Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Dental Enamel Issues
Posted by Giglez2u (Morrill, Ne, United States) on 09/30/2009

Here's the thing, I've recently adopted the acv ritual of 3tbsp acv, 16oz. glass water, 2 sometimes 3x's day. I like the taste of it, no necessary sodas or honey to add, and I find that I crave it throughout the day. I AM concerned however, about tooth sensitivity to it. I've not experienced it but have read previous posts that problems with sensitivity and softening of the enamal occurs. Is that true? Am I going to have to stop? I will admit, I am completely obsessed about my teeth and my dentist is on my speed dial! lol, Can't help it, I love to keep my smile looking its best. So, should I cut back or not worry? I've used a straw, but honestly, I don't think that works. Contact w/ teeth isn't minimal to me. Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Posted by Harold (Lantana, Florida) on 09/29/2009

After reading this website I went to the grocery store to buy ACV. All the brands had what was called 5% reduced> Are these effective as Organic? If not where do you purchase organic? And what do they mean by 5% reduced?


EC: Many grocery stores are now selling organic apple cider vinegar. We've seen it stocked at Publix and Kroger in their "healthy eating" section.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Posted by Carolyn (Hobbs, Nm Usa) on 09/29/2009

Premixing ACV and Honey

If you are having trouble getting the honey to mix with the ACV try this. I talked to the B__gg people and they said it is fine to do this. I mix 1 c. ACV and 1/2 c. Honey together and put into an empty ACV bottle. Then when I am ready to drink it I take out 1 Tablespoon full and mix in 8 oz. water and drink. I don't mix up any more than that because the B__gg folks said to not keep it over a week like that. Works great for me and saves a lot of time.


EC: Thanks for finding that out and sharing it with us!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Ratgirldjh (Austin, Texas) on 09/27/2009

i love ACV. my dad always drank it and so i've known about it forever. but being young and healthy i often didn't remember to drink it.

now that i'm older and not as healthy i've been using it again. when i first started i tried to drink a teaspoon in 8 ounces of water with or without the baking soda and found it gave me very bad gas at night! also my teeth would start to get sensitive even with the baking soda added.

so i found that if i would put a dropper full (about 1 teaspoon) in 32 ounces of water and drink it throughout the day and drink at least 2 teaspoons per day - followed by regular bottled water at night time that i didn't have any gas!

the first effects for me are usually that i feel cleaner 'down there'. i actually can feel this very quickly and i notice that my sweat dosen't smell as bad.

after taking it for a while i usually begin to notice that my libido is stronger! i am 49 and usually pretty disinterested in sex - so this always suprises me.

then i will begin to notice that my skin looks fresher! it also feels firmer.

finally, i take insulin for diabetes. when i drink this daily i begin to notice my blood sugar levels stabilizing and can usually lower my insulin dose.

try it! it really helps a lot of things! i also put a teaspoon in my pets drinking water.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Haley (Greenville, Nc) on 09/26/2009

I am diabetic and was overweight, blochy red skin, sun spots on my face, neck, chest, arms and legs. I read Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) was good to drink and put on skin. I bought some and began drinking 1 tablespoon three times a day and put it full strength on my body in the shower after bathing when I still had some water on me. I rubbed it all over including my face, neck whole body, arms, legs and feet. After a month I began to notice the sun spots were getting lighter, my skin was getting a more youthful look (I am 55 years old) and I had more energy. When I went to get my A1C checked, it was 5.4! My blood pressure was 113/63! My doctor was estatic and so was I. My skin now is clear and bright. I have LOTS of energy. I'm not tired anymore. All the sun spots are just about gone. My dark elbows and ankles are now a normal color. I am so happy. I have been getting so many compliments on my "glowing" complexion. My facial capillaries have just about disappeared. ACV to me is a miracle in itself.

Apple Cider Vinegar Soak
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 09/26/2009 84 posts

One thing that I forgot to say in my previous post is to mark your nail file in some manner i.e. nail polish. Make it obvious so that you never use it on your finger nails or that somebody else might use it inappropriately. If you are carrying an infection of any kind (and most people do) it will be transferred to the fingers. The nail file can be cleaned with peroxide or rubbing alcohol but the dust is so minute and nail files are not easy to fully clean without a steriliser. So make sure it is kept for YOUR feet. As we say in Ireland "to be sure, to be sure".

