Natural Remedies

Natural Approaches for Scabies: Exploring Effective Remedies

Essential Oils
Posted by Itchyface (Orange County, California) on 03/05/2009

I am new to this scabies thing. But the things that worked really well for me. Is the Peppermint "Oil", Lavender oil, Neem oil, with base of olive, vegetable or avocado oil. Within a couple days it's worked.

Posted by Not So Itchy Guy (Indianapolis, Indiana) on 09/08/2009

I was first diagnosed with scabies a year ago this month. I went to the doctor and they gave me permethrin cream. I was told to apply it the same way that you were, neck down, leave it on over night and shower it off in the morning. I followed the directions exactly as they told me, even re-applied two weeks later. The scabies never went away completely. I went back to the doctor and they gave me more permethrin. It didn't seem to really be working for me, although I have heard that it does for others.

In doing some research I came across several remedies that others are offering up as what worked for them. The simplest and most natural way that I have had success with has been using 10% sulfur soap, from the drug store. As soon as I used it the first time I noticed a HUGE difference. In the four areas of my body where they are showing the lesions seemed to diminish as well as the itching was lessened. The sulfur kills the scabies mite, but not the eggs so a couple months using this soap is what is recommended.

It's very simple, twice a day you get in the shower, make the water as hot as you can stand it, then get a wash rag and take the soap and build up a good lather with it. Apply the soapy rag to the affected areas of your skin and scrub it in. They recommend you do this twice a day until the rash disappears and then after it's gone you should do it at least once a week for a couple of months. This is what I have been doing and I have to tell you that it's really working for me and the best part is that it's very simple and very accessible for most people by going to the local drug store or even ordering it online. Good luck and I hope this will help someone.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Granny (Miami, Florida, United States) on 02/03/2009

Scabies cure: Keep keyboard & kitchen area mist sprayed with 91% alcohol or white vinegar. Mist spray tub & shower after each use with diluted clorax half & half. Put all clothing & bedding in twist tie garbage bags till washed,dry all materials BONE dry on high daily. Sprinkle furniture & carpet lightly with 20 mule team borax ( use seasoning bottle with holes ). Plastic cover mattress, spray with diluted clorax wipe dry in 1/2 hour. For cold water wash use Washing Soda 1/4 cup ( handle with care read label ) mixed with 1/4 cup borax plus regular detergent etc.

Smear from head to soles of feet with Petroleum Jelly avoid eyes, nose, mouth, after about 1-2 hours, will start to itch intensely, they're suffocating, this lasts about 2 hours. In morning shower good any bite feeling you have dab w/PJ,within about 6 hours biting should be all gone, slight post itch is commom though, continue spraying etc for 4-5 days, bless you and good luck

Posted by Lucy (NY, NY) on 01/23/2009

Vinegar half & half water all over your body, note you will experience some sensitivity on skin, after rinse with vinegar, do a Peppermint Soap, like Dr. Woods, with anything else in the Soap is fine, an exfoliating soap also does the trick!, then put baby oil with Lavender all over your skin, everyday! Vinegar can also be used in laundering with hot water & ammonia mixed in... that will do, steam all your rugs, curtains, bed, pillows, then put plastic on the mattresses & pillows, then place your bed linen over, or the memory foam beds are totally resistant to all mites... trust me this will help, & eventually make your life free of those horrid creatures! God Bless & Good Luck!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Frustrated (Central TX) on 09/19/2021

If you don't see bites, it is probably the permethrin that leaves you with alot of itching. It is a neurotoxin. You unfortunately will have this for a few months depending on how long you used permethrin. Your skin will heal with time. Use Dove soap or any other gentle non sulfates and moisturize!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Alisa (Iasi) on 08/27/2023

The white "mites" you see are your own epithelial cells. It makes sense, since scabies dig through skin.

I found out after being called crazy by the dermatologist (he didn't think I had scabies), but I insisted for him to check under microscope AND to send me to a lab for test.

Everything was paid by myself, in a country with free access to medical care.

Antibacterial Soap
Posted by Jonathan (Utah) on 11/18/2023

The anti-bacterial soap will help with inflammation only. And while that will provide some relief, it will not kill the scabies. Not even close.

