ACV and Baking Soda
Health Benefits

ACV & Baking Soda Tonic: Boost Health Naturally

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Electrolytes Instead of Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kurt (Riverview, Fl) on 06/25/2017

ACV for alkalizing w/ neutral electrolyte

I've been using ACV with baking soda to alkalize my body (started out at 5.5, now usually 8), but recently I've become aware of the impact the sodium has on my electrolyte balance. Reading around I found that potassium bicarbonate is also a leavening agent like baking soda, and another good reference said that the ideal ratio is K/Na 3:1. I found a reseller for it and ordered a pound. I then mixed up a batch of the powders 3:1 and used that in place of baking soda in a cup of water (plus a dash of sea salt for flavor) in my ACV.

Now the ACV mixture has the same alkalizing, and bicarb effects, keeps my potassium / sodium balance, is neutral going down, and is a vehicle for taking my Lugol's iodine in the morning.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Angie (Sparta, MO) on 04/24/2007

I started taking 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with baking soda once a day. This has helped so much with the fatigue that I was having and has given me more energy.

Posted by Sassfire (Milwaukie, OR) on 02/13/2007

Thank you for this site. I have a very high insurance deductible and going to the doctor cuts into my food bill! I have been sick for three weeks and the quality of my life has suffered. I went to the doctor who told me take sudafed. I did and it helped very little. Today I woke up from a nap and just started crying. I just couldn't stand the pain and how tired I feel constantly. I tried the ACV and it worked at first then stopped. I then tried it by adding baking soda and it was amazing. I hope it continues to work. For now at least I can get some sleep. I love this site.

Posted by Anthony (Cary, NC) on 02/12/2007

Hey guys. First off, I've been following this site for some time now. It's great -- I recommend it to everyone. My grandmother used to take ACV years ago and I'd try it and it was horrible to the taste. So since i have been really getting in to natural medicine. I started taking acv in a pill form. and it gave me a yeast infection. YES, I'm a man with a yeast infection. It's horrible and my pH is always acidic. I'm also a vegan. no meat whatsoever.. I have been like this for 10 yrs, so I read about Ted's baking soda trick. I tried and threw up. I'm a wimp. so what i did was open up the acv pill, empty half of the powder out, and put baking soda in its place. I take two a day every other day.. OMG I tell I woke up this morning and shot outta bed and ran around the house. my wife thought I was nuts.. I told her I have so much energy. I always wake up tired. and aches. TED I LOVE U!!!!!! Wish there were more people in the world like you. Thanks for helping us. Anthony


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sharon (St Maarten ) on 03/30/2018

The ACV with Baking soda is really a good tonic

I took it for Gas In The stomach, for years I was using doctors medicine for stomach gas aches, but a lady told me about this recipes 1/4 tsp baking soda 1/2 glass water and 2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar and this works.

I am off doctors medication for 9 yrs now. Also I used it for alkalizing and weight loss purposes.... I am having an excellent result.

General Feedback

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by A (Jersey City, USA) on 06/01/2008

I am posting this question for commentary from informed readers and Ted.

First of all, I am NOT an expert, and all my knowledge is really just based on what I've read. I have been grappling with the issue of whether combining ACV & Baking Soda diminishes its effectiveness in any way in the body. I've read practically all the comments on the Earthclinic website related to this in great detail. A nagging suspicion in my gut tells me that taking ACV with baking soda is NOT the same as taking ACV and/or baking soda alone. Unfortunately, I don't have enough expertise or knowledge to put together a plausible thesis; and all my exhaustive research has NOT provided me a convincing answer yet. Therefore, I am merely positing a hypothesis for question/commentary from informed readers.

