Effective Natural Remedies for Sciatica

MSM, Cabbage
Posted by Mike (Montreal, Quebec) on 12/18/2011

Last summer I made quite a remarkable discovery about getting rid of a major back pain that affected my left leg. It was later determined that I was suffering from sciatica. In my case the problem was chronic and seem to get worse over time. Then the unthinkable happened to me. It got so bad that one morning I was not able to get out of bed and at that point experienced a major panic attack thinking I had contracted some sort of a disease related to the nervous system. That's how bad it really was!!

The pain was felt constantly in my left leg and would keep me up most of the night for at least a whole week. Even the strong anti inflammatory and pain killer drugs that my doctor would prescribe was having no more effect on me and as a result I had to live with the constant pain. I even went to a chiropractor as an act of desperation and she made it much worse because the slightest pressure applied on my back would cause severe pain mostly in my left leg.

IT IS ONLY BECAUSE OF THIS SITE AND WITH A BIT OF LUCK THAT I FOUND A COMPLETE CURE TO MY BACK PROBLEM. Its now been 5 months since I last had my awful back pains so my self treatment must certainly have worked!!!!

Especially with the fact that in the past 15 years I would not go through a single year without experiencing some degree of chronic back pains.

When I had gone through some unrelated tests using the MRI scanner, I remember the nurse noticing something odd about my back. At that time I decided not to further pursuit this by not asking her what she had noticed about it. To this day I regret I never asked her anything about what she had found.

I now realize that the real problem with back aches is simply the bodies inability to naturally heal itself because of a severe lack of sulfur. IN MY CASE THAT'S ALL IT WAS!!

When I increase my sulfur consumption using supplements and natural food, it took only about 3 complete days before I noticed significant results.

I was shocked when one morning I felt that all the sudden I HAD AN URGE TO STRETCH MY BACK and was even able to lift my left leg up at least 3 feet above the ground.

It seems that what has worked for me is by taking large amount of MSM and RAW RED CABBAGE for a period of 3-4 days.

One of the main reasons I used to keep getting sore back is because of bad sitting posture over very long periods of a time in front of my computer. Also it was because I would stoop often over my car engine for very long periods at a time.

When I hear people experiencing very bad back problems especially related to sciatica then I feel so compelled to tell my incredible story.

I am so happy that my back is now completely cured and can now lead a normal life all thanks to this wonderful site. We are simply just not getting enough sulfur in our diet because as pointed out by many scientists, we tend to overcook our food and furthermore, sulfur is becoming more and more depleted mainly because of our overuse of chemicals.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Oliver (New York, Ny/ Usa) on 03/03/2011

I had terrible Sciatica brought on by a new running regime. I tried (I thought) everything- Acupuncture, Chiropractor and was running out of hope. It went on for 2 months plus and would get to the point where my leg would completely seize up. I then did 3 things and within a couple of days I was seeing results and by 2 weeks totally fine.

1- Ginger Slices, this really seemed to help reduce swelling in my lower back

2- Yoga ( I went twice and had great results) I was then able to use the techniques at home- It takes a tiny amount of work compared to the agony of Sciatica

3- Removed my wallet from back pocket when sitting!

I am not sure if all 3 or just 1 cured me, but combined I went from having no hope of cure to complete cure in days.

Everyone will be different, but don't lose hope and try not to spend too much money on treatments when you have some simple options you can try first.

Good Luck everyone, it really sucks.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Cristi (Tucson, Arizona, United States) on 01/24/2010

I cured sciatica in my right leg using black strap molassas. I read in the book The Ultimate Healing System by Donald Lepore, N.D. that sciatica in the right leg is caused by a potassium deficiency. Since I always seek out food sources over supplements I started the black strap molassas and have never had pain again.

FYI, the book says sciatica in the left leg is a sodium defiency.