Indigo's Scabies Remedies
Posted by Indigo (Sacramento, California) on 09/05/2008

For the person being plagued by SCABIES - I had something like scabies (never did figure out exactly what, the doctor was useless on this). I can suggest a few things that worked for me. Get some green plastic garbage bags and white plastic garbage bags. The clothing that comes off of your body goes directly into the green garbage bag to be washed after one wearing, likewise your towel after one use. Store clean clothing out of the dryer in the white garbage bags until you put them on. Keep the bags sealed and separated. Wash your body and hair with Meat Tenderizer mixed in your water and shampoo (you can just mix in your hand before soaping up). Get the unseasoned meat tenderizer so you don't end up smelling like garlic. The papain in the meat tenderizer dissolves the exoskeleton of the bugs and they die. This also works for fleas for animals. Rinse thoroughly - it will leave your skin and hair nice and soft. You can get a large (almost 3 pound) dispenser of tenderizer online for around 20 bucks from Spice Place. Cheaper on the whole than small containers from the grocery store. Also change sheets and pillow cases every night. Wash clothes and linens in hot water and 1/2 cup bleach. Borax is also good - 1/2 cup for each load. Vacuum carpets and mattresses like crazy. Put your pillow through a hot dryer cycle. And this is very important - you need to change the internal terrain of your body, then parasites will not be attracted to you. Stop eating all forms of sugar and refined products, msg, artificial sweeteners and all junk food. Take a high potency multi and B vitamin complex. Drink hot water and lemon juice first thing every morning and a few more times during the day and before bed. Eat fresh food - lots of veggies. Coconut oil is also a great remedy for scabies. You can coat your skin before bed, even massage into your hair at night and shampoo in the morning. You'll be healthier in the long run and parasites will completely lose interest in you. Read the posts here on coconut oil - it seems like there are posts regarding scabies.

You can get rid of them. Best of luck.

Peppermint Soap for Scabies
Posted by Lisa (Brooklyn, NY) on 07/17/2008

Peppermint soap (Dr. Bronner's) works great to get rid of scabies. I tried Tea Tree oil among other things and nothing else worked, except hand sanitizer gel. But at the first sign of itchiness, I get out the peppermint soap.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Bobbie (Brooklyn, NY) on 07/16/2008

Tea Tree oil, after a bath of baking soda, cured my scabies. The prescription my doctor gave me made my scabies a lot worse so I decided to stop using it. The scabies burrows stung and itched so badly, so after taking a bath I applied tea tree oil on 5 cotton balls and whiped my body down. The itching is gone and my scabs are clean and no longer bleeding from all the previous scratching.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Zinc Oxide Ointment
Posted by Nancy (Tarpon Springs, FL) on 07/18/2008

Reponse to Nancy: Hydrogen Peroxide is a TOPICAL (to be used on the skin) antiseptic. You can use a diluted solution of it to rinse your MOUTH. You shouldn't have gotten a chemical burn from it. Perhaps you are allergic or hypersensitive or perhaps it was something else.

Acapulco Leaves
Posted by Run Scabies Run (Minneapolis, Mn) on 11/09/2010

I recently treated my 8 year old son... IT WORKS! My son was diagnosed 3 weeks ago and we learned Permethrin DOES NOT WORK. So I researched for 2 days and found this website. Here is what I did:


2)first layer with ORANGE OIL ($4. 99 from GNC),

3)second layer COCONUT OIL HAIR CONDITIONER ( $2 by Blue Magic),

4) third layer TEA TREE OIL ($2. 64 by Hollywood Beauty),

5) within 5 minutes the scabies literally crawled out by the hundreds (scary),

6) leave oil mix on skin for at least 30 minutes,

7) soak in shower and watch the mites run down the drain,

8) disinfect entire home,

9) Rinse and Repeat,

10) RELAX! ... Please follow these 10 easy steps and soon you will be posting the good news.

Acapulco Leaves
Posted by Lauren (Clearwater, Fl) on 12/05/2010

Ok my question is this, if scabies are microscopic how did you see them come crawling out of your skin after applying the oils? I was told that the only way to see scabies was on a microscope?

Acapulco Leaves
Posted by Andso (Portland, Oregon) on 02/25/2011

There is NO WAY to see VERY UNKIND to spread misinformation.. Shame! do not take this persons advice PLEASE.. You could harm your skin or worse :(

Acapulco Leaves
Posted by No More Scabies (Shreveport, Louisiana) on 08/29/2011

I know what you are going through! Here is my story. My son went on a mission trip and came home with scabies. Got the cream treated all family members, washed everything and a few weeks latter I had them from my back to my ankles I am talking everywhere!!! I was the only one that was invested. Went back to the doctor another round of cream! The bites continued for four months it was like I was chasing them all over my body! Tried the borax with peroxide baths twice a day, the anti bacteria lotions , neem oil, tea tree oil, olive oil, jergins lotion with lavender, orange oil, in it. Went through (4) tubes on prescription creams, wash everyday sleeping on a air mattress I felt like a crazy person Was so desperate to get rid of them that I ordered poke root and did that, if someone posted I tried it!

Finally could not take anymore, found a different dermatologist the first one did do a scraping and I did have scabies made a appointment the bites that I have been chasing was fungalitas basically all the oils that I have been putting on my skin got my hair follicles infected, yes they itched and looked just like scabies! He gave me a prescription of sulfur antibiotics, four days later no more bumps. I hope my story helps some one I never want to go through that again!!!

