Hello and Bless you for this website and everyone for their reviews and comments. For the last ten years I have had a lump growing on the side of my neck. I refuse to see Doctors as I have had nothing but negative experiences from them.
I ignored the lump and over the years it grew from a little bean sized lump until it spread right up the side of my neck to the base of my skull and reached my neck spine area. It started has a hard little bean size and became a huge soft moveable spongy lump. It started becoming visible a few years ago ago. Recently it became uncomfortable.
I started using ACV for another reason and noticed that overnight my lump reduced to half its size. I visited Earth Clilnic and read all the negative and positive comments, and decided to give ACV a try. This is the beginning of the third week of using ACV and the lump has reduced to a few small hard bead size, and is no longer visible or uncomfortable. Every single day there is a marked reduction of the lump.
My Recipe and Dosage:
I use ACV with the Mother and bicarbonate of soda.
Pour three table spoons of ACV in a clean glass.
Add 1/3 to 1/2 tsp of bicarbonate of soda, and let it dissolve until there are no further bubbles.
Add water.
Drink on an empty stomach.
I take the above concoction three times a day on an empty stomach:
- First thing in the morning upon waking up
- about 3 mins before lunch
- about 30 mins before going to sleep.
I will continue with this remedy even after the lump has totally disappeared, as I feel physically better taking it, as if I am receiving some type of boost.
God Bless
A friend of mine knew of a Mexican woman that was into massage therapy and she also used natural herbal remedies to help people. My friend raved about this woman because the Mexican healer saved the life of her nephew that was actually dying of a stomach ailment. The Veteran's doctors could not help him. Since no one could help him and they were desperate my friend took her nephew to the Mexican healer lady. The Mexican woman told her that her Nephew had food stuck in his intestines. The healer used baby oil on the skin on his abdomen and massaged it a certain way. Well whatever she did worked! She dislodged the food from the man's intestines and the man was able to eat when he got home as he had stopped eating! His aunt told me that he was actually dying! This therapy saved his life!
Anyway I took my husband to this healer because he had a fatty tumor on his back (An American doctor examined the tumor and said it was a fatty tumor) This sound ridicules but it worked! The healer told my husband to place saliva on his hand along with salt and place this spit and salt on the tumor every day! And he followed her instructions!
Well guess what? The fatty tumor went away! We could not get over it! I don't know if this works on pets but it worked on my husband! His back is now smooth and clear! It sounds ridiculous but it worked!
I had a stone like item inside my buttox cheek when I was about 10 years old. Mom took me to the doctor who said he did not feel anything. It made me feel like I was sitting on a rock. Twenty years later it continued to grow until it was huge. I went to see a doctor who suggested a surgeon. The surgeon did the surgery removing nearly half of my left buttox to make it the size of the right one. It was a 10 day hospital stay and horrible. It has reappeared now and I'm using DMSO, Castor Oil, and turpentine mixture. I rub in on daily and it has decreased in size over half in just a few weeks. I will continue to use it and perhaps add the clove oil.
Always seek out natural remedies before surgery whether it be benign or malignant. Cancer doctors are using the same things they did 40 years ago and nothing has changed. People are still dying of it.
I had a sizable lump on my breast. I took AVC with water 3 times daily, drank fresh green juices and cleaned the lump with peroxide then did the salt & spit solution. I would also put organic coconut oil on it.
I wore a tight bra and it started to hurt, it drew the toxins up to the surface of the skin the burst and drained over one week. It hurt a bit, but, all better. While it drained I continued using peroxided to clean and then more spit et salt.
It's all gone and no scar. People, we can heal ourselves. Now, I'm vegan and eating clean and workingout. Good luck.
My dad had a fatty tumor on his back and he had gone to an elderly lady's house that was known for her home remedy treatments. My mother had stomach problems and a friend of my mother's knew this lady that would massage the stomach area in case food was stuck in the intestines. This lady had saved the friend's nephew's life from food stuck in his intestines as he was dying from the problem and doctors could not help him! The man was so sick he could not eat! The lady was able to dislodge the food with massage therapy and the young man got well and could eat again!
