Rabies Vaccine Reaction, Dogs
Natural Remedies

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects in Dogs

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Rabies Vaccine Side Effects

207 User Reviews
4 star (1) 

Posted by Kathy (San Jose, Ca) on 01/17/2011

Both of my kitties were vaccinated with the three-year rabies vaccine on Saturday. My six year-old kitty did fine, but my year and a half year-old kitty got very sick a couple of hours after--vomitted all over the house about eight times. Last couple of days have been better, but still vomitted once per day. No other changes, differences, or exposure so pretty sure it was the vaccine. It cannot even be attributed to the stress of the ride to the vet because I have a mobile vet that comes to the house

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Bob (Duarte, Ca Usa) on 12/02/2010

My 14 year old male 20lb Bichon Frise came down with AIHA (Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia) after receiving a rabies shot when he was 9 years old. He had been in perfect health, but after the injection I knew something wasn't right. He became very quiet and withdrawn for a few days. I didn't think much of this but a few weeks later he wouldn't eat and became very listless. After examining his gums I realized they were almost white which shocked me. I had no idea what was wrong but I took him to the vet.

After some testing and blood work the diagnosis came back. I had to take him for a transfusion, hospitalization, and meds. He survived this attack after a week in the hospital. Less than a year later the same thing happened... Long story short he's had 4 attacks in the last 5 years all requiring transfusions and hospitalizations. Prednisone stopped working for him and instead they gave him Atopica (cyclosporine). This was very effective and brought him out of his illness very quickly. He hasn't had an attack now in almost two years but I give him 25mg of Atopica twice a week. I also have him on 2000mg Vit. C and other natural and organic supplements, colloidal silver that I put in his water every day, and an organic diet of cooked turkey and veggies, Solid Gold WeeBits kibble, cottage cheese, and fish oil.

He's doing great and acts like a puppy now. I pray this disease does not reccur... It is a nightmare and very expensive to boot. Vaccines are deadly things for dogs as they wreak havoc with their delicate immune systems. He has a letter from his vet so he doesn't need any more vaccines. I had to have a rabies titer done which was 24. They say 5 is about normal.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Leann (Lake Bluff, I, Usa) on 11/27/2010

Please everyone, do not do the 3-year rabies shot for your beloved pet! Last year our vet recommended the 3-year to save us time from doing the yearly shot. We went ahead and did it for our 8 year old, 90 LB mountain dog/collie rescue. At first, we didn't see any major reactions to the new shot other than the normal sessions of seasonal allergies resulting in swollen nodes that a healthy dose of antibiotics would resolve. These allergies and resulting skin infections were a lot more frequent since doing the shot, but we didn't think it was out of the norm, nor did the vet.

Seven months later, we brought the dog in for allergies and swollen lymph nodes. Tests were taken and came back positive for lymphoma, which has no cure in the canine world. Incidentally, the cancer arose in the area that the shot was administered. Until getting involved in the canine cancer community in an attempt to treat and get a few more months with our dog, I made the discovery that many dogs faced with similar cancer diagnosis had owners that were doing the 3-year or even the yearly shots. We feel terrible that we put our beloved dog through the unnecessary multiple shots year after year. Vets commonly will give several shots at once, which puts a lot of undue stress on your dog's body. Humans get shots when they are little and as adults don't get a bunch more. If you are going to give your pet shots, please consider doing it in their early years and after doing a "blood titer test" to see if the vaccine levels in the dog's body are still acceptable. (They usually are for many years after). I believe the blood test costs more than the shots, but losing your pet to illnesses related to over-vaccinating them is worse.

Additionally, you should also be reading the label on commercial pet food to make sure that it doesn't contain "meat by-products. " I've researched and found that there wasn't a lot of regulation of the pet food market until recently. Meat by-products are things like chicken beaks, feathers, euthanized animals or rotting carcasses sold for rendering into pet food. Some companies have come out in response to not using by-products, and changing out their food to healthy meats like we would eat. Maybe I'm a little skewed because our dog has cancer, but in finding out some of the sources it can come from, we do have some choices.

