Sjogren's Syndrome
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Sjogren's Syndrome

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Fish Oil

4 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by Suza (Sydney, NSW, Australia) on 04/20/2009

I have Sjogrens syndrome, a mild version, but what has really helped me is taking a lot of EPA & vitamin E fishoil as well as Nodic Cod liver oil, I can feel the difference when I don't take it, as my symptoms worsen.

I also feel that getting a neck massage helps my symptoms, I have a feeling that the neck seems to be linked to the sjogrens somehow , I have always had a sore neck too, but have been doing stretches that help. anyway give the fish oil pills a go- I take 12 a day + 3 nordic cod liver oil pills. I have been doing that for years and it seems to keep it under control.

Liver Flushes

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Posted by Erica (Benton, Ky) on 09/13/2015

I was diagnosed in 2008 with sjogrens. After 9 liver flushes (Andrea Moritz style) I did 6 in 08 and 3 here in 2015.) I had blood redrawn last month and my blood work came back NEGATIVE. The DR said he "could not medically explain this". I tried to explain the liver flushes... but just got a blank stare.

Fyi, I was also able to go off of my meds for hashimotos and am hoping one day to also rid my body of scleraderma morphea. I do not do any speacial diet or supplements, I go gluten free temporaraly if it starts bothering my stomach. But no other restrictions.

I have also done a parasite detox through hummaworm.


Replied by Hina
(Houston Taxes)

How you did liver flush? Can you tell me the method I am having miserable life because of Sjogren's and rheumatoid arthritis. Please help me. May God bless you.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn.)

HI U HINA, , , , , , , ,

For your liver flush, google coffee enema and follow the directions.

Wish you well. =====ORH======

Replied by Christian
(Mt. Juliet, Tn)

Hello. I am very encouraged by your post re: liver flushes and Sjogrens. Did you only do the flushes in 2008 and not again until 2015? How did you determine how many to do? Thank you for your help!

Replied by Joycealaina
(Oceanside, Ca.)

I am from Northern California where we are quite serious about using everything natural. So was I when autoimmune diseases began...unfortunately they got out of control and I had excruciating pain. I did not get it under control...a doctor did when I moved to southern California. Pain pills I hadn't taken helped...if they work...take them. I was also put on methotrexate...and it worked for a while. All I know is the medicines helped in my darkest hours, days, years when I suffered so trying to do it myself.

Now that I am better, not cured, but much better...I can look for natural ways of healing.

With dry mouth my throat gets so crackled I cannot be understood...I chew gum. It gets my juices going again rather quickly.

A few thoughts from one use has the gamitte and keeps on trying....but doesn't refuse medical assistance.

Replied by Amy
(Sarasota, Florida)

Hello and thank you for your post on this site. Can you tell me something more about the liver flush that helped you please. Did you use a clinic or buy a formula? I would appreciate the details. Perhaps it can be a help. Has this been a permanent help to you? I am having a great deal of difficulty and need a solution. Many thanks. Amy

Replied by Janet
(Madison, Wi)

Erica, this is amazing! Thank you for sharing. I have had sjogren's symptoms for several years I now realize, gradually getting worse. Recent skin problems including rashes, cracks, and spontaneous hives, now around my eyes, have no explanation, and no apparent medical treatment besides steroids. I also have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism for which I take T4 and T3 supplements, and have eliminated most gluten with much improvement in TPO & anti-thyroid antibodies. Izabella Wentz' book Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Finding and Treating the Root Cause has inspired me to believe that I can eventually be my healthy self and body again. I'll be having new antibody tests for Sjogren's soon. Do you know which tests you had? I am now planning to do the liver and gall bladder flush recommended by Andreas Moritz, I have ordered his book. Your story is energizing and full of promise. It was a year ago, how are you feeling now? Any other suggestions you may have are welcome. Thank you again ...

