The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 09/28/2014
ACV consumption can remove iodine from the body, and can result in thyroid problems.
info from cure zone
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/08/2014
Dear Kuar,
Stephen Buhner has some great formula's for figuring out dosing for children. This is for herbal medicines, but I find it useful for other natural medicines as well.
Cowling's Rule: The age of a child at his or her next birthday divided by 24. For a child coming 8 years of age, the dose would be 8 divided by 24, or one third of the adult dose.
For my teenage children, if they are about my size (in height and weight) I give them about what I would give myself.
I would also start with a lesser dose and work up to more so you can best monitor any adverse effects. Even with natural medicines, there can be too much of a good thing.
~Mama to Many~
Blood Pressure and Sugar
Posted by Reena (Mumbai, India) on 08/21/2014
Hi, I am a 57 yr old female from India. I want to take ACV as I am overweight and suffer from varicose veins, insomnia and many other problems. However I also suffer from Low Sugar Levels and Low BP. I am worried that if I take ACV it will further lower my sugar and BP. Please advise.
Regards, Reena
Blood Pressure and Sugar
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/21/2014
Dear Reena,
I have used Apple Cider Vinegar regularly for years. I also have always tend towards low blood sugar and low blood pressure, long before using Apple Cider Vinegar. Using Apple Cider Vinegar has never caused either to become lower.
Of course, I can't know how it would affect you, but I can say that for at least one person, apple cider vinegar does not make low blood sugar or low blood pressure worse.
I am a 47 year old female, by the way.
Perhaps it would be safest to begin slowly and increase slowly so you will be able to make sure it suits your own metabolism.
~Mama to Many~
Blood Pressure and Sugar
Posted by Baldev (Maharashtra, India) on 08/22/2014 179 posts
Hi Reena, My suggestion to you would be that you should concentrate on reducing your weight, that itself will help you in overcoming many of your health problems. For that in this site and my experience extra virgin coconut oil is the best bet, this will give you enough energy and will reduce your appetite and so less intake of calories. Along with this you should include some exercise, whatever you can do and you can do it.
Good luck, Baldev
Broad Benefits
Posted by Lalaland (Los Angeles, CA) on 02/09/2015
Thanks so much for your post! It's inspiring--so I am going to try this!
Also wanted to say that what has helped me regarding sleep is to take plenty of magnesium [I believe one is supposed to take 5x body weight, also make sure you take the right form, magnesium glycinate, and NOT magnesium OXIDE]. Also, I use that same herbal remedy -- Deep Sleep -- I take in a liquid tincture and it really works!
Making Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shadel (Nebraska) on 04/01/2014
Does anyone have the recipe to make store-bought vinegar into ACV with the 'mother'? Thank you for any replies.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Rama (Bangalore India) on 08/08/2013
I have been reading everything in this site for quite some time. And I have also read many people enquiring about the benefits of using Filtered, clear, ACV like the one from American Garden, for in India, we only findthis type of ACV, and the other one is the same type from Heinz, which more expensive than the American Garden.
I have also read elsewhere, that it doesn't really matter whether it is filtered or raw, the benefits would be more or less the same.
I have been using 1 and half tsp to 2 tsps daily three times a day before my meals. I found it went well with watery butter milk, for I could not like the taste of it with any other liquids. So I have 1 glass of thin, low fat butter milk three times a day before each meal with 2 tsps of ACV, I have not started to add the baking soda, but can add it if it is supposed to be more beneficial. I am using ACV for various reasons, for my weight loss (because of my menopause), my hair, my skin, and for one or two side effects of menopause. I have been using American Garden's all natural ACV(it does not have the mother) for the last two months without any side effects. But I have not lost weight, which I know will take time, but I have noticed my skin glowing(people have complemented me), the pigmentation marks are slowly fading, my hair is improving, my dry eyes are feeling lot better etc. So all good things only. I also drink it with a straw.
