Effective Natural Remedies for Sciatica

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Uniqueadh (Mcdonough, Ga) on 12/31/2012

I am so thankful to all of you for your posts. I had a severe sciata flare-up that began Thursday as a mild one. By Sunday morning(12/30/12) I could not move and it had spread all to my foot. If I even shifted a minute amount excruciating pain went through my left side (buttock to toes). My foot was so numb ans cold. It tingled and sent tingles to my arms when I ran my other foot alomg the heel. I was taking ibuprofen to no avail. My sons called the paramedics after I failed to dress for them to take me to the doctor. I could not move even an inch. The paramedics advised alternating ibuprofen with arthritis strength tylenol and drinking gatorade to balance the electrolytes.

My sons immediately went to purchase the gatorade and tylenol which I added to my regimen. I, still felt no difference so I searched for remedies to help me sleep. I came across this thread at 2:00 this morning (12/31). My son didn't want to go buy the ginger slices but we had some ground ginger. So, I had him bring me a cup of boiling water and I put a tablespoon of the ground ginger and some honey into the water and sipped it. About 30 mon. Later I made my way to soak in an epsom salt bath. When I awakened still in the tub about an hour later the pain had subsided greatly. My foot still felt numb and the calf pain was there when I tried to walk, but, it was much more bearable. I awakened this morning and all but the foot pain and numbness is gone. Thank you all so much. I am sipping another cup of ginger tea as I type.

Tennis Ball Technique
Posted by Relarion1019 (Anacortes, Wa, Usa) on 07/21/2012

I notice that Tony from Feltham wasn't sure how to sit on the shoe; neither was I, but from others' descriptions I surmised that you sit on the middle of it with the toe part under your tailbone. I tried the tennis ball technique today because I was desperate, and I was able to walk without limping a half hour later.

I travel a lot for work. I am generally very healthy and fit, but this sciatica thing has been getting intolerable. It flares up and disturbs my sleep, messes up my mood and makes sitting through a two-hour plane flight very unpleasant (I know, I need to stand periodically). Stretching helps and I also use a trigger-point ball and vibrating massager, but the tennis ball remedy is kind of amazing. I guess it realigns things.

I like the earthclinic site a lot. There are a lot of good tips. Thanks, everyone :-)

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Elaine (Fairfield, Ct) on 04/03/2011

I've been dealing with horrible Sciatic pain and muscle spasms in my back. I've been to doctors and a chiropractor. They gave me pain meds and gave me stretching exercises to do. I've gotten adjusted and acupuncture and massage therapy. The pain persisted. The pain was so horrible sometimes and annoying. I didn't want to keep taking pain medication, so I started looking for natural cures.

I read how Ginger is a great anti-inflammatory and thought I would give it a try. I was going to look for Ginger supplements at a health food store, but then thought I would first try the ginger slices. I started eating small pieces throughout the day. After two days, I started feeling better and by the third day the pain was almost completely gone. I couldn't believe it. I feel like I'm dreaming. Nothing was helping me and I was becoming so depressed. It's amazing how the ginger has helped me. I was so skeptical when I first started taking it, but I was so tired of the pain and not getting relief from doctors that at this point I thought I will give it a try. It really helps. It's amazing. I feel so wonderful today. This is the first week that I haven't felt awful and didn't have pain. It's almost unreal. If you are having a lot of pain, give it a try it worked for me.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Ethel (Prescott Valley, Az) on 04/21/2010

I had extreme sciatica pain. Best I could do for myself was walk because sitting was sooo painful and lying down didn't help much either. I came across this site by accident, thank God. I read about using ginger so I bought some candied ginger and ate about a tblspn size and went to lie down. I was up in 15 minutes and I just wanted to cry! The pain was all but gone for the first time in months!!! Please, if you have sciatica pain, eat ginger! It will help get you through!!!

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Patti (Jamestown, Ohio) on 04/05/2011


So good to know others tried the ginger and it worked for them.