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U JANET,,,,,,,,, ERICA's method is not original with the Andreus Moritz video. This procedure we got from Dr Hulda Clark's book many years ago. She says the procedure has been done for thousands of years. We do this yearly and now only get what is called gravel. What the video adds is to drink many glasses of apple juice a day for a week.

This protocol will also work for kidney stones, but the apple juice is far more important .

Let me tell you a story that just happened to a church friend of ours. She had a very large kidney stone and used the standard allopathic procedure of busting up the stone. The fragments went all through out her body and they were full of toxins. She was on life support and unconscious for about 4 days. The decision was to remove the life support and see what God had in store for her. She had turned totally black, but awoke a day or so later. Her left arm had to be removed and her left foot. Our little country church prayed long and hard for her during this time. She is at peace to lose her arm and foot.

We visited her a few days ago and could not believe her attitude. She was totally positive and thanking God for sparing her. The doctors said she was a miracle . I told her that she would have more stones if she did not supplement with magnesium and if this occurred again, then to do Dr Hulda Clarks procedure instead of what she just went through.

I also posted on this thread about coffee enema's that will flush toxins from your liver. We also do this procedure. As all know my admission to posters is to read and study until they are worn out and then do more. Knowledge is what will solve your health problems. Pity..... that most want a quick fix, which will not happen.

OUT OF SPIT. =======ORH======

Replied by Jan

Can you kindly provide your liver flush programme as there are different ones online? I'd hugely appreciate it since no one else says anything worked for this syndrome.

Replied by Steve

Google Hulda Clark liver flush and you will find tons of good info there.

Replied by Christine

Hi ~ good to hear you made yourself better. What kind of things did you do to make your self better? Flushes, foods, water, vitamins?

Thank YOu

Replied by Christine

HI Ericka ~ So great to hear your better now!

Will you please share your experience on the LIVER CLEANSE .... what kind of preparation before the actual cleanse and what to expect during the process.
Thank YOU!

Replied by Ruhi

How can I do liver flushes. I have RA and sjogren.

Replied by Luly Salazar
(Denver City Tx)

How do you do your liver flushes?

Replied by Steve

I use the Hulda Clark liver flush recipe but instead of epsom salts I use magnesium citrate powder as it's easier on the kidneys.

Replied by Vanessa

Will the liver flush help with lupus and Sjogren syndrome?


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Posted by Art (California) on 03/11/2024 2370 posts

In primary Sjogren's Syndrome (pSS), two of the most common symptoms are dry eyes and dry mouth. pSS damages the salivary glands (SGs), leading to dry mouth and melatonin helps protect the salivary glands from this damage, as discussed in this new March 2024 study :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

Melatonin had the potential to mitigate inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis in SGs of pSS by inhibiting the IL-6/STAT3 pathway through receptor-dependent mechanisms. This intervention effectively prevented glandular damage and preserved functional integrity.


Mineral Water for Fatigue

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Posted by Diane (California, US) on 01/19/2015

Has anyone has any success healing Sjogren's doing liver flushes? I have been hearing about this remedy from youtube vidoes from Andreas Moritz.

For fatigue, mine went almost completely away when I switched to drinking ONLY mineral water (not the sparkling kind). I get it delivered now. It's expensive, but I no longer have the horrible fatigue where I couldn't even stand to wash dishes or make it up the hill to where I park my car. After only 2 days of drinking only mineral water, it was all gone. My hip, shoulder, and foot pain also have no reappeared. it's been over 7 months now.

Replied by Mary
(Los Angeles)

Where do I buy this mineral water? Got a brand name? I have a very sick child that needs this. Thank you.

Replied by Jayashrii
(Nelson, New Zealand)

Great news. I bought a distiller & put my water through that. Fatigue has vastly improved but I hadn't connected the two. Thank you.

Replied by Karen

You should use distilled water for your son....Go on you tube and post distilled water and you will get all the information you need...I've never felt better in my life since drinking it and I was pretty sick and run down...All the best to you and your son...I believe you can buy distilled water from the supermarkets etc where you are.

