Natural Remedies

Natural Approaches for Scabies: Exploring Effective Remedies

Citrus Mouthwash
Posted by Christine (Wildomar, Ca) on 08/19/2009

I went to the beach with my family about 2 or 3 months ago. Immediatley when we left the beach my right arm, where my elbow is or fold is, it began to burn & itch really bad. I figured I had just suffered from being sunburned. For about 2 - 3 days my arm itched like crazy and I figured it was dry/sunburned skin, so I kept putting lotion or aloe gel on the site. Until I noticed the trail inbedded under my skin. I knew it was scabies & or mites. Immediateley I changed all my bedding, clothes and made sure that I washed my hands regularly. The itching would be so bad that it would wake me every night. I couldn't stand it anymore. I dont have medical insurance to get a prescription from a doctor, so I came across this site. What a relief, I had to use household / holistic remedies to treat this. The Citrus Listerine/Mouthwash really works. I'd apply it the area, let it completly dry, then I would apply straight Orange Oil (you can get it @ health food stores for about $2-$3). I did this twice a day, if not more when needed, at night and in the morning. The itching has completley stopped, the discoloration is fading...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for this home remedy, THIS ONE WORKS !!!! :)

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Codysmom (Annandale, Va, USA) on 08/07/2009

borax and hydrogen peroxide cured my scabies

After 4 weeks of uncomfortable itching all over, I finally figured out that I had scabies. I decided to try the hydrogen peroxide and borax remedy posted on this site and it worked like a charm. I did have to soak in a bath of hot water, hydrogen peroxide (1 bottle) and 2 laundry scoops of the borax for two days, 30 minutes each soak. Then the next two days I didn't have time for baths so I just scrubbed borax all over while I was in the shower. I scrubbed for a good 10 minutes. I now just have slight itching in a couple of areas and I will continue to scrubb with borax until the itching is gone. This whole rememdy cost me $4 and I didn't have to go to the doctor for that pesticide cream. Yea for this site.

DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sharon (Wesley Chapel, FL) on 07/21/2009

scabies is cured!!

My mom and I hd been fighting these scabies mites for 4 years now. Came from chickens she bought from a farmer. We tried everything, and thank god for earthclinic and Ted's recommendations, but still no permanent cheap relief as I was unable to treat the beds and get em all killed. After spending $3000 on a sleep number bed,I couldnt just replace it. However--My mom called me up and told me that spraying hydrogen peroxide solution on herself all over killed the things. I had found it at walmart listed as non-chlorine bleach with a pink label. I tried it and was a little disapointed, maybe 70% results. I figured I had not treated everything in my house properly. Also, I was reading about DMSO. I read where the DMSO goes deep into the skin and you had better be clean where you apply it or it will take the dirt down deep with it. So, I mixed 3/4 cup DMSO, 1 cup water and 1 cup peroxide bought at wal-mart into a spray bottle. Its called non-chlorine bleach with a pink label next to the regular bleach. BINGO, instant kill rate even below the skin. I had to treat the really big spots for a couple of days until they dried up. Now I had the perfect spray for me, my bed, my car, my long haired dogs. Its a miracle. I recommend treating your whole body every day until you have no more spots as they will crawl out of a small "kill zone spray" if you dont add enough DMSO. I put in less (1/4 cup )DMSO and it didnt kill as fast, but still killed em. No smell either. Been 3 weeks now and on those in my family who used it, it works great. I have one family member in denial. however, even so, I can still treat his stuff without the big fight over the smell of the sulfur I was using.

DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mary (Rural, Va) on 08/10/2009

DMSO is really quite mild compared to Neem oil. I don't know what percentage of Neem is in the body wash you are using, but to be honest, straight Neem oil is about the vilest stuff I have ever smelled.

Vaseline +
Posted by rara_avis_muse (Chicago, IL) on 06/07/2009

I think I got Scabies about 2-1/3 years ago. Sad to say, it was after Hugging a classmate that I hadn't seen for 50 years. She has multiple horses and dogs. I saw blood drops on the shoulders of her white blouse, but thought it was something like acne, not contagious. That hug gave me scabies within a short time, but I had never heard of scabies so I didn't know. I then came down with an Auto Immune illness and fought pain for 2 years. I was on Prednisone for a year and then Hydrocortisone. Plus I have been taking OTC allergy pills for 45 years, so they may have helped keep the scabies at bay. But they never really went away. Now I found this site and thank you Grannie from Miami, I tried the Petroleum Jelly. It's been about 28 hours and I can tell scabies do not like it. I covered most of my body with it and I could literally feel them rushing to my untreated feet. So I lavishly covered between my toes and feet to kill the suckers. I have also resisted scratching by rubbing in the PJ on the itchy spots. I wish I could say I'm free of them, but they do have 3 stages, I believe. 1. the live ones crawling on skin, 2. the buried eggs and 3.they hatching eggs which cause the itching. Since I've had them for so long, I expect it will take time to get rid of them. By the way, the reason Men have less problem with Scabies is because of their SHORT fingernails. I'm gonna go get the Citrus oil or spray today and try to finish the scabies off, once and for all. By the way, I also tried the Medicated Chest Rub, but it absorbs too fast and doesn't work, whereas the Petroleum Jelly is thicker. Thank you soooooooo much for this website.

Bleach and Water
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/24/2018

You say that the bleach baths did not work, but every treatment modality has variables that affect whether or not it will be successful. As with medications where there are the necessary aspects of a medical order: you have the right patient, the right drug (treatment), the right dose, the right timing or interval between treatments/doses, and the right route or method of application.

Even with a bleach bath (or any other treatment that people say failed), we have to look at what amount of bleach is used in a tub of water.

Right drug/treatment (chlorine bleach or non-chlorine bleach) Some have used non-chlorine bleach as well with good results as it releases hydrogen peroxide into the water and kills the mites

Dose: (two cups in a full tub of water, but make sure to pour the bleach liquid or powder into the water so it mixes thoroughly and dissolves (if powder) before you get in. That applies to essential oils, borax, epsom salts as well. This way, the solution is dilute enough to avoid harming the skin by having too strong a solution (or oil) on the skin initially. No need to be harsh to the skin (even with bleach that is thought to be harsh; it will be like strong pool water and should not burn the skin; if there are many scabies and it's a first treatment, you will feel where they are as they succumb).

Timing: in this treatment involves how long one stays in the bath. That should be as long as you can up to an hour, but at least 30 minutes. And the interval: daily for a few days at least.

Some suggest leaving the bleach on the skin and air drying. Others have rinsed off after the bath and dried, and then applied something soothing: as bleach can really dry out the skin, an excellent way to soothe the skin while continuing to treat is to use aloe vera juice with a few drops each of essential oils (there are many variations. One is clove, cedarwood, and rosemary. Others like clove and tea tree or orange. Whatever is convenient. Neem oil is excellent.)

The route is topical as the bath water covers the skin and the treatment (non-chlorine or chlorine bleach) penetrates to kill the mites.