Here it goes. My gut feel, and based on whatever information I can gather, taking ACV with Baking Soda (or Lime with Baking Soda), is probably NOT the same as taking either of those alone. The body needs to break down complexed minerals (such as sodium ascorbate, magnesium citrate, etc.) into ions before they can be absorbed. Therefore, when you react ACV with baking soda, that is no different than taking a complexed mineral of sodium acetate and sodium malate, together with whatever else might be in the ACV. Now, does the body absorb the sodium malate and sodium acetate the same way as it would the acetic acid and malic acid to be found in ACV alone? How easily does the sodium malate or sodium acetate breakdown in the body for absorption vs. just taking the ACV alone? That's the question? My nagging suspicion is that the body doesn't treat them the same way, in which case the effectiveness of ACV would get diminished by combining it with Baking Soda.

I understand Ted's point that the body is going to neutralize the acids anyways with its mineral buffers. But what comes first? Does the body absorb the malic acid and acetic acid first before neutralizing? If so, then is sodium malate or sodium acetate correspondingly harder to absorb by the body b/c it has to be broken down and ionized first?

I was reading Tim O'Shea's online book on how minerals get absorbed in the body ( He says that acidic state is necessary for ionization of complexed minerals. In other words, for a sodium malate to breakdown into ionic sodium and malate to be absorbed by the body. I quote from his online book "If the pH is too alkaline, the ions won't disassociate from whatever they're complexed with, and will simply pass on through to the colon without being absorbed." So, my question is, does most of the ACV when combined with baking soda just gets passed through the body without getting absorbed? Is an ACV absorbed better by the body when it is by itself? If you want to alkalize, while also get the benefit from drinking ACV or limes, then is it better then to just take them separately some hours apart?

Also, I have read in many places that the absorption rate of complexed minerals is only about 1 - 20%, i.e., rather low. As per Tim O'Shea and others I have read, minerals get absorbed by two ways. (1) The body needs them in which case it sends protein messengers/transporters to the lining of the gut wall to absorb that particular mineral. (2) Diffusion. So, if your body doesn't need sodium, say for example, then is it just going to ignore the sodium malate or sodium acetate? In that case, would the malic and acetic acids in ACV alone be better absorbed by the body?

Since modern science/information can be so corrupted, one thing I am learning to do whenever presented with a remedy, etc is to ask how this might have been done several thousand years ago, when perhaps things were less corrupted. Although I could be totally wrong, I don't imagine our ancestors and the Ayurveda folks mixing ACV with Baking Soda. They probably drank the ACV or baking soda alone.

On another note, I have tried ACV with Baking Soda for about 10 days now. I don't feel much effect, other than getting my urinary PH in the above 7 range. If the sodium malate and sodium acetate are simply getting passed through into the urine, surely they would make the urine PH alkaline. My salivary PH is still in the 6.25 range, which is another whole issue that I need to figure out. (I am scared of one of Ted's commentaries in one of these postings that suggested that a urinary ph higher than salivary is indicative of fungus or cancer. I am 35 years old, and believe I have Candida). This is another reason that made me really think hard about ACV & Baking Soda b/c I didn't feel that this remedy was alkalizing my salivary PH, therefore, I was wondering if it's just passing through in the urine? I am vegetarian, and have been trying to include more fruits and vegetables recently. So, I don't think I have a potassium deficiency issue per se.

I know that that the ACV and Baking Soda remedy has been tried by numerous readers with great success. Therefore, I am merely positing this inquiry in an effort at greater understanding, rather than pretending to know what I am talking about.

Many thx, and I look forward to engaging more with the Earthclinic community!

Replied by Salli
(Madison, United States)

The information is very informative and thank you so much for it. On the ACV and Soda I learned that BSoda depletes Vit C from the body so we need to be careful about that. I also am of the opinion that water should not be taken during the meal as it can dilute the disgestive juices needed for digestion. Would some of you pls address this? I have very seldom Acid Reflux while eating so don't drink water during the meal & since then have had no problem. My PH level is a 6 (acidic) so am working to correct that; all bloodwork is within normal limits. Thank you, Salli

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

You got the information wrong. Cancer, fungus and candida occurs whenever the body has urinary pH below 6, not high urinary alkaline pH. Metabolic acidosis is the primary issue. This is why cancer treatment uses baking soda, such as Dr. Simoncini. The entire basis of Dr. Warburg in treatment of cancer is always alkalization.