Anyway, while at the lady's house my dad told the lady about a fatty tumor on his back and she looked at the fatty tumor and advised him to every day place spit with salt on the fatty tumor and it would get well. My dad did this every day, his own spit with salt on the fatty tumor every day, and to our surprise the fatty tumor disappeared! She didn't even charge him for this knowledge! But it worked for him! Mind you it was not a cancerous tumor but a fatty tumor.
You use only the saliva from the person that has the fatty tumor, saliva and salt and place this on the fatty tumor every day.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
My decision made up, go natural. Keep ears to the ground, will reply in 30 days. Wish me luck. If luckless, no flowers on box.
Salt and Spit Remedy
My dad said the salt and spit treatment caused the fatty tumor to become like a big pimple with a point and the liquid in the fatty tumor drained out of the point. You must use salt with the saliva or it can get infected without the salt. Thank you.
DMSO, Castor Oil +
Since 1 week, I'm using topically DMSO 99% with clove oil, castor oil and oregano oil.
Also I'm drinking ACV often and turmeric in a glass of water, l-lysin.
It really shrunk my lipoma for 50% I can't believe it.
I will update this thread when its almost gone.
Salt and Spit Remedy
the following commend:
A physician had told me about his healing of dogs by Borax: "I also have a fifteen year old dog (fox terrier) who had a large right lip lipoma, he reacted extremely well on borax, so this tumor disappeared within a week, I applied a solution weighted internally and externally not necessary, senile dementia blown away: - a new old dog! Procedure: At 10 kg of weight, add 0.5 g of borax to 1 liter of non-fluoridated water. Add 0.5 ml of this solution ("concentrate") with a 2 ml syringe. The rest of the syringe is drawn up with distilled water. You can also take sterile saline, the dogs are not so sensitive ... With 1 ml of this solution (ie half) in this syringe I have placed around the tumor wheals, d. H. small injections around and into the tumor (looks like you've touched stinging nettles - just type in Google "wheals" and look at pictures). Syringe and insulin needle you can get from the pharmacist. The rest you inject the dog - of course, without a needle - in the throat and lets him swallow. I did that for 5 days. You can literally watch the tumor (in my case, a lipoma) melt away - at least that's how it was with my dog. "
Now I will try to put these stinging nettles with borax into and in he near of my lipomes. I will answer if it will be worked!
Avoid Peanuts
Thuja Oil
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
DMSO, Castor Oil, Turpentine
Avoid Peanuts
Why I ask this is because, I rarely used to eat peanuts earlier, but in recent past had enough of it, & saw lipoma on one thigh grow bigger.
The first one to suddenly appear on me, was on the top of my left forearm at the age of twenty six, shortly after I arrived in the United States. As there are no mosquitoes in Scotland, I suffered terribly from those creatures with swelling in the face, legs and arms from their poisonous bites.
I have to wonder if mosquitoes gave start to to the fatty tumors, because I never knew of anyone in Scotland having them.... certainly none of my imediate family, relatives or friends.
Anyway, to cover all bases I'll be trying the flax, borage, fish oil, AND the 1/2 teaspoon of tumeric in either warm milk or water. If it works for me.... like Arnold, Ah'll be bahk.
Salt and Spit Remedy
EC: Borax - aka Twenty Mule Team Borax in the laundry aisle. See the borax page on Earth Clinic for more information.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
DMSO, Castor Oil, Turpentine
These things are devastating emotionally. I wish there was a way to get rid of them. The suggestion of remedies seem all over the place.
DMSO, Castor Oil, Turpentine
Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
DMSO, Castor Oil +
Thuja Oil
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
May I ask what ACV is?
EC: ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar
Salt and Spit Remedy
Salt and Spit Remedy
Is peroxide H2O2? Did you mix with water, right?
How long did it take to burst?
I'll try it, thank you a lot
DMSO, Castor Oil, Turpentine
DMSO, Castor Oil, Turpentine
DMSO, Castor Oil, Turpentine
Thank in advance. Dave.
Salt and Spit Remedy
Salt and Spit Remedy
Avoid Peanuts