Natural Remedies

Lipomas - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Lipomas. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)

Posted by Caz (Kzn, South Africa) on 12/04/2017

Editor's Choice

ACV & Bicarb reduced my neck lump - almost gone now

Hello and Bless you for this website and everyone for their reviews and comments. For the last ten years I have had a lump growing on the side of my neck. I refuse to see Doctors as I have had nothing but negative experiences from them.

I ignored the lump and over the years it grew from a little bean sized lump until it spread right up the side of my neck to the base of my skull and reached my neck spine area. It started has a hard little bean size and became a huge soft moveable spongy lump. It started becoming visible a few years ago ago. Recently it became uncomfortable.

I started using ACV for another reason and noticed that overnight my lump reduced to half its size. I visited Earth Clilnic and read all the negative and positive comments, and decided to give ACV a try. This is the beginning of the third week of using ACV and the lump has reduced to a few small hard bead size, and is no longer visible or uncomfortable. Every single day there is a marked reduction of the lump.

My Recipe and Dosage:

I use ACV with the Mother and bicarbonate of soda.

Pour three table spoons of ACV in a clean glass.

Add 1/3 to 1/2 tsp of bicarbonate of soda, and let it dissolve until there are no further bubbles.

Add water.

Drink on an empty stomach.

I take the above concoction three times a day on an empty stomach:

- First thing in the morning upon waking up

- about 3 mins before lunch

- about 30 mins before going to sleep.

I will continue with this remedy even after the lump has totally disappeared, as I feel physically better taking it, as if I am receiving some type of boost.

God Bless

DMSO, Castor Oil, Turpentine

Posted by Sybil S. (North Carolina) on 02/25/2017

Editor's Choice

Cure for Lipomas

I had a stone like item inside my buttox cheek when I was about 10 years old. Mom took me to the doctor who said he did not feel anything. It made me feel like I was sitting on a rock. Twenty years later it continued to grow until it was huge. I went to see a doctor who suggested a surgeon. The surgeon did the surgery removing nearly half of my left buttox to make it the size of the right one. It was a 10 day hospital stay and horrible. It has reappeared now and I'm using DMSO, Castor Oil, and turpentine mixture. I rub in on daily and it has decreased in size over half in just a few weeks. I will continue to use it and perhaps add the clove oil.

Always seek out natural remedies before surgery whether it be benign or malignant. Cancer doctors are using the same things they did 40 years ago and nothing has changed. People are still dying of it.

Dietary Changes

Posted by Beth (Cincinnati) on 02/10/2017

Editor's Choice

I have been in extremely bad shape with multiple ailments including fibro (and many lipomas). I feel great now, actually better than I have ever felt in my life and I'm 59. I set out to reverse my fibro but healed so many other concerns in the process. The first thing I did was get rid of all processed and packaged foods. Then I discovered paleo which I did for about 18 mths. I also did multiple cleanses including a parasite cleanse. I noticed that quite a few of my lipomas also disappeared. I have about four left and found this site by searching for a natural cure for them. I will try some of these and report back. BTW, I am effectively living free of fibro.

Sage Oil

Posted by Teja (Hyderbad, India) on 11/18/2015

Editor's Choice

For Lipomas, use sage oil directly on the lumps directly. Gently massage with the sage oil. It is a time taking process & it will take months to get rid of them. But it will work.


Posted by Mala (Trinidad) on 07/05/2015

Editor's Choice

If you make a thick paste with dried turmeric (we call it saffron in Trinidad) with olive oil and paste it over the lipoma, it totally disappears and leaves no trace. (You can cover it with tissue or a plaster), My friend did it on his ear and I did it for my daughter who is 10. Both of them were told they had to undergo surgery. I am ecstatic to report no surgery needed. My daughters lipoma was 2.2cm. 2015 July 05


Posted by Steve (Nevada) on 04/11/2015

Editor's Choice

My wife had a lipoma on her back and after a bit or research decided to treat it by painting 3% lugol's iodine on it twice per day for a few days with a Qtip. Each day it got smaller and smaller until it was gone! I would consider giving this a try.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Julia (Gardner, Ks) on 12/24/2011

Editor's Choice

My father has had fatty lipomas growing on his stomach and arms for years. He also has type2 diabetes. His friend told him to take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before going to bed. He has been doing this for a 6wks. His fatty tumors have shrunk half their size and many have totally disappeared. They are even soft when you touch them and they use to be hard lumps. His blood sugars are also regulated and never high in the morning like before. He has made no other dietary or supplement changes. I really believe this will work for you.