If too little (of any treatment) is used, then it won't work. How do you know you have scabies? Aside from the intense itching felt to be from within the skin, and piercing bites there, one can look for bumps on the skin. If you don't see any bumps, take the bath and soak for a while and feel the skin surface all over. Any bumps even on the bottom of feet or on the fingers should be inspected. If there are a few in a row, that is indicative of scabies tracks made. These are actually holes in the surface of the skin that appear as bumps but when soaked for a while the holes can be detected/felt.

In a bleach bath (or other treatment using essential oils, epsom salts/borax in a bath) you will see tiny specks. Those are the scabies mites that died and left ... so you then know the treatment is working.

Bleach and Water
Posted by Critters Be Gone! (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/25/2011

Hey everyone - the bleach and water work 100%... Not sure how good it is, but I am definitely seeing sign of improvement. I did permetherin 3 times and it didn't do much. I did Ivectermin/Stromectol and it helped.

Here is my cure:

Bed bug spray EVERYTHING -- it has permetherin in it. If you have it in your scalp use CVS 1% Lice shampoo.

Shower every night as hot as you can stand it, dry off and spray with water and bleach solution.

Spray the bed with bug spray, get in bed. Leave Window open to circulate air, fumes I am sure are not good for you.

Wake up, shower and scrub gently with a KITCHEN (yes, I said KITCHEN scrub pad to remove dead skin, and dead Scabies and whatever they leave behind), spray again. Spray everything with bug spray and bleach/water solution - wash everything daily.

After a few days you should see sign of improvement.

This has ruined my summer 2011; I have been in despair... So down over it. Cost $$$ and I have had it since the beginning of May... it's now August.

I have red marks all over my chest and upper legs, and some inside my arms. But it gets better.

God knows what all these chemicals are doing to my body, but I was desperate, I am hoping I am through the worst of it now.

Don't give up!

Bleach and Water
Posted by Itchy And Scratchy (Dull As Denver, Usa) on 01/20/2012

Bleach and water is for sure the way to go for instant relief. I mixed bleach and water 4:1 ratio aprox, and noticed that my itch had subsided almost immediately! How awesome is that?! Also the second time I treated my skin this way I added about a tablespoon of olive oil to the mix, this seemed to lessen the harshness of straight bleach on exposed skin and open cuts from scratching. Thank you for the advice people of the internet! I love you all!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Umathr (Kensington, MD) on 04/29/2009

i have had scabies for about 4 months. at first i thought i was allergic to my socks but i found out it is scabies. i have tried oregano oil to expensive at 30 dollars an ounce or less. the best luck i have had is over the counter rid x flea and tick treatment its a shampoo but i put it all over my head and body and it did bring relief but no cure. today the enzymes arrived so i tried them i sprayed them all over my body but i did not notice any relief and this morning at 3:00 i woke up and ended up scratching both of my legs which i did not really want to do. i treated them with hydrogen peroxide then witch hazel then calomine so that the itching might stop. which it has it is now 4:00 in the morning. nothing has worked so far, its a battle or a war. i am going to find some poke root and try that also im going to try borax soak. i am also using alcohol and orange based cleaner that does seem to help. one thing i did that i do not recommend is cortizone cream it makes them larger so stay away from that. all with scabies you have my deepest sympathy may god help you and if you have scabies you know im not kidding

Citrus Mouthwash
Posted by D (Long Beach, Ca Usa) on 07/06/2011

tried citrus listerine last night. condition WORSE today. cross that one off the list. along with tea tree oil. my condition went nuclear when I tried that stuff on it.

Essential Oils
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/05/2018

It is not that natural remedies take longer than conventional allopathic medical treatments; the method of correctly using natural treatments is the key. Also, conventional medical treatments are increasingly failing due to resistance occurring.

With regard to essential oils, for example, they can be applied in a bath but some people put too much in and their skin is "burned" or irritated. Some have pointed out that to evenly distribute essential oils in a bath, drip the oils onto the epsom salts and borax powders, and then spread those powders into the bath water for an even distribution that won't burn the skin.

Other methods are using Aloe Vera gel which is ideal because it remains liquid for longer than gelled alcohol hand cleaner and can carry the essential oils into the skin, while also having its own anti-parasitic action.

One can also create one's own lotion with any lotion that you tolerate well and is absorbed well into the skin, but dilute it somewhat so it is more liquid than originally, and stir in the essential oils. This can be rubbed into the skin all over the body and left on overnight, as well as spot treatment for areas that are especially itchy.

However, we should not make the mistake many make to think that the mites exist only where it itches; there are many, many more spread around and this becomes obvious any time you use a remedy that causes the mites to release themselves from the skin and die; the adults become visible as tiny dark specks that can be felt when rubbing the liquidy Aloe Vera gel/essential oil or lotion on.

There is no need to poison oneself with neurologically damaging conventional remedies, mistakenly thinking the docs know better. They don't and have no clue what is really going on. Ted is right that these "nano-insects" of various sorts are being made to be increasingly resistant to conventional remedies.

Antibacterial Soap
Posted by Angela (Smalltown, Bc) on 03/18/2010

I just wanted to add a few more details to my previous post. I unfortunately got reinfected by mistakenly putting on a wool sweater that hadn't been washed. It is just so easy to keep getting this. Diligence and complete daily discipline to cleanliness are the only solutions.

Also, I found that having scabies really drained me of energy. My body was doing its best to fight it off, but it was exhausting and deprived me of any motivation. These beasties know how to make their host weak. I think it is important to know that so that you can fight it mentally when you are tired physically. You must get up and do that laundry, eat well, clean your body, no matter how hard it feels.

I have now managed to get rid of this horrid pest, but the residual itch still freaks me out occasionally.

Also I wanted to say that the 5% permethrin cream did work, but for a couple of days it felt like it didn't work and in fact made me feel like things were even worse. The orange essential oil has been a godsend also. I still put it on and in my bath just out of comfort because it definitely helps and calms me down at the same time.

You CAN get rid of this thing. But it may take a few repeated treatments over a few months as it did for me. I wish you all the best.

Acapulco Leaves
Posted by Gail (ID) on 05/30/2022

Fungalitis.... Do you know that sulfur kills scabies? Maybe you had scabies and they diagnosed fungalitis.

Acapulco Leaves
Posted by Gayle (West Columbia, Sc) on 01/20/2012

There are two types of scabies, but it is the same "bug. " The first type is simple to cure with a cream or pill from the doctor or whatever method you use. The second type is crusted scabies in the beginning stages. A person with an imunno deficiency in their system, like herpes complex 1, which is a cold sore, or blisters on the fingers or anywhere on the body. Also, warts may also cause immune problems. As the scabies multiplies, the person feels no itch because he is not able to detect the chemical igE that the scabie releases with feces into the host's pore. The scabies multiply by the hundreds of thousands on the person's skin and no one is the wiser. The person may have some patch of eczema on their body, such as an elbow, face or hair.

