can limit absorption of iron when iron is given orally. Several different formulations of iron are designed for intravenous treatment and are used for the treatment of anemia. Two formulations of iron dextran exist (Dexferrum and INFeD), with the low molecular weight (LMW) iron dextran (INFeD) demonstrating better safety profile than the older version of iron dextran, Dexferrum (Chertow et al. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2004:19, 1571). Other iron formulations currently available for intravenous use include: iron sucrose (Venofer®), iron gluconate (Ferrlicit®), ferumoxytol (Feraheme®) and ferric carboxymaltose (Ferinject®).
Two, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies using 1000 mg of ferric carboxymaltose versus placebo (subjects just received the solution with no iron in it), have shown that RLS patients who received the iron had significantly greater improvement in RLS symptoms (Allen et al. Sleep Medicine 2011: 12, 906; Cho et al. Sleep Medicine 2016:25,16). None of these patients had an anemia and some of the subjects has serum ferritin values of greater than 100 ug/l before the iron infusion. Approximately 35 percent of subjects who had received the iron treatment still remained off of all RLS medications even 6 months after the treatment. (Site Source: www.hopkinsmedicine.org)
@Dave from Fountain Inn: I'm relieved to read about the impact of sugar. My restless legs and arms drive me insane during full moon (and the lead up to it).... I tried magnesium and soap but both made this worse. I try to keep sugar intake down, but have recently been a bit lax. So am now going to be very strict about this, and see what happens. Thanks for the reminder!
A Bar of Soap
A Bar of Soap
A Bar of Soap
The bar soap idea seemed pretty strange, but the whole alkaline thing suggested by a contributor appealed to me, so I gave it a try. I use coconut soap and didn't think that would work, but my daughter had a little scrap of a bar of Dove which she prefers. Since it was pretty small, I gently rubbed it over my legs for a few minutes - not making much contact at all. Then I just let it sit atop my legs. Seriously, that was the last time I felt the effect of RLS! I slept the night with that little scrap on the sheet under my legs, and that was all it took. I slept soundly through the night, not waking once (which is notable in that I'm taking a diuretic in my drug coctail!
Fantastic! I love this website and all the wonderful people who contribute. Thank you!!!
A Bar of Soap
A Bar of Soap
A Bar of Soap
In reading the comments on the website, I decided to try the bar of soap remedy last night. NO HELP. I used a bar of Ivory soap, still wrapped, in the sheets. First below my feet, then between my knees and feet, then unwrapped the bar, shoved it in a sock and kept it between the sheets, then held it in my hand. After an hour and a half, I broke down, took my pill, and went outside to walk it off for about 30 minutes. Finally fell asleep about 2:45 AM!! UGGGGGHHHHH!!!
Thoughts, suggestions, snide remarks?
(Iberia Parish, Louisiana)
(Melbourne, Australia)
Surveyor65, From the Doctoryourself.com website:
Just thought I'd let you know another great use for Niacin -- restless leg syndrome. My husband has never been officially diagnosed, but has a lot of trouble sleeping. This year when the work season started again, he began kicking me all night. It got so bad that I wasn't going to be able to sleep in the same room. Every few seconds, his legs would move and it was driving me up the wall. I persuaded my husband to try Niacin with Vitamin C right before bedtime. Works like a charm, in fact when he missed his vitamins the other night, I could tell within minutes. What a great solution to a problem that so many suffer with! "
"Doses vary from person to person, ranging anywhere from a low 50-100 mg to a high 500 mg".
(Houston, Tx)
The bar of soap didn't work for me either. I try not to drink caffeine in the afternoon, and get plenty of water intake. I'll try the niacin. The best thing I've found, is "Restful Legs" a homeopathic remedy that you put under your tongue. It lets me get back to sleep in 10 minutes. If I run out, I drink a large glass of water, and that will help. But then you might wake up to go to the bathroom. It's very frustrating!
A Bar of Soap
(Paisley, Scotland)
Tried the bar of soap under the sheet two years ago and it's been like a miracle. I change it for a new one every few months and it always works for me. M. H.