My husband is still using it, just a piece or two everyday. He still have that back pain but never has the scatica pain unless he goes several days without eating any ginger. I have told many people and those who really gave it a good try got alot of pain relief. It really is amazing. My hubby kept saying "I don't believe how much better my leg is, can it really be the ginger"? Earth Clinic has been a lifesaver more than once for us. Thanks to everyone who keeps it up and running and prayers to Ted.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Gwen (Denver, CO) on 02/19/2009

I have found over the years that I will experience severe sciatica when I am severely constipated. When this happens I pull out the "big guns", Epsom salts. 2-4 teaspoons dissolved in water. Small amount of water followed by as much water as possible after wards. I'll use a straw to drink solution. Put straw to back of tongue beyond taste buds & suck. Taste terrible, but when I am in that much pain I'll do anything to relieve it! You can also add lemon or lime juice to lessen the taste. Pain starts to diminish after first trip to the pot. Works every time & I'm over it in less than 24 hour. Good luck & God/Goddess Bless!

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Anna (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) on 09/12/2008

Candied ginger slices for scatica:

My husband suffers from sciatica for weeks in a stretch about four times a year. It started hurting him really bad (not able to function without OTC painkillers) few days ago. Two days ago I read here about candied ginger. Yesterday he snack on it- about 10-12 slices which is a lot but he found 1. he likes the taste 2.everybody in his work seems to like it too and wants to have some! It was his first night without painkiller! The pain is gone! Early morning, which used to be worst, he sensed "something" along the nerve, but it even wasn't painful or lasting. It is so hard to believe - but IT IS A FACT. (I learned meanwhile that ginger works against inflammotion; whatever the reason-it has worked!)

Pain Caused by the Piriformis Muscle
Posted by Dan (Markham, Canada) on 07/15/2008

If you have pain in your lower back called sciatica it may be caused by what is called Piriformis muscle -- this might be the cause. This muscle runs from the outer bone of your hip to the lower part of your spine. In some people the sciatica nerve may run right through the Piriformis muscle. When sitting too long this muscle will tighten and become inflamed, causing the sciatica nerve to cause what is called sciatica. The pain will run down your leg to your foot. the Piriformis muscle is there to help you rotate your leg. When your foot is turned to the right the muscle becomes tight and when you turn your foot to the left it becomes stretched.

Common Salt
Posted by Doug Smythe (Yucaipa) on 10/27/2022

My cure for the Severe pain running from my lower back on the right side, lower.... all the way down my hot sexy butt, through my thigh- in the back, down through my calf and into my right foot... Severe, pain shots like electricity, pretty much constant pain throughout the day and even in bed and even when sleeping.... (THE CURE FOR ME WAS)... THIS.... I ate two large avocados with lots of Common Salt on them. The next morning was a night and day difference, compared to the 6 days of painful hell before.... On the 2nd day the pain was pretty much non existent... I'm a 60 year old guy in Yucaipa CA.

Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Chondroitin Sulfate
Posted by Deanne (Sydney, Australia) on 04/15/2021


Thank you for letting me know about this remedy!!

My condition is much improved since taking liquid biocell collagen. Been 3 weeks and want to continue. The biocell you mentioned was hard to find for me but I ended up finding it at collagencollective website, they sell it in liquid form and the liquid biocell stuff is doing its thing and working for me. Will continue and update. Thanks again!

Arch Supports and Magnets
Posted by Gloriya (Mexico) on 09/16/2023

I had sciatica when I was very young, and it was caused by wearing Earth Shoes because the heel was lower than the rest of the shoe. I wore normal tennis shoes and walked a lot on a straight highway and it went away. Now I am very old and I have sciatica again, and I noticed that I have been wearing shoes with a lower heel. I forgot that I can't do this!