Fungus creams cure these patches and no one is the wiser. As the scabies multiply, the person may sometimes have a pin prick bite feeling with no visible bug to bite. The person may sometimes have itchy skin, but lotion heals that. There may be places on the body where the person thinks he has some type of clear wart or mole. It hurts to the touch, but is not otherwise bothersome. The "pimple" is a scabies nest with hundreds of thousands of scabies and eggs in it. The bug continues to multiply until, one day, the igE is too much for the person's bloodstream and he begins to feel the itch, the crawling and the biting these scabies cause. The doctor prescribes the cream and it does not work. The dermatologist says he has herpes simplex or shingles and gives him steroids, which will definitely worsen the scabies condition. The scabies live in the skin and, as the years pass, begin to make brand new nests in each pore of the skin. The scabies are everywhere, in the legs, in the back, in the arms, in the face and even definitely in the hair. This condition is the beginning stages of crusted scabies. There are pictures on the internet of horrible cases of crusted scabies in the last stage, which causes the person to look deformed. The problem is finding a doctor who understands that the condition 1)is highly contagious 2) needs the pill ivermectin or its equvalent 3) needs a cream to be applied for at least three weeks and maybe 6 weeks 4) will require treatment for a long period of time and especially a doctor who understands that all the family needs to be treated, even if they do not have symptoms. If someone has had scabies for years, many people may have been infected and should be informed to prevent an epidemic.

I found Eucerin for very dry skin or Equate, vaseline, diluted amonia, moist tar (a drugist can mix this without a prescription), something sugary that dries on the skin like molasses or syrup and lots of showers helped me through the hell I suffered. Do not take baths, let them go down the drain. Protect others by covering with clothes from head to toe, vacuum very often daily, wash anything worn even for a minute. Put the clothes in a plastic bag to carry to the laundry room to wash or stick in the dryer for 30 min. Don't hug anybody, or touch anybody. Everywhere you walk is contaminated. Crusted scabies has so many scabies, they are visual to the naked eye and their eggs get in the fingers, which is very contagious. To find out more, Gaylestevenson(at) I welcome any questions or comments.

Tea Tree Oil, Coconut Oil, Epsom Salt
Posted by Claire (Netherlands ) on 05/03/2024

I had scabies since November 2023- so for 6 months now. I tried the counter medicines- ivermectin and permethrin but they were not strong enough to eradicate the problem.
I had crusted scabies on my arm and so these medicines helped to reduce the infection but didn't get rid completely.

one time I went to the dermatologist and she gave me four rounds of the treatment.
I expected it to help but then the scabies spread to my back, stomach and neck in a very bad way.

I started to use natural remedies _ coconut oil unrefined (cold pressed- this is important aspect! ) and warmed it up with tea tree.

well this also seemed to make it worse, I even tried putting the diatomaceous powder on my skin to suffocate them.

I started to think the scabies must be bad in my house, since I live in a studio apartment. Even though I was cleaning thoroughly it felt that I kept getting reinfected.

Eventually, I went to stay in a community for 10 days, with fresh bed sheets and towels. I just took two bags with fresh clothes that I had washed at 60 degrees.

I took the cold pressed coconut oil with me and a box of Epsom salts (magnesium salt) and a box of regular table salt. Every evening I would take a bath and put Epsom salts in it and have a good soak. My skin would feel very itchy and then I'd rub the skin with regular salt. This stung like crazy but I know it killed the scabies. I would leave the salt to sit on my skin for 15 mins and then wash it off. After the bath I would cover my whole body in coconut oil ( be sure to also have short fingernails) and leave it on overnight. In the morning I would put another round of coconut oil on my skin.

This has really helped.

I am now back home and am almost clear of them. I still use coconut oil every day. I don't have a bath here but if an area is itchy I rub Epsom salts into the affected area or tea tree which is great for the itch.

I hope this helps you all!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 04/26/2024

Tebora, my apologies. I was in a hurry to post my reply and forgot to include the medication. It is called ivermectin. JT found a case where a woman had a severe scabies infection where even the gum tissue in her mouth had scabies. She was treated with 100 mg of ivermectin three times per day, over the course of 15 days. There were no reported side effects and the scabies were eliminated. However, you may want to try just 100 mg 1 time per day for 15 days. If that doesn't work, then you can take a break and then try taking the higher amount of ivermectin daily for 15 days. Here is a link to the article:

Earthclinic has an entire section for scabies. Use the desktop mode for your browser so you can read all of the posts in that section. There are lots of good ideas for what you can try. Wishing you success!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tebora (Germany) on 04/29/2024 7 posts

Hello Cate, thank you very much for answering. It helps me so much, that somebody wants to help. I will try it with selenium an so on. Vitamin D in high dosis I take it in the moment. Today I´m in the third day where I take the homeopatic remedy. It helps as all treatments a little bit. Perhaps it helps someone else. At the first day I took syphilinum C 200 two globulis (or two drops as in which type you have)(it´s for somebody who weight has lost and when it is worser in the evening with the itching, burning, stinging and so on), then wait for a day, then the third day psorinum C 30 + croton tiglium C 30+ staphesagria C 30 two globulis or two drops of each three times a day for 4 days a week . And cell salts two times a day. two tablets each of them in a cup (1/4) of water. The cell salts are kalium sulphuricum, natrum muriaticum (natrium chloratum), calcera sulphuricum (calcium sulfuricum), silicea. I hope it will heal somebody who read the posts. I will write if it helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jo (Europe) on 05/04/2024

Brazil nuts are excellent. As well beef, and eggs. Most agriculture has been depleted of soil selenium, so supplementation is ideal.

Also Heiltropfen Iodine/Iodide is utterly amazing! it is a proper mixture of potassium iodide and iodine.

Hope it helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nina (Philippines) on 12/15/2020

Pls try teds remedies

Borax n H2O2 mix.

This is what my friend did and it has cured her when others did not.

1 bottle 3% hydrogen peroxide

Water n borax ( 20 mule brand).

Big container to mix the solution.

Empty the bottle if hydrogen peroxide in the container. Then fill the empty bottle with water 3x . Each time emptying it in the big container ( 1:3 ratio).

Then teaspoon by teaspoon slowly add borax in it. Mix very well. When you notice that the borax is not dissolving anymore ( granules are left in the mixture), stop adding borax.

Use the solution as a soak on affected parts . 15-30 min per day or 3x/week depends on how you can tolerate it. On the second week of doing this, skin is very dry but mites gone.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by MissM (New York) on 12/16/2020

Some suggestions:

  • Infra red sauna if you can get to one
  • Neem dry herb capsule internal
  • d limolene capsules a type of orange oil
  • Neem and Orange oil are used as bug eradicators.

For neem internal take only the dried herb, not the oil. Neem oil is toxic when taken internally.

  • Pet MD benzoyl peroxide shampoo this has sulphur and salicylic acid. Add 1/2 neem oil to this. Neem is stinky and bugs hate it. This is to be used as shampoo and body wash.
  • You can add peppermint or tea tree essential oil to make it smell better. Both these essential oil are also anti bug.
  • Sulphur bar soaps from Amazon. Sulphur is drying be aware and does smell like Sulphur!