As to the issue of ionization and mineral availability, I give you a simple example. Salt, or sodium chloride. A sodium and chloride will dissociate completely in a water solution.

If the person takes acetic acid, ascorbic acid, or apple cider vinegar, it will cause the body's urine pH to be acid. Ancient Tibetan medicine, Ayurvedic medicine and even Traditional medicine frequently mentions people to avoid sour and sweet foods when they are sick.

The biological degradation naturally occurs whenever the body is acid. This is how the bacteria, fungus, for example decomposes and organism. However, if a living organism is in acid state, then it causes the organism to be sick.

I have found that foods ideally should have a negative ORP, since they are antioxidant where it is measured in negative millivolts. Therefore, for this to occur, if you do have a Oxidation Reduction Potential meters, the values should be -100 millivolts to -200 millivolts. Antioxidation occur when it becomes an electron donor. However apple cider vinegar is acid, and hence, ORP is about +300 millivolts which causes the body to loose electrons, becoming oxidative.

As to the issue of raising saliva pH, this can only occur with adequate potassium levels such as potassium citrate or potassium bicarbonate. In which case if baking soda is 1/2 teaspoon than 1/8 teaspoon is potassium citrate in 1/2 glass of water. Urinary pH checks extracellular fluids which is the sodium element, while saliva pH checks intracellular fluids, which is the potassium and magnesium element.

As to the bioavailability of minerals in a acid or alkaline medium. The solution is really simple: If a person is already in an acid state and continues to take mineral, the mineral taken becomes a free radical, since the ORP is positive. If it is a free radical, it becomes a pro-oxidant instead of an antioxidant. The body's physiology in bicarbonate chemistry is pronounce in a human body. So whether you take it or not, with the baking soda, helps if the body has inadequate bicarbonate to begin with.

Finally, I make really no real dividing line whether to take apple cider vinegar or baking soda and apple cider vinegar, for one good reason: if you can take apple cider vinegar without baking soda for years without problem then it is fine. However, in practice, people do have problems taking apple cider vinegar in the long run if the body cannot neutralize the acid.

As to ancient medicine, most herbal preparations are of alkaline in nature, which is why they taste to bitter. I have had a chance to measure many of these pH and found them to be alkaline in nature, while on the other hand the food we eat 90% are of acid in nature and ORP are often positive in nature of +300, instead of a negative ORP, which is more healthful as it doesn't steal electrons from healthy cells causing accelerated aging.


Replied by Bret
(Phoenix, Arizona)

It is nice to see a second person make the correlation between alkalinity and oxygen. The sodium thing kind of throws me though and I am intrigued by what Ted has written. The points I am having issues with are related to sodium. It is not a strong electron attractor, it does not cross cell membranes like potassium and heavier salts do. You can not change the ph of blood nor inside the cell with sodium. Even calcium carbonate does not enter or cross the cell membrane unless there is a higher energy state for a calcium ion. Please try to explain to me the correlation between sodium and CO2. I have taken organic chemistry in college and cell physiology. SO, I am one of those that needs to visualize the exact mechanisms before I can even comment.

Raising urine ph and/or saliva ph doesn't mean blood ph or intercellular ph has changed at all.

Also, Ted, when an antioxidant donates it's hydrogen and neutralizes a free radical, (-OH) what is left is a double bonded oxygen, which most people seem to forget about. Nice to neutralize free radicals but how come nobody mentions that antioxidants can actually donate this oxygen molecule? Thanks, Bret

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Dear Bret: The issue is that you need to understand human physiology and the role in bicarbonates in regulating pH buffers. These roles are well explained in standard biochemistry, so if you are a student of biochemistry, please refer to textbook for more details because of limited time I have in explaining them. Basically a bicarbonate will absorb the CO2 which in water solutions become carbonic acid to keep the pH in a narrow range.