Replied by Honey
(Columbia, Sc)
3 posts

Are you still drinking the mineral water you have delivered?

Replied by Carolyn
(Hamilton, On Canada)

No one should drink distilled water it has no minerals in it, it is "dead" water and very acidic. I drank it for several years and got very tired, naturopath told me Alkaline water is the best, it has the minerals still in it. Our body needs minerals.

Replied by Ben

Distilled water is the cleanest and best testing water there is. If you are worried about minerals just add a few drops of trace minerals to it.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Distilled Water is simply purified water and yes, no benefits for consumption. It is recommended to add a sprinkle of powdered or a few drops of Ionic Major & Trace Minerals to correct this problem. Maybe not as good an option but a sprinkle of Sea Salt or Himalayan Pink Salk would suffice.

For yrs I carbon filtered my tap water and found it insufficient as my metabolism seemed affected by fluoride. And sure enough this was the case because I started Ozonating 1 gal filtered water for 15-30 secs and my energy, as well as my kitties, went up.

I get my minerals elsewhere but I do add a few drops of Iodine to a gal of drinking water.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn)

HI U Timh,,,,,,,,,,, you a better man than I. You went around the May Pole to tell folks that distilled water has no value. It does not have any value what so ever, except it does not contain any garbage.

Folks are told to drink spring water because it contains lots of minerals. Distilled water has none. Distilled water has an affinity for calcium so it will remove that from your bones. Drink it long enough and you will end up with osteoporosis.

Won't say what I want to tell the advocates of distilled water except they have never studied chemistry.


Replied by Diane

I"m sorry it took me so long to find the questions on the mineral water. I'm able to get mine delivered in glass 2.5 gallon containers which I put in a water crock. The brand I buy is Mountain Valley Spring -- from a spring in Arkansas. But I found that any good mineral water does the same, and they have some in Trader Joe's now. And Whole Foods has some.

Replied by Diane

I'm sorry this took so long. I had no way to know people were asking a question. Yes, I am still getting the mineral water delivered in 2.5 gallon glass bottles. I buy Mountain Valley Spring water. Whole Foods also has a brand of Italian Still Mineral water that is also in glass and much cheaper, and that was the first one I used so I know it's just as good as Mountain Valley in alkalinizing my body. Been on it for over 2 years now and it's been such a Godsend.

Replied by Janet L.

Thank you for the information.

Replied by Yvone
(Auckland, New Zealand)

As I follow Ayurvedic principles I am aware that any bottled water, be it in glass or plastic is dead water. Very easily fixed. Buy blue bottles, dark blue or cyan blue, from the Warehouse. $2 each. Buy some corks. DO NOT USE METAL CAPS. Fill your bottle with tap or filtered water and leave outside for a few hours. It does not have to be in direct sunlight, just where the rays reach. This restructures the water. Very simple to do and the water tastes completely different. Normally I cannot tolerate water, but have no problem drinking 6-8 glasses of restructured water a day. AND BEST OF ALL IT DOES NOT COST A FORTUNE. Add one cupful to your kettle, cooking water, any other water. I splash it on my dry eyes as well while holding a mouthful of water. Very helpful. I use it in my espresso machine. Coffee tastes completely different. I know, I know, but I only drink one cappucino a day. I brought back from Germany mineral salts called Meinebase and add a cupful to the footspa. These salts regulate the pH balance of my body and much better than bicarb of soda. This help a lot. It will take one year but I will rebalance my immune system and wave goodbye to Sjogrens. Best of luck everyone, hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies

2 User Reviews
4 star (2) 

Posted by Claudia (Conifer, Co) on 02/10/2015

Hello Everyone! Thank you all for your comments, they are helpful and encouraging. I am a 61 YY female, and was diagnosed with Sjogrens last year after many years of suffering from fatigue and dryness in the eyes and mouth. But with this diagnoses I was at least pleased to know that these symptoms are related, and REAL (and not something in my head to be demised by doctors).

