Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Flus and Colds
Posted by Meg (Grafton, WI) on 01/24/2009

Thanks for the website. I have used apple cider vinegar since the 70's but somehow (maybe good health) it went off my radar. I just caught a nasty flu and going into day #3 was not cheering me up. I looked on your site and my lights went back on. I did my 3 T. acv + 3T.honey and 1/2 t. cinnamon in 6 oz. water and within 2 hours felt like I just might shake this today. 4 hours later (now) I am feeling really much better and even the cough is almost gone.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Chuck (Springfield, MO USA) on 01/21/2009

ACV-Joint Pain/Weight Loss/more:

Im a 42yo wm who was suffering from elbow joint pain and had blood pressure so high it was giving me headaches occasionaly..I was about 195lbs and 6"0 tall so was not alot overweight but just didnt feel right. Because I dont have good insurance I decided in june of 2008 to try ACV to see if it would work for me before going to the doctor.YOU MUST BUY REAL ACV,unpasturized and with the MOTHER> DO Not buy ACV at the grocery store as it will be pasturized and a waste of time.. I went to a local health food store and bought ___ACV with the MOTHER>Im not promoting ___,its the only one Ive tried, Im sure theres other good brands out there. If the ACV you buy is dirty looking and it says it has the MOTHER, then its probably good (do your own research)

Anyway..I started by taking 2tablespoons in a small glass of water twice a day, and within 2 days my joint pain went away and my energy level went way up...This stuff tastes nasty but after you realize how much it is helping you you will get use to it.. I havent had a headache since I started taking ACV,h ave lost 15lbs,and havent had a twinge of pain in any joints... Its been 19 months, Im a much happier and healthier person...Remember Im taking 2 tablespoons, NOT teaspoons, twice a day...once in the morning and mid-afternoon. Dont ignore your doctor if you think you need one,but Im sure this product has changed my health for the better!

Broad Benefits
Posted by T (Maryland, USA) on 01/16/2009

Put it in apple juice. Myself and my very picky and perceptive child have no problems taking it this way. It blends right surprise really, "apples to apples" ;) Experiment with different amounts to find the least amount that will disguise the taste enough for you. We drink it with plenty of water alongside.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Janice (Mpls, MN) on 01/16/2009

After just a few days of taking only 2 tsp of ACV, my acne and dandruff completely cleared up. It has also helped with symptoms of PMS and insomnia, and I now have much more energy from taking it on a daily basis. I do find it is hard on my tooth enamel, so I make sure I sip it through a straw.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Judy (Hubert, North Carolina) on 01/15/2009

As everyone should be I was very skeptical when I read of all the cures acheived with ACV. I started out looking for relief for my partners enlarged prostate. When I kept looking at all the things ACV could do, I said what the heck and tryed it along with him. Well let me just say that I feel like a brand new woman! I have had sever back pain and degenerative disease since I was 11 yrs old. About 6 yrs ago I was in an auto accident that I have had constant neck pain from. More recently, with my age now being 48, I have had knee and hip pain on my right side. After taking ACV in water, 2 tbls in 8 oz, for three days my hip no longer hurt! I decided to follow the recipe better and slowly drink 3 to 4 glasses of the same recipe all day. While at the gym I realized I could move my neck and look over my shoulder with no pain!! When I get up in the morning I no longer have to hang on to the counter when I kneel down to get something from the bottom of the cupboard!! I wake up everyday now PAIN FREE! I can't wait to see what happens next! As for my man, well he see's what it is doing for me and wants to do it too but hates the taste and doesn't have the patients. I have been doing all I can to get him to do it. He will now and again but won't do it every day. Does anyone have any ideas how to make it taste better for him? I am used to it already and really with everything it has done for me wouldn't care how it tasted.Thankyou so so so much for this site! Who would have thought that a little bottle from the grocery store costing all of one dollar could make me feel younger then I ever have!!

Apple Cider Vinegar and pH Balance
Posted by Mike (Atlanta, GA) on 01/11/2009

I wanted to ask about the ACV remedy for the purpose of alkalzing the body to be in a healthier. I am fairly healthy, if I wanted to take this as a maintenace dose, how long should I take this. I saw somewhere where it said 5 days on and 2 days off?


Posted by Ebony-Rose (Wellington, New Zealand) on 01/11/2009

I've suffered from acne for 6 years now, when it developed in my teen years. I've tried everything, from prescription antibiotics, to salicyclic acid/differn gel, to change in diet, the pill, and drinking litres of water...but to no avail!

Came across articles of the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) recently and decided to give it a try. After taking 2tsp of vinegar mixed in warm water 3x daily, and apply topically each night with cotton swab, I found within several days my skin was clearing. My skin did flare up again after a week, but I found having sensitive skin meant the vinegar was very drying. So I applied the ACV to my face every few days while moisturising with "Bio Oil" in between, and continued drinking ACV 3 times a day. After about 1 1/2 months my skin is so clear, with only a few spots every now and then. I have a healthy glow, smooth lightened skin, bright eyes, hair is in fantastic condition, and I have more energy than I ever had! A complete miracle!

Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 01/11/2009 490 posts

Hello Latoya,

I don't buy the cheap distilled vinegar for any use, but I do buy a gallon of ACV at Save-a-Lot for about $2/gallon. If you keep it around long enough it grows plenty of mother without any help from the expensive _____ stuff. It works fine for me and has been for years now. I cook, clean, drink, and make medicine with it. At that price, I can afford to keep nothing but ACV and I always have it on hand for whatever I want to use it for, including cleaning my coffee pot periodically.

Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by LaToya (New York, New York) on 01/10/2009

There are several Whole Foods Markets in the city. They sell the good ACV. You can find the closest store at

Broad Benefits
Posted by River (Southampton, UK) on 01/10/2009

I was desperately looking for natural remedies for lots minor and not so minor ailments I have. I have rhinitis allergy, asthma, reflux, hot flushes, hair thining, insomina when I came across your website! you have changed my life. I have definete improvement in all but the reflux (and too early to say if hair loss will improve ) with ACV. It is early days though. I did not think it would work so quickly. Thank you so much. I have taken 2 table spoons of organic ACV in half a glass of water twice dailly for the past week and already noticed a change. Thank you!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Diana (Palmetto, FL) on 01/09/2009

I have been suffering from cronic sinusitus for several years now and I have tried everything with no help. When I say everything, belive me, if it is out there, I tried it. I have used every over the counter medicine, nasal sprays, netti pots, heat packs and prescriptions and none helped. It has recently gotten so bad that I developed extremely dark circles under my eyes and asked a dermatologist what I could do to deminish them and they said "nothing". They were wrong! I have not only found relief from my sinus issues, but the dark circles are practically gone in a matter of days. I found your website and thank God for it. I took 1/8th cup of ACV for my sinus problems and that evening, I became very ill that night and instantly thought, it was due to the ACV dose. That night however, I went to bed and again took the ACV the next morning to help with my sinuses. In two days I woke with no congestion for the first time in 7 years!! This is an amazing remedy that has been sitting undiscovered by me in my pantry. I am on my third day of dosing with ACV and am equally excited about the prospect of it helping with my acne issues as well. I was really happy when my sinuses cleared, but am even more excited about the dark circles beginning to lighten. ACV is the one item I will never be without.

Acid Reflux
Posted by John (Germantown, MD,USA) on 01/08/2009

Hello everyone, first i would like to say what a wonderfull website this is and i have learned a lot by reading here every night THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

I am 28 years old and i have Acid reflux, i started taking apple cider vinegar (ACV) (_____s) 1 to 2 tsp with 8 ounces of water and i saw tremendous improvement in my reflux, everything in my body started to come back to Normal, Unfortunately it also mad me constipated and it is giving me gas/Bloating and discomfort. pressure type of symptom right where Liver suppose to be, i have tried to do research of why this is happening with no success.

I am Guessing maybe because i have TOO much acid and taking ACV Makes my food go quicker without proper digestion which also causes gas and bloating? i don't know..please someone help me, no way i am giving up on apple cider vinegar it's too good, but how do i get rid of this pressure on my side of a stomach and constipation? any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance and God bless.

please emaill me if possible at [email protected].

Thank you again.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lovectac (Greensboro, NC) on 12/30/2008

I bought the organic apple cidar vinegar and I take it twice a day (1 tbsp in the a.m. with a cup of ice water and the same in the p.m., generally a half hour to an hour before going to bed.) Now since I haven't been taking it on a routine basis, I can't say if I've lost weight, however, my hair dresser told me recently that my hair was growing (I hadn't noticed). I felt less sluggish and my appetite didn't increase. Starting for the New Year, I'm going to drink it twice a day everyday and closely monitor the results and report back. One more thing, at first I did experience a pain in my lower right side in the back but after a few weeks it subsided. I read on this site that that may happen. I stopped drinking it but then after about 2 weeks being off of it, I started drinking it again and didn't experience the pain. Good luck to all and good health to you.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Texas) on 12/28/2008

i have tried apple cider vinegar in the past with mixed results. i have diabetes and take insulin. when i started taking ACV before i was taking 1 tablespoon and it really did lower my blood sugar - in fact i had to make sure that i ate enough carbs or it would be too low - like in the 40's. also it was giving me very bad gas. i was taking it in a glass of water 2x a day and my teeth were becoming sensitive.

well, i started taking it again - but this time in a much smaller dose. now i put it in a dropper bottle and take a dropper - approx. 1/2 - 1 teaspoon and i put it in the back of my throat so it doesn't touch my teeth.

this works much better for me and i do get some of the blood sugar lowering effects - but what i really noticed is that in the morning my face is not puffy. it also makes me pee a lot more and i just feel 'cleaner'. it seems like my body is 'clearer' or something. and at this dosage it isn't giving me gas. i do this 2 times a day and maybe i will be able to work up to more eventually - but for now this is helping me.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kimberly (New York, NY USA ) on 12/14/2008

