Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Posted by Pam (Orange County, Ca) on 09/23/2009

I have side effects after taking 2 TBS ACV diluted in a 8 oz cup of water twice a day - a lot of gas and bloating problem, even acid reflex, I think. Anyway, I couldn't sleep at night. That's how uncomfortable it made my stomach and chest feel. Then, I tried two ways to ease the problem. One is adding about 1/4-1/2 TS of baking soda to the drink. It worked. But, I was concerned about the side effects of using the baking soda mentioned on this web site, so I switched my ACV drink to a lower dosage - 1 TBS ACV with a full glass of water, and always drink it after a meal. Either way helps my problem. Oh, I also found out another great way to stop the gas/bloating problem - apples. It really works. But, it seems green apples work the best. Hope the tips would help anyone with the same problem.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 03/03/2016

To Eric:

Are you certain about the neutralizing effect of Baking Soda? I've read about that a few years ago and the effect was to change the nature of the acid to a different form of acid but the effect was not to completely defeat the acid. Ted, I believe, has written on this very issue.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dianna (Mumbai, India) on 09/12/2009



EC: To our dear contributors: please weigh in with your valued opinions as to whether or not you think it would be a good idea if EC added an age field to our contact us/feedback form. It could be an optional field. This is the third time someone has requested one's age to be posted, so we need to pay attention here. Thank you!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lee (New York, New York) on 09/13/2009

I think it would be useful to know people's ages.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 09/13/2009 490 posts

For Dianna from Mumbai, India:

Hello Dianna,

I have used ACV with my children and my youngest one is now 47 years old. I don't remember giving it orally to any of them until they were l year old, In view of the
fact that honey is said to contain some bacteria (it also has some antibiotic/antihistaminic action) that the babies immune systems cannot handle under 1 year or age. However I got the honey/ACV from Dr. Jarvis' book on home remedies that he found worked, so I probably did give it to them before since I didn't hear the above caution until all four of my children were past the age of l year.

I haven't seen it on EC yet,but I used to have a relative with 2 small children visit frequently. In the heavy insect bite seasons, my children always developed impetigo (also a streptococcus organism) after their visits. I quickly learned that putting a cup of ACV in the bath water for my four after these visits, stopped my kids from catching impetigo all the time. Another benefit of the ACV in their bath water, they had very few bug bites following the ACV baths. Not wanting to spend half my time treating bug bites & stings, I started using ACV every night for their bathwater.

I am now 76 years old & still using ACV for multiple purposes: cooking, medicine, clogged sinks, bathing, etc.

I can only recall one respiratory infection with severe cough that 50/50 ACV/local honey didn't help. I must have drank at least 3 pints of that stuff and if it helped I would hate to think what pertussis would have been like without it. There was a couple of times that I came close to dialling 911 for transport to the hospital ER. That was when I caught pertussis (whooping cough) from a patient about 10 years ago. When I got one of those coughing spasms after returning to work (the cough does sound terrible and it doesn't feel good) my doc remarked that I needed to see a lung man. He looked surprised when I told him that I didn't, because what was making me cough was all in my head, and my lungs were working hard to keep the crap from moving on down into them. If any of you or your children ever get this mess, remember that. The cough comes from the drainage from the head, which I can best describe as "feels like someone is spraying Elmer's glue or worse over the trachea (windpipe) and the best way to stop it is to flush the nasal passages with normal saline, which I got proceeded to do and stopped the coughing for an hour or two, when I needed to repeat the process. The good news is that my lungs did sucha good job of keeping it out that my entire chest was sore from coughing so vigorously.

Wish I had known about Bill's H202 inhalation then. I certainly would have used it by inhalation & probably sprayes it in my nose too.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Justmeh (Sdney, Nsw Australia) on 09/11/2009

I am the living witness on how Organic Apple Cider Vinegar helps much in our body. I suffered different ailments..and it always come to the doctor see the cure and take the medicines. But still it takes a while before the our body relieves. I use this internet to see what is best on my ailments. I found this Organic ACv. i try to use it last 2008. and until now it does really works with me. Every time i am not feeling well, I used 1 tbsp of acv diluted with a glass of water3x a day before meal. It does really works with me. Good advise try it and you will see the difference with your body!!heaps of people relieves thru this .Try now! Use straw to drink it!!

