Apple Cider Vinegar for ED: Natural Benefits and Uses

| Modified on Oct 04, 2024
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rod (Montana) on 09/19/2021

I've had ED for 10 years now, I tried ACV for a week now. No difference in anything. 2TS 2x a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jim (Austin, Texas) on 02/08/2018

Apple Cider Vinegar for ED

Just about 2 tbls in a glass of water every evening before bed. Works for me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Saif A (India) on 06/16/2015

Yesterday I took 3 tsp organic Apple Cider Vinegar with 1/2 glass of water, later in morning I was able to acheive orgasm twice with a 15 min gap, never happened that before, I am newly married, recently I was having pain in the foot, found out that Apple Cider Vinegar treats gout, so tried it last night. I think Apple Cider Vinegar really helped the erection.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cujo (Irving, Texas, Usa) on 02/08/2013

Hi Noelle, How much is the dosage (1 tbsp, 2 tbsp...)?

How do you take it (diluted in water, straight up...)?

What is the frequenqy (2x/day, 3x/day, after meals, before meals...)?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Noelle1000 (Elkhorn, Nebraska, Usa) on 11/09/2012

Over the last four months, my husband's libido has been decreasing. Maybe not his desire, but certainly his ability to maintain an erection. He was feeling really low and said he didnt feel like a man. I remembered reading many 'Yea' responses on the ACV page regarding the success of this remedy. I have been experimenting with ACV for myself and my dogs (weight loss, allergies, etc... ) and I wanted my husband to try it for his problem. He took a dose of it one night and the next morning, he was very proud of himself that things were 'looking up'. The ACV literally performed a miracle with just one dose. He now takes it daily (and I dont have to deliver it to him any more) and there have been no problems in that department anymore! I also think it has really helped with his allergies AND he's dropped a few lbs without any effort on his part.

EC - Can you please post this under Erectile Dysfunction? Someone had asked about whether ACV works and there are no responses on that particular ailment's page.