Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
ACV Vs. Other Types of Vinegar
Posted by Msg (Somewhere, Europe) on 03/15/2010

Can lemon juice be used instead of acv in all (most) of the remedies?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Faron (Freetown, Prince Edward Island) on 03/12/2010

i have been taking 2 tbl spoon acv 3 times a day for two months now for weight loss and have found it quite good and lost 20 pounds and also careful what foods i eat plus i find it cuts my appetite also but have found that the longer i am taking it i was able to cut down 50% on the meds i was takeing for arthritis up to this point. I have back pain and nerve damage from an auto accident and have cut these meds by 50% as well i have since dropped the breakfast dose and added it at bed time that way i find i have better pain control at night. i find the pain relief beyond belief.

ACV and Tap Water
Posted by Hawk120 (New Canaan, Ct) on 02/27/2010


My grandfather has long touted ACV for a variety of remedies-we all used to laugh but now he's 87 so I'm starting to believe him! I have one concern though with the ACV general tonic that people may not realize. I have city water (chlorinated and fluoridated) in my home, and when I added the tap water to the 2 tsp ACV I noticed a lot of very fine bubbling and a very light smoke.

I'm not a chemist, but remember how they say not to mix chlorine bleach and acid (including vinegar) because it will produce toxic chlorine gas? Is this happening with my tap water on a smaller scale!?

EC: Yikes! That doesn't happen here in Atlanta suburbs! I have relatives in your area and will have to ask them to test this too.


Broad Benefits
Posted by Rachel (Saratoga Springs, Ut) on 02/25/2010

I am 5'2" I weigh 142.6 I am turning 29 years next week. I am the mother of two children. I have had a hysterectomy. I have 40 pounds of baby weight to lose. My youngest is 4yrs. so it's time to take control of my body again.

I take 1-2 teaspoons ACV raw unfiltered (from the local health food store), with 2 Tbl. honey, and 12oz. filtered water. I started taking it b/c my mother in law gave it to me to use for a canker sore. I healed my canker with another natural remedies and noticed the apple cider vinegar still sitting in my pantry. Feeling guilty I began to use it thinking it should be a healthy supplement...

I have read so many comments and learned some interesting things. Like yeast infections- it makes sense to me... I haven't had one, but for those of you that have. Remember, with any new healthy vitamin or supplement to your diet, you must start slowly with very small amounts and build your way up to the actual dosage. I have been taking the ACV for three days now. I have lost a pound after being on a weight plateau for three weeks! I'm not sure if that is from the ACV or not. I will have to keep ya posted.:)

I know that it helps with filling full longer and giving you energy and clarity of mind. Another side effect for me has been looser bowl movements. I have always had IBS but since I began working out the last two months, eating healthy and drinking over 64oz a day, my stool has changed and I had been some what constipated for the first time in my life. (It was actually a nice change, to not have my bowels cramping and feeling nauseated all the time; still, a bit uncomfortable. The ACV has helped with the constipation and eased the pressure in the bowels.

I've taken my protein drink with fruit every morning for the last 6 weeks. Three days ago when I began the ACV I noticed that I stayed full longer and had more energy to accomplish everything on my list to do. (Even projects I have put off for years.)

I began my strict workout routine under the direction of my personal trainer the first week of January. It is now the last week of February. Which has included 4 days of intense intermediate cardio with weight training, 2 days of cardio, 1 day of rest. (Each workout is no more than 1 hour a day). I also cut out all flour, starches, sugars, and carbs. I eat 5 times a day (every 2-3 hours) with a serving of protein and fresh/frozen fruit and/or fresh/frozen veggies (No more than 300 calories per meal). I don't eat less than 1200 calories per day. (Eating less than that halts all progress making your body think it is starving and it hangs on to fat for storage). I am never hungry. I lost 13 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks. Which was totally awesome for me! (I have never have lost more than 7 lbs. that quickly; and it always comes back on in a matter of days- since the birth of both of my children. That includes every diet and exercise that I've tried over the last 6 years.)

The weight has stayed off! Until earlier this week I gained 1 lb. (could have been muscle- who knows), but it was depressing. Losing that pound again today, was a great feeling! I know that I feel even better; knowing that I am doing this the right way. No more yo-yo dieting. Even if it takes longer than the three months that my trainer told me it would take to drop the excess weight. I will continue the ACV along with the diet and workout plan I am currently on b/c of it's help with energy, bowels, and helping me to avoid that afternoon slump all day long.:)

I take the ACV in the morning with my protein drink and in the evening with my last meal of the day.

General Feedback
Posted by David (Newburyport, Mass, Usa) on 02/23/2010

Anyone experiencing stomach discomfort after taking that particular apple cider vinegar should switch brands. the type of wooden barrel the cider is aged in can contain resin that can get into the applecider. it's not the acv vinegar thats bothering the stomach ie., bloating, cramping and gas pains's the resin from the barrel !

Joint Pain
Posted by Safiyya (Philadelphia, Pa) on 02/22/2010


I have a question reagrding ACV. My husband has joint pains and we want to try ACV for that.