Anyway, I would like to share some of the things that I am doing that have given me some relief. I have been taking (daily) fish oil, potassium, and vitamins C and D.

I have also been drinking organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar mixed with raw unfiltered local honey (about a tablespoon of each mixed with 12 oz of water). I have noticed a difference in my energy level, as well as some relief from my dry mouth. (And, I am no longer on high blood pressure medication. But that's for another post.)

For the past 2 months I have used something that my ophthalmologist recommended: serum tears. These have been a real blessing. I had started off using OTC replacement tears, with dismal results - no relief. Nothing seemed to provide lubrication in my eyes, and each time I applied the artificial tears, my eyes were left burned and painful; I tried every brand on the shelves; nothing helped. (On a scale of 1-10, my tear production was tested to be a "1", so... hmm, my eyes are very dry).

Anyway, serum tears could be a natural alternative for someone with severe dry eyes. They are made from your own blood, so they are unique to each person. Several units of your blood are drawn, and the red blood cells are separated out, and then the clear (white) cells are mixed with a saline solution, and put into small eye droppers. The solution must be kept frozen until ready to use, and then when thawed it lasts only 30 days under refrigeration. But, I can honestly say, these have given me my life back. I still have dry eyes, but the serum tears give soothing relief, where nothing else did. The serum puts back MY OWN cells in to my eyes, where they are needed. Serum tears are not offered by every eye doctor... you may have to check around. They can be expensive - and they are not always covered by insurance (mine aren't). The science behind these drops is a couple decades old, but it may help some of you who have severe dry eyes as I do.

At night, I am use a simple, pure, organic coconut oil. This has been far better for me than any chemical gel or ointment for night relief. I scoop (with a sterile knife) a small amount of solid oil, and put it in to an empty dropper. Before bed, I run the base of the dropper under hot water for a minute, and then put a couple drops of the barely warmed oil directly into my eyes. Bliss. Coconut oil is naturally antibacterial and anti fungal, which seems more safe than some synthetic chemical based gels or ointments.

Blessing to you all - I hope that that my experience helps someone. There is hope out there.

Replied by Karen

You can buy distilled drinking water online and magnesium and bicarb water online ...Look on ebay too or google for a supplier near your area...Only use distilled drinking water..You can buy an inexpensive distiller on ebay and make your own...Both these waters will change your life and repair most ailments.

Replied by Erica
(Benton, Ky)

I have cured my sjogrens after doing a series of liver flushes (Andrea Moritz style). In 2008 I was diagnosed with sjogrens and a month ago I asked for the tests to be retaken. All results came back negative. Dr said he "can't medically explain it".

I hope this finds you well and brings you hope. sjogrens IS CURABLE! ( I have no other dietary restrictions or supplements )

See my post under Liver Flushes.

Replied by Kag
(San Francisco)

For dry eyes, an ophthalmologist can insert eye duct plugs to prevent tears from draining, and it's painless. You can also get an RX for Lacriserts. They retail for about $300/month, but is covered under insurance. I cut the little things in half so I get twice as many and since I rarely need the full ones. They are tiny, little foil-wrap clear sticks that expand in your lower lid to produce tears for HOURS! Thought I was going to have to give up snow skiing, cycling, motorcycle/scooter riding, scuba diving until doc told me about these! These will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Still trying to deal with the dry mouth, though. Physical therapy has taken away my joint pain, so I'm almost cured!

Replied by Mario
(Dallas, Texas)

For dry eyes, I am using Castor oil under the eye lashes before bed for years, very good results

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Steenie (Florida) on 09/03/2013

One time, I did put my Sjogren's into "remission" for 6 years, actually... I started going back to the things which got me "into the mess" to begin w/...

