ACV & Baking Soda Tonic: Boost Health Naturally

Broad Benefits
Posted by Harold (Asheboro, Nc) on 12/26/2018

I have been taking a vinegar tonic for over 20 years and enjoying the health benefits from it... About four years ago I read on several websites about the benefits of adding baking soda to ACV and I am so glad I begin adding the baking soda. It does help neutralize the sour acidic taste of the vinegar. The biggest difference I could see imediately was my bathroom visits... I have always not been very regular, but now I can be almost punctual with my morning bathroom visits...

My formula that I use is 1 TBL of ACV and 1/4 tsp of baking soda.. 2 ounces of coffee for flavor and 2 ounces of water..

I am 65 year old and am in pretty good health.. I take no medications prescribed by doctors, I am still active working, and enjoy being outside playing with my grand children as often as possible...

Broad Benefits
Posted by Fizz (Chrshire) on 03/15/2017

hi all,] in U.K.

'Baking soda ' is barcarbonate of soda. I also have been doing the Apple Cider Vinegar and barc soda regime and definitely helps with psoriasis I made a paste and applied directly, no itching at all. Also felt more energised and helps with cleansing kidneys and tummy


Broad Benefits
Posted by Jose Monge (Calgary) on 12/29/2016

I have been taking Apple Cider Vinegar (2 tbsp) with Baking Soda (1/2 tsp) AND BEFORE going to bed with lime instead of Apple Cider Vinegar and it works miracles in my stomach and I slowly reversing gray hair here. Don't forget it is taken in empty stomach.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Miles (Canada) on 12/24/2014

Editor's Choice Organic Apple Cider Vinegar "with the mother" will kill all fungus by diluting it with water and soaking feet or hands in it. It can also be dabbed on mosquito bites, cuts, etc. this and baking soda mixed together (1/2 teaspoon B.S. and 2 tablespoons of A.C.V.) brings the P.H. Level of your body up to 7.3 or there abouts where no Candida or fungus or Cancer can live as the enviroment is too highly oxygenated. I take it one hour before breakfast and one hour before bedtime. Have being doing this for 1+ Years with no problems whatsoever. No more Gout or aches and pains neither. This also cleans out all toxins and metal build up in you bodies. I will NEVER go off of this combination. And yes you can mix B.S. and molasses together. This they call the " Trojan Horse" as this cures all cancers. The bad Cancer cells go after the sugars or sweet molasses and the B.S. kills the cells. Google Vernon Johnson and how he cured stage 4 prostate cancer when the doctors gave him weeks to live. Many more testimonials as well if you google B.S. as a Cancer cure. All sickness is about your acidic or bad PH level. Must always be little more alkaline where bad cells can not survive. It all starts in the Gut. I have researched this for years to help myself and now I want to share the information so people can live healthier lives. God Bless.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lisa (Clinton, Ma) on 10/15/2014

I suffer from almost all these ailments.. RA, acid reflux, inflammation, pain, headaches, sinus issues, digestive problems, fatigue and more. I am only 32 Im just to young to have to deal with all of this and on top of it all I am a single mother of 3 young children I have to care for. I tried the ACV and baking soda thing about 1/2 hr ago for the first time and I ALREADY feel better!! Not perfect but my stomach is better, my coffee (yes coffee!!!! ) tastes better and I'm up and about early this morn with my kids getting em ready for school all of which was nearly impossible for me every previous morn. Can't wait to continue using this amazing home remedy and seeing how much better I can feel and get off all my meds (that don't even help anyway) Thank you so much!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Gaby M. (Zimbabwe) on 09/10/2014

I have been following your articles with great interest. I am 61 years of age and for the last couple of months I have take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a pinch of bicarbonate of soda 6 times a week an hour before dinner. Ever since I have started taking this I feel great. I seem to have so much more energy, my blood pressure seems much better and I sleep well at night. I also did not have the dreaded flu this winter.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Maria (Frankfurt, Germany) on 10/12/2011

