Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
General Health Tonic
Posted by Swear By It! (Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, Usa) on 03/07/2011

I swear by this remedy. I can prove it. I have lots of people who didn't believe me at first. But I have a public job. Work with lots of germs and sickness all around me, and I have not been sick this year. I did not get a shot. I take this whenever I feel the need for it. I feel like a million bucks! I use 2 tsp. Apple cider vinegar"with the mother", 2 tsp local honey, 1/2 cup of room temp water. I stir until honey is dissolved. Drink quickly, then chug lots of water. All day. 30 minutes later, I feel great!!! I got rid of sore throat with this, 3 times a day, with plenty of water. That is what the Doctor will tell you to do. Drink plenty of clear liquids... But with the added fighter, ACV"with the mother". I really and truly believe this is the cure we have all been looking for.

I have a bad thyroid and take levythyroxin daily. I don't take the ACV everyday. Just when someone around me is sick. Or when I feel that first symptom of a cold. And I am not getting sick. I am a seven year cancer survivor of Hodgkins Lymphoma and intend to find the cure to cancer one day. I am hot on the trail! I feel better than I ever had! There are numerous things that are good for us, but one that truly comes from the fruit of the earth, apples, vinegar comes from the apple, which God put before us. Let's use the old knowledge and learn from it. And use it.. Pure water, pure honey, pure apple cider vinegar. It purifies your body inside out! Swear by it!

Best Time to Take Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (Orwigsburg, Pa) on 02/17/2011

I've seen in posts that ACV is to be diluted in water and sipped through a straw throughout the day. I would like to know if I can drink it straight down, with a straw of course, or does it have to be throughout the day?

Best Time to Take Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 02/18/2011

Hi Mary, yes you can drink your apple cider vinegar all in one go. A lot of people do it that way. Cheers Lily.

General Feedback
Posted by Saffordshire Born And Bred (Burntwood, Staffs, England) on 02/10/2011 2 posts

Hi all

I tried ACV a few months ago and could not stand the acidity so went onto capsules.

Aftera few weeks of taking these (I know this is not nice! ) my toilet motions were runny. I also noticed that there was a white residue to the above. Could this be body fat or what?

ACV and Pregnancy
Posted by Denise (Cork, Ireland) on 01/13/2011


I am just wondering if taking ACV during pregnancy is advisable? I am 6 weeks pregnant and would love to continue taking it to help with acid reflux, constipation and skin changes but am not sure if it will affect the folic acid I now take and/or if it will affect the baby.

Any experiences or advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

ACV and Pregnancy
Posted by Jmc34 (Trinidad ) on 06/29/2016

Can men use ACV? And could it help their sperm count?

Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fidelis Oero (Dallas, Usa) on 12/23/2010

Are all Apple cider vinegars given the same remedies as you described? Or is there a special one than the ones you see in ordinary stores , like Kroger, Walmart. I need your immediate answer as I want to buy one before the Christmas.

Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Self (Ny) on 12/23/2010

You generally do not want the regular apple cider vinegar sold in stores, which is non-organic and pasteurized (heated and filtered). Some of these stores have a health food section which sell an organic, raw (unfiltered, unheated, unpasteurized) apple cider vinegar (ACV) -- this is the one you want for home remedies. Otherwise, the organic, raw ACV can be bought from a health food store or coop.

Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Special01 (Indianapolis, In, Usa) on 12/27/2010

Everyone says _____'s apple cidar vinegar is among the best.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Posted by Ree (New York) on 03/02/2013

I realize that this is a little late in coming, but I must stress: Do not EVER take ACV straight. It will damage your esophagus and could cause esophageal cancer if taken straight for prolonged periods of time. Always dilute it in a glass of water, don't put yourself at risk. I'm a medical student. Our GI pathology lecturer showed us pictures of this and it is horrible and incurable. It's not a guarantee to cause cancer, but you're definitely at increased risk. The esophagus is not meant to be exposed to acid like that.

ACV Rash
Posted by Storage Girl (St. Louis, Mo) on 12/03/2010

I have experienced the same rash you are talking about while taking ACV. Then, I tried to apply it to the rash, which made it worse! :v( Thinking it may be an allergy to ACV? Not planning to take ACV anymore - despite the benefits.

ACV Rash
Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 12/03/2010

I have been taking ACV for acid reflux and I also noticed a small rash on my upper back near my arm. It does not hurt. It is there until it goes away then another one comes up nearby. I also believe that it is toxins coming out of my body.

