Rabies Vaccine Reaction, Dogs
Natural Remedies

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects in Dogs

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Rabies Vaccine Side Effects

207 User Reviews
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Posted by Marvin (Green Bay, Wi) on 02/06/2010

Rabies Shots/Dog Dies

Thank you for this oppotunity to ask you my question.

We had the vet give out dog(mixed breed of maybe Austrailian Shepard/Border Collie/German Shepard) a rabies booster shot. This was about the 3rd one she had. Not too long after she developed Addisons Disease. Could this have resulted from having the rabies booster shot?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Erica (Boston, Ma) on 01/18/2010

Side effects from rabies vaccine

My 2 yr old shih tzu got his second rabies vaccine along with his distemper.We never had any problems last year when he got his 1st set of shots. This time within 1 week he was shaking all over and he had a lump at the injection site. It's been 3 months and he is still shaking. He has never been the same since that day. When I took him back to the vet she said he was fine. So, I am now going for a 2nd opinion. This is horrible. I was only trying to keep my dog safe.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Tina (New Braintree, Ma, Usa) on 12/20/2009

My 10 year old cat, who was perfectly healthy (not just another cat but my soul mate) receieved a rabies booster shot, within 4 months she was dead from severe liver damage. Any information you have regarding this would be appreciated. Do you think that the shot could cause this?

Replied by Viv
(Wixom, Mi. Usa)

I'm responding to you for two reasons: 1) I too, once lived in New Braintree, Ma, & 2) My Son's beautiful orange&white male cat was just put down today! Went to a Vets office because of a small flea problem, received a steroid shot, & since he hadn't been in a while to the Vets received other shots. Also, I want to add, the Vet told my son, "Other than a small flea problem, your cat is in perfect health. " This visit was on a Thursday, by Monday we, my son and myself had to put him down!!!! HOW HORRIBLE!

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Rina (Ashland, Ma) on 12/19/2009

I took my perfectly healthy Maltese for his required by law RABIES shot to the Vet. Before the shot he was surprised how healthy he was. I feed him dog kibbles, shredded carrots and three drops of fish oil daily. He drinks water and has one cup of food daily. He is 12 pounds. He took a couple of blood tests and while there I decided that he was due for his RABIES shot. The VET gave him his shot and I paid my $175.00 fee for his visit. When I went to the car, he had a reaction that put him into a shock - I ran back into the hospital and they had to give him intravenous, steroids, and benadryl, he was at death's door. He was in the hospital all that day. I picked him up and had another bill of $155.00 dollars. I spoke to the Vet about this and his statement was "I could have put him down, but I brought him back". I was shocked at that statement. He was perfectly well when I brought him in - now I have to pay an additional payment because he did me a favor by reviving him? What are the results of this reaction? He told me that the blood tests that were taken prior to the Rabies shot found that his kidney count was very high and that he would have to go on a special food called KD by prescription. Can't I make special food for him? He seems to be okay, but has been lethargic, his kidneys are functioning fine and he lets me know when he has to go out. Can you help me? I adore my dog and I want him to live out his years in good health - how can I do that?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Suzanne (Jackson, Mi) on 12/18/2009

Our dog, Lily had her Rabies vaccination on Monday 12/14, by Tuesday night she was very lethargic, and all week she just lies there and cries and whines and has a hard time getting up. Once she is up, she seems ok, but definitely not her usual self. She is moving very slowly. She is only 5 and a golden retreiever, normal weight and never has had a reaction to a shot or medication before. Does anyone know if they get better???? What do you do? We are going to the vet today.

Replied by Connie
(San Dimas, Ca, 91773)

My 4 year old Puggle had her rabies shot on Tuesday, noticed she was mellow that night but the next day she was lethargic, sore, wouldn't jump up or down on bed, and had a seizure called the vet they said to just watch her, by thursday she was moving down the stairs slower than normal and by friday when I got home from work she was completely paralyzed from the waist down. The vet that gave her the shot said they were closing early to take her to the animal hosp. Had an x-ray and they said it could be a back disc issue. It has been 2 days $600.00 later and they really dont know. She has no control over her bowel movements, we have to stand her up to pee and squeeze her stomach and as far as pooping, she just goes on herself and we have to clean her up. I just dont undertstand how we had a perfectly healthy dog and after the rabies shot everything went bad and they blame it on a disc. I think the vet hit a nerve or something. If anyone has any advice I would love to hear it.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Arthur (Park Rdige, Illinois) on 12/16/2009