As to the sodium and potassium are extracellular and intracellular in which electrical charge differences between that is kept at a constant to help electrical potential differences are the key. The key is the role of bicarbonates in regulating pH buffer to be within an extremely narrow range of pH is the most critical mechanism there is. Calcium are generally toxic intracellularly, as are lactic acid and other organic acid.

The human physiology requires that potassium can't be exceed in a certain percentage in extracellular fluids, which is very small so that it doesn't disturb the electrical potential differences of cellular system.

This is why death row inmates are killed by injection of potassium intravenously, and it doesn't require a large amounts to kill people. In an ordinary saline I.V. where sodium is used (so why don't the use potassium chloride? ) most of these are sodium chloride, so a fast drip can kill you within an hour because these doesn't have the require buffer at a pH of 7.35. Therefore you can kill people just by either altering pH or giving excess potassium even just 50/50 sodium and potassium saline solution.

Therefore, either excessive potassium or an altering of pH of to only 7.1 or 7.2 can kill you. Much of the issues in human health is the issue of lack of bicarbonates in regulating a very narrow range of pH which is why people get sick.

Therefore the correlation between Sodium and CO2 is a narrow description that doesn't explain how bicarbonates regulates the pH. The explanation is that much of human physiology is always the rule of sodium bicarbonate in regulating carbonic acid, or the bicarbonates rather than the issue of sodium.

Sodium is needed by extracellular fluids and potassium is needed by extracellular fluids to maintain electrical potential differences. In dying people the electrical potential differences are small and that's why extracellular fluids had to be slightly more alkaline then intracellular fluids to keep electrical potential differences.

If too much potassium in in extracellular fluids, the cell dies. In fact there are many reported deaths from taking too much potassium. Therefore much of the role is the bicarbonates, not the sodium that is what we are after in buffering systems whether we talk about sodium or potassium or even magnesium, whether they are extracellular fluids or intracellular fluids in this general equation. Basically if Carbon dioxide are produced by the cells, it become H2CO3 to prevent the solutions from becoming acid. This is why distilled water is very acid if you leave it out in the air, and the pH immediately goes from 7 to 6 within a couple of hours. A distilled water simply don't have the bicarbonates to buffer the carbonic acid.

Since you are more concerned about textbook explanation, a more detailed explanation should be explained elsewhere in the internet not a home remedy website because of my limited time in answering the emails (I am a month's behind answering emails and many emails are much more desperate than a theoretical explanation where other biochemistry website can treat this situation much better), so I will cut and paste a small excerpt here:

Buffering of hydrogen ions in the body fluids

A buffer is any substance that can reversibly bind H+. the general form of the buffering reaction is

Buffer + H+ H Buffer

In this example, a free H+ combines with the buffer to form a weak acid (HBuffer) that either remain as an unassociated molecule or dissociate back to buffer and H+. When the H+ ion concentration increases, the reaction is forced to right and more H+ bind to the buffer, as long as available buffer is present. Conversely when the H+ concentration decreases, the reaction shifts towards the left and H+ are released from the buffer. In this way changes H+ concentration are minimized.


A typical bicarbonate buffer system consists of a mixture of carbonic acid (H2C03) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHC03) in the same solution.

H2C03 is formed in the body by the reaction of CO2 with H2O


Carbonic anhydrase

This reaction is slow unless enzyme carbonic anhydrase is present. This enzyme is especially abundant in the wall of lung alveoli; where CO2 is released; also epithelial cells of renal tubules where CO2 reacts with H2O to form HC03- .

H2C03 ionises weakly to form small amount of H+ and HC03-

H2CO3 H+ + HCO3-

The second component bicarbonate salt occurs predominantly as sodium bicarbonate NaHC03 in the extracellular fluid. NaHC03 ionises almost completely to form bicarbonate ions and sodium ions.

NaHC03 Na+ + HC03-

Now putting the entire system together,

CO2+H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3-

{ +Na+

Because of the weak dissociation of H2C03 the H+ concentration is extremely

When a strong acid such as HCl is added to bicarbonate buffer solution, the
increased H+ released from acid.