ACV Rash
Posted by Tee (Philadelphia, Pa, Usa) on 09/03/2011

I am currently taking ACV with tap water and I noticed I have a rash on my left thigh. It's like a light spot about the size of a quarter. When I was little I used to get those spots, but smaller on my cheek from time to time. My mother said they were yeast spots. I guess from eating too much bread of starch. So maybe ACV is detoxing our body from too much yeast in our body and that's why we get those spots. They go away in about a week or two.

ACV Rash
Posted by Misha (Binghamton, New York ) on 07/28/2013

Hey Earth Clinic Friends! It's back! I posted on this site back on 4/03/2011 about taking ACV and a resulting Pityriasis Rosea rash. I discontinued the ACV at that time, and waited about 3 months for this condition to clear up. Just recently, I started to take the ACV 3x a day before meals 2 tsps diluted in water for about 2 weeks and I have Pityriasis Rosea AGAIN! This is the third time I have had this rash and when I first got it, my doctor and numerous websites have noted that it is usually something you get once in a lifetime; rarely twice. But this is the third time! At this point, I don't care. I am going to continue to take the ACV because it has done wonders for my energy levels, even though I haven't seen any weight loss yet.

ACV Rash
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 07/29/2013

Misha, how about lowering your dosage?

ACV Rash
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 10/11/2017

For the rash maybe do more to help your liver? B vitamins, dandelion tea, activated charcoal, garlic, psyllium husk perhaps.

Liquid Vs. Pills
Posted by Kimberly (Naperville, Il) on 11/22/2010

I have been putting a teaspoon of ACV into an empty pill caplet and taking the liquid as a pill. I have a huge bottle of an old b5 supplement that I just open and empty the b5 out (I don't take this anymore), and I use an eyedropper to put the ACV into the caplet and close it. Very easy. You may be able to get empty pill caplets, but I haven't run out yet.

Posted by Julie (Hancock, Ny) on 08/20/2017

I read on Medical Blogs that drinking it straight could hurt your esophagus.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Posted by Slidefoot (Elmira, Ny) on 11/03/2010

I have a hard time drinking apple cider vinegar. Is it OK if I add honey to take the tartness out of it? If not I'll do my best to drink it. I have been on blood pressure meds for 20 some years. Same meds and I am having trouble keeping it down. I am under a lot of stress right now and it doesn't help. Please let me know. I am a female and 71. Thank you. Slidefoot

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Posted by Kathy (Las Vegas, Nv) on 11/04/2010

When I drink Apple cider vinegar I usually add it to 1 cup of hot tea, anykind, I add honey and 1/8 tsp of baking soda the baking soda takes away the really strong vinegar taste. If I don't want a hot drink I use room temp water with sugar or splenda and baking soda.

ACV and Probiotics
Posted by Margie (Springville, Utah) on 10/27/2010

I just wanted to say that if you take probiotics with the mothers apple cider vinegar it helps a great deal with acid in your stomach to settle down and your tummy will be able to handle the mothers apple cider vinegar. Its also great for your intestines and helps put good bacteria back into your body, which if we have too much bad bacteria it can make us extremely ill. I'm now trying the vinegar and pray that it does work. I to have been dizzy and have high blood pressure often and need to keep it under control. So will get back to let you know if it worked for me.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Alwayssora (Columbia, Tennessee) on 10/17/2010

I am a great fan of ACV. I drink it in iced water. When I had tonsillitis, I mixed it with a bit of honey and swabbed my throat every hour. The white spots would disappear(and my fever) within 24 hours. I had a small wart on the back of my knee and 2 days of soaking it in ACV and it fell off! I use it with Dawn detergent to shampoo my dogs to prevent fleas. It is also good for gradual weight loss, lowering glucose levels, and relieving my rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. And the biggie: to stop charley horses at night, I keep a spray bottle of ACV by the bed, and at the first sign of leg cramps, I spray it liberally with ACV. Immediate relief. I even have started spraying my leg before bedtime. NO more cramps!

Best Time to Take Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tom (Riverside, Ca) on 10/11/2010


Best Time to Take Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 10/12/2010

Hello and Greetings Alfred! You are so right - I have been taking ACV for over a year now, and I will NEVER quit! I hope to be just half as fit as you are when I am 83, and I will be happy! Best to you, Carly :-)

Colds and Flu
Posted by Noelle (Denton, Tx, Us) on 09/21/2010

I have been drinking ACV at a 2 Tbsp ACV/32 oz. Water dilution, 3 times a day, for a little over a week now, and have an overall feeling of energy, especially more energy at the end of the day than I usually have. This is especially important as my job has been unusually stressful lately. Friday, I felt the onset of a cold in the form of a tickly and then sore throat. I doubled my consumption of ACV and even did a couple of "shots" (my husband figured out that one standard shot glass holds right at 3 Tbsp. Liquid) with honey chasers. I don't feel 100% better, but I do feel like the cold never really got its "claws" into me, which has made a big difference. Also taking the popular alkaline fizzy tablet cold medicine, because