First of all, mine came from having a toxemia as a child as well as a genetic predisposition... I had been food combining and vegan for years but I didn't find help until I got OFF the Prednisone eye drops I'd been doing for years for my Uveitis (I guess, I should tell others to work caution and check w/ a Naturpoath, uveitis is a serious condion, as well)... I actually tapered off of them as well as (diluted w/ distilled water and more over a period of a month), I had found the ultimately, Eyebright in the eye (would recommend, now, checking Weleda or a homeopath as the way I did it caused infection), but infection or not, the body was then able to heal... Also, around that time, I did a liver cleanse using only milk thistle tea with a juice fast over a period of time. I would also recommend that anyone with Sjogren's take out any nightshades from their diet or regime, sincerely, my uveitis would flare and I also didn't realize that tomatoes were a culprit, I knew I reacted to all other nightshades... I know that I have been successful w/ potatoes, but don't remember doing them around the time I got rid of it.

I got in a less clean environment and the Uveitis crept in some and began use in the eye of the Pred drops again (should've stuck w/ the eyebright, really)... But, thought I was "normal"... Many eye surgeries later, more Pred and not keeping up w/ the natural diet, doing more man made things (it's hard, you need the right nutrients when you have both these conditions, if vegan, you really need to supplement w/ a quality D3 and B12 supplement as well as having a great source of calcium)... and the Sjogren's came back... I'm going to try my former regimine and see how it goes, if that doesn't work, I'm moving where the air is cleaner. Hope this helps someone else! :)

Replied by Donna
(Ontario, Canada)

What is eyebright? I haven't been diagnosed yet, but I'm pretty sure I have Sjogren's Syndrome. I'm a Dental Hygienist, an I see patients with SS often enough, and dreaded that it would ever happen to me. I'm going on my second week straight of this agonizing dry eye and mouth issue. I'm going out of my mind. Still awaiting RA blood tests. I'm finding that chewing icecubes helps me stay hydrated but doesn't deplete the saliva from my mouth like water. What is night shade foods? I've doubled up on my omega 3's. This all started the night (of the day) that I started my liver cleanse that she put me on with other things( paricide, curcumin, probiotics, b12 with folic acid) I also had acupuncture done as well that day to increase my fertility, and I fell like all of that triggered this reaction. I'm desperate to get rid of it.

Replied by Steenie

Eyebright is an herb that can be bought bulk or in tea bags, I buy it bulk and am back to using the tea in my eyes (don't recommend for some time after eye surgery) and it helps w/ my uveitis triggered by Sjogren's, specifically the posterior kind, it took this to relieve my body of the burden of the corticosteroids (it's anti inflammatory, the eyebright, nothing else I'd tried did this).

Nightshades are highly advised against w/ all arthritis/autoimmune diseases and you can test by removing and then adding them back in to see the difference (huge difference for me, even once Sjogren's was better, I still couldn't do nightshades): tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potatoes (don't bother me as much, the others I can't eat at all), and a number of herbs. In fact, eyebright is, funny that I can't take it internally but I'm able to tolerate it w/o uveitis in my eyes.

In order to clean my liver and then the Sjogren's was knocked out which leads me to believe that medicine, in and of itself can prevent the healing of the Sjogren's as well as the uveitis (depends on the cause of the uveitis, but best to go as natural as possible).

Replied by Eileen

Nightshade is also a toxic weed (has small lavender flowers) that grows on fence lines throughout many states and in cities. It will even kill cattle (except cattle are smart enough that they won't go near it unless there is no other food source). Nightshade is so toxic that it can be absorbed through the skin. When I moved to Columbus, OH, I pulled this climbing weed along my chainlink fence and acquired an "unidentifiable" conjuntivitis that also caused my pupils to fully dialate. Even OSU medical hospital didn't know what caused my conjunctivitis. I read everything and discovered the truth about all plants in the nightshade family.

In Italy, nightshade tea was given to young girls to cause "Bella Donna" or large pupils that were considered a beauty attribute. In addition to the general toxicity of nightshade, enlarged pupils can lead to the destruction of vision. I had to wear sunglasses inside to protect my eyes. I believe that my encounter with the nightshade may have triggered my Sjogren's primary (I had the lip biopsy) and perhaps triggered all of my mixed connective tissue disease and many autoimmune diseases, including my MS (because my first signs of MS began a couple of years after my encounter with nightshade).

