Rabies Vaccine Reaction, Dogs
Natural Remedies

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects in Dogs

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Rabies Vaccine Side Effects

207 User Reviews
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Posted by Theresa R. (Eyota, Mn) on 10/01/2009

Rabies Booster Reaction

I don't know the exact amounts that were used on my 9 year old shitzu-poodle. She weighs only 11 pounds and now is in autoimmune crisis. We are sitting at deaths door with her while she is transfused and getting fluids and steroids.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Delidee (Ireland) on 09/11/2009

Hi there,

Just saw all these posts on side affects caused by shots. Here's my story.

I recently moved back to Ireland and in doing so both my dogs, pug girls, had to have rabies shots. Both are around 2 years old. My first dog had her rabies shot as a puppy and about 6 months later had a rabies titer test to comply with regulations to bring her back into Ireland. Weirdly, though she's a perfectly healthy girl she failed the blood test, probably because of the length of time between the shot and the test.So, my only option was to have the shot for her again and the blood test again a month later. This time she passed the test. All seemed well...until 3 months later when she began to lose hair inexplicably from her chest.She was also looking thinner but we had been hiking alot.Still, I took her to the vets about the hair loss and after a overall body check and blood test she was diagnosed as ANAEMIC! I was so shocked, other than the hair loss she was full of energy. In the month that followed the vet tested for everything to determine the cause of the anaemia and make sure her kidneys weren't failing or anything like that. My dog responded, thankfully to all the steroids and various medication but after tests and x-rays there was no answer as to what casued the anaemia. After all this the vet and I came to the conclusion that the 2nd rabies vaccine had been the cause. Funnily I had always suspected it. My dog is fine now, thankfully I could just about afford the treatment for her anaemia, though it left me broke she's okay and I guess thats priceless. However we do plan on travelling again for work purposes and now have to face more probably unecessary boosters.Thats just how the import/export of pets process goes. Luckily no rabies booster but I am fully against uneccessary boosters,unfortunately sometimes they are unavoidable but hopefully this will change and the blood tests that can determine wheter or not dogs need all these shots will become more affordable. :-)

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Angel (Taylor, Mi) on 08/27/2009

My chihuahua has been diagonsed with cancer. She received her 3 year rabies update and the hair fell out at her injection site. Her next 3 year shot she developed a lump and has been diagonsed with cancer at the injection site. She can't have surgery and has been given 3 to 4 months to live. Great shot.

Replied by Kat
(Murrieta, Ca)

In case you are not aware of this: If your dog is unhealthy already you do not have to have them vaccinated. You should not give anyone or any animal a vaccine when they are sick or not healthy. Sorry about your pup.

Replied by Sean
(City Of Champions, Pa)

Angel, I'm 99.99% sure that your Chihuahua doesn't have a cancer. My two Chihuahuas had their rabbies shot 2 years ago. One of them had a lump and I was told that it might be a cancer. I freaked out...and the doctor said to get blood test done first before we discuss about surgery. The blood test came back and it was fine. It turned out that she had allergy reaction to the rabbies shot. So, I warn you that Chihuahuas are very sensitive to those booster & rabbies shots. So, I would do research more on Chihuahuas before you do anything else. If you haven't had your Chihuahua's blood test done, go and do it. It will probably came back as negative.

Replied by Angel
(Taylor, Mi)

Latest update on my belved Zsazsa. I wrote previously she was diagonosed with cancer at her rabies injection site, yes blood test confirmed it. Zsazsa was allergic to anesthesia and could't have surgery. The vet projected she may live 3 to 4 months. I just lost my little girl last week. Her tumor burst and had no choice but to put her down. It broke my heart. I asked the vet was there any way to know 100% her cancer was from the rabies vaccine and she said they could do a biospy and detemine. We also asked if our local college of vet. medicine would be interested in studing her cancer. Our vet contacted the company who produced the rabies vaccine and they have agreed to pay for the biospy to determine if their product caused the cancer and Michigan State University is going to do an autopsy and study her. If nothing else her number will be reported if it is found the rabies vaccine caused her cancer. I miss her dearly and want peple to know the dangers of this vaccine. I applaud the vet for going after the company to pay for the test and the company for stepping up to see if their poduct caused it.