I would like to enthusiastically offer my support for apple cider vinegar in the cure of various skin ailments. WARTS: I dipped a very small piece of cotton in ACV, put this directly on the wart, then covered all with an air-tight bandage. I left on for c. 12 hours, then let the entire area breathe for 12 hours. I repeated for about 3 weeks, as this was a deep and large wart. The first 2 applications stung and throbbed a bit, but from then on, the entire enterprise was painless. The area eventually ulcerated--looks messy for a while--and painlessly peeled off. No more wart! As maintenance for about 3 more weeks, I dabbed a little ACV on the area, without bandage. The wart has not recurred after more than a year and a half! This really works, folks!

ACTINIC KERATOSIS: My dermatologist identified this on my skin just above my upper lip. She offered to burn it off with liquid nitrogen: no, thanks. I followed the same ACV routine, and it worked! Took a lot less time, as this keratosis was not deep.

BENIGN PAPILLOMA: I am currently eliminating a little bump from my nose that I've had for over 10 years: it is in the red and ulcerating phase and about to sluff off.

I am THRILLED with the way ACV works to remove skin ailments! This method is cheap, safe, and natural. The skin afterwards is perfectly healthy and not scarred: quite preferable to liquid nitrogen or fluorouracil-5 or other harsh chemicals. Try it!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Leslie (Jonesborough, TN) on 12/12/2008

I have been taking a grocery store brand of ACV for a week now. I take 2-3 tbl spoons twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. It has taken my daily headaches completely away, my skin is softer, and just when I thought it wasn't helping my weight, I put on a pair of jeans that I hadn't worn in a week, and they were loose! I've been pulling them up all day! I do want to suggest to definitely get the organic kind of ACV. I believe that it will work even better than the grocery store brand. I'm going to get some today.The only side effect so far is constipation. I hope by changing to the organic ACV that that will help.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jennifer (Marion, Arkansas) on 12/11/2008

I wanted to respond to L from Orange County. I had the identical same thing happen to me. I had a horrible headache about the third day and had to lay down most of the day. I think I had failed to drink an adequate amount of water. If the ACV detoxes a person, I suppose we need to be gulping down as much water as possible and I think I only had a couple of glasses of water the day before. When I increased my water intake, things got a whole lot better. But my skin has transformed. I am a chronic-acne sufferer and the change with the ACV has been unbelievable. I also have an increased sex drive that is almost ridiculous. I have been scaring my poor husband to death. Its a new me and he's wondering where the old me went. All in all we are enjoying the changes. I just hope I don't experience too many more bad headaches.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Elena (Berkeley, CA) on 12/08/2008

I have just starting drinking ACV and water every day for close to 3 weeks now. I have suffered from acne since I was 12 years old and I am now 36 and as I've gotten older it has gotten worse. After drinking ACV for about 2 weeks, my skin started to transform and it looks great! I've tried everything to get rid of my grossly impacted pores and my pores are almost now completely free of debris. I have started using the ACV in my clay mask as well instead of water and it has made a HUGE difference. Not only has my face cleared up but the breakouts on other body parts are also clearing up. My skin is so soft, I have more energy and I've been having regular bowl movements. I've also noticed that my lips were very dry, they are now soft with no dryness.

Initially, when I started drinking ACV my skin erupted, now in retrospect I know that my body was just pushing the toxins out of my system. Also, my skin would be so oily, truly greasy several hours after cleaning my face, now I've noticed that my face has a beautiful glow but not OILY or greasy looking like before, this stuff is amazing! And I should also report that I do look 10 years younger as well! I am now looking forward to continuing my ACV treatment and have started to really take healing myself naturally very seriously.

EC: More acne cures here:

Broad Benefits
Posted by L (Orange County, California) on 12/06/2008

So I was trying Apple cider vinegar to get rid of warts, which it did get rid of them. I did not realize that it would get rid of my eczema too though. I figured I would start drinking it everyday and maybe I would see a difference. After day 4 my eczema is gone. I had tried the steroid cream and it did not work. I was not using the ACV for my eczema but it took it away, I did not put it directly on my eczema, just consumed it. I have lost weight in my stomach, which I have not been able to do for years, my bloating is gone and I am having regular bowel movements. I think I am also passing parasites. My skin looks radiant, I tend to have very dry skin on my face and it gets red and itchy, not anymore, its super soft and no red. My hair looks better. I cant wait to see how this is going to affect my period. I am a couple days late and I think it might be because of the ACV but we will see. The only down side I can see about the ACV is that if I drink it too fast and not throughout the day, I get a really bad headache. First 2 days I sipped throughout the day and I was fine. 3rd day I downed a cup in the morning and I had the worst headache ever, I had to lay down. Maybe its just my body detoxing. Did anyone feel this way after the 3rd day?