Yeast Infections
Posted by Alib (Swansea, Wales, Uk) on 11/04/2010

From what I understand, yeast infections can be an issue if you are still eating processed carbs and sugars in any quantity. As yeasts need sugars to feed on, removing those from your diet would help to prevent yeast infections whether you are taking vinegar or not. All carbs will turn to some kind of sugar in the body, which is why most, if not all, Anti-Candida diets remove them. Those who have removed sugars and carbs from their diet are less likely to have problems with the vinegar - especially when some time has passed and all the residual sugars have cleared from the system. It is also possible that those who have issues with yeast infections when taking vinegar, may actually be pre-diabetic and have issues with carbohydrate metabolism anyway, in which case following a low-carb regime would benefit them.

The quantity of processed carbs and refined sugars that are consumed in the Western diet is damaging everyone to a greater or lesser degree. Above all we need nutrition - and the carbs and sugars rob the body of valuable nutrition during their processing whilst giving little or nothing in return. They look good, they taste good, but they are worthless to the body.

Yeast Infections
Posted by Steve (Nc) on 02/17/2015

For yeast infection check out coconut oil... you need to read all about coconut oil anyway

Broad Benefits
Posted by Aja. (Canton, Oh.) on 08/28/2009

i feel that apple cider vinegar is a cure-all. It cures everything from constipation to a urinary tract infection. I take a shot of it everyday and it helps me so much! I love it, the taste is strong, but its worth the help it does your body. ACV is good for everything, allergies & sinus problems. I love how much it has helped!

Long Term Side Effects
Posted by Mia (Upstate New York, United States) on 08/06/2009

I am just wondering if ACV will deplete anything from your body such as pottasium or anything else that i should watch out for. I take it twice a day(2Tbl spoons with a small cup of Organic apple juice, then i drink a cup of water. In the evening i mix it with a tablespoon of Blackstrap Molasses) and feel great, i am just worried that there could be some long term side effects from taking it everyday. I know that it can effect teeth, so i make sure it does not sit on my teeth. Thanks, and look foward to a response.

Long Term Side Effects
Posted by Dan (Myrtle Beach, Sc, Usa) on 01/03/2011

The first person who recommended ACV to me said that YES it does deplete your potassium, and that it could make your legs ache as a result. She said she would eat a banana when that happened and she would be fine. However, I've read in many other places that one of ACV's greatest benefits is that it INCREASES your potassium, which is a main reason why it works so well. I don't know. I like bananas, so I eat them often anyway. My legs never hurt.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Leah (Las Vegas, NV) on 07/25/2009

I've been drinking ACV w/ maple syrup and cayenne for several months now after reading about it on Earth Clinic. It has helped me to control my sweet tooth, drop a few lbs., and completely healed the dry cracking skin on the back of my hands. If I miss a day of drinking it or when I feel thirsty, I actually feel a craving for it. I use 2 TB of ACV and maple syrup per 8 oz. of water and a few dashes of cayenne pepper.

Also, I haven't gotten sick once since I started drinking this great stuff. My entire household got colds a couple of months ago and I fully expected to get one too, but to my surprise, it skipped me!

Broad Benefits
Posted by feeling.better (Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA) on 07/24/2009

I started taking ACV just over two weeks ago, and after about 3 days my hay fever was almost completely gone and hasn't come back! It has been absolutely terrible this year since about May. I started out by using 2 tbsp. a day, just adding 1 tbsp. to a 160z water bottle. I found that worked well, and I've reduced it some days to just 1 tbsp. and I found it still to be just as effective. I also noticed almost immediately after I started taking the ACV that I have absolutely NO ODOR under my arms. I've always had to wear deodorant, so I was shocked when the second day I was taking the ACV and I forgot to put my deodorant on and I realized I didn't smell. It's wonderful! I haven't worn deodorant for 2 weeks now! Just to note, I always use a straw when drinking the ACV, to prevent my tooth enamel from wearing away.

Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 09/10/2013

Add 1 tblsp of ACV, 240 ml of water and 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of Baking Soda. Feeling fatigue is sign of body being ACidic. Good Health

General Health Tonic
Posted by Amyjoe (South Island, New Zealand) on 07/13/2009

I have been taking ACV along with manuka honey which also contains many healing properties, so far so good, every now and then i will add 1 clove of garlic by crushing and adding to it, im feeling great and will continue with this as long as i need too, thank you all for the awesome stories and knowledge you have all shared. Kia Kaha

General Feedback
Posted by J (Los Angeles, Ca USA) on 07/02/2009

For everyone using ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) on a more than rare instance, please note the following in my research of the product from

Should I Use Apple Cider Vinegar?

The answer depends on how you want to use apple cider vinegar. As a salad dressing, you should be fine. But TAKEN AS A DAILY medical treatment, it could be a little more risky. Yes, some studies of applecider vinegar are intriguing. But a lot more research needs to be done. Right now, there is not enough evidence that apple cider vinegar -- or any vinegar -- has any health benefit for any condition. Since the benefits are unknown, so are the risks.

I think its a great option to help relieve the pain and suffering of various issues etc., but figured since everyone was somewhat glorifying ACV on the site I had to research it, and think this should be posted so people aren't overding it... apparently it has been known if used too often to lead to potentially osteoperosis (bone thinning) and a slew of other things. Do your research people, please, for you.

Thank you for this site and the posts though, great great ideas and great great remedies. Being added to my favorites list b/c I dont prefer pill popping and shots to fix ailments/sickness etc.

Best, J

General Feedback
Posted by Frank (Charlotte, Nc) on 10/15/2010

I whole heartedly agree. Of course doctors are going to shoot down any inexpensive natural remedy because they can't capitalize on it. They are all about drugs and treatments because it makes them and the drug companies money. I will take the natural remedies any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I have had great success with ACV, as well as cayenne pepper. They have worked better for me than any prescribed drugs.

General Feedback
Posted by Len (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 02/02/2012

In regards to doctors and pharmaceutical companies and not recommending "home" cures (that may or may not work--I believe ACV works by the way) because there is no profit in killing cancer (or whatever), I came across a quote somewhere (maybe even here) that bears repeating:

A live sheep can be sheared many times, but you can only kill him once.

Posted by Noelle (Denton, Tx, Us) on 09/21/2010

Yes, I have been on a similar high protein/low carb diet, through a weight loss center, but in their case when I reported constipation as a side effect of the diet, their remedy was to sell me their "cleansing tea" which while pleasant tasting was just a teabag version of senna-based laxatives! It seems that the ACV is helping in this regard but it may be too soon to tell just yet. Of course the weight loss center will not like this because they don't sell ACV or make a lot of money off it...

Posted by Tiffany (Kandas) on 08/15/2016

Be careful drinking it straight. It is too hard on the esophagus. Repeat acid can cause irritation and eventually increase risk of throat cancer. I love to dink mine with lemon juice, or some of acv, raw honey and some cinnamon in hot water.

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Fishnoises (Grand Blanc, Mi) on 07/14/2010

This is my first time trying the ACV diluted in water and I find that I like the taste! Maybe because my nose is so stuffed up from my allergies. If they do clear up as you guys say. Then maybe my sense of smell and taste will come back! (And that I will still not mind the taste of the ACV! ) Hoping to lose some weight too. . . . Keep ya posted! . . . Caroline

Website Articles
Posted by Tim (LA, CA) on 06/01/2009

Website Articles
Posted by Dug (St.Louis, MO, USA) on 06/02/2009

Dr.Mercola doesn't necessarily NAY ACV. He is providing an objective analysis of ACV benefits, which for the most part is positive. Please read the article again; he provides some scientific evidence to many of the ACV benefits. And also read the comments section- tons of positive feedback.


EC: You are right! Sorry, reviewed too fast...

Website Articles
Posted by ROBERT HENRY (TEN MILE, TN) on 06/02/2009

I go to an anti- aging doctor, and she does not know that MSM is derived from DMSO my mixing it with Hydrogen Peroxide. Dr Mercola does not know that ACV is Malic acid and not acetic acid. Friends and neighbors, we can't trust any of these BS artists. They just slickin every thing for our appitite. They are like a car sales man they don't know crap about a car. They just sell them. Been with money managers for the last 14 years. They don't know crap either and that is the reason I'm now doing my investments myself. If Dr Mercola does not know that ACV is malic acid, he is a fraud.