Had my dog vaccinated with three year rabies vaccine. Since then about one month he has been throwing up all food. Also if not fed for a day or so as vet suggested, he throws up a clear or sometime foamy very slimy throwup. Also he has almost lost control of hind leg(s) and has a hard time walking. VCet said to give my dog pipcod AC to settle his stomach, this has not helped. My dog weighed 99 pounds two weeks ago and had lost 15 pounds, now he is 84 pounds. Vet seems to be bewildered.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Suzanne (Glendale, California) on 12/11/2009

I just wanted you to be aware of the death of my beautiful Malamute, Sasha. She was 10 years young and so full of life and energy. In the morning, I took her to the local pet shop vaccination clinic for her regular rabies booster shot. She was prancing, dancing, and ahooing to everyone in the store. By the afternoon she acted like she had the flu, and the next morning fell over in the back yard like a tree in the forest. She was foaming at the mouth with shallow breathing. I tried to resuscitate her. My husband said it was a heart attack. The vet took no responsibility. I learned through research on the internet that older dogs often have compromised immune systems and because of the type of rabies vaccination they use that's what killed her. I warn everyone with an older dog, do not give them the shots. Sasha was in perfect health before she was given the shot. I miss her so much.

EC: How very sad. We are so sorry for your loss.


Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Connie (Warsaw, Oh) on 12/05/2009

My French Bulldog got a rabies shot 3 days ago. Within a few hours, he was paralyzed in his back legs. It has been 3 days, and he is not eating can't walk. My vet says he has never seen this happen as a result of a rabie shot. Is there anyone out there who has had this happen to their dog? Did your dog recover?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Val (San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico) on 12/01/2009

My 21 mo old 6 lb Female Papillon developed allergy symptoms, gastric problems, and some nervous, paranoid and insecure behavior soon after receiving a SQ rabies vaccine in her right shoulder. Symptoms were mild to begin with but worsened over the next several weeks. We initially treated with Children's Benadryl 12 mg orally TID. 5 weeks after being vaccinated, at the vaccine site she developed a large area of alopecia (2" wide by 3" long and appears to still be increasing in size) which is quite large for such a small dog. We started treating with Temeril-P 1 Tab BID and decreasing dose. She's near completion with her with the Temeril-P and has just started Pentoxifylline therapy o.25 ml BID (120 mg/ml). My Vet had it compounded into a liquid, due to the fact that it only comes in a non dividable time released coated caplet at the pharmacies. The gastric upset and itching has improved, though she is still foot licking and face rubbing. This is an extremely beautiful, well bred show dog, and beloved friend. I'm concerned about long term effects, and of the alopecia increasing in area and possibly affecting her beautiful ears and face. Anything more I can do to help insure she recovers completely?

Replied by Goldencat
(Akron, OH)

It's been 4 years since the original post... Hope you check back!

I have had amazing results with switching to a raw food diet with my Ocicats and Siamese. Cystitis, dermatitis, feline herpes...gone.

There are raw prepared diets for dogs too, or you can find a good recipe by a pet nutritionist online/in a pet health book. Be aware your vet will almost certainly try to tell you it is bad, that domestic animals shouldn't or can't eat raw meat, etc.

KEY: meat prepared for pets as raw diet is cleaner than that sold for human use, because they assume it will be cooked! Ugh! Don't worry about parasites and germs from such diets. If you make your own, you'll need to add a disinfectant like GSE (grapefruit seed extract) to the meat to avoid contaminants permitted in people food. I use 3 drops in a little (maybe 1/4 cup or more) filtered water, per pound ground meat for my cats. It's ok for the food to be wet. Prey would be very juicy, right?

Option: feed a grain free, top line food like Wilderness, or Spot Stew. Add essential fatty acids to the diet for her skin and nerves.

If nerves persist, 1) a thunder shirt. 2) Bach's Rescue Remedy (a few drops in a gallon of water is fine - dilution is ok ONCE for the energy medicine to still work) Don't dilute it twice. Fizzle...