In most areas, titer tests are acceptable to pass the annual rabies vaccination requirement and receive the tags. Your vet will have to test the blood and then put it into writing that your pet has acceptable levels of the vaccine in their system and provide this to the local ordinance to receive the tags. I've contacted several vets and found there are quite a few out there that do the titering because they do not recommend over-vaccinating through an animal's entire life because the vaccines stay in their systems for so long. Hope this helps someone.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Irene (Chandler, Az) on 11/23/2010

First, please let me send big, big hugs to each of you who have lost your beloved family member. It is awful to feel so helpless and you each have my heartfelt sympathy at your loss. I don't know if I'll have better luck, but my fingers are crossed.

My 7 yr old cat got a 3-year rabies vaccination exactly one week ago today. Two days afterward she developed a fever, lost her appetite, and became extremely lethargic. We took her to the emergency vet. They suspected a reaction to the vaccine, gave her subcutaneous fluids and a Benedryl shot. The next day we took her back as she was no better after the Benedryl wore off. Her temp was 103.6. She had a Fever of Unknown Origin 5 years ago and needed to be hospitalized, so we knew it was important to IV fluids and nutrition into her, so we left her. Her fever went up to 105, but it broke the day after that and we were able to take her home. Her urine had tested for bacteria and high white cell count, so she was put on Clavamox (urinary track infection) and Metronidazole (diarrhea) and Pepcid (stomach upset for Clavamox). She is still not fine. Her little bottom is still sore from taking her temp so much. She does not tolerate the Clavamox and throws it up immediately, but the vet did tell me that the culture shows no UTI so we can discontinue the Clavamox. We did discontinue it immediately. In fact, we took her off all the meds because she needed to have food and water.

As of last night, she was still not eating except for 5 or 6 'crunchies'. This morning she finally ate some of her favorite 'treat' food: Fancy Feast Turkey with Gravy. It wasn't much but is an improvement. We were to take her back today if she hadn't started eating, and I'm not sure that a heaping teaspoon really qualifies as 'eating'. It is nowhere near her regular intake. I am hoping to see an increase later today as I'm sure she's still not feeling great. Her eyes are not the sparkly big round orbs they usually are, but I'm pretty sure she does not have a fever. I have read so much about renal failure and vaccines, tho, I am petrified. Her readings came back normal, but that was on the first day. Does the renal system continue to degrade? How will I know, and when should I check, and is there something that can be done to prevent/stop it if is degrading?

I can only hope for the best. She's got a bit more energy today, but just a bit. She's an indoor cat, so no more vaccines. We only got this one because we're going trailering in Canada next year and they won't let cats in without a rabies vaccine. If I had known, we'd have skipped Canada! We'll just have to wait and see.

Replied by Danielle
(Highland Mills, New York)

Oh my gosh... I hope your kitty gets 100% back to normal. I just took my 10 year-old cat in for a rabies and leukemia vaccine yesterday. He always acted like a puppy... He follows you around all the time, loves to interact and play and be held as he purrs, he buries his head in your neck as you rock him. He loves people.

Today he is isolating himself, hates when I pick him up, and when I do - he hisses and growls at me. HE NEVER did any of this before and has always been the sweetest cat. NOW, he seems angry and doesn't want me around him. All of these horror stories I am reading about dangerous vaccines are freaking me out. I am so mad at myself and can't help to think something horrible is going to happen to him.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Normlmary (Tucson, Arizona Usa) on 10/06/2010

Big Pharma rules the Animal Shelters where I picked up two cats recently. The 8 mo old got the rabies vaccine four weeks prior, tho it is NOT necessary. When I picked her out at the pound and remarked of her sneezing, the volunteer told me to humidify her for a few days in the bathroom and it would go away. I know about not vaccinating Humans, another lie from Big Pharma, but when I read on line the side effects of the rabies vaccine, I knew that's what was happening. She rarely sneezes now, two weeks later. I am having her chip removed shortly. Mandated chips in animals from Big Pharma and they want to chip us all. They will just start out with 'certain' populations. I'll have none of it in my pet or in my body.