Things that deplete potassium and sodium are drinking alchohol, processed foods, sweating/ecercising, and being sick, to name a few.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Judy (Florida) on 09/18/2015

I have used a Tens unit. They always put the Tens unit on one in physical therphy. I bought one and use it but get caught up in the wires. I just ordered a wireless Tens unit with rechargeable batteries. I saw a thing on them on GMA the other day. They say the Tens unit sends a signal to the brain. They warn not to use it for more than 2 hrs. at a time. Mine has timer for up to 0 min. I can do a lot more without pain when I wear it. I had small incision surgery and am in pain management. There is no surgery to help me and surgery could make me worse. Try the Tens unit. Get a good one that will last. I think you will really like it.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Elaine (Butler, NJ) on 08/27/2008

Iv'e been eating the ginger slices for about a week now, I don't know how it works, but it is working. The pain is almost all gone. It's nice not to be taking excederin every four hours. I snack on about 5 or 6 slices a day. Thanks for the tip!!!

Cyst Removal
Posted by RW (OH) on 02/24/2024

My husband was suffering from sciatica for many months without relief. He could not sleep and was in constant pain. The only thing that helped somewhat, was walking. Finally, a doctor ordered an MRI of his back, and a cyst was found inside his spine. He had surgery to decrease the cyst as much as possible, and when he got home he said he had no pain in his legs. He continues to improve and now has no pain. He came home from the hospital the same day as the surgery.

Piriformis Muscle Massage
Posted by Dena (New Orleans, Louisiana ) on 08/03/2023

I was in pain with sciatica to the point I couldn't walk to the toilet. I was placed on naproxen pain killers as well as Tylenol. I wanted to be off painkillers because long term they can damage your liver and kidneys. I tried all the remedies like apple cider vinegar and chlorophyll with only worked temporarily. While laying in pain I went on tic tok and found piriformis muscle massage. So I massage my buttocks each twice a day. I woke up with less pain every day. Today I took zero pain killers. I do plan to do cold laser treatments, a deep tissue massage and spinal decompression with a chiropractor in the future to keep it from coming back. I ordered a double lacrosse ball to help with the butt massage so I don't hurt my wrist. This worked better than the yoga exercises I was doing. Sciatica is caused by weak buttocks and muscles so do exercises that focus on those area.

Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Chondroitin Sulfate
Posted by Prioris (ME) on 07/16/2023

I left this out of previous post. Just wanted to be complete.

I recommend that product for sciatica especially severe sciatica that doesn't heal.

Most sciatica is mild and temporary and will heal on its own with rest, especially in younger people. If it doesn't heal in 4 weeks, one needs to bring out the heavy artillery of the supplement. If this doesn't heal the sciatica then one may be in the 10 percent category of other causes.

Many You Tube videos recommend physical rehab of various types which is absurd when the supplement can make it so much easier and far less pain. Plus it is not healing the root cause.

Arch Supports and Magnets
Posted by Mary (USA) on 08/05/2019

Sciatica, cause is the arch of the foot has fallen.

Remedy is simple - use arch supports. I use walk fit because it has 3 lifts low, med, high, but the trick, if you have leg pain, is to install a dime size thin magnet between the lift and the support. As you know, magnets do not do the healing but iron in blood is attracted to the magnet iron brings with it oxygen and oxygen heals.

Since it is a static magnet it may take a few weeks before one sees improvement BUT, if you take statins forget everything I wrote as statins cause the leg problems.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Belinda (uk) on 12/18/2023

Hi Karen, I'd just like to point out that your suggestion to throw away the boiled ginger water that is in fact how ginger tea is made and that good stuff is going down your sink drain! For those of us who can't or don't want to use sugar in our diet, pour boiling water over finely chopped ginger, leave for at least 20 min, sieve and add a natural sweetener such as Agave or Rice Syrup.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Mari H. (Los Angeles) on 08/29/2017

I'm thinking ginger might work on sciatica because I believe ginger is good for the liver and gall bladder. I knew a chiro who treated sciatica by cleaning out his pts. liver and gb's.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by NK (Georgia) on 02/17/2021

When using ginger for remedies, no, it doesn't matter as long as it's real ginger--unless you're on a very sugar-restricted diet. You can use fresh ginger, or dried ginger but it's tastes so strong most people use the crystalized kind because it tastes like candy. I use fresh ginger root to make ginger tea.