This may be the root cause of many people's chronic sciatica. I hope so for your sake because it's a very easy permanent cure.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Karen Messina (New Jersey) on 05/17/2020

Hello to Baton Rouge re candied ginger - I know it's been a while but maybe you will check back. I make my own from store bought fresh ginger root. Peel it, cut it up, boil in water. Drain it, then make a simple syrup of sugar and water and boil the ginger in that. Be careful, syrup is very hot and sticky! here is Alton Brown's video: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/candied-ginger-recipe-1944906

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Prioris (Fort Pierce, Fl, USA) on 11/03/2020

Does it matter if it is candied vs crystalized ginger?

The terms “candied” and “crystallized” are typically used interchangeably. If a distinction is made, the term candied refers to ginger stored in the simple syrup and crystallized ginger means the version cooked in the sweet syrup and rolled in sugar.

Dietary Changes, Supplements
Posted by Bluefriend (Bc) on 06/01/2017

I am now pain free from severe sciatica, and I'd like to share the story. First to say that it began about 6 months ago, extreme pain, twice knocking me to the floor with excruciating jabs in lower back, right side. Felt like electric shocks were running down the front of my legs, and feet so heavy at other times I could barely pick my feet up. I did try the pillows, the exercises on floor, and a lot of ibuprofen.

But it occurred to me about 3 weeks ago that pain is caused by inflammation. So I looked up an inflammation diet..... eliminate all sugars and starches which feed
inflammation. And at the same time took 3,000 Vit. D3, 3,000 mg Vit. C and 3,000 Salmon oil with these numbers: 300mg EPA/DHA, each day. After 2 days the pain
had dropped from a 10 to an 8, then on 3rd day of this the pain was about a 6.

Steadily dropped until today, 3 weeks later..... I am totally pain free. I will continue to follow this regime for at least another month. I just want to share this info with anyone suffering the horrific pain of sciatica. This regime may work wonders for you, too.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Nickie (London, Uk) on 10/06/2015

For sciatica,

Peel some ginger root, slice and place in a pan with some purified water. Bring to boil and simmer for 5 minutes. You can add some honey and keep in the fridge as required. Only add honey when liquid is tepid or the good enzymes are killed.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Rick (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 09/25/2015

Candied ginger worked for my sciatica as well! Been looking for a treatment for years, finally found one that works!

Posted by John (Oregon) on 06/26/2015

Sciatica cure : WATER

After two days of severe pain and bent over walking, I drank several glasses of water every hour stopped the pain and hasn't returned. When threat of hip and leg pain, increase water intake. Works great.

Magnesium Oil, Vitamin E Oil
Posted by Namiyah (Westport, Or) on 03/01/2013

I've had sciatica since the mid-nineties and tried everything from herbal supplements, acupuncture and chiropractic treatments but the pain remained constant, especially on cold, wet, rainy days. Then I purchased some Magnesium oil and placed some in a roll-on bottle of Vitamin E leaving about 1/3rd Vitamin E in the roll-on. The strategic area that I applied it was upon my tail-bone from 1L to 5L. It took about several weeks and I noticed a 75% reduction in pain. I've been using it daily for 6 months and notice a tremendous difference. Good luck!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jimverwey2007 (Houston, Tx) on 05/01/2012

01/24/2010: Cristi from Tucson, Arizona, United States: "I cured sciatica in my right leg using blackstrap molassas. I read in the book The Ultimate Healing System by Donald Lepore, N. D. That sciatica in the right leg is caused by a potassium deficiency. Since I always seek out food sources over supplements I started the black strap molassas and have never had pain again.

FYI, the book says sciatica in the left leg is a sodium defiency.

Things that deplete potassium and sodium are drinking alchohol, processed foods, sweating/exercising, and being sick, to name a few."

Bullion cubes or salt in warm water will stop the pain. Look up sciatic pain, etiologies, mineral deficiencies.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Dina (Webster, Fl) on 02/29/2012

I was on here Friday night because my husband has suffered from sciatica for more than a month he has been going to the Dr and no relief he has not been able to walk without severe pain. I bought fresh ginger and candied it myself and he has been eating 3 pieces 4 times a day and he is able to walk again. His pain level has dropped drastically and he has only been taking for 4 days. I really appreciate the info that I got from here I was really worried that he was not going to get better. Thank you

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