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Eman8723 (Greenville, TX) on 07/18/2009

YES this works!!!!! i have tried all kinds of things and nothing works. i bought this stuff off the internet that cost 100 bucks thinkin it would work(didnt). i went to the doctor and he gave me this stuff that didnt work either. when i saw this site i thought what the hell... wouldnt hurt to try. i used a regular cup that u drink out of and put two huge scoops it in the tub. then i would get in and and sprinkle a alot of it over my infected areas. just sit in the tub for 30 min each night with warm water. the first day i kinda saw a difference, but i noticed that i was not itching near as much! the second day i noticed a huge difference they were almost gone!!! i am going to try it again for the third night tonight. i was just so happy about how well this works i had to let other people know so they dont have to suffer like i did!

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Ka (La Mesa, California) on 09/13/2009

Comment on this post from April ...

07/09/2009: April from North Florida, replies: " For mites on the dog -- try covering the dog with mayonnaise!!! Leave it on as long as you can before rinsing it off. After rinsing I like to shampoo the dog and rinse with vinegar and water. The dog may smell like a salad while wearing the mayo, but the mayo suffocates the mites. We run a dog rescue and take in babies with all sorts of skin ailments, and this works like a charm getting rid of mites. Lots of people claim dogs with mange are incurable - well, the mange caused by mites is taken care of with mayo every time."

April thanks for posting tis.. I did this twice in 12 hrs to my little female pooch

it is awesome.. and the mayo also made her coat smooth and the vinegar balanced out the residual redness of her skin .. I can't believe how well it worked and how calm it made her.. like she was getting a spa treatment .. the may gave her instant relief

guess the mites are less active right away?? And she just laid there I was able to leave the mayo on for over an hour each time. I put sterile gauze pads in the apple vinegar and let them stay on her deflated mite sites......again AWESOME.. about 75 to 80 percent better after the first treatment and a small gain after the 2nd on.. I am letting her skin recuperate and w ill do it again in a day or two

my question.. how often to you do this treatment.. how long does it take ( does it vary) to eliminate all the mite sites? and more specific instructions would be appreciated

a big thanks from me.. and great big wet kiss from Roxie...KA from La Mesa California

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Paste, High Heat
Posted by Shug (CA) on 05/18/2024

Skip the MD's--they are taught Permethrin cream and oral Ivermectin--this does not work for difficult cases. Reading these posts will make you more informed than them. Other learned truths: Scabies definitely becoming resistant to most treatments, Tea Tree oil must be diluted before applying or you will get a chemical burn, Pet stores and Amazon great locations to get Permethrin and Ivermectin (but be sure to dilute to human percentages--e.g. Permethrin must be 5% so dilute with half water), must vacuum daily (you are shedding critters), must wash clothes in hot water and dry in hot dryer 30 min. to be safe, you will continue to itch for 2-3 weeks but no new bites, hair dryer as hot as you can stand on spot of bite works, too.

Now, order the 4 pack of Borax on Amazon and go to the dollar store to get the Hydrogen Peroxide.

1.Run a bath as hot as you can stand (they cool off quickly) and boil 2 cups of water to which you slowly add 1 cup of Borax while stirring constantly, then add one cup Peroxide (the 3% normal stuff sold everywhere). Pour this concoction into your hot bath, swirl it around and get in and soak for 30 minutes (don't forget to dip your head into the bath at the end--they are on your scalp and in your hair, too, just like dogs).

2.When done get 1/2 cup Borax and 1/2 cup Peroxide, mix together and apply head to toe while standing in your empty tub (if you have someone to heat your Peroxide before mixing that will make a smooth paste, otherwise the rough Borax may irritate your skin but works just the same).

3. Use a hair dryer to blow dry the concoction on your skin (don't go near water--electrocution risk). Dry hair and put a disposable plastic shower cap over your head to sleep.

4. Put on clean clothes, put your old clothes and used towel/washcloth directly into plastic bag and take to laundry room.

5. If you feel a bite (bites are sharp like a needle piercing your skin, itching is not sharp) get the hair dryer and blow the spot at the highest temp you can take without burning your skin--start close then slowly increase distance away from skin and work back to close again, do this for about 20 seconds. Critters don't like heat and the goal is to kill them before they lay their eggs.

6. Continue baths, post-bath Borax/Peroxide for 1-2 weeks. You should feel better day by day, especially if using the hairdryer trick, too.

Wash all bedding/towels daily (put plastic protectors over your mattress and pillow), all clothing worn daily. Wash in hottest temp and then, if possible, dry in sun before drying in dryer for 30 min. at hottest setting. Let clothing/bedding/towels go unused for 3 days after washing before using again. I have read the critters die after 2-3 days off a person, but I also read where some lived for 18 days! We want them gone!! If you can sleep away from others, even better.