HCl H+ + Cl- are buffered by HC03-

%u2191 H++ HC03- H2CO3 CO2+H2O

As a result, more H2C03 is formed, causing increased CO2 and H2O production. From this reaction, the hydrogen ions from the strong acid, HCl, react with HC03- to form CO2 and H2O. The excess CO2 greatly stimulates respiration, which eliminates the CO2 from the extracellular fluid.

The opposite reactions take place when a strong base, such as sodium hydroxide (Na OH), is added to the bicarbonate buffer solution.

Na OH + H2CO3 NaHCO3+H2O

In this case, the hydroxyl ion (OH-) from the NaOH combines with H2CO3 to form additional. Thus the weak base NaHCO3 replaces the strong base NaOH. At the same time, the concentration of H2CO3 decreases (because it reacts with NaOH), causing more CO2 to combines with H2O to replace the H2CO3.

CO2+H2O H2CO3 %u2191 HCO3- + H+

+ +


The net result is a tendency for the CO2 levels in the blood to decrease; but the decreased CO2 in the blood inhibits respiration and decreases the rate of CO2 expiration. The rise in blood HCO3- that occurs is compensated for by increased renal excretion of HCO3-.

Quantitative dynamics of the bicarbonate buffer system

All acids, including H2CO3 are ionized to some extent. From mass balance considerations, the concentrations of hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions are proportional to the concentration of H2CO3.

H2CO3 H++ HCO3-

For any acid, the concentration of the acid relative to its dissociated ions is defined by the dissociation constant K'.

K' = (1)

This equation indicates that in an H2CO3 solution, the amount of free hydrogen ions is equal to

H+= (2)

The concentration of undissociated H2CO3 cannot be measured in solution because it rapidly dissociates into CO2 and H2O or to H+ and HCO3-. However, the CO2 dissolved in the blood is directly proportional to the amount of undissociated
H2CO3. There fore, equation (2) can be written as

H+= (3)

The dissociation constant (K) for Equation (3) is only about 1/400 of the dissociation constant (K%uFFFD) of equation (2) because the proportionality ratio between H2CO3 and CO2 is 1to 400.

Equation (3) is written in terms of the total amount of CO2 dissolved in solution. However, most clinical laboratories measure the blood CO2 tension (Pco2) rather than the actual amount of CO2. Fortunately, the amount of CO2 in the blood is a linear function of times the solubilitycoefficient for CO2; under physiologic conditions the solubility coefficient for CO2 is 0.03 mmol/mmHg at body temperature .this means that 0.03mmmol of H2CO3 is present in the blood for each millimeter of mercury Pco2 measured. There fore equation (3) can be
rewritten as

H+= (4)

Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation.

As discussed earlier, it is customary to express hydrogen ion concentration in pH units rather than in actual concentrations. Recall that pH is defined as

pH = -log H

The dissociation constant can be expressed in a similar manner pK = -log K

Therefore, we can express the hydrogen ion concentration in equation (4) in pH
units by taking the negative logarithm of that equation, which yields

-log H+ = -log pK %uFFFD log (5)

pH = pK -- (6)

Rather than work with a negative logarithm, we can change the sign of the logarithm and invert the numerator and denominator in the last term, using the law of logarithms to yield

pH = pK + (7)

For the bicarbonate buffer system,the pK is 6.1, and equation 7 can be written

pH = (8)

Equation 8 is the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, and with it one can calculate the pH of a solution if the molar concentration of bicarbonate ion and the Pco2 are known.From the Henderson-Hasselbalch, equation, it is apparent that an increase in bicarbonate ion concentration
causes the pH to rise, shifting the acid-base balance toward alkalosis. And an increase in Pco2 causes the pH to decrease, shifting the acid base balance toward acidosis.The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, in addition to defining the determinants of normal pH regulation and
acid-base balance in the extracellular fluid, provides insight into the physiologic control of acid and base composition of the extracellular fluid. The bicarbonate concentration is regulated mainly by the kidneys, whereas the Pco2 in extra cellular fluid is controlled by the rate ofrespiration. By increasing the rate of respiration, the lungs remove CO2 from the plasma, and by decreasing respiration, the lungs elevate Pco2. Normal physiologic acid-base homeostasis results from the coordinated efforts of both of these organs, the lungs and the kidneys, and acid-base disorders occur when one or both of these control mechanisms are impaired, thus altering either the bicarbonate concentration or the Pco2 of extracellular fluid.