Replied by Bb
(Atlanta, Ga Usa)

Good for you. Merck has been in the news recently about the Home Again chip causing cancerous tumors. Vaccines are dangerous, just like they are for us & the yearly doses are not needed. Titering is a test to determine if needed.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Ann (Yonkers, New York) on 09/23/2010

In 2007 I had a beautiful Golden Retriever and he needed his rabies vaccination for his license. So we went to a clinic and he received all of the yearly vaccines including a 3 yr. Rabies shot. A short time later 2-3 months we found out he had cancerous tumors on his jaw, liver and anal area. Long story short he lived for about 8 months longer. We decided to try and heal him naturally and he did have a good quality of life during that time. I wish I never had him vaccinated for the rabies and all of the others. I do believe the amount of vaccines was too much for a dog 11 years old.

Replied by Bb
(Atlanta, Ga Usa)

You are correct & the Vet should be jailed for killing your dog with his/her GREED! It was pure Greed or Stupidity. Either way, put the cuffs on!

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Bailey's Mom (Tucson, Arizona) on 09/01/2010

My white toy poodle had a reaction to the rabies vaccine. She initially vomited right after injection. 2 months later at the sight of her injection her skin turned black and her hair fell out.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Lindadoeshair (Wi) on 07/20/2010

We took our 8 yr old yorkie poo in for his rabies shot, one day after he cant eat, diarrhea, vomiting for 2 days after, now 5 days after shot and he still can not eat, the vet put fluids under the skin and told us to give him pepsid and a diarrhea pill. Took ex rays and nothing showed up. They doubt its from the shot, but Rocko was healthy and full of life before the shot. We are scared, from the info on the web about side effects, we had no idea of the side effects and or death. We will never give the shot to him again, if he lives that is.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Whitney (Chantilly, Va) on 06/10/2010

Death After Rabies Vaccine

My beloved, 14 year old indoor Persian cat had a reaction to 2 vaccines given together in 2000. She never had two shots together again, and she had an antihistamine before any shot, but I limited what vaccines she had. I wish she'd have had nothing further.

She had a 3 year rabies shot in 2006. She was due for a booster shot last August & I let the deadline pass. She had a great winter - eating like a champ.

After nearly a year away from any vet visits, I took her into a new vet for a check up on February 11, 2010. The vet assured me that they only used the Merial Purevax 1 year vaccine without the adjuvant that had been linked to sarcoma. Apart from sarcoma, I was mainly worried about any immediate reaction, but she did not have one - that day.

At the Feb. 11 appt., she had blood work, then a follow up urinalysis on Feb. 28. Everything was normal. Importantly, her bilirubin was negative.

By early March, she was putting her ears down slightly. Then she began eating less. She was losing weight and we could feel her backbone. I raced into the vet & they said she was refusing food because she was upset that we had just moved 10 miles. Absurd. She's lived in many places with us, including Germany. Her bilrubin was now 25. She was jaundiced. It turned out she had pancreatic cancer that was blocking her bile ducts. She never woke up from surgery.

Her name was Reesie G. She was a Tortie & her little tongue stuck out naturally. She was the most wonderful, loving, joyful pet. Like the most faithful dog, she ran to my husband when he came in the house & did rolls of happiness for us on the rug in front of the fireplace. We are devastated. I would do anything to go back to Feb. & not let them give her that vaccine. ReesieG, Mommy loves you. I pray I will be able to see you again in heaven, where I know you are.