Website Articles
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 06/03/2009 490 posts

According to Wiki (, seems malic acid is what gives the green apple its tart taste but the malic acid decreases with ripening of the fruits (apples and grapes & probably other fruits). Malic acid winds up being converted to lactic acid.

Wiki definition of ACV ( states that first fermentation of apple juice converts sugars in the apple juice into alcohol. A second fermentation converts the alcohol into acetic acid.

We all might want to find a better method of separating the ones who have our health at heart from the charlatans. Personally, I choose to go with the ones that check out with other sources and the best way to separate the two are by do they recommend remedies you can gather for yourself or are readily obtainable (as Dr. Jonathan Wright does) or do they only recommend herbs, etc. from far east India, South Africa, or China & are they connected to the place selling combinations of those "must be imported from afar" herbs.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Susan (Big Sky Country, Montana) on 05/27/2009

I have been waiting until the end of the school year to report on my success with organic ACV with the "mother". I have been a tutor in an elementary school for three years now. The first two years I caught everything imaginable...constant sore throats, horrendous coughs, runny noses, on and on all year....I truely was constantly fighting something. Last Fall before the start of the year I began to take 1/4 cup of ACV with tomato juice faithfully once a day. AMAZING....I have not so much as had a sniffle the entire flu, no colds, no anything. I'm in my late 50's and until discovering ACV I believed I needed to quit a position with children that I loved!! This is good news in my world and what have you got to lose by trying it? I tell anyone who will listen about this simple natural "cure-all"....I'm living proof of it's benefits!!!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kim (West Palm Beach, Fl, USA) on 05/26/2009

Hello. This is a wonderful site. I have been reading about the many uses of apple cider vinegar and keep it handy. I know that it makes the body more alkaline as it should be, but it also abates inflammation in the body. For years I have had joint pains on and off (sickle cell trait), and last sunday had a flare up. During the night it was difficult for me to move in the bed because of my left knee. In the morning when I got up to get ready for church, I had about 3 tablespoons of ACV in a glass of water, just before I went and took a shower. By the time I left for church my knee pain was gone. This stuff is great. My dad was also complaining of back and knee pains and I told him to start drinking ACV daily- he no longer complains. I have been using ACV and 3% percent peroxide (50/50)with occasional tea tree oil for a fungus of my big toe nail- it is clearing up nicely. Thanks earth clinic.

Posted by Colleen (Fort St John, British Columbia, Canada) on 05/21/2009

I am using about 1 - 2 tbsp of ACV every day for about 2 months now. I have been able to get off of my prescription heart burn pills, finally. I find that I get heart burn more often, but ACV relieves it. I am thinking now of using the only 2 tsps to one 8 oz glass of water though, as I do get concerned to taking too much.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jon (Birmingham, Alabama) on 05/07/2009

I am a wellness coach and I tell everybody about the healing benefits of ACV. Many people have tried it with great results. One thing is that everyone is different. Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural detoxifier. I know first hand it cured my skin condition taking 2 teaspoons in 10 ounces of water twice a day. I have experienced all the similar benefits that everyone else has. I had an overactive liver and now I don't!! That is the most impressive benefit for me! Why, because I was toxic and it did take a while, but by continuing to use it I experienced the full benefit I could. No more sever cold or Flu.I hardly ever feel bad. ACV balances out the ph in your body and when that is balanced your body begins it's natural processes for healing itself. Like anything else it is not really the best tasting tonic but it doesn't follow with the label.

Side Effects, could fall asleep, could feel extreme pain, you may feel lost or suddenly confused, so far to date the worst side effect I have heard is if you are extremely toxic, you could experience a major breakout in your skin. So always start out with a low dosage and work up to the recommended dose as your body can handle.I have seen people get rid of shingles, lower there blood pressure,get rid of mild to severe acne, blood sugars balance out in diabetics, prostate problems go away, finger nails grew stronger, taste become more enhanced, wartz gone, athletes foot gone, stomach ulcers dissipate, cleans out your colon, helps prevent edema, more and more.I would only recommend talking with your doctor first if you are taking medications. Do some research on your issues and if taking ACV in some way shape or form could help you. Another thing is your kidneys filter 200 quarts of blood in 24 hours.The kidney play major roles in blood pressure and supports the health of many other organs.So when your urinating a bunch, you generally are doing something right. I hope I helped inform some people on how the body works and how ACV help aid the body.