Apple Cider Vinegar Soak
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 09/25/2009 84 posts

To Deirdre Re cracked heels. I have had great success with the following -

Before you put your feet in any liquids use an emery board to remove any dry flaky skin. Your feet MUST be dry for this. Wet skin will only move with the emery board not fall away. The type of emery board is important. Here we use the black style. The types for nails that come in different colors i.e. pink blue etc. The reason you don't want to use the metal ones or the one designed specifically for the feet that are like cheese graters is that they are too hard and pull too much skin at once from what is already a very dry area. Think of how they would leave the cheese looking. I always recommend that this can be done while watching the telly or listening to the radio cos you can't damage yourself with these as you can with the metal type. Try to get the hard bit on the edge of the cracks without making yourself sore. You will be very surprised at the amount of dust that you will see coming away from your skin but this is normal. The brown old fashioned emery boards are too gentle and the black ones are perfect. When the dust stops flying move to the next part. If you are getting sore at all you have done enough for the day. More will come off tomorrow.

Rinse that dust off your feet as while it is blocking your pores you will absorb nothing transdermally. And it should only be dust, if you see larger bits of skin the emery board is too strong for you. At this stage you can soak your feet in any liquid of your choice i.e. anti-fungal, vinegar, peroxide or oils or salts for as long as suits you. Doing this with a couple of sports clubs some of the men chose to do it with plain old washing up liquid (detergent). So it is a case of whatever suits you. Use antiseptics or peroxide if there is any chance of an infection or dirt being caught in the cracks as it may close over the dirt and cause a diferent problem.

Then this is most important. Pack the cracks with some kind of thick oil. Our choice at the time we did this was vaseline but some would not choose this because of the petrolatum issue. Whatever you use press it over the crack to ensure that it has gone in the full depth. These cracks cannot heal while they are dry. If you had an operation on your stomach and the skin dried out to the same extent it would not heal either. We usually put large medical issue bandages over them to keep the vaseline on the feet.This won't suit everyone so a cotton pair of socks will do. The people we did this with all had to walk home so bandages were needed to keep the vaeline well packed. Wash next day as normal and leave bandage off. You want your feet fairly dry to repeat the process the next evening.

Remember it will be easy to slip on the floor until this is washed off. Do the same the next evening and continue til necessary tapering the amount of times done as they heal.

This worked within 3 days for some and some took approx 2 weeks. But it makes sense that the hard skin needs to go and the skin to be wet for the cracks to knit together.

As for the fungal infection. Many people will only treat the area that they can see the infection on. The human eye cannot see all of a fungal infection so if it spreading nor can they see it when it is at the last stages of treatment so it is very important to treat outside the area and for a lot longer that you can see it or feel it. My husband picks up an athletes foot while he is travelling for business on a regular basis. He never feels it but we can see it between his toes. We only know he has it when I catch it because I get the itching and burning long before I can see it. We use a providone iodine antiseptic wash which is normally used for pre-operation swabs in a footbath then antifungal medicated creams. Because he gets the moccassin type we bathe and cream his feet up to the ankles. I only get the moccassin type around the toe area so I only need to cover the shoe area. This is a long winded way of telling you how to do it but it actually doesn't take long perform it. The longest part of it is how long you choose to soak you feet and it is our tried and tested method.

EC: Tricia - Wow, thank you so much for these detailed instructions! Much appreciated. I will start immediately.

P.S. Your feedback has been cross-posted to the cracked heels page.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Hippiechick (Laurel, Md, United States) on 09/24/2009

ACV has nearly cured my acne. I have acne since my 1st menstrual cycle in 6th grade. I'm 35-years old now. I have tried everything you can think of ... the only thing that has worked is Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.

I am addicted to carbonated sodas! These cause huge blood sugar spikes. I noticed that my acne got worse when I ate high glycemic foods and when I drank sodas or ate cakes. From the research I did on Earth Clinic and from other places, I discovered ACV helps to control spikes in blood sugar. So, not only did I lower my consumption of these foods, but when I absolutely HAD TO HAVE a soda or a slice of chocolate cake, I took 2tbs of ACV diluted in about 6 ounces of cold water about 10-minutes before. Not only did it eliminate the breakouts already there, but it has prevented more from popping up. It smells awful and tastes even worse - but, for more than 20-years I have spent thousands of dollars to fix this unsightly problem and it's the only thing that has been worth anything! A huge bottle costs about $8.

As for weight loss ... the same reason it seems to work on acne, is likely why it seems to help with weight loss. We gain weight (especially around the middle) when we have an insulin response to the foods we eat (along with stress , etc.) Lower insulin response = lower stored fat. It also helps the digestive process and I don't feel like eating two pieces of cake after the ACV. All of these things contribute to ACVs weight loss prowess. It's better and cheaper than diets and diet pills. But, always try to maintain a good balanced diet, low in fat and at least walk for thirty minutes three times a week.