Above shampoo works because it goes deep into hair follicles.

I would also make a body spray with hydrogen peroxide and borax and spray your body after bathing. Just keep it around. Look on Earth Clinic for proportion. I believe it's 10 percent hydrogen peroxide, 10 per cent borax to solution.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by MissM (NY) on 12/17/2020

This remedy makes sense to me. Turpentine has same smell similar to tea tree oil that also kills mites.

A bath with tea tree oil could work as well.

Eye mites can be killed with the following tea tree, peppermint and lavender essential oil.

A scabies remedy could consist of bubble bath with turpentine and the above essential oils, and borax!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by MissM (NY) on 12/19/2020

I got ivermectin from my doctor, because of serious eye mites. Ask your doctor for treatment. You must take this twice at least. Kills bugs first go, but then a couple weeks later you need to dose for eggs babies.

There are several threads about getting rid of these types of bugs. You can take a pinch of borax in warm water five days on, then on day off. Neem capsules, not neem liquid which is toxic internally. Di limolene gel capsules. Both of these are anti bugs.

You won't get rid of them if you aren't scrupulous about washing your clothes, and bed linens everyday with borax, detergent and high heat. If you don't you will get reinfected.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 04/27/2021

Read Ted's Remedies, Top Natural Remedies for Scabies (

my seed for the day, hoping for a harvest in my own health.

Manure + Borax Bath
Posted by Dee A. (Canada) on 05/13/2019

May 2019 -

Dear friends...I have suffered from a severe case of Scabies for 2 years.

Quite by accident I've come across a fast track cure. Here is my story... I went to the local hardware store and purchased supplies for gardening... seeds, fertilizer, sheep manure etc. The sheep manure stack at the hardware had some busted bags.

I selected the best bag I could find. It was heavy so I held it close to my body and lifted it into my cart. Two hours later I returned home and to my horror found Scabies had come out of my skin and were concentrated all around my chest and stomach area. The scent of the sheep manure had gotten on my shirt from lifting the bag and they are attracted to the scent. I took a lint roller to my skin then went for a borax bath. It is my opinion that this is a fast track method to eradicating them. Open a bag of manure outside...lay a shirt on the bag until you feel the shirt has picked up the scent then put it on for a couple of hours. Lint roller and see how many you collect. Do this outside please as this is manure.

You don't want to shed Scabies in your home either. After lint rolling your skin, head for a bath that kills what remains. Keep doing this until they are all gone.

Bitter Melon
Posted by Nan (Usa) on 06/20/2020

How much bitter melon, and for how long did you take it? Thanks.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Linda (San Miguel De Allende, Mx ) on 07/18/2017

I gave this info once before when I found it worked so well, but still don't see it here in the cure options.
I tried lots of things and especially from this site. Including the cayenne you mentioned. (That was interesting.) OK, what works is a hair dryer, hot and as long as you can take it. You feel them die. The live red goes away. I think for 2 or 3 years I was still worried, every little itch, the hair dryer came out. You have to keep doing it as there must be eggs and maybe places you miss.

Good news - I am completely free of them and what a relief! Normal life again. I realize this would be difficult with children.
I thought of this because we use clothes dryers to kill them. This method works!

Clove Oil
Posted by Just One Seabird (Maryland) on 03/17/2024

You can see some species of Demodex with the naked eye. There are far more than the two that doctors mention [brevis and folliculorum], and they ARE host switchers, you CAN get them from animals.

You can also see Cheyletiella parasitovorax with the naked eye, and they too can host switch to humans. Doctors tend to disbelieve this, but ask a vet, or a professional pet sitter, or a pet rescuer. THEY know.

So yes, some mites can be seen on towels and clothing. Please don't kick people when they're down, it's unkind and totally unnecessary.

Hair Dryer
Posted by Linda (Florida ) on 04/24/2018

I am glad to hear you have tried the hairdryer. For me, I used it as hot as I could - until I couldn't stand any more and the skin was red. There was never any damage to me.

I tried everything I ever heard of, for some years. The hair dryer worked! Just keep using it whenever you have an itch. Maybe every day for a while. It works! I don't know how you get kids to do it though. Maybe a little at a time.

Hope the kids are OK and you don't have to worry about them.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tdk (San Francisco, Ca) on 10/05/2014


My boyfriend and I have been attempting to treat scabies at home over the past 2+ months. We have tried borax and hydrogen peroxide baths, borax scrubs, benedryl, and topical hydrogen peroxide, hydorcortisone and witch hazel. All of these may bring some sort of mild, temporary relief, but definitely not a cure. We are still suffering with the underlying symptoms and signs of small red and clear fluid-filled bumps, intense itching that is often worse at night, and even open sores and bruising likely from incessant, mindless itching.

I have researched and would be open at this point to prescription medications, but most resources state that complete recovery is not often achieved even with repeated doses and I am not willing to use pesticides without the guarantee or even a high chance of success. Please help us find a way to put this misery behind us; we welcome any advice, tips and hope from your own similar experiences.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Glen (Fayetteville, Ar) on 06/30/2016

No, Robert Henry, not on me. I worked for the VA, and employees there were exposed to these scabies mites. As the Medical Librarian, I was asked to search for medical literature on them. That is how I got involved with the topic. I am in touch with several of those employees who apparently had the more severe Norwegian type and said they were having difficulty eradicating them. However, I will pass your sauna suggestion on to them and any others who contact me.

Clove Oil
Posted by Just One Seabird (Maryland) on 03/17/2024

Parasites are becoming resistant to insecticides. Lice resist permethrin, and farmers are finding that ivermectin no longer works on mange mites.

Physicians don't actually know everything. Search "medical gaslighting", "Morgellons, a filamentous borrelial dermatitis", and "Host switching" and you will discover just how much they don't know.

Bleach and Water
Posted by John (Montana) on 12/01/2021

Haha. Stay in a motel. I love it


Bleach and Water
Posted by linda (alabama) on 04/26/2021 10 posts

My son brought scabies home from staying in a hotel room!!! Hell no!

Bleach and Water
Posted by Cc (Washington Dc) on 09/08/2017

this is what worked for me after going batty. for me no symptoms for a month so thought I was clear. permethrin made it much worse, severe reaction. mine didn't look like internet pics at first so hubby and 1 doc didn't diagnose; pediatrician wouldn't let us in her office but did diagnosis positive. both docs gave Rx. Tea tree oil worked for my son.

dyna gro neem oil hot baths, kleen free spraying after baths, tea tree oil or kleen free dabs on itching

1 use linens, towels, clothes and extra 30 minutes in dryer for wet laundry; only 30 minutes for clean laundry/ linens (takes 20 minutes high heat to kill the mite and dryer cools down the last 10 minutes of cycle).mite proof mattress and pillow encasements- Bedical brand

massive cleaning of course, storing lots of extra things especially fabrics, dehumidifier especially in the storage room,

after treating for a couple of weeks and extremely dry skin (humidity keeps them alive so didn't want any lotion) started using grape seed oil with tea tree oil after bath and continued with kleen free spot spraying through day. This and the guided imagery was such a relief.