Last resort... Seek out a homeopath that can use the nosode for vaccinosis (vaccine reaction) on your dog. IDK the protocol. I do know "vaccinosis" is the condition you want treated... So a human vaccinosis nosode might be ok - ask a homeopath. Otherwise you will have to peel away the symptoms, a remedy at a time, under homeopath guidance: say, if she fits an Arsenicum profile, or a Chamomilla profile, see?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Aisha (Houston, Tx) on 11/30/2009

My himalayan cat was given a Pfizer rabies vaccine when he was two years old. The injection site was at the base of the neck, however, I later learned that it's safer to vaccinate on an animal's hips or near the hind leg.

About an hour and a half after being vaccinated, my cat began vomitting blood. He must have vomitted 11 times! At the emergency room of the animal clinic, I was given the choice of administering Zantac (to coat his stomach) or another medication. I opted for the Zantac shot which made him feel more comfortable (the bleeding had chafed his throat). Thankfully, he recovered quickly. However, I have not taken him to get his latest rabies vaccinations. In order for him to be certified for travel, I will have to get him vaccinated eventually. Any suggestions on how I can ease the side-effects of the rabies vaccination would be greatly appreciated!

EC: Advice on how to treat vaccination side effects can be found at the top of this section: https://www.earthclinic.com/pets/vaccination_side_effects.html

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Brenda (Lynn, Ma) on 11/17/2009

We took our puppy for his first Rabies Vaccine, we came out of the exam room and he suddenly was not right , he vomited and went down. Luckily this happened while we were still at the Vets, he needed oxygen and a shot. Very scary. thanks to the wondeful care he is fine. Isn't there anything else they can do for smaller dogs?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Anita (Jacksonville, Fl) on 10/23/2009

Last Thursday we took our 2 year old cat for a rabies shot. This was required by the city since we were adopting a new kitten. The vet gave her a 3 year rabies shot and a leukemia shot. He had difficulty getting the shots in since she wouldn't be still. On Monday, she threw up all day and by Monday night she could not stand up and her eyes were not focused. They appeared to be vibrating and her neck was bobbing. We immediately took her to an all night emergency vet. She said she has Vestibular disease and that it was not caused by the vaccines. I totally believe it is!! If you look up the rabies shot side effects one of them is these same symptons caused by too much protein ruining the nervous system. We have her on a medicine for sea sickness and it appears to be working. This is Friday - 8 days since her vaccine and she is better but not well. She can walk slowly and is not falling down most of the time. She still can't jump and run. She appears very sad now. I pray she gets fully recovered. I WILL NEVER GIVE ANY OF MY CATS RABIES VACCINES AGAIN NO MATTER WHAT THE LAW READS.

Replied by Michelle
(Calgary, Alberta)

I have had great success with Homopathic medicine to help my cats get over vaccines. Either find a homopathic vet or check with Dr. Pitcarn - http://www.drpitcairn.com/

Or a homopath that works with a holistic vet in your area.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Cassandra (Gander, Nl) on 10/23/2009

Rabies vaccine side effect

My Boxer dog recieved his rabies vaccine at 6 months old and about 30-40 days later developed a severe attack of pancreatitis, afterwards his pancrease was left unable to digest his food and he is now on medication. We ruled out all other causes of pancreatitis. he also developed behaviour problems such as hyperactivity, aggression, and frequently wanting to be alone as if he was sick.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Nicole (Near Chicago, Il) on 10/07/2009

Hello, my dog (7 yr old female shih-tzu) was given her rabies shot approximately 24 hours ago at petsmart. We are unaware of the dose or brand given to her. She is incredibly lethargic, does not respond to her name, is taking quick, shallow breaths and resists any human contact. She is an otherwise outgoing, friendly, healthy dog. Is this temporary? My family does not believe in vaccines (for the most part) and we are worried for her immediate and lasting health. What should we do for her?

Thanks, Nicole

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Linda (Eureka, Ca) on 10/05/2009

I recently had my mini doxie vaccinated with 3 year rabies vaccine. within 2 hours she developed bloody diarrhea. The vet refuses to acknowledge that it could be a symptom of the shot and says it is probably stress or irritable bowel. 2 days later the syptoms continue but are subsiding. She received her shot at a volunteer function. There is no amount given on her certificate, just the brand and ser. #