Another thing I noticed is that instead of feeling full, I feel like having something to eat at other times, but not during the meal times. I am also a fitness instructor and love exercising, I do exercise for minimum2 to 2 and half hours, not in one stretch, but in a day. And I exercise 5 days in a week. I know, that too much exercise also will trigger some hormones which might defeat my purpose to lose weight for intead of losing weight I would only be putting on weight or might just remain the same, but I just love exercising.
So tell me does it really make a big difference whether ones uses alll natural American Garden ACV or only Braggs raw ACV? And making this at home is a big hassle. I would request you to post your reply to my email: rama.ananth (at) gmail (dot) com.
Thank you very much.
Storing Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sunny (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 06/30/2013
I have an Apple Cider Vinegar bottle opened and I was wondering if I can store it room temperature or is it better to store in the the refrigerator?? Thanks!!
Storing Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Ma) on 07/01/2013
You don't have to store ACV in the fridge. I keep all of my vinegars in my kitchen cabinet. I don't know anyone else who stores theirs in the fridge, either.
Storing Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carly (Pnw, Wa, Usa) on 07/01/2013
I store my Mother's ACV in the refrigerator.... But you don't need to. It is fine either way. I just like the taste better in a cold drink, so I keep mine cold. :-)
Overall Health
Posted by Bob (Dallas, Tx) on 06/24/2013
Try drinking apple cider vinegar twice daily after your meal. I drink 4 to 6 teaspoons diluted with water and a bit of ice. It has made a huge difference in my life.
Making Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gul (Harare, Zimbabwe) on 12/05/2012
In Zimbabwe we only have refined ACV. I have bought some ACV with the mother from UK. Can I mix the refined ACV with the ACV with mother to make a new batch of vinegar with mother. I cannot find Apple Cider in Zimbabwe
Making Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 11/17/2012
Hi Everyone, I thought this would be of interest to many on here since Apple Cider Vinegar plays a starring role on EC. It's how to make your own apple cider vinegar. It's not unlike how I explained making my coconut kefir.
It's as easy as first buying a raw apple cider vinegar (the type with the mother in it) and then mixing a cup of this with apple cider. It's best to put this in a glass container, then cover it with a coffee filter and put it at the back of your pantry/ cupboard undisturbed for about a month. At this time you will see a mother floating on top or at least a thin film. Give it a taste and if it tastes strong enough you now, not only have more ACV but can then begin to make another batch. Now that you have a mother, the second batch will go faster.
Your next batch can be made in a large mason jar with 1/2 cup of the new ACV and then fill the rest with apple cider.
This is the same process for making kombucha. You can then share your mothers with friends and family and will no longer need to buy ACV.
Best of health to all, especially during the holiday season! Lisa
Making Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 11/17/2012
Lisa, this is awesome! TY for sharing :)
My question is the first time round, what is the ratio of apple cider vinegar (with mother) to apple cider. Please give more specifics.
Thanks again, Tina
Making Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mundaring (Perth, Western Australia) on 11/17/2012
Bless you Lisa, you are an inspiration. I have just emptied a huge glass jar of pickled veg and was thinking it needed a reason to be in my home. Having made kombucha years ago I shall now give the ACV a go. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Making Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sara (Sacramento, Ca) on 11/17/2012
Dear Lisa, Thank you so much for sharing this piece of information. You are a blessing to Earth Clinic Community. You may live long and thrive.
Making Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 11/17/2012
Hi Tina, I'm sorry if I was unclear. I will try to make it more comprehensible:
1 cup of Raw apple cider vinegar (the one with the mother in it)
1 cup apple cider
Put in a jar and cover with a coffee filter over it. You can use a rubber band to secure it. Put this in your pantry/ cupboard for about 1 month. At this time you will have a mother at the top or a thin film. Taste it to see if it is strong enough. If so, continue on-
For the next batch, use 1/2 cup of your vinegar in a mason jar and fill the rest with apple cider. This batch will go much faster and will be done at about 2 weeks.