(Newtown, Ct)
I have had RLS for about 5 years, so bad that the prescription medicine doesn't even work well. There are different levels of RLS, with mine being really bad, I have tried alot of things, including a bar' of soap. For me it didn't touch it, but what has worked is a combination of magnesium glucimate (take as much as you can, until your body tells you it is enough - don't worry, you will know!) it really works! I also use a oil that is rubbed on my lower back and the area that is acting up at the time, it is called 'Night Time leg calm' from Natures Inventory. This too has been fantastic, it doesn't make it go away for good, but it allows me to rest and to sleep. I also have just discovered that my problem with RLS might be my sciatic nerve.... will keep you posted.
@ Rigger--i know this was an older post, but I just sent off for some of that Night Time Leg Calm. I hope it works for me!! Thanks for the tip, too. It's now 10:30 am and I never got to sleep last night, thanks to my RLS. -_- I tried quinine water (tonic water) with V8 juice (as I can't tolerate the taste of tonic water on its own) and I have a bar of soap under my sheet strategically placed between my calves (that's where my RLS hits). My tub is old and the veneer is coming off and it LOOKS horrid. Mentally, I KNOW when I wash it it's clean...but I can't get past the looks of it enough to actually bring myself to SIT in it, lol! If I could, I would add some lavender essential oil and epsom salts. (Just wish I could get past that mental block about my tub looking so nasty even when it's clean! ) I always slept SO well when I lived in places that had a decent tub to soak in. Half the time I would fall asleep in the tub...lol. And I never had RLS on the nights I did that, either.
Thank you again for the tip! :)
A Bar of Soap
A Bar of Soap
A Bar of Soap
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
An explanation to the soap bar use for the restless leg syndrome.
1st a soap is alkaline. It has to be to remove oil and grease as they are acids (as in fatty acids!).
For instance check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivory_(soap)
where it says "The Ivory soap bar (classic) had contained: sodium tallowate, sodium cocoate or sodium palm kernelate, water, sodium chloride, sodium silicate, magnesium sulfate, and fragrance.[7] The soap bar had a determined pH value: 9.5. "
Surprise, its pH is 9.5 i.e. alkaline. Also notice it has magnesium sulfate i.e. Epsom salts.
Now from http://www.progressivehealth.com/RLS-magnesium.asp
you can read
"Magnesium for RLS
If the massive amounts of body magnesium are low, you can have restless legs, cramps of the uterus and other muscles, migraines, and other problems. It is an essential mineral critical in 300 enzyme reactions in the body.
Calcium, magnesium, and potassium all have an effect on muscle contraction and relaxation. In addition, they help nerve transmission. Experts say that you can help calm your legs and get some rest by making sure that you're getting enough of all three minerals. Taking a daily dose of between 800 and 1,000 milligrams of calcium, 300 milligrams of potassium, and 500 milligrams of magnesium at bedtime may help reduce RLS symptoms.
Magnesium is important for muscles to be able to relax, while calcium helps them contract. Too little magnesium in relation to calcium (or low levels of both) can make muscles cramp more easily and may make some muscles, like the smooth muscles that wrap around big blood vessels, stay somewhat contracted.
Magnesium deficiency can make muscles go into spasms easily. When you're short on magnesium, the waste products of metabolism, such as lactic acid, are harder to flush out, so you may get tired, burning, sore muscles."
Now check https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/restless_legs.html
and see how many post refers to minerals, magnesium, blackstrap molasses.
So definitely, RLS is related with mineral deficiency. Therefore I would suggest people with RLS to consider alkalizing protocols that would include multi-mineral like BSM ...
Search about how to take magnesium. One way is externally with Epsom Salt baths. Or take a pinch of ES with a heavy meal or with a glass of water. Magnesium will help the liver and kidneys in the digestion of proteins. I am now taking about a total of between 1/2 and 1 teaspoon a day of ES with my water through the day with beverages. But one must start slowly first. I need less ES in the summer when a eat a lot of fresh veggies.
For lengthy and technical articles on minerals you can read the following:
This, http://www.acu-cell.com/acn.html , for a very lengthy article on Calcium/Magnesium/Vitamin D.
For muscle spasms http://www.acu-cell.com/dis-mus.html
And this, http://www.acu-cell.com/femn.html , for iron and manganese.
For good natural sources of numerous minerals you can take BSM and cold water kelp.