Earth Clinic Updates

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Earth Clinic on 03/29/2023

We are excited to share that we have implemented a new search tool that we believe functions better than Google Search. While Google does an excellent job indexing pages and posts, its interface can be cluttered and confusing.

We invite you to test our new search tool and provide us with your feedback. If you are not satisfied with the results, we have included a link where you can use Google Search instead.

Please try it out and let us know what you think!

Replied by Joan
(BC, Canada)

I typed a search query on the box "Search Earth Clinic", nothing happened.

I saw someone posted the same problem.

Does anyone else have this problem?

EC: Hi, can you please tell us what you searched for (exact phrase or topic)? That will be very helpful. We need to keep tweaking it when the key words don't display results Also, did you then try the Google link and get results? Thanks.

M n M

I typed Motherwort in search several times….nothing.

EC: Thank you! We will get that fixed.

Replied by Joan
(BC, Canada)

My search was: neck pain remedy. I tried several times.

EC: On a desktop computer, "neck pain remedy" displayed a lot of results but it took a second or two for our database to collect the results. Please try again. We'll ask the programmer to add a spinning button so people know it's in progress. Thanks for the feedback!

Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 01/19/2023

Upon typing an ailment in SEARCH EARTH CLINIC, nothing pops up. Anyone else having problems with the site?

EC: We just tried the search box at the top and results popped up on our search terms. Sent your request to the programmer to check.
If anyone else is having this issue, please reply. If you are using something other than the search bar, please let us know.

Replied by Marsh

When typing anything into the search bar, nothing appears. I've tried 'sore throat' and a host of other ailments - but nothing. Help!

EC: Our programmer thinks it might be your cache. Please try clearing your history/cache or using a different browser. Let us know if it works!

Site Updates

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Earth Clinic on 07/24/2022

We're excited to announce that Earth Clinic has just moved from Norwalk, CT, to Asheville, NC.

Replied by mmsg
(somewhere, europe)

CONGRATULATIONS!! May your wonderful work grow and expand even more from this new place!!

Site Updates
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 07/10/2021

Hi Deirdre,

Love the new time stamp feature on the posts! You are always tweaking and making things better and more user friendly!


Mama to Many

Site Updates
Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 02/28/2021

Hi everyone,

We have A TON of great replies to questions on Earth Clinic's site so I have recently decided to start duplicating/reposting some of these fabulous posts that I come across during the day on the main site, so more people can find them.

You'll see them pop up on the Latest Posts page. They will have old dates on them (like the two just below this one on muscle cramps and sprains). Just FYI when you see them.

Ted's Remedies

Posted by Beejay (Niagara Falls, Canada.) on 01/19/2025

Where and how do I find Teds HA remedy for joint problems?


Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 11/17/2023

Apologies for the inconvenience, but we made a slight adjustment to our design earlier today, which has unfortunately disrupted the layout on the first page of each ailment section. This issue does not affect subsequent pages (pages 2 and onwards). For an optimal viewing experience, we recommend using your mobile device to access the EC pages until we resolve this problem by the end of the weekend. Thank you for your understanding!

Replied by Rob

I am unable the read comments on all ailments section. I checked remedies and pets sections and they are OK. Only on ailments section. The web page is shifting to the left when loading.....

EC: Yes, see our post from yesterday evening. Hopefully, the programmer will fix it soon!

Virus Alert

Posted by Jeff (WI) on 06/02/2023

Very Important!!!!!

I was reading on melatonin and Art's comments. At the end of the page there was a green box that said continue. I hit that and got a giant virus .... You gotta get that off your site. I've seen it in other places on your site.

EC: Jeff,

Thank you so much for reporting a Google ad that looks like Earth Clinic's green "NEXT" button that we have at the end of every page. Our programmer found the ad in question, and we immediately blocked it and separately reported it to Google Ads as a scam. We've seen this button on many other sites recently, so everyone needs to be aware of this scam.

If you click on the green "CONTINUE" button on that particular Google ad (it has a Google ad logo at the top right), it takes you to If you click on the next button on that URL, it causes fake virus warnings to pop up all over the place. They are fake warnings, so if you just close the window, you're fine. They're trying to get you to call a supposed Windows support hotline, which is actually a scam debt collectors window. See a report on this phone number:

Thanks again, Jeff.

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