Make a spray of your pet/livestock store 10% permethrin and water in a spray bottle (1 oz. Permethrin to 4 oz. water) and spray everywhere you touch--chairs, sofa, bed (with bedding removed), pillow, area in laundry room where you put your plastic bags with dirty linens, inside dryer, inside washing machine, hairbrush and comb, laundry basket, car seats, steering wheel, arm rest, etc. Vacuum daily all rugs, tile, floors. Sprinkle Borax on all carpets and let sit overnight before vacuuming up the next day (wear a face mask so you don't inhale)-- Do this once. I also sprayed all carpets and floors and furniture with the Permethrin solution but I don't think that's necessary and it makes your house smell toxic--air it out and use fans to blow the smell away. Spray can be applied to furniture and car seats daily. After 2 months of unsuccessful treatments I was willing to try everything. They also tell you to make a skin lotion of Coconut oil (the kind you buy for cooking) and Tea Tree oil (also available on Amazon, use 5 drops per ounce of oil) but this just made a greasy feel and can't say it repelled anything--may make your skin sting from sore spots or if you rubbed the Borax in too hard. Hair dryer trick much better and instant relief. Don't lotion up until baths and post-bath solutions are done--the goal is to change the Ph of your skin and repel them and lotion invites them.

Do the baths, Borax/Peroxide after-bath, Hair dryer, and clean, clean, clean, and you should be good within 2 weeks or less. A dose of Ivermectin doesn't hurt, but at $90 a prescription can't say it helps, either. Dosing yourself in Insecticide (Permethrin) and leaving it on only causes it to create toxic response as it is absorbed into your body and liver (I did this, too) and the Permethrin alone doesn't do the job unless you only have one or two red spots under your watch band, between your fingers, at your waist or under your bra (critters like tight, warm spots to live).

Good luck, you will survive this.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tebora (Germany) on 04/22/2024 7 posts

scabies, have it anybody extremly ? and what do you do to survive ?


I look at earth clinic about over a year. My problem I have scabies for two years and it won´t go away, whatever I do. The mites are deeper under the skin, you can see nothing on the skin, also light red dots. All medecine or home remidies don´t reach the mites enough. Outside, inside and bath treatments also in combination. (I think it is scabies, because eight family members where also infect, also creams don´t reach, because of the deeper inside of the mites, and a dermatologist (skin doctor) said that that was scabies (I don´t know if he see a mite, or he thinks of the skin reaction). I havn´t this skin reaction but the horrobil feelings (stinging, burning, itching, the same as the other family members). And the first skin defensive is missing by myself, because I got it from a short touch from a family member and from there it spreading over the whole body. Now I have it from toe to scalp and I must have thousend or millions of mites. Ivermectin in sereval times help the other family members, but not me. Some people in the internet tell something about red bird mite. I don´t know. (And it is not a re-infection (all cleaning is done), it don´t go from my body). I lost 30 kg weight and my immune system is going down (blood values, you can see it). And I have often short cold chills.

What I have done outside: Permithrin also 4 weeks, Crotamitex, benzoylbenzoat, malathion, bleech, tiger balm, sulfur cream 20% mixed by myself, coconutoil with clove oil 50/50, other oils with etherial oils (lemmon, oregano, champhor, thymian, tea tree, also combinated), garlic in cream, ballistol oil, peru balsam, sulfur lime, MSM cream, turpentine oil, CDL, DMSO, dermatomic earth, enzym spray (KleenGreen), papain (enzym) spray, castor oil and so on

bath: bleech, CDL, epson salt, sea salt, borax with hydrogen peroxid

what I have done inside: Ivermectin tablets also several times, Flucanonzole several times, another woorm tablets, anorganic sulfur, turpentine oil, CDL, DMSO, oregano oil, garlic, bitter herb teas (Yarrow, nettle, horsetail, birch leaves, sorrel (two tablespoon of each in a big tea pot with hot water 15 minutes to let go and drinking over the day), wormwood extract powder, eat hot (chilli), eat a lot of tumeric, eat ginger, eat no sugar and less carbohydrates, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, fermental drinks, supplements (vitamin C, vitamin B complex, OPC, Q 10, enzymes, probiotics, propolis, bitter melone capsules, grapefruit capsules, vitamin B 3 with flush, and so on

homeopatic: sulfur C 30, arsenicum album C 200, sepia C 200, kalium sulfur C 200, psorinum C 1000, causticum C 30, natrium muriaticum 1 M, staphesagria C30, apis C 30, azadirachta,

All treatments only reduce the speed of spreading. When I do nothing it is spreading extremly. What I recognize after 1-2 weeks you must change the treatment, because the mites have gotten used to it and adapted.