Replied by Lisa
(Wichita Falls, Texas)

To Whitney from Virgina,

I am soooo sorry for your loss!I have lost many pets over the years. And it sucks basically. It hurts and you feel like your heart will break when you breathe. I wish that I could say something to make you feel better, but there is nothing. It does get better though, I promise. It still hurts when I think of all the critters that I have loved and lost over the years. But, not like it used to. I love animals! No matter what they are. I have been where you are and I am very sorry. I have heard that the spirits of animals and children go straight to where they are supposed to be because they are inocent and without sin. So yes,your little furry one is in Kitty heaven. I truly believe in this.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Copper Tree (Waukesha, Wi) on 06/07/2010

We took our Welsh Corgi puppy in for his rabies vaccination when he was about 5 months old. Within a few hours his face swelled up like a balloon. He didn't seem to be in great distress but he looked awful. We had to put him on antihistamine and the swelling came down within a couple of hours. It was not a fun experience.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Theresa (Durham, Nc) on 04/20/2010

Reaction to rabies shot

I saw bruising on my dog and I thought she might have fallen. so to be safe I took her to vet to make sure she didn't injure herself inside. Turns out the shot cause her to have a problem with her blood (autoimmune) she is now being treated. i wish I would have known that this could have happen.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Kat (Peoria, Arizona, U.s.) on 04/08/2010

Rabies Booster Side Effects

In order to comply with my county's dog licensing laws, I took my adopted from rescue golden retriever to her vet for her rabies booster yesterday. She was her usual bouncy, playful, full of fun self before, during and after the appointment, but today she has been severely lethargic, not wanting to "get up" this morning to have her breakfast (she typically wakes me up in the morning, "hounding" me to get out of bed to feed her and play), and I had to call her three times so she would come out of the bedroom to eat. Since then, she has been in the same spot for hours except to drink two full bowls of water. I have had two other dogs and never experienced this kind of thing with either one, although I know that each dog is different. I called my vet's office and was told to give my dog an aspirin, but she's still so limp and lifeless, like a poorly stuffed animal, like someone gave her too much of a tranquilizer.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Eileen (Needham, Ma) on 03/31/2010

My 6 month old male akita puppy was given a rabies shot and developed a bacterial skin infection that was entering his blood stream. He became very ill 3 days after the shot. He could not sleep at night and was restless during the day. His skin had a terrible odor and we could not touch him. He yelpt in pain for weeks. He was treated with antibiotics and improved with the bacterial skin infection, but the restlessness and sleepless nights continued. He had liver damage as well. He did not sleep for 2 months at night. He has been scratching his fur off his elbows and ankles daily that the elbows bleed daily. The homeopathy treatments are working and he is now more restful and his liver is working normally, thanks to the homeopathy. I was wondering if anyone else had this experience?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Tru (Hardeeville, Sc) on 02/21/2010

I have a miniature Dachshund weighing 8 pounds and yesterday she just received her Rabies vaccination. This morning she is sleepy and lethargic and will not get out of her bed. After much research I can conclude she will not be getting another Rabies vaccination as she is a totally indoor dog.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Ssumrz1 (Adrian, Mi) on 02/21/2010

my 3 yr old shih tzu received her annual rabies vaccination in November of 2009. Since then she has had increasing behavior problems. She has always been a real playful and affectionate dog, but now has started exhibiting very aggresive behavior, snarling, growling and snapping at my grandchildren as well as my husband and myself for no apparent reason. Is there anything that we can do to reverse this behavior? As much as I love my dog, I love my grandchildren more and do not want them hurt. Help!!!!

Replied by Karla
(Upstate Ny, USA)

Hi, have you ruled out lack of exercise? My parents' german shepherd started having aggression issues around the same age and they finally brought a trainer in to help. The first thing the trainer did was tell them to walk the dog for at least 40 minutes a day! That worked fabulously as he wasn't getting enough exercise roaming the back yard. If your girl is getting plenty of exercise and still having aggression issues, then check into a deficiency of some kind in her diet that might be causing it. Good luck to you and please give us an update!