***Most commercial brands of ginger ale don't have enough ginger in them to do much of anything other than taste good & quench your thirst. It's probably the carbonation & sugar that settles people's stomachs.

Posted by Julie (Wisconsin) on 08/13/2013

I decided to do a 21 day Daniel fast and not drink coffee or caffeine during that time. After a couple of days my bones were ACHING! I thought I was detoxing and that it would go away within a few days. Most of it was better, but my right side had sciatica terrible that would not go away. It would help to take ibuprofren or pain pills, but the pain continued after it wore off. It was the worst at night and I couldn't sleep. I remembered other times that I would quit drinking coffee that I had bone/nerve pain and after five days I decided to try and see if it was coffee. I drank one cup of 1/2 regular and 1/2 decaf, which is what I normally drank and I didn't have to take anything for pain. It did hurt some in the middle of the night, but was much better! The next morning I again drank a couple of cups of 1/2 regular 1/2 decaf coffee and have had no more pain!! I know those who think coffee is poision will think this is crazy, but I would rather drink a couple cups of coffee a day then have the terrible pain that sciatica causes.

Posted by Joe (Poway, Ca) on 01/04/2017

I have extreme pain in the right hip ( sciatica, I guess) going on 3 weeks. Can't walk or sleep and the only thing that has helped is coffee. Prescription pain pills and muscle relaxers were no help. Pain was so bad last night, I had to drink a cup of coffee to get some sleep.

Posted by NK (Georgia) on 02/17/2021

You do not have to buy expensive B12 at an expensive store. But is is best to buy the kind that says "sublingual" on the package because it's more absorbable. You can get liquid or quick dissolve tablets. You will not overdose on even the highest doses sold in stores because excess is not stored by your body, it's flushed out with urination.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Patti (Jamestown, Ohio, United States) on 02/18/2010

I found this site just looking at natural ways to treat different things. My husband is 71 & hurt his back sweeping our porch. Going & going to the doctor but not much help. The pain in his leg was awful. He could not find a comfortable position no matter what he did. For two nights he walked the floor just trying to get some relief. I saw the crystalized ginger for scatica and thought it was worth a try. When I tell others how much it helped him I get a funny look but it surely did. On Saturday, about noon he ate two pieces. Two more about 3 and two more around 6 that evening. He slept Saturday night for the first time in 3 weeks AND he has had NO pain in the leg since. His back is still some sore and tender but the pain that went from his hip almost to his foot is 100% total gone. So I would say to anyone with sciatica to at least give it a try. He is eating 3-4 pieces a day now. May try not eating and see if it stays gone. Just wanted to share this so if someone is wondering if this really works is did for my husband. Got it at Krogers in the dried fruit area. Came in a bag like dried cranberries are in. They also had it in the spices but alot more expensive.
Love this site and all the information here.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Jean (Los Angeles, California) on 03/22/2009

I had severe siatica. could not sit or get out of a chair. walking was difficult. I went to a gentle homeopatjoc chiropractor who told me to sit in a hot bath of two cups of epsom salts for 15 minutes. The next morning 90% of the pain was gone. No aspirin. I will do more epsom salts baths until my exercises begin to loosen the muscles which were tight from too much sitting at the computer......

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Anna (Philadelphia, PA) on 02/19/2009

My husband had his sciatica pain gone in few minutes after eating ginger by itself (candidized or powdered).

Chair Exercise
Posted by Kim (Coast, Oregon) on 11/03/2009

I've recently suffered from a week of extreme muscle spasms in my back. Upon reading this recommendation, I began the stretching exercises and IMMEDIATE relief was felt after the first stretch. Sit in a firm chair with a straight back (concentrating on proper alignment & posture) and enjoy the benefits of this stretch. This is the first thing to bring relief in almost of week of pure, unrelenting pain.

I knew there had to be more options than massage and bed rest!

Thank you so much for sharing your "effectual" experience!