The sulfur C 30 helps best for 3 days (better then permithrin or ivermectin), then no more, castor oil (when creaming over 5 days the whole day) pulls something out of the skin (3000 or more pimples), but it doesn´t reach to cure, causticum helps that the burning isn´t so much,

I need something for the horrobil stinging pain, I can´t anymore. I`m desperated. Have anybody an idea for the horrobil pain? (I think the mites won´t go away in future) Thanks a lot

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cate (Australia ) on 04/23/2024

Try applying Apple Cider Vinegar directly onto the patch of skin that makes you itch. Do not dilute it. Leave it on for 20 seconds, then gently pat dry. If applying to face dilute with equal parts of water. Prior to applying, ensure all skin is completely free from any substance eg. Creams, cosmetics

If you find that after applying the vinegar, your skin is even more itchy, then it's a sign the vinegar is working. In this case, add more vinegar until itching goes away. Then pat dry.

Tell us how you go...

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Marie (Templeton, Massachusetts ) on 04/24/2024

Have you tried Urine Therapy? It is a surprising cure. Your body knows exactly what it needs. I have healed many things with urine therapy and I really believe it can help you too. The best thing about UT is it's always the same medicine no matter what the problem is. This is what you should do. First when you wake up, pee into a cup (morning urine is very beneficial) and step into the tub. Rub the urine all over your skin and give it 5 to 10 minutes to dry, then rinse off with water only no soap. (Although you would have better results if you were to leave it on) Do this for a couple days to see if you notice improvement, you can use urine from any part of the day ad do multiple times a day if you are noticing good effect. Your condition sounds very severe, I would say give it 4 days but you should see results much sooner than that

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cate (Australia ) on 04/26/2024

I hope the urine works. I agree with Marie to try leaving it on & not using soap to wash it off. I would even go further to suggest not putting anything else on your skin for at least a week. No moisturiser, no deodorant, etc. instead use only urine & water on your body. If you have to wash your hands use either vinegar, bicarb/baking soda as the alternative to soap. Our skin absorbs water more easily than it does oils. Oils can be clogging & cause itching. So for the urine to work the skin must be clear of topical oils.

Are you taking any medications, or supplements, if so which ones?

Have you been putting anything on your skin, if so, what products?

Does the itching appear in a persistent particular area, for example the back?

Does the itching almost feel like its bone deep?

Other than the itching & stinging, do you have any other symptoms?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tebora (Germany) on 04/27/2024 7 posts

Hello Cate, thank you for your answer and the advice that the skin don´t have anything oil or cream on it, so that the urine can work.

In the moment I taking vitamic C, OPC, probiotics, magnesium, Q enzyme Q10 (a lot of vitamin C, because I think it helps a little bit), for the skin I spray with KleenGrenn enzyme spray or with borax/H2O2 (that was Ted advoice here for dogs), and then I taking homeopathic remedy sulfur C30 three times a day, that's how I get through the day and it doesn't spread so much, but it still stings and burns and itches.

What I tried in the past can you read in my first message. What I do sometimes is to sleep in pur castor oil (I bought a bath tube, where I filled in castor oil and there I have been there for three days, that reduce it (to suffocate them), but not all, then the burning/ itching and the stinging will be greatly reduced, I get about 3000 pimples where it burned and stinged before, and it comes out of the skin (pimples) and it comes very small like grains of sand out of the skin, thats a little bit painfull, but not so much. The advice for castor oil comes from (KleenGreen), they wrote me to put it in the evening on the whole body and then wash off it the next day, then spray or cream the body (with enzyme spray or a cream where you put enzyme (papain) in it) and the next evening put castor oil on the skin and so on. The castor oil should kill the mites immediately on the surface of the skin. Because it is a thick oil. But it is very oily and you have to be careful not to get anything dirty. And I noticed it helps against the burning and itching and so I thought I try it with a bath tube with castor oil. When I reduce the burming /itching/stinging, I feel better and then I gain weight again. But it don´t reach to heal. (I creamed with castor oil 5 weeks and some mites get through somehow)

The stinging and burning is all over the body, but the most on the whole scalp, behind the ears, neck, face here eyebrow and around it, tempels, nose and around it, lips and around it, chin and below, back up and down, butt, knees, feet, ankles, wrists, elbows.

The feelings what I have it is burning, itching and the painfull stinging, sometimes the stinging is until the bone/ a pain of the surface on the bone, (I think, when the mites are deeper and reached nerve tissue, which is connected to the bone.) I have short cold showers/chills (I don´t know the right word in english, I hope you understand me) over the whole day. I get more warts. More edema on the ankles. Dry skin, with very, very small skin flakes. ( I had no skin problems before, had rarly creamed (only in the cold season and then with a homemade marigold cream) only washed with water and a organic soap.