EC: We are so sorry for your loss, Angel. Thank you for taking the time to update the site.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by April (Sun City, Ca) on 08/26/2009

Negative reaction to 3 year rabies booster: My 13 lb. chihuahua mix breed dog is currently having adverse reactions to his 3-year rabies booster. It has been 1 day since the vacine was given. He is lethargic, sensitive to touch, has loss of appetite, and swelling at the injection site. He received the killed virus form.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Lisa (Fairfax, Va) on 08/17/2009

Feline Rabies shot reaction

Saturday the 15th, my 4 yr old Norwegian Forest Cat was given a "killed" rabies shot injection. She now is not eating, drinking, walking. I called vet right away and was told she "could of had a blood clot release" or a mild adverse reaction to shot. Her eyes are dilatied, 3 of 4 legs are limp. Vet said I could only watch and wait for this to end, he could do nothing to help her.

I had stopped all rabies vaccines in my cats 3 yrs ago when I started reading about reactions. My vet has always tried to pressure me into getting yearly boosters. This time he said vaccine was changed and safer and I agreed to try it. I have caused this terriable side effect to happen. I can only lay by my sweet "Boots" and hope she is strong enough to pull thru this. All my cats are indoor only and once again will never get another rabies vaccine.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Lisa (Apple Valley, California/usa) on 08/16/2009

On 07/02/09 my 4 1/2 year old poodle Tyson was given rabies vaccination. He was lethargic for days. He did not want to eat or interact with anyone. The site of the injection was very painful for him, he cried when touched and had a hard time sitting. I called the vet, and was told that sometimes there are reactions, but if they got really bad to come in. Eventually the pain stopped and got back to his normal self. BUT...now more than a month later, he has a large dark area where he was injected, and is losing hair at that spot. It looks really terrible, at first I thought maybe he had skin cancer. But after looking it up on the internet, I put two and two together. I cannot believe that I was not told about this side affect in poodles. Has anyone else had this happen, and is it permanent?

Replied by Ritarae Elsberry
(South Jordan Utah)

My white 5lb Poodle lost quarter-sized piece of hair on her back weeks after a rabies shot. After the booster shot 3 years later she lost a larger patch of hair from her backbone down to the belly mid-line. The white hair does not grow back. We had a plug of tissue sent to a lab for immune disorder and it came back negative. The second patch of hair loss is large and some hair that has grown beck along the edges is dark yellow. She wears a little shirt to cover her damaged coat but is she suffering. Dogs do not show pain. She acts fit and happy. We feed her Blue Buffalo small dog kibble. Her weight is perfect.

Replied by Jerris Vaslev

Unless your vet is very different than most, your little 5 lb poodle is getting the same dose of the rabies vaccine as a Great Dane. No wonder small dogs tend to have more adverse reactions! Consider finding a holistic vet as you may get an exemption from further rabies shots.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Fyreseer (Madison, AL) on 07/26/2009

Cat Vaccination Side Effect and ACV question

We adopted a moggy calico from a no-kill organization. When we got her, she was ill, and they gave us the medications to treat her. She had had the common vaccinations for kittens. We took her to get the first year rabies shot, and after getting her home she started acting very strange. Eventually she developed difficulty breathing, hot dry nose, stopped responding to touch, and we took her to the emergency clinic at around 1AM. Vet treated her for anaphylactic shock. Since that time, we have noted severe allergies to various things, such as flea bites and certain brands of food (we don't know if it's food coloring, preservatives, or whatever, though). I am going to start her and my male with ACV, because he gets diagnosed with FLUTD every time we take him to the vet, regardless of what we take him in for. They drink out of a pet fountain, but how much ACV should you give cats? Or is it a fairly standardized dose based on dilution with water?

Replied by Pam
(Huntsville, Alabama)

Have you tried goldenseal for your cats? I have 3 cats all 15 years old, all in good health. I give them a teaspoon of ACV a day in thier water dish. The only illness they have had is a uti in my female. She got cranberry juice in milk for about a week. I know they shouldnt have milk but that was the only way to get her to take it. cleared up a sinus infection in my tom with goldenseal applied to the scruff,have also used the ACV the same way. You may also want to look up activated charcoal for your kitten. If you need to know where to buy the goldenseal locally, since we live in the same area you can e mail me if you want. Hope all goes well.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Alexis (Ft Wayne, IN) on 07/24/2009

rabies vaccine reaction

My 7mo old,68lb german shepherd pup,ozzy, had his first rabies vaccine on tuesday afternoon. Later that evening i noticed he was groaning and lethargic. there has been no improvement and the pain seems to have worsened, now he whimpers when i touch him. he is eating and drinking ok, just a slight decrease in appetite noted, but he is voiding adequately. Does anyone have any advice for what i can do for him to help alleviate some of his discomfort or tell me how long this may last? my poor ozzy is obviously miserable.