Chair Exercise
Posted by Realeone2 (Ssi, Ga) on 03/22/2011

This works wonders like the chair exercise, I read this awhile back for sciatica, on Dear Abby I think it was-this helped me too. Lie on your back, stretch your toes, pointed as far as you can while stretching your arms over your head as far as you can, release, then stretch again, arms upward and pulling your toes inward. Do this BEFORE you get out of bed in the morning. Also, lie on your back, cross ankle to your knee, push down on knee while pulling in opposite leg, you can feel the burn/pull/release of the buttock area, hence sciatica release!

Pain Caused by the Piriformis Muscle
Posted by Marie (Philly, Pa) on 10/15/2011

Thank you for this info. I googled piriformis muscle and there was a number of videos on how to stretch the muscle. I have been in pain for a number of days. I knew it was my sciatic nerve but not the piriformis muscle. I am sitting here now after I did the stretching from two of the videos on youtube and I feel better. I will do the exercises everyday now that I know what is really affecting my sciatic nerve. My pain was from the lower back, pain especially in my hip, and down to my ankle. My knee was swelling up also. Everything feels calmer now. Thanks again!

Posted by Dena Lewis (New Orleans, Louisiana ) on 05/21/2024

Bananas/Avoid Caffeine

I'm currently pain free from sciatica due to me eating bananas smoothies. I add strawberries and peanut butter with dates and a little maple syrup and cocoa powder. I drink this for a week and also did piriformis muscle massage twice a day on buttocks, and back of thigh and the calf. I massage the entire sciatic muscles. You can find videos on YouTube or tic tok. I do it twice a day everyday and I'm pain free. I didn't have to do anything else. I believe sciatica pain is triggered by a potassium deficiency. Caffeine should be avoided because it takes certain vitamins and minerals from the body. I also take a multivitamin, vitamin d, magnesium and eat vitamin b rich vegetables daily along with meat for b12.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Barbara (Idaho) on 12/31/2022

I have had sciatica for almost 40 yrs (happened during childbirth). I am now 70 and the episodes are lasting longer and are more frequent. This last bout lasted almost 4 months. I have tried the tennis shoe and ball technique, ginger slices, inflammatory supplements, blackstrap molasses, lysine, dmso (for pain, but made my breath stink)..etc. Finally came across the Hyaluronic acid recipe (Ted's recipe) and after 2 weeks I am back to normal! Other remedies that I feel contributed to my recovery is:

1. yoga (adapt and modify for your individual practice) and stretching out that piriformis muscle.

2. foam roller- I put pressure on that piriformis muscle (it hurts but consistency helped my leg)

3. chirp wheel- this is a shark tank product that aligns your spine!

BUT..so much relief from the Hyaluronic Acid recipe 3x a day on an empty stomach. I am so grateful!!!

Hope this helps someone else as Sciatica is so debilitating and painful. Good Luck!

EC: Hi Barbara, are you referring to Ted's Hyaluronic Acid and Sea Salt remedy for Degenerative Disc Disease per this page: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/teds-remedies-for-degenerative-disc-disease.html ? Please let us know.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 05/18/2022

Hello Tap Out Stress Mary Cassidy,

A herniated disc pressing on the sciatic nerve (or possibly osteoarthritis?)

Yes, the candied ginger does seem to be a quick (temporary) fix for sciatica and sacro-iliac problems.

However, all that sugar is no good long term!

Maybe switch to a once per day Arthritis Smoothie as follows:-

Almond Milk 1 cup / Turmeric 1 tsp - 2 tbsp / Ginger 1 chunk 1/2" x 1/2" / Cinnamon 1/2 tsp / One Banana / Pineapple 1 cup / Vanilla extract 1 tsp / One large Carrot / Hemp seed 2 tbsp (optional).

All the above are among many ingredients recommended for arthritis treatment - there is no shortage! Some recommend using cow's milk if you cannot get almond milk but dairy consumption should be minimized for arthritis sufferers (also grains unfortunately) plus a host of others which you can research:- "Worst Ten Foods for Arthritis" that sort of thing...

Finding what best suits you is a journey you will need to embark upon for yourself. My only other advice is to try alternatives for a month or so before giving up.

I have learnt that with arthritis, it is as much about giving up some (dietary) things, as about taking correct supplements and exercising and getting good rest as well as developing good postural habits.