Don't every touch or consume a plant or its fruit without knowing what side effects are associated with it.

Oil Pulling

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Grace (Portland) on 12/16/2015

Sjogren's Syndrome:

Oil pulling helped me. Oil pulling is where you swish an oil ( I use sesame oil or coconut oil) in your mouth for 15 minutes, then spit it out, and brush your teeth. I do it once a day.

Also, my salivary gland was enlarged may be clogged, and putting a tea bag between cheek, and gum for few hours, seems to unclog it.

Replied by Kristen

Please do NOT swallow any oil that you've had in your mouth. It will be filled with bacteria, you want to spit it out, and rinse your mouth out. Just to clarify. Also, I tried oil pulling and it was very effective but my crown came loose, just fyi.

Sea Buckthorn Oil

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Posted by Shabana (TX) on 03/09/2021

Sea Buckthorn oil:

In clinical study on Sjogren's and Sea Buckthorn, twenty-three female patients with typical symptoms of dryness, pain and itching in the genital tract mucosa took Sea Buckthorn oil for three months. Conditions of the genital mucosa were evaluated using a visual analogue scale method before and after each treatment period. It was found that the use of Sea Buckthorn oil resulted in a higher rate of improvement in all symptoms of the twenty-three patients. In another study, researchers recruited 100 adults with symptoms of dry eye syndrome.

For three months, participants took two grams of sea buckthorn oil or a placebo each day. By the study's end, those who'd taken sea buckthorn oil showed a reduction in several dry eye symptoms (including redness and burning). These results suggest that Sea Buckthorn Oil may present a promising alternative for improving the condition of the mucosa of Sjogren's Syndrome patients.

Sjogren's Disease and FUT2

Posted by Bill J. (United States) on 06/05/2019

I'm grateful for these posts where people can look at possible solutions. The Auto-Immune disorders don't have to be a Life Sentence! I am being tested for Sjogren's. I have minimal dry eye, dry mouth only at night, but I am a mouth breather due to congested nose.

The thing that made me consider all the moisture issues is that I almost have never sweated except for peri-menopause that was severe sweating most of day/night and lasted for about 5-7 years ending in 2004. Could some people just not be "Sweaters" or are "Low Secreters" due to a single FUT 2 defect and don't have Sjogren's? One with 2 defects would be a total "Non-Secreter" and have serious lack of mucous if the gene expressed. Could they be connected? Or FUT2 may be the cause for someone without Sjogrens who still has moisture issues. Regarding Detoxing. If one can't open up the channels of the Lymphatic System, it seems dangerous to attempt detox. Maybe Liver or Colon Cleanses might be safe, but some other Detoxing seems risky.

Any thoughts? Is there a connection of Mercury to lack of sweating? If it gets released and doesn't exit, it can really wreck havoc.

Replied by Peggy

Rebounding helps the lymphatic system to work properly.

Sjogren's Syndrome

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Diamond (Ma., US) on 11/22/2014

Black Cohosh for Sjogren's

I have used a natural remedy for over twenty years-called black cohosh, it has been a God send for all these years. As for dry eyes, it's just the greatest, it also supports the whole system. Black Cohosh can be bought in almost any drug store and some of the leading stores. I thought I would add an extra alternative for many others to use. Good Luck...

Replied by Shaon
(Independence, La, Usa)

I was reading about David who has Sjogrens I too have Sjogren. I was diagnosed with Sjogren's Syndrome in 2010 but I'm sure I've had it since 2005. The doctors have run test but no one diagnosed it until I when in the hospital in 2010. The heart doctor said I had a sticking value which we found out was cause from the sjogren, I've lost teeth because of the dry mouth, I can't go in the sun because it hurts my eyes, I've lost my taste, my ears hurt and now theres joint problems.