EC: Please read the advice posts at the top of this section.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Immbell (Winnipeg, Manitoba) on 07/02/2009

3 year rabies shots: In Apil 2008, i Had four cats, two female, 2 male, They were all given a 3-year rabies shot. It made sense at the time. Two of my cats are dead, one of cancer, one of bowl related illness. The other two are hanging on although the other male probably has cancer. His blood tests didn't show anything wrong but he is losing weight. My older cat has developed hyperthyroidism and will probably die of heart failure. Has any had such horrendous results from a vaccine. By the the end of the summer I will have no cats and they all will have died within 18 months.

Replied by Laurel
(Etowah, North Carolina)

My cat had a bad reaction to a 3 yr. rabies. She has had bowel problems ever since the shot of 2 months ago. I sympathize with the woman in Manitoba.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Tatiana (Detroit, MI) on 06/28/2009

My dog is 18 month old German Shepper he had rabies vaccination 06.20.2009 merial ser. number 12529A. For the next day dog his behaviar a little change, after 4 days he start limbing on a side were was a shot, after 6 days Behavior problems: destructive behaviors, separation anxiety and odd obsessive behaviors - tail chasing and paw licking, restlessness; viciousness; avoidance of company; unusual affection; desire to travel. We took our dog to vet she says it is not reactions he just hurt his knee. What can I say. Does not look professional, but what can you do about it. Have no idea where to look for help.

Replied by Kaidyd
(Philadelphia, Pa)

My cat had a rabies vaccine almost 2 weeks ago and still has sensitivity at the site. Is that normal?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Kacy (Granite Bay, California) on 06/09/2009

Rabies Reaction: In Feb of 2008 my 8 1/2 year old Pekinese required, by law, a rabies booster. The injection was given we came home and I kept looking at her thinking something was not right. I asked my husband if she looked funny to him and he say "OH MY her face is swollen". So back to the vet I went, they gave her another shot to counteract the vaccine. I told the vet that this dog would NEVER have another vaccine of any kind. He agreed!


Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Lily (Commerce City, Colorado) on 05/13/2009

My cat "Cleo" became fatigued, and unresponsive for nearly 3 weeks after receiving the 3 year dose vacination for rabies recommended by the vet. My Cleo was never the same cat again. She died at age 8.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Lori (Dothan, Alabama) on 05/11/2009

My pet poodle received his annual rabies shot May 2. I notices the next day that he would only sit or lay, hardly no walking, and by the evening he could not stand up. I took him to the vet May 4, got a steroid shot and he was better. But when I came home on May 5, he hadn't drank water all day or left his bed. I took him to the vet again Wed May 6. He stayed over night and died Thursday May 7.

He was a toy poodle, 3lbs, and happy and healthy, full of life. I wished I had not taken him, but I thought I did the right thing. After reading the web, he had all the signs of adverse reactions.

We miss MAX!!!!

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Lisa (Buffalo, New York) on 05/04/2009

I have a jack russell terrier (7 yrs old) 11 lbs. She received her rabies shot and they drew blood for heartworm on a Thursday, on Friday she was mopping and her back end was sore. Would not let me touch her, she even snapped at me. She started to vomit. She is not eating and has no energy. Would this be a side effect? What should I do?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by DD (Highland Park , NJ) on 04/22/2009

My puppy, an female pomeranian of 17 weeks just had her first rabies shot. Are now 2 days since and she seams more sleepy and second morning she also vomited. I would like to know how long time I might expect side effects from rabies shots.

Concerning distemper vaccinations, she had already her 3 puppy shots. The vet told me that I should return in 1 year for another distemper that has to be done yearly otherwise she might get distemper which is deadly. How much of this is true? Is her immunity good enough after her puppy shots to not require her entire life any more vaccinations or not. Previously I had another dog that lived to 14 years and she had just her puppy shots for her life.