Get an "expert" to evaluate your sitting posture and acquire a good sitting habit. Makes a huge difference to sciatica.

Also, there are some very beneficial exercises on u tube that really do work for this condition - one shouldn't despair - help is at hand.

Meanwhile, enjoy the candied ginger lumps!

Please let us know how you progress.

Cheers from Down Under

Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Chondroitin Sulfate
Posted by Prioris (ME) on 07/16/2023

That is the product I recommend for herniated discs, back pain and regenerating the gums. Also it may help regenerate the joints but I have no experience with that nor how long it would take in your case.

Arthritis is a systemic infection.

What you use depends on how bad the infection is.

1) I would normally tell you to use ionic boron. That can be found on amazon. You could make your own from borax but amazon liquid drops are just more convenient. Plus it has some magnesium.

Ionic boron is more slow.

2) I would recommend minocycline if it is bad. Of course using antibiotics comes with a caveat.

You could be sensitive. I take it with bromelain to attack any biofilm. The positive thing about minocycline is that it doesn't wipe out your gut bacteria but only the gram positive gut bacteria so most good bacteria is protected.

You can go to calvet website.

You need to make an account because it will not show you the product minocycline without having an account. It's important the minocycline be a QUALITY one.

After making the account, just search for antibiotics minocycline. It will be container with 30 capsules. Take one twice every day with bromelain.

The alternative is to get a doctor to write a prescription. This can be yours or an online doctor. Some doctors may refuse or refer you to a specialists. The calvet website cuts thru the red tape.

People will claim other things work for arthritis but I think it is dependent on how severe the arthritis is. I had osteoarthritis so had to revert to the minocycline. It is used successfully in other chronic illnesses.

Posted by Lorene (Montgomery, Tx) on 09/21/2020

I HAD Sciatica pain. 1) cause is neuropathy from Rx antibiotic drugs years ago. Haunting! Rips magnesium from the body causing inability to walk, stand, etc.

2) had MRI identify bad discs in spine, and Ankylosing Spondylitis disease. Also have 2 knee issues needing replaced, but declined. Had Hyalgen shots in knees, but still had odd electrical like jolt behind knee and in leg. Doc said Bakers Cyst. (humph....)

3) Suddenly my entire leg caved with jolting excruciating pain. I take lots of supplements for bone, joints, etc. knowing magnesium loss and use of Cipro drugs damage. Had lots of pain creams, but never total relief, and this pain was different and EXTREME! I had CBD Hemp Oil in my cupboard SUPER strength 1000mg with slight 0.3% THC in it. Sat on couch. 2 hours later, could move.

Overnight I was rescued with ability to walk!! Since I have continued daily use of CBD oil, I am nearly cured and comfortable. I know that the nerve damage is still there in feeling the tendon, but can swing my leg back and almost tight now, which was impossible before the CBD oil. I feel sold on this medicine. Only get CBD online and not in store-fronts. You want a GOOD product.

Hope you are as fortunate as me. I am 80 years old and "walking". No, the disease does not go away, damage is done, but walking is good.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by 2q&learn (Western) on 01/01/2018 137 posts

I've had some discomfort after ingesting powdered ginger root in just water. Never when I took it in my food, though. You don't want to overdo it, either. Too much of anything can cause problems!

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Jean (New York City) on 06/27/2017

Thank you for your story. I just chopped up some ginger and then ate three pieces of candied ginger. I am going to eat it several times today. I am praying for relief from this sciatic pain in my leg. If it works I will write back. Thank you again for passing on this information

Posted by Debbie (St. Augustine, Fl) on 12/12/2016

I use capsules, I buy the fresh ground from a local herb store here. I started taking 2 a day, for my sciatica, works great. Turmeric is good for many things, love it!

Posted by Elaine (Great Lakes, Usa) on 01/28/2017

Turmeric works fabulously as an anti-inflammatory. Be sure to get the kind of capsule that includes piperine (black pepper) to facilitate effective absorption. I have turned other friends on to it as well. They thought I was an "eye of newt" kind of gal...but now THEY are singing the praises of turmeric, too!

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