Baking Soda
Health Benefits

Baking Soda Health Benefits: Natural Remedies & Cleaning Tips

Broad Benefits
Posted by Alakhi (Livingston, Montana) on 08/08/2013

Baking soda for pcos and acne: I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the baking soda remedy!! It has helped me better than anything with my skin issues, and there is no comparison in how I feel. It seems to help me with all of my food allregies too! I drink the baking soda and use it to wash my face. When I stop using this my issues come back.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Paula J. Schutte, Ccht (Denver, Colorado) on 08/12/2011

Thank you for your information. I am a Colon Hydro Therapist who sees many clients with acid reflux, gout and rheumotoid arthritis. I have used your tip on baking soda, lime and lemon juice with a splash of water for a few years now and it has helped in 100% of the cases where folks stuck with it a bit. Thank you, thank you!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kristinad (West Valley City, Utah) on 07/10/2009

I got a case of ring worm that seemed to appear out of no where. The area felt itchy for several days and then a patch a bit smaller than a dime appeared. It was a very classic circle with little mounded dots around the edge and red in the whole circle and it itched like crazy. I looked on your sight for a cure and tried several including the penny-in-vinegar etc. Some helped a little others made it worse.

When it first appeared I had tried plain Baking Soda which definitely calmed it down but it did not disappear. I decided to try it again with a little vaper rub like Vicks from the dollar store, to hold it in place. It worked immediately and in two days was totally gone. I was very happy!

Baking soda has worked miracles for me in many ways, including getting rid of mouth infections and a patch of eczema on my elbow that had been there for years.

It is the first thing I turn to for a sugar reaction. Just a tiny amount on the tip of my finger clears up all kinds of problems. For skin surface problems, mostly I have just made a paste of BS and water and allowed it to dry but now I have tried it with the Vicks like product and with Triple Antibiotic that works better as it holds it at the sight. I do not know what would work in the mouth, not that of course!

I believe we are all different and the differences in our natural body chemistry makes things react differently for all of us so we have to find what is right for us. I love this sight as it has so many wonderful ideas and I've had a lot of success with different cures. Thanks so much!

One more thought I have, is I feel it is important to not over do on natural remedies. When I see people saying they take something everyday after it first worked it makes me wonder. If you do it too often and too much when you do not really need it, then where are you going to get the lift you need when you have another problem. Moderation, I believe, is a wise course, but everyone is different and has to find what works for them.

Broad Benefits
Posted by LorenP (Henderson, Nevada USA) on 06/14/2009

For constipation and relief of muscle and knee pain, I take half a teaspoon of baking soda when I get up in the night to void. It produces results soon after getting up for the day, muscle pains are much less and after doing this for several days my knee pain is gone. There is no happiness like an empty rectum. I'm 82.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Robin (Walhalla, SC) on 07/11/2008

I recently had a bad burn from a lawn mower. I put burn medicine on it, but it didn't put out the fire at all. I read a post on here about baking soda, and decided to try it. I made a thick paste out of baking soda and water and put it all over the burn. It was amazing! The fire went out of the burn IMMEDIATELY. I few days later, my son was stung by a wasp. I made the same paste and put it on his sting and it took the pain away for him. It worked on a four year old who was screaming in pain.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jessyka (Memphis, TN, USA) on 02/21/2008

I had the horrid nail fungus many years ago and took Lamasil to clear it up. When my father failed to do the same, the fungus returned years later, both pinky toenails now fully infected. Without the money for the medicine and the will to again risk its side-effects, I lived with it. 11 days ago, I adopted a baking soda regimine for other reasons (cancer preventative). Today, my right pinky nail simply fell off when I was drying after my morning shower. Beneath, a new nail - a perfect nail - was found growing in. Nothing else in my diet or lifestyle has changed other than the baking soda addition to my routine. Most Americans' lifestyles and diets leave our bodies too acidic for good health. Baking soda balances the bodies Ph, creating a more alkaline system. I mix 1 teaspoon in a glass of water at bedtime. Ideally, it's recommended taken in the morning with no food or drink for 1 hour before or after; however, as I'm hypoglycemic, I have to have my Coca-Cola (others have coffee) first thing each morning, so I don't drop dead.

Regardless, I've noticed a number of improvements since adopting the baking soda routine (which is terribly easy to do - quick and simple). I'm sleeping better, my skin is clearing up, and, lo and behold, my toenail fungus is obviously dead... in eleven days!!! [Insert delighted giggle here] I couldn't believe it when I discovered the old infected nail barely holding on and falling away with the first touch and a shiny new healthy nail beneath (even if it is small yet). Now, I'm watching the still-infected nail on the left, and yes, it's got a line of "disconnection" appearing. I recommend giving the baking soda a try and do so for more reasons than defeated nail fungus. Go ahead, google "baking soda" and see how much you discover. In some European country (think it was Italy or Germany), a doctor is actually curing cancer with baking soda therapy, even in serious cases where changing the bodies Ph to one more alkaline is making all other treatments (as chemo) doubly effective. Cancer cells cannot thrive or spread in an alkaline environment. And consider this - it's in your kitchen. You cook with it. You eat it. It's non-toxic, has no ill side-effects, costs almost nothing, and even whitens teeth. I can't say everyone will have the astounding all-around results I have so quickly encountered, but I'd have to encourage them to give it a shot. It's too easy to implement not to try. That's one teaspoon baking soda stirred into one glass of water, once a day, preferably in the morning (but it doesn't seem to matter), with no food or drink for an hour before or after. Good luck.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Cory (West Hurley , NY) on 01/05/2008

I have used baking soda for over 20 years for nausea it works every time. If I eat greasy foods or just a stomach virus. I would be lost without also works great for uti's it makes the shaking icky feeling go away....