I use bicarbonate (baking) of soda to wash my hair - just about a level teaspoonful in a little warm water and stirred well. I pour it over and then give it a good rub before rinsing off. I then pour over half a cup of warm water with a dribble of ACV in it, make sure it has covered my hair and been rubbed in and re-rinse to finish. Some people just pour over the ACV but I prefer to give it an extra rinse because I am not that keen on smelling like a chip shop!!! The bicarb cleans my hair and the ACV makes it beautifully soft.
Baking soda or Bicarb which it is called here...is fantastic to wash hair with I use 1/4 cup of bicarb mixed with a cup of warm water in the shower and just tip onto my hair and rub for just a couple of seconds...then rinse...its amazing when it dries its like ive used shampoo... soft and bouncy if hair is a tad dry at times...iI just add a very small amount of organic conditioner to the ends ..and yes I use organic cold pressed coconut oil for a monthly deep condition...