The dosage
2 teaspoons of ACV in 8 oz of water 3x a day.

My question :
the 2 tsps of ACV is the whole quantity for 1 day or
2*3 = 6 tsps is the whole quantity of ACV to be taken in the whole day ? Can you please let me know?

High Cholesterol
Posted by Sathiananthen (Singapore) on 02/14/2010


I have been taking ACV for almost some time now.
Reason high cholesterol and so on.
My reading taken on the 23/10/09
Cholesterol 7.73, Trigleycerides 1.33, HDL-C 0.94, LDL-C 6.19 and Chol: HDL Ratio 8.22 all in mmol/L measurment. I went on an offensive method thats ACV 2 cap full, Lemon 2 teaspoon and 1 teaspoon of honey with pipping hot water drinking slowly.

Current result taken on 07/01/2010
Cholesterol 4.63, Trigleycerides 1.55, HDL-C 1.05, LDL-C 2.88 and Chol: HDL Ratio 4.41 all in mmol/L. For me it works well but in term of loosing weight I don't see much. I introduced ACV to my Manager who has the same problem and never once see his result pass from the test. After my advise and taken for 3 or 4 weeks on daily basics last week result out shine my report.

Those with high cholesterol please try but please check with your doctors advise. I tried after reading from the net on the benefits. One important thing I was on medication too for cholesterol (Lovastatin). My managers report was the thing which confirm of ACV coz he never see a better result in all his testing.


Breast Reduction
Posted by Mel (Passaic, Nj) on 02/06/2010



I'm 26 yrs old. I had originally (last year) used acv when the doses were 2 tbsp in water at one shot. After a month, my boobs shrank a whole cup size, but I was still not overall thinner. Beware! I'm still afraid to take it now as the doses have changed. I think they grew back now though, because I took some dong quai and damiana (which I read increases them).

Nummular Eczema
Posted by Harbo (San Diego, Ca) on 02/06/2010

I take two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to 8oz of water every other day and I have noticed a STRONG difference in my body. I developed "nummular eczema" on my legs over three years ago which prevents me from shaving from the knees down. My legs were constantly breaking out and the bumps would flare if i went to a dry city keeping me awake all night in itchy pain. Lotion, baby oils, topical medicated creams, you name it, I used it. But since I've been using raw ACV I no longer suffer from blotchy red bumps on my legs and am free to shave every day!! It's absolutely amazing and something that three different doctors couldn't cure or even treat. The mild detoxification that the ACV did was truly remarkable and will continue using it for the rest of my life!

Acid Reflux
Posted by Ted (Bennnington, Vermont) on 02/05/2010

I also have suffered from acid reflux for about a year. Took acid-dissolving tablets which only temporarily alleviated the symptoms. Discovered ACV on this site and after taking two doses (2 tsp. of ACV in 8 oz. of water) in one day, I felt better for the next five days than I had for months. Problem totally gone.

While looking for information about ACV, I discovered at least one site that purported to pop the ACV balloon by declaring ACV has no medicinal or health-giving properties, etc. Amusing to see that the site's sponsors were all pharmaceutical and health care-insurance companies. Gee, how about that! As if those folks would tell the truth if their lives depended on it.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Larry C (Bartlett, Il, Usa) on 02/03/2010

Been into holistic health for a few years now and stumbled upon Earth Clinic a few months ago when my 11 YO daughter had a bout with strep and mono. After a bad reaction to her antibiotic with a terrible rash and prescribed an even more terrible antibiotic, I pulled the plug on conventional medical "wisdom" and treated her with organic coconut oil for the mono and ACV for the rash as well as ACV and cayenne for the strep. Her sore throat was gone almost instantly with the gargle although the rash itself took longer she did get some relief. The mono disappeared in two days and she was back to being herself... Amazing!

I broke my left elbow about 22 years ago in a motorcycle accident and the Dr. then told me it would give me trouble later in life. He was completely correct as over the past 1-1/2 years it has gone from a noticeable throb to outright excruciating PAIN! Some mornings I couldn't even extend it fully and certainly not do anything physically stressful. After reading about ACV and arthritis I began using it as directed with about two tablespoons in water, sipping it throughout the day. Within 10 minutes of the first sips the pain subsided. I'm now into the fourth day and I'm a new man. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

BTW Gave it to my 19YO daughter for a headache and it was gone in minutes...

Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Posted by Theresa (Zaklan, Or, Usa) on 01/24/2010

The first book on vinegar I read was by a Vermont doctor who did his studies in conjunction with the Uni. of Georgetown and and govt. agencies associated with their studies. He rcommended 1 tsp of acv with 1 tspn. of honey 3x's a day usually before meals or with meals because the trace minerals in the honey add to and complement those in the acv. For chronic conditions he upped it to 1TBSN of honey to 1 TBSN acv 3x's a day. He also reported on it's effective use with his patients who were having trouble staying pregnant or were having fertility problems. He got the idea from the local farmers who routinely used it to cure fertility problems with their cattle/dairy animals.