When disturbances of acid-base balance result from a primary change in extracellular fluid bicarbonate concentration, they are referred to as metabolic acid-base disorders. Therefore, acidosis caused by a primary decrease in bicarbonate concentration is termed metabolic acidosis, whereas alkalosis caused by a primary increase in bicarbonate concentration is called metabolic alkalosis. Acidosis caused by an increase in Pco2 is called respiratory acidosis, whereas alkalosis caused by a decrease in Pco2 is termed respiratory alkalosis.

Bicarbonate Buffer System Titration Curve.

When the concentrations of HCO3- and CO2 are equal, the right-hand portion of equation 8 becomes the log of 1, which is equal to 0. Therefore, when the two components of the buffer system are equal, the pH of the solution is the same as the pK (6.1) of the bicarbonate buffer system. When base is added to the system, part of the dissolved CO2 is converted into HCO3- causing an increase in the ratio of HCO to CO, and increasing the pH, as is evident from the 1-lendersonHasselbalch equation. When acid is added, it is buffered by HCO,-, which is then converted into dissolved CO2 decreasing the ratio of HCO3- to CO2 and decreasing the pH of the extracellular fluid.

As to the issue of baking soda destroys vitamin C, this is much an urban legend. If I want to make sodium ascorbate vitamin C, I merely react vitamin C ascorbic acid with baking soda to get sodium ascorbate. The form of vitamin C used by the body is a more physiological pH vitamin C of sodium ascorbate as it meets the extracellular fluids rich in bicarbonates. In fact ascorbic acid are pro-oxidant while sodium ascorbate are an antioxidant. The urine pH becomes acid when taking ascorbic acid, and it becomes alkaline with sodium ascorbate. An antioxidant sodium ascorbate will register negative ORP millivolts between -200 to about -300, indicating surplus electrons, while on the other hand ascorbic acid has a positive millivolts of about +200 to +400 depending on the concentration of the vitamin C. A vitamin C therefore is a two edge sword that can be an oxidant or an antioxidant depending on the amount of baking soda or bicarbonates that is added, and
therefore, baking soda doesn't destroy vitamin C, it causes the vitamin C to be more antioxidant, and interestingly enough, sodium ascorbate is more stable than ascorbic acid because it is more more physiologically compatible with the body, being slightly alkaline in nature as opposed to acidic ascorbic acid.


Replied by Bret
(Phoenix, Arizona)

Thank you Ted for your the biochemistry review. I don't have any textbooks from 30 years ago but you sure sounded like a text book. I did enjoy this posting and it did bring back college day memories of my professors. The issue I am facing, or shall I say confusion, is with intercellular fluid. Sodium is not a strong electron attractor and neither is calcium in lower energy states. Buffering extracellular fluid and blood or plasma is of course different than buffering inside the cell. In bacterial infections and viral infections I can visualize that higher ph will stop replication once an infected cell lysis and particles or microbes are then dumped into this alkalized medium. Bacterial infections are external to the cell so this makes sense to me. I've dealt mainly with cancer and in this instance extra cellular ph isn't as relevant as intercellular ph. We can disagree with Warburg and Koch that lactic acid, uric acid, carbonic acid don't lower intercellular ph, but this would turn alternative medicine upside down. The question that I have is that to alkalize cancer patients shouldn't we use stronger electron attracting salts bound to potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, cesium, rhubidium? Thanks for your time, Ted.