You will no longer need to buy apple cider vinegar. You can share this with others and also the mothers can be given to friends and family for their use. Spread the love!
Hope this is much clearer! Lisa
Making Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tina (Houston, USA) on 11/18/2012
Lisa, You rock! Thanks so much! Going to make it soon! It's great that we share info in this space!!
Thanks again, Tina
General Feedback
Posted by Dragontattoo (Fond Du Lac, Wi. United States) on 11/11/2012
Is it true that if a person in they're 50's started using Apple cider Vinegar on a daily basis... Could there be healthy benefits manifesting themselves because of this new daily ritual? Thankyou, Dragontattoo
Apple Cider Vinegar and pH Balance
Posted by Jackie (Uk) on 10/22/2013
You're absolutely right with the ph value of ACV, however, it works on the body in the same way that lemon does. Yes, they're both acidic before consumed, but both have an alkalising effect once taken.
Apple Cider Vinegar and pH Balance
Posted by Steph (Nj) on 02/05/2014
Actually the alkalizing process has to do with how the body metabolizes the vinegar not the vinegar itself... The vinegar does indeed have an alkalizing effect on the body same as lemon juice... One theory is that it takes almost no acid to digest where as dairies and meat are acid forming foods... Your body needs alot of strong acid to break those down also heavy starches and chemically processed foods as well which is why people who are seeking an alkaline diet try to avoid those foods.
ACV and Pregnancy
Posted by Henny (Manawatu, New Zealand) on 11/05/2012
Is it safe to take Apple Cider Vinegar during pregnancy? I have a very bad Hayfever for the last 3 years and lost my sense of smell. Had many medication but none work. I am really desperate for cure.
ACV and Pregnancy
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 11/05/2012
Hi Henny, Yes, it is safe to take apple cider vinegar during pregnancy. It can help gently detox and it will keep you alkalized which is a healthy thing for you and the baby. Another problem that can arise during pregnancy is constipation so it can help keep you regular and promote digestion. Another issue during pregnancy is heartburn as the pregnancy proceeds and you get bigger. ACV can help with that as well. You mention your allergies but nothing about actually being pregnant. ACV would be a healthier, safer and natural alternative over medications, that's for sure! Of course, whoever attends to your pregnancy, you can run this by them. Hope this info helps, Lisa
Apple Cider Vinegar and pH Balance
Posted by Lizzy (In) on 09/08/2013
Don't mix baking soda and ACV in your tummy! You're mixing acid and base which generates heat and bubbles! Ouch! Pick one OR the other, with water. Btw- your stomach is usually pretty acidic so a whole lot of baking soda even by itself could make you feel bad. Chew tums instead.
General Feedback
Posted by Dee (Melbourne, Australia) on 10/03/2012
Hi everyone I must say this website is amazing. Since taking extra virgin coconut oil and ACV my energy levels have improved so much within one week of taking it plus I have been feeling calm and not angry anymore. I want to ask earth clinic and everyone out there what if I rub VCO on my teeth first and then drink ACV. Will it be helpful protecting my tooth enamel in anyways from eroding? Will it be work like a protection layer. By the way I use straw to drink Apple Cider Vinegar mix it with water, but still I feel my teeth are becoming sensitve to vinegar. Please help me with that I want to continue taking ACV without worrying about my teeth being rotten. Please waiting anxiously for any suggestions. Blessings!!!!
Posted by Isaac (Bahamas) on 05/14/2013
I could stand to be corrected but because your drinking the ACV, it's cleaning out the impurity in your system and that's the reason why your acne may have gotten worse to get rid of that blockage or germs. Everyone's system is different and your body is trying to expell it. You should be fine.
Best Time to Take Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 09/23/2012
You can drink at any time, there is no hard and fast rules. Best way to take it is:
add 1 tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar mix 1/4 baking soda let it fizzle out then add 1 glass of water, mix it and drink. Preferably early in the morning.