I have been taking 2 tbs ACV and 1/4 ts baking soda in a glass of water twice a day on empty stomach for three weeks, 5 days on 2 days off according to Ted's instruction. I have been taking it for over all health. I am reducing my weight much faster, more energy, clear thinking, better sleep, no more constipation. I am feeling great. But this remedy makes me urinate frequently. I don't have any kidney problem. Is this normal while on this remedy? or Is this side effect of baking soda? Has any body experienced frequent urination with this remedy? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Broad Benefits
Posted by Meganmom (Lansdale, Pa, Usa) on 12/30/2010

My family just started using it and already we have less snot(and with 5 kids at home you better believe its great)my husbands reflux is better and my allergy symptoms are way less. We do add baking soda so we don't have to worry about the high acid content and the kids like the fizziness.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Hope (Sacramento, California) on 08/13/2010

Hi Sheena - I have these on very rare occasions - I think they are referred to as "ice pick" headaches. I have a Hulda Clark Zapper that I have been using for years, off and on for numerous problems. When I get the first sign of the ice pick headaches, I use the zapper 2-3 times a day and voila , they go away by the next day! Perhaps it has to do with parasites. I am not sure, but all I can say, that for me, it works every time.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sheena (Granville, Ohio, Usa) on 08/12/2010

Just discovered this site two weeks ago--love it!! Am using the ACV and BS. Now sleeping through the night, no more sniffles from allergies and arthritis pain is greatly diminished (I am 68). I use 2 tsp of ACV and 1/4 tsp of BS three times a day. Still have an excruciating stabbing headache on the top left of my head however and it has been 2 weeks. Keeping me off work. Have tried ACV wrap on my neck to no avail. Taking Feverfew. Any ideas? Thank you all!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Victoria (Sydney, Australia) on 01/19/2010

I started using apple cider vinegar (approx 1-2 tablespoon) with baking soda (1 teaspoon) in 750ml of water, and 1/8 teaspoon in borax every morning, and the same mixture again at night (without the borax). It has only been about 10days since I started doing this.

It has reduced all of my bloating, increased my energy, my stomach is almost flat again! This is something that I couldn't even achieve as a personal trainer and working out 6 days a week. I think I'm even passing some parasites (or what looks like parasites- little white things). My body is getting back to what I looked like as a teenager. Its amazing!

Also it is keeping by bm's 'regular', which has been an issue for me in the past.

I have not changed my diet at all, but I now no longer take sugar in my coffee, as I don't like the sweet taste (since starting the remedy). Also I'm not hungry all the time like I used to be!

Thanks goodness for Earth Clinic!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Todd (Manchester, United Kingdom) on 03/13/2009

I have never really felt compelled enough to comment on a website about a subject until now.
I have been suffering from various skin ailments from some time, burning red dry palms, red pinkish face, extremely dry skin (face, palms, back of arms, legs, sides of trunk - all slightly red/pink), my skin really suffered, i was prone to infections (athletes foot etc) and i generally felt very run down. I had been to the doctors on several occasions and was prescribed nothing more than moisturiser which of course had no effect on my many ailments and to be honest i was getting quite fed up of it all. Despite having a balanced diet, taking plenty of exercise (5 times a week and quite intensive) and staying hydrated my skin condition did not improve and in fact was slowly deteriorating so much so that i thought antibiotics might be the only answer. I stumbled across the ACV and baking soda remedy (2tsp ACV and 1/2tsp baking soda in cup water, 3 times a day) and i must say all my ailments (which i have had for well over a year) have almost disappeared in less than 4 days!! I really can't believe it, i feel completely recharged, my skin is shining, the redness has faded substantially and my skin is starting to feel quite normal, if not softer and better than before. I would highly recommend this remedy and am extremely happy with the results already in such a short space of time. I feel really healthy now and am experiencing a constant 'buzz' of good energy/positivity throughout the day (sorry don't mean to sound new age there), i also feel considerably less stressed at work and am constantly in a good mood with lots of energy and feel mentally sharper. I appreciate this remedy might not work for everyone but i just wanted to share my experiences so someone else might see this and also benefit from it too. (for information i am in the UK and am using Aspall Organic Cyder Vinegar from Holland and Barratt and bicarbonate of soda (any supermarket)- I have yet to try an ACV with 'mother' but would like to as i wonder if the results will be even better)

