Dietary Changes
The scientific research of lipomas suggest that they reproduce on their own. What I have noticed is that when I drink soda, this is when my nerves seem to pinch, so my thinking is that when I drank the soda, it caused the bump to grow, therefore making it more likely to pinch a nerve.
I have not tried any of the suggested cures yet but will begin seeing what works. Other suggestions for remedies include sage oil, alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme q10, MSM, and acetyl-L-camitine. Alpha Lipoic acid would make the most sense, but hopefully someone comes up with a viable answer.
Sage oil was recommended because chefs use it in cooking to reduce fat content, so the theory was that if sage oil is applied to the skin surface where the fatty tissue is, the skin would absorb and then shrink the tumor.
I have heard that surgery may remove the tumor temporarily but I'm thinking if my theory is correct in eating unhealthy, that may be what's causing them to grow back. My theory is that fat content from unhealthy food is creating the fatty tissue, and caffeinated products like soda and coffee cause the fatty cells to go into hyper mode causing growth and reproduction. But, this is just a theory.
If anyone has scientific tools to evaluate this theory, please follow up. Thank you.
Dietary Changes