** Listened to guided imagery- was critical for resilience and physical healing- I fell asleep to it- free at podcasts for immune system, stress, pain, sleep.

steam cleaning (a real hot steam cleaner, not just hot water), carpets and upholstered furniture, dunked the cat in a Kleen free bath (which she took in stride, pets can carry them like a rug even though the mites don't bite them) and DE powder (with masks because of superfine powder can aggravate breathing even though it's non toxic) on carpets and places we couldn't steam clean right before leaving for vacation for a week (I believe I was scabies free by then and just suffering from side effects of Rx, super hot drying baths, etc, but brought new mattress encasement and my own bedding, furniture covers and cleaned with kleen free)

also used sulfur and mineral soap and shampoo on myself and son, but not sure how they figured into cure

I'm very fortunate to have been able to afford all these things, and lucky our vacation timed with needing to get out of the house. If you can't do all of these I'd say to: use clothes and linens once only before cleaning or drying, 30 minutes drying already dry linens and clothes, storage of extra things, dusting and vacuuming your butt off, kleen free and dehumidifyer, and the Free guided imagery. Tea tree oil hot baths (Radha is good quality and value on amazon) and sulfur soap worked for my son but not me. I also drank Lots of water and more veggies, vitamin C

sending love and wishing you and yours health and comfort

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by linda (alabama) on 04/24/2021 10 posts

Yes, these mites hate heat .I was thinking to go to a stand up tanning bed? Permethrin. Never works. I've been taking hot baths with clove oil tee tree oil & Lavender essentials oils. I feel better for a while but then I feel them bite me again. I'm so fed up! I'm depressed, my son brought them home a year ago. Went to dermatologist she gave me permitherin and Ivermectin pills. I thought they were gone? Nope, I moved out with my son to Alabama They came back in March 2020 The dermatologist here was a bitch. Sshe was not interested in curring me They did mostly surgical procedures no money in curing me!! Drs don't help. Going to try the borax treatment/ I think my son's dog has mites too .this could be the problem I have treated him with mange dips and expensive shampoo! I'm beside myself now! Doing all the laundry in very hot water and let them soak in it for 30 min or more I spray my sheets with the essential oils and alcohol! Please someone HELP ME!!

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 12/26/2013

Hey EarthDweller!

Some friends of mine swear by Freedom 45 - pyrethrin based.

Google "freedom 45 scabies" for a Topix discussion that may give you ideas as well.

Because parasite are attracted to the energy from a weakened immune system, do consider Mike's advise for nutritional supplements to take to help you heal from the inside out.

If you are constantly being reinfected, you may have to step up your cleaning routine and spread borax powder about and leave it down to prevent the mites from establishing any new colonies or hiding spots in your home.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Earthdweller (Mo) on 12/26/2013

Thanks everyone for your thoughtful replies. Before I respond to the feedback you offered, let me provide a brief update.

When I returned home on Christmas day I was itching pretty badly. I reviewed the various things I've tried and paused when I came to sulfur+olive oil. I remember reading how sulfur has been used as a scabies cure for over a 1000 years. So why didn't work I asked myself. Sulfur+DMSO didn't work very well and neither did any thing else with sulfur.

Since I do get some relief (tho not a cure) from coconut oil, I decided to mix 1 cup of coconut oil with 1 Tblsp sulfur powder. I spread the light yellow liquid onto two of the worst places and no stinging. Did that 2 more times, never any stinging so I did entire body.

I felt much relief when I came out of the bathroom. Was able to get 3.5 hrs of sleep before awakening to itching. But visual inspection showed many areas looked much better. I know it's gonna require relentless repetition as sulfur only kills the adult mites. When the next batch of eggs hatch there better be plenty of sulfur on the skin surface to greet them.

I feel better and arms are really improving. Have used the coconut oil + sulfur twice now, about to go in for another shower. I also re-coated some itchy spots couple of hrs ago. The coconut oil seems to do a much better job of getting the sulfur into the skin. I'm going to keep after the 'lil buggers and eventually there will be no more to hatch.

Now onto your feedback.

Tom from TX: My friend suggested kerosine, and I tried it on a spot. Didn't seem to help. Tea Tree oil has a turpentine element in it as well, but didn't really work for me either. I have heard about the Cedarcide, but need to google it to get details. I don't have enough bandwidth for YouTube here at the house, but will definitely see what it has to offer when I go into town next. Thanks much for suggestions.

Tg from AL: Thanks for the tip on getting Ivermectn at farm supply stores. I'll check into that on next visit to one.

Mike 62: I've heard of kefir but don't know much about it. Is it a fermented process? Again, an excellent suggestion I will look into further. Thank you for your input!

Robert Henry: You're absolutely right, it will take persistence to kill all the newly hatched bugs since the sulfur only kills adults and as you point out there will be successive waves of new bugs to kill. Right now there are so many its just a matter of hours between waves, based on how often the severe itching occurs. I'll be more hopeful if I continue to see improvement and the time between waves gets longer and longer. It might even be worth considering full shower + treatment when I feel the need to itch. But doing so also implies much more laundering and I am already doing that almost non-stop now. I was prescribed the exact same steroid you mentioned, but it is all gone now. It definitely helps to stop the itching, but read elsewhere it has some bad side affects, so for now I will avoid it. Hot water is 155 degrees into washer. Cools to 122 just as agitator starts cycle. So I add 1 or two large pots of boiling water to raise it back up to 140 degrees or more.

Theresa: I agree. I intend to check into the info Mike wrote about. Don't know about the colostrum tho. I know what that is, it most certainly would be good to take, but not sure where to get it. I'll ask about it at farm supply on next visit. I gotta say tho that it does kindof put me off, like eating bugs & cows brains do.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply with your wonderful and positive input.

EarthDweller still hanging in there...

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Tg (Al) on 12/28/2013

Seems to me that heat is the way to go, it's a matter of how to do it if you don't have access to a sauna. Could you use a hair dryer?

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Earthdweller (Mo) on 01/07/2014

Theresa: the coconut + sulfur treatments don't really smell much. The coconut oil really smothers the sulfur stink. After the oil is absorbed the sulfur is left on the dry skin. It does smell some then, but not very much. I have noticed a very mild sulfur smell on the clothes when they come out of the dryer, but not strong at all.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Dianne (Idaho) on 04/27/2021

duramectin ivermectin paste for sale on Amazon.

You need to know how to use it though. Obviously, it doesn't give directions for human consumption.

This will help you:

Ivermectin Horse Paste info on COVID - Bing video

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Kevin (New York) on 10/15/2013

I have been batteling scabies for the past few months and finally borax and h202 are working. I have read a ton about alkalizing on this website and have started drinking sodium bicarb mixtures with Apple Cider Vinegar and lemon/lime juice. I have also read Ted's pH balance book... My question refers to the diet portion. If I can't eat fruit or dairy, and have to drastically cut down on my meat and other carbs, WHAT THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO EAT? If anyone with knowledge on this can give me more specific information about what to eat instead of what to stay away from it would be greatly appreciated. I'm a 25 year old male, thought I was healthy before this scabies event, it has showed me that I have to change a lot about my life, I don't want to loose weight.