Replied by Debra
(Sierra Vista, AZ)

Isn't it nice to be able to say, "I will just listen to my own body to judge how I feel". We are so fortunate to have this website and someone like Ted who takes the enormous amount of time and energy needed to research all of this for the benefit of others. Thanks Ted for helping us find the TOOLS to be able to say...I will listen to my own body. :-) (From an OP, ACV, H202, and a BS user.)

General Feedback
Posted by Hannelore (Houston, TX) on 01/27/2008

I have read on your site for the past hour and suddenly I had and epiphany. I am now in my late 70's'; but I vividly remember my Grandmother would fix us "Soda" whenever we would go on picnic's, Swimming or other outdoor activities. She even sent this "Cocktail" to Grandpa and the farmhands for "Vesper" in the early pm.


4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Michael (Toronto, Ontario) on 01/26/2009

I've been on 30mg Prevacid for almost ten years and suffer from severe GERD. If I forget a dose of Prevacid, I know it by 10am.

I started on the ACV regimen two days ago and have noticed immediate results. I and my wife are both thrilled about it. I am using Ted's version of the recipe (2T of ACV and 1/4t of baking soda).

I note that the effects of the ACV wear off in about 3-4 hours and I need to redose, but since I'm supposed to be taking the concoction three times a day, I'm not surprised.

However, I'm wondering if you have any advice for dosage with someone whose GERD is as severe as mine is. Will the effects last longer if I take 3T of ACV? Or is the regular alkalization of the body throughout the day the goal? And finally, can I make a preparation of ACV and BS first thing in the morning (6T ACV and 3/4t of BS) and drink it throughout the day, or will the BS degrade or fizz away and lose potency?


Posted by Honorio (San Rafael, Bulacan, Philippines) on 10/22/2007

I'm Boy Fekiciano jr. from San Rafael, Bulacan. I was diagnosed of having GERD by my gastro, n was treated with that purple pill . At first , it was working but because of using it everytime i have reflux, my condition WAS' getting worse. i can't eat the food i like anymore especially if it was fried or oily food because these food should be avoided by peole with GERD, and so i have on the table with me a cup of hot water to wash my food to lessen the oil so i can eat it. despite doing this i still experience reflux. taking too much of that purple pill over the long term had a very serious side effect. it returns with a vengeance, somewhat a rebound effect. I was almost desperate what to do because everytime i complained of gerd to my doctor, the medication was always proton pump inhibitor or that purple pill. with so much desperation , i search the web about acid reflux and gerd n accidentally i saw this write up with testimonials about taking 2tbsp of acv and 1/4 tsp of baking soda mix in a half of glass of water from ted's . actually i just took a gamble by trying it, and when i tried it my energy was and in fact is strong and my acid reflux was gone. thank you so much you wonderful people, i appreciate your contributions to humanity. and of course all the GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!

Posted by Linda (Squaw Valley, California) on 06/25/2007

I have a lung disease (sarcoid) which makes it easy for me to get every bug going around. I had bronchitis and pnemonia for three months. I took various antibiotics for those three months. I got better but I had a raging case of GERD from then on. The purple pill and others did not work. I tried ACV and soda, it works for me. I know that antibiotics are going to be a part of my life, but at least I don't have GERD any longer.

Posted by Kristin (Detroit, Michigan) on 04/26/2007

There were a lot of postings so I wasn't able to read through all of them. I may be retouching on something that someone else has already said, so I'm sorry for that. But this remedy is great. I'm only 26 years old and I started getting GERD at 17. After finally stopping drinking and smoking the doctor finally put me on a PPI. They really have worked great. I rarely have any flare ups, but I was having constant stomach gas and bloating. It was almost embarrassing no to mention uncomfortable. I found this site and wanted to try something more natural. So I stupidly quit the pills right away and tried this remedy. I ended up with far worse acid pain than I had ever had before. It almost made me sick one night to the point that I was laying on the floor ready to cry. Then I read about adding the baking soda. Thank God for that. It instantly calmed everything down. I think it took a total of a week for the PPI withdrawl to go away. Now, I kind of carry around a water bottle of the mix and use less and less of it every day. So for those using PPI's looking for something else, this does work. THe PPI withdrawl is intense, but I think it is worth it.