1) that's the only over-the-counter cold remedy that's ever really worked for me and

2) now I understand more about how pH levels are related to overall health.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand ) on 09/12/2010

Last year, I was taking ACV with garlic, and honey... First My Sinuses, cleared up within a week, next my left ear which has been deaf for 15 years started to crackle, and three weeks later I could hear stereo again. My back and knees cleared up about a month later... I thought that since I'm on a roll I'll Take some vitamins via a fizzy baroca... Ten days later watching the Television I noticed that I was having trouble focusing.. So I took my glasses off. I swear to you that I could see so clearly I was in shock. So stupid me stopped everything, and two weeks later I was wearing glasses again. So from then on I started the Baroca.. And the apple cider vinegar and honey without the garlic.. But I got such a sore mouth, I ran to my medic book which said if you are taking vitamin supplements stop! I did and along with yogurt the soreness went. I resumed the ACV and honey but left the garlic out of the mix... I've been taking garlic on my evening meal. I've just started back on the ACV honey plus garlic.. And am taking a tbs. of molasses.. So will keep you posted. I'm 64 years of age and haven't felt so well.. I have also been taking a portion of tuna or Salmon everyday.. Thats to make sure all the 72 essential nutrients are present. I got that from What they say makes sense.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dan (Myrtle Beach, Sc, Usa) on 01/03/2011

Wow... I feel your pain. You are trying so hard to isolate what is working. ACV has helped my a lot, but quitting caffeine has had the most dramatic effect on my life- My adrenals, nervous system, sleep and immune system are much improved, which has made me feel VERY rested, focused and full of vitality so far. Its a very tough addiction though, and you can't quit cold turkey. I kept drinking a cup of coffee less each week, and I still had bad headaches and withdrawal symptoms, but now I can feel a huge benefit for having done so!

Acid Reflux
Posted by Aishhappy (Jersey City, NJ) on 04/01/2015

Hi I know it's hard to explain your friends but there is one medicine from India that Is Eno, which works on same concept, this is instant gas, acid relievers. It comes in flavored powdered form. Just put into 6 oz of water and drink. After 6 seconds, burp will come and all set. Magically it gives instant relief, thanks for sharing your experience; it's very helpful to me.

Apple Cider Vinegar and pH Balance
Posted by Jessica (San Diego, Ca, United States) on 08/11/2010

I started testing my pH and was able to get to the optimal level with ACV and honey in warm water. In the last week I have added Vitamin D, Vitamin C, garlic, probiotics, a prenatal vitamin and colloidal silver. When I felt a slight cold coming on, I tested my pH again and found it to be highly acidic. Could one of the new things I'm taking be affecting my pH negatively? thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar and pH Balance
Posted by Alain (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 08/12/2010

Answer to Jessica from San Diego about pH balancing and vitamins. You just observed by yourself that vitamins are acid forming. Vitamin C is Ascorbic Acid. Probiotics are also acid forming. I don't know about garlic. Possibly alkalizing if of good quality. Just take more alkalizing food, spices and minerals. Alain

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tish (North York, Ontario, Canada) on 08/04/2010


Posted by Fra-fra (Mineral Wells, Texas, Usa) on 08/04/2010 9 posts

I'm trying to find out if you can take acv, h2o2, iodine and magnesium oil mixed in 8 oz. of water in one dose. Will you still get the benefit as if you take them separate?

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 08/05/2010

Hi Fra-fra... Regarding your mixture, I would leave out adding any H2O2 to it. HP will react with the iodine and may form Hydrogen Iodide. HP will also react with ACV to form Peracetic Acid, a much stronger version of Hydrogen Peroxide. So, unless you know what you're doing, just take the ACV, Magnesium Oil and Iodine on its own. Make sure you take the HP on its own later in water -- at least an hour after the mag oil etc.

Here is a link where you can check remedy combinations on EC. See Ted's List.

European Conversions
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 07/30/2010

If you live in Europe indeed most tbspoons are smaller but you can buy measuring spoons and those are exactly the same. They usually come in sets of all sizes and bread makers and so often come with a measuring spoon. I don't agree with you that we don't use spoons as measure, we do, for smaller quantities. I cook a lot and I never come across ml for such small quantities, always tbspoons or tspoons. I use French, English, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese recipes.