Bleach and Water
Posted by Toni (Kansas City,mo) on 04/16/2014

I started today with a spray bottle on my arms and will let you know after a few days with my results...never had this..I think it came from someone that came into my home with it... and I am so clean..grrr and I too got the Perm treatment from my doctor and still did not help or maybe its just around this person that comes and visit me I may have to let that person know YOU OUT OF HERE lol

General Feedback
Posted by Om (Hope, Canada, B.c.) on 02/25/2013

For scabies, take PSORINUM homeopathic remedy. It will do away with it in half an hour. Strength is 30C. You can order it from a good health food store or phone a homeopath and ask where you can get it. Cost $8 or thereabouts. It has helped me. First I had gone to an allopathic doctor. He gave me a medicine which, when applying, made my aura black! (this happens also to plants when given pesticides). When I read the info. of the package, I nearly got a fit! It can cause cancer! It cost $80!!!

You can also buy colloidal silver water and sponge your entire body. In my experience no bug on or under the skin can survive this remedy. For bedbugs it is unequalled. Hey, you'll both be fine. Om

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Candice (Chicago, Il) on 02/11/2013

Scabies: Infrared heat lamp, poke root, sulfur cream/zinc oxide cream

I had this for two months thinking it was herpes given the location! And all those cures were not working. I was taking lysine, gave up coffee and nuts and it got worse and more rashlike until it finallly showed the tail tale signs of scabies (red rash in lines)

so I had some compana cream (zinc oxide iron oxide in petroleum base). I put that on it and if felt great! so then I got some sulfur soap (it was designed for acne) and bathed with that. I would let the soap sit there for a few minutes before washing off. I also happened to have black walnut powder, poke root, and cloves so I made a tea and splashed that on after the sulfur soap bath.

Then I used the infrared heat lamp on the spot. This felt great and I think helped considerably. I then covered it with coconut oil 3 days in a row. then I would put the zinc oxide cream on it every night. the last few days before it was gone completely I added some flower of sulfur powder to the zinc oxide cream. (you could use petroleum and sulfur, and you can find sulfur at a pharmacy or garden supply. It must be pure sulfur and is also called flower of sulfur, it is a yellow powder)

The first day it was more red but no pain or itching so I kept going.
The second day it was much much better.
I stopped with the tea mixture after 3 days (I made one batch and used it 3 days). it was almost gone for 4 more days (it kinda had a few bumps and they seemed to move to different area each day) so I mixed some flower of sulfur I had for my garden in with the zinc oxide campana cream. and kept up with the 5 minute DAILY infrared heat lamp treatment. My reasoning to try this was that someone said here that the mites died at 120 degrees. This is a spot heat treatment. and I am happy to report after having it two months once I started this treatment, after ONE WEEK it is completely GONE! Just in case, I also moved my sleeping area about have way through this process I slept on a couch one night and on a different couch the rest of the time. And also made sure I did not leave dirty cloths in my room.

Thanks everyone! And Thanks earthclinic!

Clove Oil
Posted by Dana (Brisbane, Australia) on 06/11/2014

Suseeq, I went on to eBay and found one brand beginning with "S" available in Australia and another wild oregano oil from the US, the latter arrived within 2 weeks. There are liquid drops available but if you use them under your tongue, you would not be happy.

Clove Oil
Posted by Itchyncville (Charlottesville, Virginia) on 10/27/2013

Sorry I did not reply sooner. As of today, I have been cured from the scabies mite, Thank God. The nites of endless scratching are over. Everytime I feel something crawling, I say oh my god, they are back. Thank God they aren't. How long have you had them?

Epsom Salts
Posted by Rebel (Usa) on 08/15/2013

I had or may even still have some kind of buggers that got on me while cutting grass more than five years ago. And I am not sure that they got on me or was drawn out of my own body( Maybe they live in our gut, I don't know for sure , because I am not sure what these things are ) They could be Canndidda, Parasites, Mites I just don't know for sure. I won't even take time to tell what all I have taken, that helped some. What I will share with you is what worked best! Hairever Scalp Therapy rubbed onto my forearms ( where they were ) Thank goodness not in my hair. Anyway I would get black specks that would come from my skin and it would help for a while. I pretty much thought I had them contained , but not cured all the way. They would re-appear and I would rub them down again.

Well, by accident while treating some other things I started to take Cayenne Pepper! Started slowly with like 30,000 Heat units , like 1/8 teaspoon in some V-8. Worked my way up to a full teaspoon after awhile. I started to notice that more and more black specks was coming out of my arms when I would rub them with the scalp therapy. After about a month of this my arms begin to clear alot. Best out of all the remedies that I had tried. I still have an occasional one rise up (usually has a white head on it ) and a few and I mean just a few black specks come out now. I use to have bunches of the white heads and black specks. This helped me the most.

If these thing are blood born or somehow get into the bloodstream as TED thinks they might be. Then you will have to kill them internally as well as externally.


Hydrogen Peroxide, Anti- Itch Cream, Whitening Toothpaste
Posted by Jason (Newport News, Va, Usa) on 08/29/2012

I have had the 'bug' for almost 7 months before locating this site. When my symptoms first appeared, I was unsure if I was just losing my mind. I went to the doc's and they had no idea at first.... (odd if you think about it..... Med school for 12 yrs to open a business called a "Practice"). I didn't feel like being a guinea pig, but the itch was unbearable! I've read many of the articles/comments from others and came to the conclusion something was going to done soon. The "bleach/peroxide" cure didn't pan out, the "oils" were just too costly, And all the others were just a "hocus pocus" form of treatments. I did some more reasearch, spoke to a few peeps and was steered in the right direction after spending countless hours awake scratching till I bled at night!

Heres the cure:



3.APPLY AN ANTI-ITCH CREAM (allow time to penetrate skin)



I know this sounds crazy! But after doing this for 3 days the symptoms associated with the 'scabies bug' ceased! The itch is gone, the healing happens rapidly, and I can sleep at night again!

After you've applied the toothpaste to the area, be sure to leave it on until the next day. Wash it off with warm water and soap. Re-apply at night and follow process for a few days. You'll be amazed at the results!

After going to the doctors numerous times for them to prescribe me.... Cures...... which never worked and cost me a fortune, this is a cheap cure for scabies!

Let me think about the costs....hmm...

Permethrin Cream..$120


Permethrin is crap and costly! Doctors know nothing! They pump you full of drugs to see which works best!

This is a cure for me...... Toothpaste........ A whitening paste! You have a cool, tingling sensation after applying it, and sleep like hound dog!

Try it and add comments to this lovely and 'cheap cure for scabies'!!!!!!

