Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Spiceitup (Maryville, Tn.) on 11/12/2010

Apple Cider Vinegar..... My husband grew up farming and by farming I mean hundreds of acres. He and his brother were responsible for it all. Growing up he always had good teaching and a lot of love and respect for his family and friends and neighbors. So, when I first met him he told me about the long time ACV. He informed me that he just drank it straight from the jar it came in. Of course I giggled and said, okay that's nice dear.

Well, here we are today... MY little farming sweetheart is... Well over 50 and I can't keep up with him. And to boot he eats all the time, mostly at night... Drinks way too many coca colas and has energy coming out his ears. He has been to the doctor umteen times only to get the same outstanding results. HIs heart is perfect, no blockages, his blood presssure is on the dot. His lungs are as clear as a whistle on a quiet day and his libido even after 50 would put a teenage boy to shame.... ACV... Have you had yours today?

Dental Enamel Issues
Posted by Nuri (Tacoma, Wa, Usa) on 11/11/2010

I forgot to add that the Black Strap Molasses added to this ACV, magnesium water mix is a nice way to take your Molasses everyday. Its all gooooood!

Dental Enamel Issues
Posted by Nuri (Tacoma, Wa, Usa) on 11/11/2010

Hi, sorry you feel a connection between ACV and yellow teeth. I haven't heard that problem before so perhaps there are other more complex reasons for this sighting. I have several homemade tonics which I take each day. I give you one which I use that covers the
ACV question:

I make this big health mixture every two days:
Start with a big pitcher or jar that will hold 40 oz or more. Pour in 32 oz of clean water
Put in 1/4 cup of Ted's magnesium/carbonated water concoction, plus 1/4 cup of organic ACV,
Plus 1/4 cup of organic unsulphered Black Strap Molasses

Cover the jar tightly and shake well. It mixes up real good. Pour yourself an 18 oz glass every morning and take 4 good swallows of it before brushing your teeth, then brush your teeth right after swallowing the tonic using nothing but baking soda to brush with. Spit and rinse, spit gain. Follow with a nice "food grade Hydrogen Peroxide 1/10 ratio mix". Slush it around for a few minutes and spit it somewhere. Then sip the mixture again every couple of hours like a little snack instead of soda pop or coffee. Then sip right before your 3 major meals and before bedtime, and brush with baking soda, rinse with peroxide mixture after each meal and before bed. The magnesium ought to take care of the constipation, if not eat a wider variety and larger quantity of garden vegetables

Yeast Infections
Posted by Alib (Swansea, Wales, Uk) on 11/04/2010

From what I understand, yeast infections can be an issue if you are still eating processed carbs and sugars in any quantity. As yeasts need sugars to feed on, removing those from your diet would help to prevent yeast infections whether you are taking vinegar or not. All carbs will turn to some kind of sugar in the body, which is why most, if not all, Anti-Candida diets remove them. Those who have removed sugars and carbs from their diet are less likely to have problems with the vinegar - especially when some time has passed and all the residual sugars have cleared from the system. It is also possible that those who have issues with yeast infections when taking vinegar, may actually be pre-diabetic and have issues with carbohydrate metabolism anyway, in which case following a low-carb regime would benefit them.

The quantity of processed carbs and refined sugars that are consumed in the Western diet is damaging everyone to a greater or lesser degree. Above all we need nutrition - and the carbs and sugars rob the body of valuable nutrition during their processing whilst giving little or nothing in return. They look good, they taste good, but they are worthless to the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Posted by Kathy (Las Vegas, Nv) on 11/04/2010

When I drink Apple cider vinegar I usually add it to 1 cup of hot tea, anykind, I add honey and 1/8 tsp of baking soda the baking soda takes away the really strong vinegar taste. If I don't want a hot drink I use room temp water with sugar or splenda and baking soda.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Australia) on 11/04/2010

Hello slidefoot, Yes you can add some honey to the apple cider vinegar, you can also put the Apple Cider Vinegar in some apple juice which disguises the taste quite well. Lily.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Posted by Slidefoot (Elmira, Ny) on 11/03/2010

I have a hard time drinking apple cider vinegar. Is it OK if I add honey to take the tartness out of it? If not I'll do my best to drink it. I have been on blood pressure meds for 20 some years. Same meds and I am having trouble keeping it down. I am under a lot of stress right now and it doesn't help. Please let me know. I am a female and 71. Thank you. Slidefoot

General Feedback
Posted by Christina (Ann Arbor, Mi) on 11/02/2010

It's possible that the ACV is throwing your body's pH balance out of whack. You should find out what your balance is before trying something acidic. "Apple cider vinegar is an exception: unlike almost every other vinegar, it has an alkaline ash and improves pH by making the body less acidic. "

Read more at Suite101: Tips to Balance Acid Alkali pH: Beat Chronic Pain, Inflammation, Acid Indigestion, Fatigue and More

General Feedback
Posted by Elizabeth (Nashville, Tn) on 10/28/2010

Some people can't tolerate vinegar as well as others. If you have candida it can actually aggravate it instead of helping it. I read so many wonderful things about ACV I decided to try it for my candida related health issues. I ended up getting a yeast infection from it, even when I mixed it with baking soda for the acidity. I'm not knocking the ACV beneficial effects for some people.... It's just not for me.