ACV also cured my hemorrhoids. I had such bad ones internal and external that I needed surgery. It was the worst pain i have ever experienced. (Don't do it!!!) But, after three months, they had not gone away. On Earth Clinic I learned that they could be remedied by applying ACV. I tried it and they shrank to almost nothing overnight! I just saturated a enough of a section of a gauze pad to cover my hemorrhoids and applied it directly on them for 30-minutes before bed. I was in so much pain after the surgery that I would cry all day and I stopped eating, just so I wouldn't have a bowel movement. The ACV was a miracle. I wish I had read Earth Clinic before I decided to go under the knife.

Apple Cider Vinegar Soak
Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 09/24/2009

I started soaking both feet and toes in about 1 inch of straight apple cider vinegar in a pyrex casserole dish (the same one I use for the magnesium oil soak) a few days ago to treat nail fungus and severe cracks in my heels, which I suspect to also be fungus related. Well, it seems soaking is a great way to get the benefits of acv without drinking it! You know the rosy, healthy glow you get after drinking apple cider vinegar in water? Well, it's happening after soaking. Also a great increase in energy. Too soon to say if I am losing weight with the soak.

I was finding that drinking apple cider vinegar lowered my blood sugar levels drastically at times, making me feel faint, but have not had any side effects from soaking thus far. The blood sugar reaction from ACV is a new thing. I had been drinking it regularly for many years before that without any problems.

I am using the organic brand of acv right now, even though you can buy a gallon of regular grocery store acv for the same price. I am thinking about ordering organic acv in bulk, since it takes up almost half a bottle of organic acv to fill the small dish with enough liquid to cover my toes. I must admit, right now I am re-using the acv a few times, otherwise it just isn't cost effective. But yes, I wash my feet before soaking them!

Sorry to say that I have had cracked heels for 11 years now (coincides with when I started training at the dojo). Only recently did it move into toenail fungus. Getting rid of it once and for all is long-overdue. Bad idea to have a fungal infection lingering on for years and years. I am determined to keep this up for months if necessary.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Posted by Pam (Orange County, Ca) on 09/23/2009

I have side effects after taking 2 TBS ACV diluted in a 8 oz cup of water twice a day - a lot of gas and bloating problem, even acid reflex, I think. Anyway, I couldn't sleep at night. That's how uncomfortable it made my stomach and chest feel. Then, I tried two ways to ease the problem. One is adding about 1/4-1/2 TS of baking soda to the drink. It worked. But, I was concerned about the side effects of using the baking soda mentioned on this web site, so I switched my ACV drink to a lower dosage - 1 TBS ACV with a full glass of water, and always drink it after a meal. Either way helps my problem. Oh, I also found out another great way to stop the gas/bloating problem - apples. It really works. But, it seems green apples work the best. Hope the tips would help anyone with the same problem.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Posted by Crystal (Salyersville, Ky, USA) on 09/13/2009

I was having a terrible time trying to take ACV and then I followed a post that ted responded to and he said o mix 1 teaspoon ACV and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in a cup and then wait for it to stop fizzing and then add 1/2 a cup of water. I was so excited because you could not taste or smell the ACV. I am 39, female, with lupus and fibromyalgia.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 09/13/2009 490 posts

For Dianna from Mumbai, India:

Hello Dianna,

I have used ACV with my children and my youngest one is now 47 years old. I don't remember giving it orally to any of them until they were l year old, In view of the
fact that honey is said to contain some bacteria (it also has some antibiotic/antihistaminic action) that the babies immune systems cannot handle under 1 year or age. However I got the honey/ACV from Dr. Jarvis' book on home remedies that he found worked, so I probably did give it to them before since I didn't hear the above caution until all four of my children were past the age of l year.

I haven't seen it on EC yet,but I used to have a relative with 2 small children visit frequently. In the heavy insect bite seasons, my children always developed impetigo (also a streptococcus organism) after their visits. I quickly learned that putting a cup of ACV in the bath water for my four after these visits, stopped my kids from catching impetigo all the time. Another benefit of the ACV in their bath water, they had very few bug bites following the ACV baths. Not wanting to spend half my time treating bug bites & stings, I started using ACV every night for their bathwater.

I am now 76 years old & still using ACV for multiple purposes: cooking, medicine, clogged sinks, bathing, etc.

I can only recall one respiratory infection with severe cough that 50/50 ACV/local honey didn't help. I must have drank at least 3 pints of that stuff and if it helped I would hate to think what pertussis would have been like without it. There was a couple of times that I came close to dialling 911 for transport to the hospital ER. That was when I caught pertussis (whooping cough) from a patient about 10 years ago. When I got one of those coughing spasms after returning to work (the cough does sound terrible and it doesn't feel good) my doc remarked that I needed to see a lung man. He looked surprised when I told him that I didn't, because what was making me cough was all in my head, and my lungs were working hard to keep the crap from moving on down into them. If any of you or your children ever get this mess, remember that. The cough comes from the drainage from the head, which I can best describe as "feels like someone is spraying Elmer's glue or worse over the trachea (windpipe) and the best way to stop it is to flush the nasal passages with normal saline, which I got proceeded to do and stopped the coughing for an hour or two, when I needed to repeat the process. The good news is that my lungs did sucha good job of keeping it out that my entire chest was sore from coughing so vigorously.