Castor Oil
Posted by Jayne (London, Uk) on 08/25/2012

I had a rash on my arm for a while and was mis-diagnosed with eczema and allergies for a while before the doctor agreed it might be scabies. The itching since spread everywhere, and two doses of Permethrin haven't made much difference. So I decided to try some oils.

I slathered castor oil all over me, and before long little black specks started coming out of my pores. Scary at first, and yes it hurts slightly, as if lots of splinters are coming out. I also got tiny, clear, round grains of hard sandy stuff, along with amber versions of the same thing, tiny egg-shaped things and larger egg-shaped things. Very disturbing indeed. I know that some people will say that this is Morgellens, but at the moment I'm choosing to believe that these are various stages of mites and their droppings and eggs. Some other websites comfirm this, and one of my GPs said that they've heard of this happening with scabies.

So I figured that it's all much better out than in and I'm continuing to do it. I'm also using olive oil or coconut oil sometimes, they seems to work too, although I'm thinking that castor oil, as a thicker oil is probably smothering the little creatures more, and I think I'm seeing slightly more stuff come out when I use it.

After doing it a few times I am feeling some relief today, (although I'm by no means cured). This could be because there is less stuff inside irritating me, or simply because my skin is more moisturised, but I'm going to continue with this because it seems to be working.

I've also tried diatomaceous earth, which didn't work, sadly, even when I mixed it with grapeseed oil. I am drinking it though, 1 tsp in water each day, but I'm not sure that drinking it is effective for scabies, which isn't a stomach-related parasite.

And bleach baths also didn't seem to do much, although they did clear some burrows under my fingernail. I was pleasantly surprised by that! But don't seem to help other than that.

I also tried hydrogen peroxide and borax mixed with water. Also didn't work. Tea tree oil provides some temporary relief, and I bought some clove oil, but I'm reallly too scared to put it on my skin, even mixed heavily with oil.

I guess different things work for different people. Will carry on with the oils and report back.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mel (Newton, Kansas, United States) on 08/08/2012

If you're looking here, I don't have to tell you, the conventional treatment for scabies is very toxic and should be avoided; in addition, there are permethrin-resistant scabies, but no essential-oil-resistant scabies. I just wanted to add my experience, because this website was such an incredible blessing at a very scary time. It took a week or longer to identify the scabies on my 6 y.o. daughter; intially, we thought chiggers, misquitoes or fleas. Then, the trails showed up and I knew (I direct a residential placement and shelter for homeless/runaway teens, so I am familiar with scabies--still, it took a while to identify! ). She NEVER got them between her fingers or around her waist; instead, behind her knee, around her neck, behind her ears and on one hip.

The first day was 16 hours straight of deep cleaning (instructions follow). Normally, only bedding and clothing is washed, but I had one day off of work to knock it out. I used the collective wisdom found here and on other websites, and this is what we did:

for my affected daughter, I rubbed her down with the following (each seperately, in this order):

* Alcohol-based hand sanitizer;
* Lavender oil;
* Extra Virgin Coconut oil (edible, not a beauty product)--into which I mixed lavender oil and tea tree oil;
* Tea tree oil;
* Let sit x 30 min, then had her soak in a hot bath with Borax (in the laundry detergent aisle).

For the rest of my un-affected family, I rubbed us down with the Coconut Oil/Lavender oil/ Tea Tree oil mixture, let sit x 30 min. , then soaked in the Borax bath.

For my affected daughter, I treated her 3 x the first day (I only used the hand sanitizer the first time, as I am not a fan of this stuff). I let it soak over night. She was scrubbed down the next morning. For days 2-4 she was treated morning and night, but I no longer scrubbed her down. I added orange oil on the 2nd day (didn't have it the first day). I put tea tree directly on the affected areas, then covered her with a Coconut Oil/Tea Tree/Orange Oil/ Lavender mixture. (My husban is a functional medicine doc, and said there is no advantage to the seperate layers--he says folks just buy into more complicated procedures! )

In addition, Day 1: I vacuumed all soft surfaces, washed all bedding in the household, swept and vacuumed hardwood/tile floors, used bleach-water on all hardwood/tile floors, wrapped my affected daughter's matress in heavy plastic sheeting and duct tape, put all soft toys/pillows through the washer/dryer OR through a hot dryer OR in a bag in the freezer. Also, I set my vacuum out doors x 3 days (after I emptied it at the outside dumpster), changed my affected daughters bedding nightly for 4 nights, frequently put tea tree oil on the affected sites (on my daughter). In addition, I frequently sprayed pillows, soft furniture, curtains and matresses down with a water-based solution with approx. 30 drops each of lavendar, orange oil, and tea tree oil--put with 16 oz. Of water in a spray bottle, shake before use. (I've been asked if it stained--I did not notice any stains.)

The itching does continue for a while, but the 'sores' looked better by the 2nd day. I did let my daughter use benadryl nightly for itching x 3-4 days. She liked being rubbed down! We talked about it being like a spa. Note: the only places I did not rub her down were her face and the soles of her feet! I wish you all the best!!!

Bleach and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/05/2012

Wayseeker: and I have had great success with only coconut oil.

Bleach and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 10/05/2012

Coconut Oil all over. Easy peasy, non-toxic if they lick it, no prescription needed, smells yum, and apply as often as you like. Coconut oil smothers the mites and heals the spots. First few times you may want to bathe them 30-60 minutes afterwards, as black flecks will come out noticeably. Also, lemon juice works wonders on any bumps without broken skin, as in a lemon wedge.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sheba (Gold Beach , Oregon) on 03/24/2012

Scabies: what I did was bathe in borax 1 cup and hydrogen peroxide 1 cup, also made a paste of borax & h.p. and scrubbed my whole body in hottest water I could take. After reading everythig on this site I compiled my own attack. After the bath in about a cup &1/2 liquid soap add approx. 7-10 each drops peppermint oil teatree oil clove oil any citrus oil eucaliptus oil lavender oil, oregano oil. Take soap-oil mixture rub it ALL over body, sit in tub for 5-7 minutes ( no water in tub ) Do the face and scalp also. Filled tub up to rinse off and shapoo hair After drying off applied mixture of all the oils mentioned above with coconut oil all over. Thanks all you were a tremendous help. God bless P. S. This was a full frontal assault.

Essential Oils
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 02/08/2022

The immune system theory is partially correct. The other thing is, it might not be scabies! You may have an oak leaf itch mite. Just as bad, but you can actually see them. They are cream colored and half the size of a straight pin head. If you run your lint roller across the bed and get cream specks on it, more than likely that's what it is. Natural Genesis confirmed you cannot see scabies. They said Kleen Green only kills the mites it sprays; it doesn't kill any newcomers. So, you have to keep up with the washing/drying/vacuuming every day. Talk about the definition of insanity!

Prescription Medications
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 12/21/2015

HI U KATHY, , , , , , , , , , usually the farm supply stores have the 10 % Ivermectin for animal treatment. No prescription is required. That is where we buy our powdered MSM and DMSO.


Prescription Medications
Posted by Nancy (Sc) on 01/30/2016


Ivermectin only worked for a few days and then I actually got a worse case scabies 4 days later. If you are going to use it, also do permethrin cream covering scalp to feet.