KleenGreen told me, when you treat the mites are extremly they start fighting extremly back with the painfull stinging. I can confirm this (when I took a very good preparation for the immune system, they attacked me very hard, and I had to stop)

Today I will start with a homeopatic treatment, that somebody told me. Here I can´t put anything on the skin, but I will try the urine remedy after that. And I will wash my hands with bicarb/backing soda or vinegar. When the homeopatic treatment works I will write here.

Thank you very much for your answers, thank you so much!!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cate (Australia ) on 04/29/2024

Sounds like you've tried everything! You're very strong for not giving up!

In dogs, there is a type of scabies that cannot be eradicated by using internal or external treatments. It can only be killed by improving the immune system. 'Selenium' has been used successfully for this. Perhaps you may have a type similar to this.

In addition to what you're already taking, the following taken daily, will help to strengthen your immune system;

  • Selenium
  • Iodine
  • Vitamin D
  • Bone broth (boil raw bones for 2 hours, discard bones)
  • Raw fresh garlic (4 daily, crushed, mixed into butter or extra virgin olive oil, with food)
  • Raw fresh radish (2 small)
  • Beetroot (1 small, or ½ medium size, raw, grated in salad or cooked)
  • The juice & pulp of 1 small Lemon or Lime
  • Unfiltered Extra Virgin Cold pressed Hemp seed oil (1 tsp)
  • ½ or 1 cabbage leaf or any other cruciferous vegetable E.g broccoli. It's ok to eat these raw on occasion but if eaten daily should be cooked (boiled & water discarded) to avoid affecting the thyroid.
  • Potato (peeled, cooked, no green)
  • Sauerkraut 1 tsp (must be from the refrigerator section as it has 'live' bacteria)
  • Milk thistle tea (1 tsp seeds, ground up, boiled 5 minutes)
  • Olive leaf tea (5-10 leaves boiled 5 minutes)
  • Wild caught, cold water fish eg. salmon (3 times a week)

The reason for the above in bold, is because they are the most important for immune health.

Eliminate the following;

  • All grains, as they produce yeast (may make scabies thrive)
  • Vegetable fats or oils (except for extra virgin coconut oil/fat & extra virgin olive oil)
  • Alcohol
  • sugar (genuine honey is good)
  • Condiments such as soy sauce,

Use Himalayan pink salt or any other natural salt in cooking. Avoid table salt.

Use Filtered water when drinking or cooking.

Avoid the following cookware; aluminium, non-stick & enamel. Instead use stainless steel & oven-safe glassware for baking.

I wish you all the best Tebora...

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cate (Australia ) on 04/30/2024

The following are also extremely vital for a strong immune system;

  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B12
  • Omega 3 (if you happen to be vegan or vegetarian, unfiltered Extra virgin cold pressed hemp seed oil is a great source (1 tsp daily)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cate (Australia ) on 05/02/2024

Hi Tebora, I wish I could be of more help!

The amount you may like to try taking in order to benefit your condition is;

  • 200 mcg (micrograms) Selenium, daily (practitioners have administered this amount to their patients for numerous conditions with success)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tebora (Germany) on 05/02/2024 7 posts

Hello Cate, thank you very much. I bought Selenium and I take it every day since you wrote here.

Posted by Rose (Pt Richey Fl) on 03/16/2024

PLEASE, Please we need a whistleblower to investigate this gross injustice and malpractice against Florida residents.

***PLEASE*** Let's get the word out all the Drs, dermatologists, and medical professionals, CDC and Health Dept are covering up creepy eruption scabies epidemic in Florida. I don't care who you go to for a diagnosis and treatment… they will NEVER do any tests as I increasingly got more horrific symptoms and was told I needed mental help.. I've been to 5 drs and 4 dermatologists… they all use the same playbook to take No action and minimize and blame you for your skin condition. They don't want this infectious disease reported. The CDC has removed it as a reportable infectious disease. So it doesn't have to be reported at all.

I too recently moved to an apt in Florida and started having worms in my mouth, lips, and eyelids which now are everywhere in my skin and internally. beads falling in my eyes. I
I don't have a cure.. I'm using DE and Neem and Nac… I switch back and forth with EC remedies. Salt baths help.

Posted by Dee (Florida) on 03/17/2024

Maybe ask your doctor for Ivermectin. It is for parasites, including worms.

Neem, Coconut, Clove and Tea Tree Oils
Posted by Sharon (MI) on 06/10/2023

Hi Chrissy,

I tried your remedy and I am getting the white shards! I have a few questions that I hope you could please answer. Did you apply to your whole body including hair and then leave on for 10 minutes and wipe the shards off. Or did you leave it on your body?

Neem, Coconut, Clove and Tea Tree Oils
Posted by Chrissy (QLD) on 06/14/2023

Hi Sharon,

I'm so happy it's working for you! Yes even hair, I did hair only overnight and slept with a bag or shower cap on my head. I'd have to wash 3x to get the stench of the neem oil out though, but still well worth it in my opinion. At the beginning I would rinse off in the shower and apply again. Depending on how much time I had. Also I did notice when I added a dash of hydrogen peroxide it got the last couple of deep ones in. Towards the end I was sleeping with it on overnight. Don't put hydrogen peroxide on hair though.