But that's not why I really need help I have allergies from nuts to purfumes. In 1999 I had a reaction to tea-tree oil residue left in the bath tub I was taken to the hospital where they but umna boots on me that only made matters worse and I carry the scars to proof it. There is this one spot on my left leg that never heals, I have had it for 13 years it was never any big than a quarter until 2010 when it decide to get bigger after beening hit.

Then at the end of 2011 I hit the other leg on a box and a new hole formed, the doctors at wound care have tried about ten differance medicine on me but nothing has worked. They have put the medication on than wrap my legs but the wrap cause pain and itching. Now I itch all the time and the itching is driving me up the wall, when any thing touches my lower legs I see stars that's how bad they hurt and I don't mean where the sores are I mean any where on my lower legs and then these water like blisters form and new holes start. Most of the time the smaller ones are just skin deep and heal but some are a little deeper and take there time healing but not the bigger ones there just will not heal. I've tried epsom salt baths and bag balm at home but nothing works and I have constant drainage from the minute my feet hit the floor. I hope you can help me, please

Replied by Anne
(Newport Beach, Ca)

Shaon, ask your doctors about packing the wounds with manuka honey.

Replied by Candyk
(Rural, Ohio)

Sharon from NY - I also have sjorgrens and I use the alkalizing lemon/bakingsoda everyday. It has helped me tremendously. I also take a vit. B complex. I eat coconut and and use coconut oil since I have other auto disease too. But I have stayed off all the RX drugs and I think its due to this regimen. NOTE: I drink 8 to 10 glasses of water/day.

Replied by Gingermeggs

Sharon, I had the fluid cysts on my first knuckles. That's what led me to the dr to find out I had sjogrens. One would open up every few weeks and drain. For years. Seems to have healed after taking nattokinase and serrapeptase for a few months. Only 2 of each, now back to one. Kinda hard on the stomach.

Replied by Ritu
(Columbus, Oh)

Hi! This message is for Candyk from Rural, Ohio.

My mother (age 67 yrs) has severe Sjogrens Syndrome.
I read about your remedy of baking soda and lemon.
Could you please elaborate on the quantity of each and in how much water? Also if the water should be warm or at room temperature? How many times a day you take this?
How helpful it has been.

I will really appreciate your response as I am desperate for help.

Thanks a ton! Ritu from Columbus, Ohio.

Replied by Su
(London, UK)

Hi Ritu

Plz let me know how much of baking soda lemon juice and water one has to use.

Replied by Candyk
(Rural, Oh)

Update, I wanted to add to my 2013 post. I use ACV for inflammation at least 1x a day now. I take and squeeze 1 lemon and add 1/4 to 1/2 t of baking soda to the juice. (Best to use organic lemons or limes) Let it bubble and fizz. When its completely flat add to 1 cup of water and drink. This helps to alkalize the body. I have sjogrens, Sclero, raynauds, . This seems to help with all. I also follow a supplemental regimen If anyone with AI is interested. : Vit. A, B's. K2, D3, Boron, E, fish oil, turmeric (product called curamin) and I make my own kefir from raw milk (this has trillions of probiotics to help heal the digestive tract). I also just added a product that combines, aloe, glutamine, and DGL. This helps with the digestive tract also. I like Colostrum for healing also. Can do a lot for the body.

When we are nutrient deficient the body cannot heal. Its important to follow a healthy diet and try to get the best quality of food we can obtain. I don't need to tell everyone that most of our food is dead. It contributes little. We are eating more and getting less basically. Of course growing your own it s the best source but when you can't find that buy local from farmers who sell produce and eggs. Free range eggs are the best. (the most nutritional eggs have an orange/dk yellow yolk.) Organic mean is also recommended for anyone who has AI. I know that a vegan diet is good however, the stomach lining needs "threonine" to regenerate every 3 days. So a good protein source is really important whether it be from animal or vegetable. I always tell people start out with minimal supplementation and work your way up in case something doesn't agree with the body bc we are all different and effected in a variety of ways. The body IS made to heal itself if you give it the right fuel and nutrients.

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