Wish I had known about Bill's H202 inhalation then. I certainly would have used it by inhalation & probably sprayes it in my nose too.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Posted by Bonnie (Stroud, Glos Uk) on 09/13/2009

I have discovered a great way to take apple cider vinegar with no taste. I bought some empty caplets 00 size off the internet.If you google empty caplets a whole list of companies come up. Then i use an empty dropper and fill them up and take them like that with plain water to swallow them. The kind of dropper i use is the sort you get for putting drops in your ears for ear wax etc as i have not seen any to buy . Taking them this way also protects the tooth enamel as it doesn't touch your teeth. I know you can get apple cider pills but there is a big question as to how much apple cider vinegar is actually in each pill and what do they do to it to get into the pill state. The empty caplet way is a sure way of getting pure apple cider vinegar in a tasteless way.You have to make them up fresh or they dissolve but it takes no time at all. I take 5 at a time as this is about a teaspoon full on the 00 size caplets

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lee (New York, New York) on 09/13/2009

I think it would be useful to know people's ages.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dianna (Mumbai, India) on 09/12/2009



EC: To our dear contributors: please weigh in with your valued opinions as to whether or not you think it would be a good idea if EC added an age field to our contact us/feedback form. It could be an optional field. This is the third time someone has requested one's age to be posted, so we need to pay attention here. Thank you!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Justmeh (Sdney, Nsw Australia) on 09/11/2009

I am the living witness on how Organic Apple Cider Vinegar helps much in our body. I suffered different ailments..and it always come to the doctor see the cure and take the medicines. But still it takes a while before the our body relieves. I use this internet to see what is best on my ailments. I found this Organic ACv. i try to use it last 2008. and until now it does really works with me. Every time i am not feeling well, I used 1 tbsp of acv diluted with a glass of water3x a day before meal. It does really works with me. Good advise try it and you will see the difference with your body!!heaps of people relieves thru this .Try now! Use straw to drink it!!

Yeast Infections
Posted by Meg (Edison, Nj, USA) on 09/02/2009


ACV has a lot of benefits but one thing that ladies have to be careful about is Yeast infection. I am 29 and never got Yeast infection in life and now got twice in 2 months as I started ACV. But then I read that its because I wasn't using Organic one but just the regular store brand. I have the Organic one now but I am too afraid to try it as I cannot deal with Yeast Infection misery again. I thought I will inform the girls about this to be extra careful when using ACV...thanks!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Aja. (Canton, Oh.) on 08/28/2009

i feel that apple cider vinegar is a cure-all. It cures everything from constipation to a urinary tract infection. I take a shot of it everyday and it helps me so much! I love it, the taste is strong, but its worth the help it does your body. ACV is good for everything, allergies & sinus problems. I love how much it has helped!

Long Term Side Effects
Posted by Mia (Upstate New York, United States) on 08/06/2009

I am just wondering if ACV will deplete anything from your body such as pottasium or anything else that i should watch out for. I take it twice a day(2Tbl spoons with a small cup of Organic apple juice, then i drink a cup of water. In the evening i mix it with a tablespoon of Blackstrap Molasses) and feel great, i am just worried that there could be some long term side effects from taking it everyday. I know that it can effect teeth, so i make sure it does not sit on my teeth. Thanks, and look foward to a response.

Gall Bladder Issues
Posted by Lindae (Ventura, CA) on 07/30/2009

If you are having gallbladder attacks, flush out the stones with a liver cleanse. olive oil, epson salt and grapefruit juice. You can use the apple juice to soften
the stones before you do the cleanse. The attacks could also mean that your liver is compromised by toxic materials like heavy metals besides the stones.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Leah (Las Vegas, NV) on 07/25/2009

I've been drinking ACV w/ maple syrup and cayenne for several months now after reading about it on Earth Clinic. It has helped me to control my sweet tooth, drop a few lbs., and completely healed the dry cracking skin on the back of my hands. If I miss a day of drinking it or when I feel thirsty, I actually feel a craving for it. I use 2 TB of ACV and maple syrup per 8 oz. of water and a few dashes of cayenne pepper.

Also, I haven't gotten sick once since I started drinking this great stuff. My entire household got colds a couple of months ago and I fully expected to get one too, but to my surprise, it skipped me!