Borax and Apple Cider Vinegar Soak
Posted by john (California) on 05/17/2023

A quarter cup of borax and half a cup of apple cider vinegar in the hottest bath water you can stand soaking yourself, submerging your head and rubbing this thoroughly through your hair, scalp and and your groin area. Soaking it for at least 10 minutes will greatly reduce itch and symptoms of this horrible unseen pest.

Borax and Apple Cider Vinegar Soak
Posted by MTCO (Brisbane, Australia) on 05/21/2023

Neem powder is pretty good for that too. make up a nice mixture to stick, and cover with plastic to keep it moist, for fifteen minutes or so. maybe longer. do not let it dry on your skin though!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kimberly (Texas) on 01/21/2022

Omg!!! Yes, why do doctors, vets, exterminator, and the dermatologist is last to be seen, but no one has mentioned half what you did ..and that is why 6 months and no real improvement with the mites, people believing me, and my pets too are still dealing with them.

Boost the Immune System
Posted by Jane (Newcastle ) on 03/28/2021

A healthy immune system is able to kill scabies on its own. Work on boosting the system with diet, supplements, exercise, sleep and supportive social networks.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gabriélle (A.) on 12/14/2020

Hello Earth Clinic,

Over the months I have been learning how to irradiate scabies. Yesterday I found your site.

This has been my routine (up until now) with no significant effects, maybe slightly worse:


  • Daily Supplements - 1st in morning pre pro biotic & aloe Vera powder
  • NAC & other supplements Vit C 7,500 mg etc
  • Daily Clothing in ziplock labelled day week leave in 10days
  • Daily Permethrin on itch spots - night and day yes
  • Daily Laundromat - 30min and leave sit in heat 15min longer
  • Mats that cover Floor all bedding and towel
  • Daily Spray - Kleen Green benches steering wheel surfaces and van floor
  • Weekly - Clip nails often
  • Weekly - Permethrin weekly
  • Weekly - Head - ivermectin or Permethrin mixed with 1/2 the quantity of conditioner
  • 3 weekly Moxidectin 1/2 dose ? Full (neurotoxin)similar to ivermectin a stronger version

If anyone can suggest another treatment, please do so. Thank you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 12/18/2020 461 posts

I stumbled onto something and got reading the reviews on the not-the-Nile site. It's called Nu-Stock. It's a sulfur cream and has a lot of high reviews for its intended purpose which is for horses - or just animals in general. Mange, cuts, scrapes etc. and, apparently, anything for which you could use it topically. But it also has some reviews for external use on people. I got some but didn't have anything to use it on.

It's pretty messy. Actually, it's VERY messy but you could easily squeeze it all out into a jar and mix it that way. It would be a lot less messy, too. I think it's in a tube so ranchers and horse people can just toss it in their kit/tack bag or glove compartment and such but you could definitely transfer it to another container. You'd want to really flatten it to get it all out so the ratio would be maintained when you're mixing it up. I think those who had trouble with it didn't mix it up and just got the oil that had separated when they tried to get it out of the tube.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rebecca (NC) on 11/09/2021

Hi, I got moxidectin through a horse dewormer paste, you can order it online or even buy it at tractor supply! It eradicated a lot of my mites, currently I am not 100% cured but o can at least sleep at night. I am still going through many treatments to get rid of all of them. Make sure to do research on Moxidectin before you take it though.

Hair Dryer
Posted by Nina (Philippines) on 06/28/2020

Hair Dryer for Scabies:

Yes, this absolutely works! Just blast the parts with heat using any hair dryer. Blast it every time it itches. So keep your hair dryer nearby. Once a week apply permethrin lotion leave it for 24 hours. In two weeks time, they're all gone.

Tea tree oil applied to skin everyday for one month as prevention. You really can't kill all that is in the environment. So just make sure they dont have any host for a while until they all die out eventually. If u can use tea tree oil soap and shampoo, the better!

You don't need to suffer yourself with all those bleach, peroxide soaks.

Infrared Sauna
Posted by Rose (Alaska) on 04/02/2022

Do you mean Potassium Permanganate?

DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 07/20/2018

Just a note about the successful treatment of scabies with clove bud essential oil.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Gloria (Winnipeg, Manitoba) on 10/27/2020

What was she referring to when she said 50/50 peroxide and borax? What is in this and how much?what does 50/50 mean?

EC: Hi Gloria,

She is referring to Ted's remedy on our mange page.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Rodney (London, England ) on 01/23/2023

50% borax and 50% Peroxide, Mixed and applied neat or in a bath?