General Feedback
Posted by Tracy (Boulder City, Nv, Usa) on 09/08/2012
Hi all! I started taking ACV with the mother about a week ago. 2 tablespoons mixed with water once a day.. I noticed low grade earache, sniffles, & sneeze here and there etc... Then after about 5 days I doubled my dosage to 2 tablespoons TWICE a day in water... And BAM! I had major allergies pop up. I'm wondering if my body is going through a detox affect? or what? Isn't it supposed to HELP allergies? I absolutely LOVE the energy it gives me within 10 minutes of taking it, but what is going on with these allergies? I havent changed my diet or exposed myself to anything new that I know of.. Except for ALOT of white lines in the sky the past few days. Any ideas are greatly appreciated :) Thank GOD and all of you for Earth Clinic!
General Feedback
Posted by Ray61637 (Birmingham, Al. USA) on 07/29/2012
I have taken Apple Cider Vinegar for 6 mos. Daily. I have fungus problems, sinus problems and others. I do not see any change by taking acv.
General Feedback
Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/31/2012
I'll join in on this one. Severe fibro pain if you want to call it that. Severe allergies, impossible to live on this planet. ACV may have helped my asthma but 3 yrs on & the pain and allergies are no less. I do just about everything else on here to the point of almost being sick of it. These things generally dont taste nice.
General Feedback
Posted by Caitlin (Austin, Tx) on 10/07/2012
Have you looked into eliminating grains, and milk from your diet for 2 weeks then slowly introducing each one back, monitoring your symptoms? Doing this, I found that these 2 foods were the bane of my existence; the ones giving me stomach aches, acid reflux, fungus, should er/joint pain, rashes, and a host of other problems that left when I stopped eating them. I'm talking about wheat, corn, oats, yogurt, cream cheese, and milk, period! And it did not take long for my symptoms to leave. For example: When I had extremely excessive bleeding from fibromalgia with a period every 15 days, I thought I was doomed to a hysterectomy. Relief came when I went on an extremely grain free diet. Within 5 days, the basketball sized, bloated stomach was GONE, the bleeding stopped and my next period was normal, with no cramping (I didn't even know I had started), no excessive bleeding, and, 10-15 days morphed into my normal SHORT days of 4.5. A fungus patch on my arm, went away within a week. Grain-free has helped every women with my symptoms and more that I have recommended this to. It's simple, and it works. As for milk, when I don't drink it for 2 days in a row, I wake up the 3rd day with a smooth complexion compared to rashed-up and dry. So, I have a choice, beautiful skin and no stomach pain, acid reflux.... or blueberry cheesecake ice-cream and pizza! I compromise by eating these "I gotta haves" one day, once a month - if at all because, I'm gettin better at this thing called "only taking in what's going to keep me running healthy and sane. " CAT
General Feedback
Posted by Beccalec (Melbourne, Fl, Usa) on 07/09/2012
I have read many postings about the benefits of ACV, ways to take it, and discussions about its acidic nature. I am a nurse trying to get my head around naturalistic cures as wonderful alternatives to prescription medications, but I'm having a lot of confusion regarding how ACV actually works in the body. I still have a few questions that maybe someone can answer for me.
1. Perhaps I just haven't read enough, but wouldn't natural (unprocessed) apple cider give the same benefits as the vinegar?
2. If the benefits from ACV come from ingesting the "acid", wouldn't it all be neutralized by taking it with baking soda?
3. If the benefits of ACV are related to the acidic nature, wouldn't one get the same benefits by taking other highly acidic foods; lemon juice, tomatoes, etc?
Thanks for your time.
How to Take
Posted by Ed (New Holland, Pa) on 07/03/2012
I hate the taste of vinagar, so I found the best thing to mix with it is grape juice. Chug it down without breathing, then rince cup out with a little more grape juice. Not to bad!