General Feedback
Posted by Peg (Winston-salemjoalty, North Carolina) on 10/27/2010

It is likely clearing toxins, and this is a temporary condition.

General Feedback
Posted by Rita (Maysville Ky, Ky) on 10/27/2010

Why would apple cidar vinegar make you itch when taken internally?

ACV and Probiotics
Posted by Margie (Springville, Utah) on 10/27/2010

I just wanted to say that if you take probiotics with the mothers apple cider vinegar it helps a great deal with acid in your stomach to settle down and your tummy will be able to handle the mothers apple cider vinegar. Its also great for your intestines and helps put good bacteria back into your body, which if we have too much bad bacteria it can make us extremely ill. I'm now trying the vinegar and pray that it does work. I to have been dizzy and have high blood pressure often and need to keep it under control. So will get back to let you know if it worked for me.

Dental Enamel Issues
Posted by Meenu (Vancouver, Bc Canada) on 10/25/2010


Dental Enamel Issues
Posted by Siobhan (Fairbanks, Alaska) on 10/23/2010

To protect my teeth from the vinegar acid, I swish baking soda and water around in my mouth after every dose of ACV. Usually about a teaspoon of baking soda to a mouthful of water mixed in a small cup does the trick.

Leg Cramps
Posted by J (St. Louis, Mo) on 10/20/2010

My husband has terrible leg cramps. I had read that ACV would help, so we tried it recently when he had a bad bout with the leg cramps. It seemed to help. We put some in the bath too and he thought that was helpful too. I had read not to put it on the skin, but it did not seem to burn his skin.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Alwayssora (Columbia, Tennessee) on 10/17/2010

I am a great fan of ACV. I drink it in iced water. When I had tonsillitis, I mixed it with a bit of honey and swabbed my throat every hour. The white spots would disappear(and my fever) within 24 hours. I had a small wart on the back of my knee and 2 days of soaking it in ACV and it fell off! I use it with Dawn detergent to shampoo my dogs to prevent fleas. It is also good for gradual weight loss, lowering glucose levels, and relieving my rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. And the biggie: to stop charley horses at night, I keep a spray bottle of ACV by the bed, and at the first sign of leg cramps, I spray it liberally with ACV. Immediate relief. I even have started spraying my leg before bedtime. NO more cramps!

Posted by Aumber (Palm Springs, Ca) on 10/17/2010

Hi everyone, Just wanted to say no matter what detox or program you are doing, (ACV is very good) if your BM is not good then nothing is going to work as well as it should. If your colon is clean you hold much less toxins and anything you do will work much better. I use 1 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar with 1/4 teaspoon baking soda & about 2 Tablespoons of honey mixed with 16oz. of water (tap temp.)not cold. I do this once a day. I am doing Oil Pulling and find this to help (empty colon) in the effects of OPing. Good luck to all and we are all so lucky to have this site, best one around. Have a great day.

General Feedback
Posted by Frank (Charlotte, Nc) on 10/15/2010

I whole heartedly agree. Of course doctors are going to shoot down any inexpensive natural remedy because they can't capitalize on it. They are all about drugs and treatments because it makes them and the drug companies money. I will take the natural remedies any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I have had great success with ACV, as well as cayenne pepper. They have worked better for me than any prescribed drugs.

High Cholesterol
Posted by Royce (Phil Campbell, Al., Usa) on 10/13/2010

I recently had stints put in my neck and one valve in my heart. I take Plavix 75gm and Lipitor 40gm. Will ACV help me get off these meds as they are very expensive? will they damage the stints. Thanks for your help, Royce

Best Time to Take Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 10/12/2010

Hello and Greetings Alfred! You are so right - I have been taking ACV for over a year now, and I will NEVER quit! I hope to be just half as fit as you are when I am 83, and I will be happy! Best to you, Carly :-)

Best Time to Take Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/12/2010

Tom I have been taking ACV since 1994.. I sold it at my store in San Diego. Which I got of good feedback. I do not think you can overdose on ACV.. Today my birthday only 83.. Fit as a fiddle with ACV amd guidance from Earth clinic Keep it up.. Listen to your Body.. Alfred

Best Time to Take Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tom (Riverside, Ca) on 10/11/2010


Broad Benefits
Posted by Rich (Tampa, Fl) on 09/30/2010

I have had at least one sinus infection each year for the past 10 years. Every year it got so bad I had to go to the doctor and every year the doctor prescribed antibiotics. This year I got two infections, one in February and one in September. Both times I decided to drink apple cider vinegar with OJ and honey. I also boiled water with ACV, ginger, garlic, peppermint oil, and oregano. As God is my witness it started to get better immediately and it was better in two or three days.