Apple Cider Vinegar Contraindications
Posted by Aseembaba (New York, Ny, Usa) on 01/22/2010



im a patient of DVT and PE (twice) and im on blood thinners to maintain an adequate INR value. as most patients will know that green vegetable can lower the INR value due to the Vitamin K content in them but ACV does the same.

im an ardent fan of ACV since 1994 and have been using it regularly but have had to stop using it after getting DVT. i have monitored my blood INR before and after having acv many a times and every time just after having it for 4 days my blood INR dropped to 1.2 when the i should be between 2 - 3.

in other words avc tends to clot the blood so dvt, pe and all other patients PLEASE DO NOT HAVE ACV while on blood thinning medication.

im bitterly missing acv since i know how wonderful it is for so many problems.
hope this helps

EC: Acronyms

DVT = Deep Vein Thrombosis
PE = Pulmonary Edema
INR = International Normalized Ratio (for blood clotting time)

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kandy (Lakeland, Fl) on 01/19/2010

I have been using apple cider vinigar for several months now for a sinus infection which is now under control after having problems with them for years, and as a toner for my face. The results are amazing. Pores are smaller face is clear of red spots and wrinkles fade. It has also taken away my body aches and pains. If I take regularly my legs dont hurt and I feel great. I take 2 tsp. twice a day followed by 1 tsp. of honey.I love not having to take medicine. Thanks Earthclinic.

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Cindy (San Diego, Ca) on 01/16/2010

Your feedback on the use of ACV resonated with me more than you would guess. I too am 58 this year and for years have "suffered" from sinus issues. Now, it seems that I can not have a good night's sleep because I usually wake up with terrible sinus preasure above my eyebrows. I have been on antibiotics twice since December. I hadn't read anything lately about ACV but remembered my grandfather always had a bottle in the bathroom and mixed it with baking soda and water. Because I was a child I didn't take note of the quantities. Last night, after searching the house for something to take for the horrible headache, I remembered the "concoction."... (maybe grandpa from the grave?) Anyway, I popured a little into a glass and slugged it straight. No water and no baking soda. Immediately my eyes teared and my throat got phlemmy (sp?)I coughed and my nose began to run...and run and run and soon, no headache! So this morning I got up and wanted to search for the "recipe." I read yours and now I hope that I will finally get a good night's rest.

Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Peggy (Fishers, In) on 01/14/2010

I use a Raw, unfiltered ACV. It should contain what is called the mother. I find it in the healthf food stores or in a natural section of Krogers. I can't say brand names but if you look for those particular components it will benefit you more.The vinegars that are distilled or processed have all the goodness stripped out of it, such as enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Good luck!

Acid Reflux
Posted by Porky (Metro, Gab) on 01/14/2010

If you have Acid Reflux, ACV will be TOO strong and TOO harsh on your stomach first thing in the morn with NO food. It may leave you with a sick feeling for up to 10 minutes. It feels not so good, but Try ACV in honey. They say it helps with diabetes taken before a meal, and with other things.

I did it (empty stomach, first thing), but it worried me because it felt SOO like my bod was warning me with the discomfort. But it STILL near cured my acid reflux.

OTHER ACID REFLUX CURES/HUGE HELPS: do NOT lay down after you eat. Sit upright, even laying back a bit is not good enough. Sit as upright as you can for 5 hours after eating ANYTHING. You'll notice you wake up in the morning with 0 buring throat. Also NO SPICES--especially before bed. Even if you sit up right, spices BURN your throat in acid reflux, they'll make your stomach feel raw, bad, and sick--not HUGELY noticeable, but still, kick the spices! I use Morton's Kosher Salt--flavors my food BEAUTIFULLY. Also ramen noodle chicken flavored packets added to water fake chicken stock well! Be sure you ONLY by the ramen noodles with NO transfat and NO MSG's!!!! They exist at grocery stores, you have to check the packaging though!!!! I guess MSG's are Monosodium Gloutamate...I could be wrong, but I KNOW that I want MSG FREE salted stuff! :-)

Acid Reflux
Posted by Porky (Metro, Gab) on 01/14/2010

Try taking the ACV with honey (I think 1 tbspn or 1 tsp?) IN 2 tbspn of ACV or 2 tsp and a HUGE glass of H20. This will help lessen the raw stomach feeling or sick feeling with ACV and acid reflux. Won't eliminate it, but eventually you won't need the honey anymore. This helped me I am late 20's and have acid reflux. The ACV DID help SO much, and with energy. I only knew of _____s prior to this well written article. It costs a bit, so I haven't used in a LONG time, but a hair forumn made me realize that ACV is made by more people than _____. I will try the over the counter as long as it is not pasturized since on this forumn someone said that takes away a lot of the good properties.

Much love and blessings and I hope this helps everyone!

Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amber (Flint, Mi) on 01/13/2010

Hi, I actually have a question and couldn't figure out where to post it. I have been using Apple cider Vinegar from the Meijer brand. I really like it, I like the taste. But I bought the Heinz brand because I wasn't sure whether the Meijer brand is derived from real apples or not. And if it would work just as well. Does anyone know if it is? Because I can't handle the taste of the Hienz brand, it is terrible! Any help on whether the meijer brand is okay to use would be great, thank you!