Has any one tried magnesium? I was doing some research and I came across some lady saying her doctor told her that she was low on magnesium/deficiency. The doctor told her to take 1500mg of mag a day. In about a week her lipomas went away. She said when she stopped taking them they came back. Wonder if it relates to magnesium deficiency. I also have lipomas and I was healthy. I played sports and always worked out tremendously. All the talk with alcohol and causing lipomas isn't true bc I had lipomas and I never drank alcohol, just to throw that out there.
I have a Lipoma on my low back, over the coccyx area. It has been there since a toboggan accident, when I was 18, 50 years ago. I have always had sciatic problems. but a year ago I had an MRI, had to lay on my back, the pressure on that area was excruciating, my legs went numb and I had difficulty getting up off the table and could hardly move for at least 10 minutes. I still have a lot of nerve pain in that area. I am wondering if it is from the Lipoma. I have done a lot of ice treatments as well as castor oil packs over the years but this hasn't seemed to have made a difference. My doctor has been injecting a homeopathic remedy(they actually use this remedy for race horses) and lidocaine in the sacroiliac joints (which is right close to this Lipoma) because there is arthritis. I started to take serrapetase and curcumin about 2 weeks ago, I hope to see a difference soon. Can I take the apple cider vinegar & water with a bit of honey? I have done in the past and will start it again if I can use some honey in it, I don't think I could do it with out. My diet is healthy, no sugar, wheat or dairy very little grains...lots of vegetables, some fruits some protein from chicken, fish, eggs occasionally. No drugs.
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