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Leon (London uk) on 02/20/2023

Hi All,

What grade or % peroxide should I use? Also mix ratios please. I am struggling to get rid of scabies.

EC: 3% Drugstore. Please read the recipe on the Dog Mange page in the pets section:

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Juney (Seattle ) on 01/13/2024

Hello, can you tell me if you used the Ted's recipe for a dog bath, or the 50/50 Borax/HP recipe? Thank you.

Posted by Peggy (TX) on 09/29/2021

Hi Brian!

I also have tried everything but no luck. I have order Niacin the flushing kind. My question is how many days did you take it for?

Posted by Brian (FL) on 10/08/2021

I found significant improvement after the first couple weeks. I think I kept it up for a month or so.

Posted by Glenda (Leicester, Nc) on 06/20/2016

For scabies, use sulfur with vaseline which I understand does the job. Can get the sulfur from some natural remedy pharmacies.

Posted by Nina (Philippines) on 08/16/2020

Yes, you are right, petroleum jelly chokes the mites and also causes the sulfur to penetrate deeper in the skin for more killing action.

Tape, Sulphur
Posted by Karen (Sydney) on 03/25/2016

I caught scabies after visiting a friend in hospital in mid December, 2015...I never tried the creams from the chemists/drugstore as I read too many times how they don't work...Anyone who is/has suffered from scabies knows only too well that it is one of the hardest things to cure...Until now.

I bought 1kg sulpher powder from eBay...Every night I put it on my body after a shower and also on my eyebrows...It was working slowing but the bugs would scramble into my nose, on my eyelashes and hair...It was like a never ending story until I found one thing that has more or less got rid of them. Cello/sticky tape!

After putting on the sulpher, I would wait a minute and then run a piece of tape across my eyelashes..Do it very gently and pull from the inside out slowly...Do both lashes and then proceed to your eyebrows, from the outside in this time...Don't worry, you wont lose any eyelashes or brows if you do it this way and slowly...I was doing it 3/4 times a day and you will be surprised how many stick to the tape....Next and just as important, run you vacuum nozzle over your hair daily for just a few minutes and this will suck up any in your hair...Try and get lengths of hair shaft.

Next and equally important, vacuum your mattress and rub the sulpher into it and place a sheet on top..I did this twice, about three days in between.

Back to the tape..I used darker pillow cases so I could see the bugs..They were mostly white and ran the tape over my pillow cases (with pillows on) every day...You will see them sitting on the pillow cases..You can use wider tape or thinner tape but try and buy a good quality one as it has much more adhesive to pick up the bugs...I do this every day as they will keep coming back but they wont get a chance to lay eggs...I also run the tape over my face and caught a huge one in it..
No need to wash bedding every single day in hot water as it's time consuming and who has time to do that...The bugs have almost gone and my skin is clearing up and that terrible itch has subsided to zero...The tape combined with the sulpher is the key...Keep it up for months, even when the itch stops so you completely break the cycle..Dip your finger in the sulpher and place it inside your nose..It wont hurt you and they will come out..Have your tape ready and place some over your upper lip as well to lift any that have fallen out of your nose...This really works as I'm almost cured and you wont have to go through all those expensive creams and lotions or maddeningly washing your bed linen daily..Plus, it's easy and you will get great pleasure seeing those disgusting pests stuck to the tape..Make sure you fold the tape over its self to trap them and dispose of them into the rubbish bin..I keep a plastic bag to throw the used tape into it.

After 3 months of this, I feel great again..I wish I bought the tape months ago. Good luck everyone and you will get rid of it like I did.

Tape, Sulphur
Posted by Karen (Sydney) on 04/06/2016

It's been three weeks since my last post and I'm happy to say my scabies have gone...No more itch or crawling mites on me...The sulpher is excellent but it did leave my skin extremely dry...I am using coconut oil every day to make my skin soft again and it's looking better...I can't say enough about having sticky/cello tape handy...I think the sulpher killed the mites but the tape wiped out the eggs and cycle...If you saw the amount of eggs the tape picked up on my face and body and pillow cases, you would be shocked...I washed my bedding every 4 days in cold water ..I made sure I vacuumed my mattress and steam cleaned it on wash days and then placed the sulpher powder over the mattress, put mattress protected on and sheet back on...That was it and they are now gone and my skin is healing...I am still using the tape, just in case but not the sulpher on my body... I really believe the tape is the answer .

Posted by Bro John (Corpus Christi, Texas) on 03/06/2016 4 posts

I am over scabies completely. I do itch some, but it's from dry skin. To relieve that I drink water and apply lotion and take showers and use a minimum of soap to preserve body oils. I deduced that much of the itching misery I suffered during this ordeal was from dry skin. You can overdo the chemicals, especially when your skin nerves are sensitized. So back off the meds, and apply oil and water.