Clove Oil
Posted by Njnit (Newark, Nj) on 12/08/2011

I think I contracted scabies from a chair that was given to me. I tossed that chair in the trash and ran to my doctor who prescribed permethrin. It seemed to work well and I was bite free for about 3 weeks and then started getting bites again, although no where near as bad as the first time. I seem to have stopped it from spreading this time by applying a mixture of coconut oil, clove oil, neem oil, and tea tree oil. Of course, I am cleaning my home thoroughly with a 50/50 bleach mixture and washing my clothing/bedding/towels with borax. I have also been using a scrub made from citrus soap and borax in the shower.

I mixed a big batch of oil and apply it two or three times daily all over my body. (My husband says I smell like a spice rack.)

I use:

8 oz coconut oil

1 oz clove oil

4 dropper fulls neem oil

.5 oz tea tree oil

I also added two heaping teaspoons of sulfur powder.

(I bought everything online.)

The oil warms the skin almost as if you applied "icy hot" or some other muscle relaxing cream. I like it but, others may find it too hot in which case you may want to lessen the amount of clove oil.

The neem oil and sulfur smell awful, but the other oils mask the smell. Based on what I have read on this site, I will probably add some orange oil to the mixture for good measure.

It's too soon to say that I'm cured, but I seem to have stopped it from spreading. Although no one else in my family has caught this, I'm going to begin treating them with a milder version of the killer oil. Better to be safe than sorry!

Good luck all!

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Bitemenot (Radcliff, Ky) on 11/30/2011

-DAY 1 of treatment,

-Acute infestation, possibly under a week, 3 people (one is a 3yr old), two adults showing signs of infestation.

So about two weeks ago a friend of my wife possibly brought over some friends of her own (scabies). Though her friend claims it is psoriasis all of the indicators point to scabies. All of the girls friends within the last few months have broken out with a rash. Now two weeks after the girl spends the night on our couch, my wife is diagnosed with scabies and two days later I am. It started as just a few bumps we assumed were a reaction to an antibiotic, then it spread, waving and waning. Thighs, then hips, then back, then legs, now face. Then we found out about the girls other friends breaking out. I immediately began research upon my wifes diagnosis, spent roughly 12 hours of straight research.

Her doctor prescribed her Ivermectin, , my doctor did as well, I am not real fond of the idea of using such a powerful pesticide like chemical in my body. Besides, we have a 3 year old and we are sure not putting it in her , so we are exploring safer alternatives first.

Although I was hesitant to bathe (and my wife is extremely sceptical) with Borax, which some places inisist is toxic. I decided it couldnt be any less safe externally bathing in the stuff than digesting/metabolizing pesticide.

Tonight I soaked for about 30 minutes in a bath(super hot) of a little more than half a cup of borax and a bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide (walmart didnt have the 35%). Letting each different part of my body soak for 10 minutes at a time, legs, chest/back neck, face /head/scalp. BTW I did spot test the Borax as I suggest anyone do before spreading/bathing with a unfamiliar chemical across a large surface area of your body. I just started showing epidermal indicators (bumps) today and my wife 3 days ago, so I do not believe our infestation to be to severe. We are cleaning the house thoroughly with the Borax as well. My daughter was a little itchy last night, but otherwise exhibits no signs at the moment.

The original suspected carrier continues to proclaim to be diagnosed with psoriasis or egzima, with recent visit to hospital (ER), and months ago by a dermatologist.

I'll keep yall updated on the effectiveness of treatment.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Teena (Kelowna, Bc Canada ) on 12/22/2011

Use Kleen Green it is an enzyme cleaner all natural product it works. Lookup company on website! It will get rid of scabies & many other infestations.

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide, Noxzema
Posted by Michelle (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 09/20/2011

I want to start by saying I believe I got it from my dog. I have read numerous sites that say you cannot catch it from your pet but I do NOT believe it. My dog started losing its fur, and scratching herself bloody. After two trips to the vet, they said she had allergies. About two weeks after her itching began, so did mine. The vet prescribed various creams, pads, medicines, and special food to help with her "allergies. " As her itching got worse, so did mine so I began using Benedryl spray, cream and many other "itch-relief" medicines... None of which worked for very long. I was awakened every night about 2:00am with INTENSE itching. I was scratching so hard and so much, I was covered with bruises in between all of my bumps. One night I woke up with hives as well. I graduated to tea-tree oil and Noxema rubs, then after finding this site, onto Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide soaks. During this time, my dog was so miserable, she was going crazy with the itching so I took her to the NVASPCA. They diagnosed her with Mange! I went to the Dr. and got a dose of Permethrin Cream.

I did my dose of Perm a few days ago, and am now making a "scrub" on my wash rag with Lavendar soap and 1/4 Borax. Then I rinse off and squirt Hydrogen Peroxide on my wet body and dab dry. I carry Peroxide in a spray bottle and use when necessary. It does burn so I think it is working and I was at a point where burning was better than itching so I keep using it. At night, my hubby rubs me down with Noxzema, from top to bottom, with a deep massage to work it in real good. I feel I am on the road to recovery. I am sleeping through the night, and not itching as much during the day. My bumps are starting to get dry little "heads" on them. I have washed everything... HOT with Borax, and I vacuum the hell out of my carpet. I hope and pray this is it!

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide, Noxzema
Posted by Mcsdj (London, Uk) on 03/02/2012

I got scabies after weeks thinking it was hard water from moving to the UK. It got to the point where I became suspect after developing some bumps on my penis. I thought maybe my new girlfriend had given me an STD. Went to the doctor, he thought it was Herpes but I was skeptical as I trusted her that she was telling the truth about her sexual history. I did much research and found I exhibited all the symptoms of Scabies. I went to the doctor who prescribed me a cream but turns out it was discontinued in the UK and no where to be found. I came to the US as I had some family matters to deal with and could not let this stop me. I got the cream here thank god however I have read this website back to front multiple times and thought to combine measures.

Last night was my first treatment as follows:

Hot bath in Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide, splash of listerine, body lotion, and lemon juice. The lemon juice stung like a bitch but it definitely raised all of my burrows to then dive back into the bath

I used NIX on my scalp

after the bath, I airdryed. Then, I applied the cream all over my body. when that dried, I applied a hair gel and borax paste.

Now I wait. Today, I feel allright. The bumps are red but not itchy at all. I haven't had the need to scratch since my bath but the recurrence posts and leaving me paranoid. Today I was finally able to get my hands on Clove Oil, Tea Tree Oil, and Eucalyptus Soap with Tea Tree Oil. Tonight, I plan on doing the following while scrubbing out the 24 hour cream...

hot bath with borax and hydrogen peroxide

lemon juice application

readmister bath with the soap

once airdried, applying a mix of the Clove and Tea Tree Oil mixed in with body lotion

I'll keep you all posted as to my progression here as it seems this is a battle where we as sufferers need to stick together. This shit SUCKS.