I also had a stomach virus in February and took ACV for my nausea. I took it for 5 days and after the 5th day I was reading that ACV was good for high blood pressure. For the last 10 years I have very high blood pressure and refused to take medication. I decided to take my blood pressure , I was very skeptical that it would help but again as God is my witness it was 120 over 80. I stopped taking ACV and when I had to take a two part government physical it was very high again. I started taking it again and within two days it went down twenty points.

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Geoff (Tarpon Springs, Florida) on 09/26/2010

I read your Post About Sinus Attacks. Drank Apple Cider Vinegar And Water and Was Cleared up in a Few Hours. This was as Good as it Gets

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by George (Philadelphia, Pa) on 09/25/2010

UNBELIEVABLE......... 4 month sinus infection(only over the counter sudafed used(hate doctors)). Apple Cider Vinegar in 24 hours cures the affliction. What else can I say-fabulous-please keep up the good work!!!

General Feedback
Posted by Gitslinger (Austin, Texas) on 09/24/2010

ACV has been great for my other ailments (especially warts!), but it made my hemorrhoids much much worse. They went from being a minor nuisance to swelling twice their size, becoming incredibly sore and oozing. Ouch! I'll never try this again!

Apple Cider Vinegar as Panacea
Posted by Debbie (Tequesta, Fl) on 09/23/2010

Zachary be careful using ACV on your hair. I have blond highlights in my hair and the ACV turned my highlights pink! I use regular white distilled vinegar on my hair every few weeks and it works just fine.

Posted by Noelle (Denton, Tx, Us) on 09/21/2010

Yes, I have been on a similar high protein/low carb diet, through a weight loss center, but in their case when I reported constipation as a side effect of the diet, their remedy was to sell me their "cleansing tea" which while pleasant tasting was just a teabag version of senna-based laxatives! It seems that the ACV is helping in this regard but it may be too soon to tell just yet. Of course the weight loss center will not like this because they don't sell ACV or make a lot of money off it...

Colds and Flu
Posted by Noelle (Denton, Tx, Us) on 09/21/2010

I have been drinking ACV at a 2 Tbsp ACV/32 oz. Water dilution, 3 times a day, for a little over a week now, and have an overall feeling of energy, especially more energy at the end of the day than I usually have. This is especially important as my job has been unusually stressful lately. Friday, I felt the onset of a cold in the form of a tickly and then sore throat. I doubled my consumption of ACV and even did a couple of "shots" (my husband figured out that one standard shot glass holds right at 3 Tbsp. Liquid) with honey chasers. I don't feel 100% better, but I do feel like the cold never really got its "claws" into me, which has made a big difference. Also taking the popular alkaline fizzy tablet cold medicine, because

1) that's the only over-the-counter cold remedy that's ever really worked for me and

2) now I understand more about how pH levels are related to overall health.

Posted by Melmax (Nyc, Ny) on 09/18/2010

LOVE! ACV. Have been taking it now twice a day for about a month. Unlike others, I have no problem with the taste. Actually like it, and don't add any sweetener. I've had acne all my life. Was told it was hormonal. Since taking apple cider vinegar (ACV), my skin has been clear and healthy looking. Also have lost some weight. And feel an overall sense of general wellness. Am keeping an eye on my varicose veins to see if it has any affect on those. Will keep you posted. But, either way, you can be sure I will keep up with the ACV.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Larryk (Fairfax, Va, Usa) on 09/13/2010

For your sinuses and hearing improvement, how much of the ACV/honey/garlic mixture did you take per day? Also, what are the proportions of each ingredient? Do you add water or juice to the mixture. Thanks.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand ) on 09/12/2010

Last year, I was taking ACV with garlic, and honey... First My Sinuses, cleared up within a week, next my left ear which has been deaf for 15 years started to crackle, and three weeks later I could hear stereo again. My back and knees cleared up about a month later... I thought that since I'm on a roll I'll Take some vitamins via a fizzy baroca... Ten days later watching the Television I noticed that I was having trouble focusing.. So I took my glasses off. I swear to you that I could see so clearly I was in shock. So stupid me stopped everything, and two weeks later I was wearing glasses again. So from then on I started the Baroca.. And the apple cider vinegar and honey without the garlic.. But I got such a sore mouth, I ran to my medic book which said if you are taking vitamin supplements stop! I did and along with yogurt the soreness went. I resumed the ACV and honey but left the garlic out of the mix... I've been taking garlic on my evening meal. I've just started back on the ACV honey plus garlic.. And am taking a tbs. of molasses.. So will keep you posted. I'm 64 years of age and haven't felt so well.. I have also been taking a portion of tuna or Salmon everyday.. Thats to make sure all the 72 essential nutrients are present. I got that from What they say makes sense.