Replied by Mayank

Thank you Kristin for your kind and helpful comment. I just saw your post which is dated @2007 and you have mentioned your age as 26 (that time). I was searching this site for the GERD patients of my own age I.e. 26 now, and I found your comment which helped me a lot! A big thanks to you. I really hope that your health is at best and you are doing well. Wishing you luck and happiness.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Jan (Seattle, WA) on 02/02/2009

I can concur. I've been drinking 2T vinegar in one qt water twice daily and adding once daily 1/8t baking soda the past two days for my uric acid kidney stones and within one day from beginning the vinegar, my gouty feet were healed and I've been able to put my feet flat on the floor for the first time in years. I didn't even realize the amount of pain I had been in. It's truly amazing.

Posted by JJ (Wichita, KS/USA) on 11/13/2008

ACV & baking soda: I woke up one morning with an ache in my thumb and by the next day I had my first attack of Gout. A friend, who is an MD gave me a script for colchozine and I got absolutely no relief from taking that, prednizone and large amounts of ibuprophen. It hurt so badly for four days, I was starting to freak out! I went to our local health food store and bought $100 worth of supplements and began taking things like cherry, celery seed, alfalfa and fatty acids. Then that night I found a web site that told me to take ACV & baking soda in 6 - 8 oz. of water. I did it that night and thought I felt some relief but didn't want to be too hopeful. In the night I woke up and took more water and baking soda only. (I understood the chemistry behind the soda offsetting the acid) I woke up disappointed that it was not better at all. I found this web site and I decided to try the ACV & Baking soda again and amazingly withing 20 minutes I began feeling a lot of relief. I kept up the same regiment of supplements but with the ACV & baking soda twice a day. After 4 days I'd say I'm 90% recovered. The pain was much reduced after 1 1/2 days. I still have a small knot and some tenderness in one spot! Thanks so much!!!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tannya (Ottawa, Canada) on 04/19/2007

Hi Everyone, I am glad to say that I have finally found the remedy for curing my heartburn which I have been coping with for the last three years. The apple cider vinegar and baking soda with acidophilus is the remedy that seems to work for me. I use the straw to drink the apple cider vinegar. However, I don't seem to tolerate the 1 cup, so I only drink 1/2 cup and it seems to do magic. Thank You so much for posting the recipe and giving people hope to cure heart burn which can absolutely ruin every day of your life. thanks again.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Jeff (Atlanta, GA) on 08/05/2008

For the past two years I suffered from a severe case of chronic urticaria and angiodaema that manifested itself on my palms and soles as well as my legs and face. My particular condition would not respond to the traditional prescription medications of H1 and H2 inhibitors (anitihistamines) even though I was taking twice the daily recommended dosage. I was even put on low dose cyclosporine therapy by my allergist/immunologist in a vain attempt to control this condition. The only alternative that succeeded in temporarily relieving the urticaria was prednisone (which is too dangerous to be considered a long term solution). My condition was so severe that I was unable to leave the house because of the embarrassment of the visible wheals on my arms and face. The hives and swelling kept me from going in to work on more than one occassion, and kept me from being about to go out and socialize as well. It also was exacerbated by exercise as well as hot or cold weather. Needless to say I had exhausted what I thought was all the possible causes and possible means to cure my ailment to no avail. That was until my mother called me after reading a book about the benefits of apple cider vinegar. My further research led me to this site (and for that I thank God!), and my condition has ceased completely! I contine to use raw ACV along with baking soda and don't plan on ever stopping. I am no longer on any medications whatsoever...which I think is Truly Amazing. Thank you Ted and the good folks at earthclinic for the website and the willingness to help people. It really is amazing that something so simple accomplished what literally thousands of dollars of prescription medicine could not.

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