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Cindy (San Diego, Ca) on 01/16/2010

Your feedback on the use of ACV resonated with me more than you would guess. I too am 58 this year and for years have "suffered" from sinus issues. Now, it seems that I can not have a good night's sleep because I usually wake up with terrible sinus preasure above my eyebrows. I have been on antibiotics twice since December. I hadn't read anything lately about ACV but remembered my grandfather always had a bottle in the bathroom and mixed it with baking soda and water. Because I was a child I didn't take note of the quantities. Last night, after searching the house for something to take for the horrible headache, I remembered the "concoction."... (maybe grandpa from the grave?) Anyway, I popured a little into a glass and slugged it straight. No water and no baking soda. Immediately my eyes teared and my throat got phlemmy (sp?)I coughed and my nose began to run...and run and run and soon, no headache! So this morning I got up and wanted to search for the "recipe." I read yours and now I hope that I will finally get a good night's rest.

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Phil (Alabama) on 10/21/2014

Did you ever get full recovery on the sinus issue using the apple cider vinegar?

Posted by Sarah (Arlington, TX) on 07/23/2009

I have been drinking 2 tablespoons with 16 oz of water 2x a day, using ___ organic ACV. I have not noticed any results so far, what so ever. Not with energy, skin, sleep, nothing. What could be going on, and why is it not working for me? Thanks!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 01/03/2023 525 posts

After skimming right past any mention of iodine for, what - 50 years? I've been playing with it the past couple of weeks. THEN I read Jarvis' "Folk Medicine" book and started ACV 2 days ago. I run a large cup of filtered water through my Keurig into a heavy glass "pyrex" measuring cup to cool it down a bit, add 1 tsp ACV and a 5 count of honey out of a squirt bottle and a couple pinches of pink salt.

After two weeks of applying povidone iodine externally (sore, lumpy, swollen breast) which responded right away (not lumpy, not sore and less swollen) within a day or two. I'd gotten the iodine down to about 4 hours before it was absorbed but with the ACV, it's back to being absorbed very quickly.

I'd been suspecting there was an underlying mass in that breast (still a little "swollen") and today, with my second ACV tea drink, I can definitely feel a response deep in the tissue on the side, toward my underarm and it's sucking up the iodine again, like it did the first time!

Haven't yet received my Lugol's iodine but when I do, I'm going to switch to taking it internally and add a drop or two of the 5% to my morning ACV tea.

I've also been taking 12.5mg iodoral, but not regularly as I suck at keeping track of pills...

ALSO, since Covid, I've had some sinus activity and ordered some honeycomb to chew and see if I can get rid of that nonsense - also per Jarvis' book.

AND I'm not craving coffee, which is amazing! I'm drinking a cup that I made out of sheer habit but it doesn't taste right.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Alfred Baron (Ransit, Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/29/2009

Earth Clinic..Your doing a Wonderful Thing for People..Wow..Should be more people like you.

I had a Store in San diego, ca. for 7 years..noticed people coming in with all kind of ailments. So I started to sell and tell the customers about Apple Cider Vinegar. After a while I could read their body language that they were not feeling good.. So I insisted that they buy ACV..Results ..Dissolved kidney stone in 4 days, prostate problem.. could not urinate..4 days system cleared. everything worked normal, migrain headache.. gone 1 day, women have cramps certain time of month.. no cramps, more energy noticed 1 day,arthritic aches and pains ..most gone in a few days,the list goes on and on.. I am told from reading that our cells are mostley potassium.. when we eat too much salt .. the salt make the cells weak and push our bones out of wack.. that why I think people have a lot of back problems.. the minute our cells become healthy, our bones fall back in place, no more back problems.. ACV is mostly potassium..Stop eating ten bananas a day.. just take ACV.
Stay well my friends