Broad Benefits
Posted by K.Lynn (Mt.Healthy, Ohio) on 12/19/2008

Hello, everyone

I just wanted to say what a difference these health tips have made for me. this is the 1st fall season I have not come down with a head cold that went directly to my chest and lungs and I credit that to the acv,organic bs,and local raw honey. heat 4oz. of boiled water, and put bs,acv,and honey in that order(cuts down on fizz of bs). I've noticed some complaints about the act's sour and burn; the bs and honey will change that (I'm diabetic, and that Tbsp does not raise my sugar either).

It's 2or3 tbsp of acv, half or whole tsp of organic bs and tbspor half of raw (local) honey.

This mixture has also helped my breathing (I was overweight and smoked for years), edema(swelling) in my legs has reduced to normal, and acv w/diet has brought my sugar down 200pnts. go back and try the ACV mix. It can't hurt and will help. MANY BLESSINGS!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Anna (Elkl Grove, California, USA) on 05/14/2008

I'm 48 years old and took ACV and Baking soda for eczema and this is what happened.. Severe insomnia was cured after taking ambien for 3 more ambien! My blood pressure went to normal, cholestrol dropped 30 points and my borderlie sugar level (too high) went to normal. And a big thrill for me was that my thinning hair grew back after 20 years! My hair dresser noticed it first and now its normal. I do have to admit it didnt help eczema but Im so grateful that it worked on so much more. I mentioned it to my doctor a year ago and she has been watching my lab work and was impressed. She wrote down website and is going to recommend for acid reflux. (Oh yeah, it stopped that too!) Thank you Ted!!!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tricia (USA) on 12/26/2007

Hi Sandhi, I was taking ACV, baking soda, and water for a few weeks. I read baking soda supplies oxygen to the body, so I took it before I exercised. Worked well. Seeing I have weak knees, I thought my knees felt lubricated. (as i was reading on the earthclinic website about some guy taking it to cure his knee discomfort) but also felt later that my knees were feeling like they are all bone and no cushion.

I thought BS helped with my digestion as I was drinking it as a hot tea before bedtime w/ACV. I felt less constapated, which i liked. I noticed a slight weight drop too, I'm normal size so about 5 lbs. My relatives were saying I looked too skinny. I was thinking my body was missing some nutrients. But I was thinking calcium and not vitamin B. I also started to crave heavier foods and junk which is funny because I've always loved eating fruits and veggies, and I didn't want to turn back. I also developed a cough which lasted about 2 weeks, which i thought was unusual because I am type of person who never gets sick with coughs or colds. Was this baking soda getting to my me & my lungs? It gave me a good reason to suspect BS.

Have you ever noticed how BS has this calming effect on you? Then if you aren't taking it all the time, then your blood pressure seems to rise when stressed. I almost felt like i was taking a drug. I didn't have a problem with any vaginal side effects. Maybe because I was taking small doses 1/8 or less tsp BS a day. With all said, I was thinking these related symtoms were just my thinking. But maybe not. I'm beginning to think that BS is the main cause being that it is an unknown substance to the body if you think about it. I started doing some research to see if there were any negative feedback on the internet about baking soda and stumbled upon this website. This gave me good reason to stop taking it. I was surprised by some of the BS additions out there. Hope this helps and I hope you can share it with others looking for a BS cure. With best intentions, Tricia

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