Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Linda (Miramichi N.B. Canada) on 05/21/2006

I had a severe chest infection and plugged left ear. After 2 rounds of antibiotics I got better but was left with dizziness and deafness and a ticking noise in left ear. I had lost 50% hearing. That was 2 years ago. I started using h202 in both ears about 1 year ago and noticed right away it cured the ticking and in time no more dizziness. I noticed about 2 months ago. I can hear perfectly in both ears. I am a great beleiver in hydrogen peroxide.Also my husband and I don't get sick much anymore.Thanks for the great site. linda c. canada

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Laura (New Baltimore, MI) on 10/04/2006

Squirting warm Hydrogen Peroxide in my ears keep them clear and free of infection. i was trying 4 different antibiotics and 2 rounds of steroids to clear a bad ear infection because i quit using hp because of bad advise from husband, when i gave up hope, (nothing was working) i went back to it, doctors had no problem with it and low and behold, CLEAR EARS!

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Daniel (Spokane, WA) on 09/21/2006

First, thank you for the great website--I've been searching for this type of confirmation for several days now. My story is that I use earplugs when I sleep, as I awake easily. About a week ago, I had taken a shower right before bed and dried ears with a towel (no q-tip). The earplug didn't seem to go in as usual (perhaps the wrong angle). The day after, about mid-day, I noticed that my ear was hurting. Two days later I was in a full-blown ear infection. I stopped working a few months ago to do some studies, as such, no money to go to the doctor. I prayed and the Lord said to read a book about hydrogen peroxide that was sitting on my shelf and decided that it wouldn't hurt. So, I put one cap of H2O2 into my ear and let it sit for about 5 minutes. I couldn't hear anything happening, at first. Then the bubbling started. Rather cool. I kept doing this every two to three hours. By the end of the night, the pain (so strong that I really couldn't touch the ear without feeling like I was going to throw up) was 90% gone. After two treatments the following day, there is no longer ANY pain whatsoever. Praise the Lord! Now, I must say that I don't know for certain if my immune system had typed the virus/bacteria by this point, as I had been sick for a few days by the time I started... Regardless, the pain appeared to decrease with each treatment--I thought I was imagining it until the 4th treatment--I then KNEW that there was a difference. By the way, I should mention that I also dried my ear out with q-tips, and then used a warm blow dryer for about 10 minutes after each treatment. Perhaps I had come down with swimmer's ear from using the earplugs on wet ears--drying is important. Anyway, thank God for hydrogen peroxide and a cured ear infection. I am now using 3% in a humidifier, breathing it in for multiple 5 minute sessions throughout the day, and have seen a big difference in my energy levels--very cool. I might add that I have to inhale with my eyes closed...else the stuff irritates my eyes. Pretty cool stuff! :o) :o) :o)

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Ryan (Stockton, CW) on 10/09/2006

I was recently very sick with a bad cough and phlegm in my chest area, and over night i had somehow gained an ear infection in both ears. It hurt more in my right ear than my left. I refused to try antibiotics. I put peroxide in one ear and let it stay in my ear for about 5 minutes. Then i switched, and put it in my other ear. I did this three times within 4 hours apart from each other. In the morning my ear ache was gone.

Mold and Mildew
Posted by Holly (Anaheim, CA) on 03/11/2006

This remedy works great! I had been fighting mold and mildew in the shower for years. I had mold developing on my shower ceiling and I would normally use bleach in a spray bottle and had to wait for it to dry. I mixed 50/50 of peroxide and water, sprayed the ceiling, waited 10 minuted and it wiped right off with a sponge. I'm telling you this really works. I have never seen the shower so clean!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Maria (Boston, MA) on 06/20/2006

I use H202 to cure fungus, clean wounds, i use it to dye my hair -- put a whole bottle and sit outside by the sun to get my hair blonde -- mouthwash, for clean breath, half of that and half of water.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Ricardo (Denver, CO)

I've been using hydrogen peroxide for oral hygiene my entire adult life with no mouth disease, cavities, and sparkling clean teeth. I was concerned because I was feeling a pain in my left ventricle (I think), perhaps from stress and/or lifelong consumption of animal fat although I'm in pretty good shape for 45 yrs old. I felt that 3% store grade was ok and began inhaling it using an old perfume spray bottle. After only one week of therapy, the pain in my heart has gone away, my joints feel better, my muscles aren't sore anymore, and I don't feel like taking a nap during the day.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Brenda (Bear, DE) on 01/18/2006

If I was stranded on a deserted island and could have 3 items, the first would be a bottle of peroxide. I have used it for years to brush my teeth and gargle with. I put a drop or two in ears every day, I use it on "old age spots" every day and in time they dissappear. Any kind of scratch, pimple, Etc., out comes the wonderall, inexpensive proxide. I am 65 years old, have all my teeth, never have colds, and have beautiful skin. It's excellent for nails, cleaning my jewelery, stains on white countertops and I could go on and on. But the health benefits are amazing!

Dental Care
Posted by Donna (Aspen, CO) on 10/07/2005

Plaque removal: use 1/2 capful hydrogen peroxide in a little bit of water and swish around in your mouth after brushing.

Dental Care
Posted by Roxy (Kingston TN) on 01/06/2006

I use Hydrogen Peroxide when flossing my teeth. Mix the HP 50:50 with warm water and close your mouth tightly while you are flossing. I used the reach flossing thing and it worked really good. Just try it. HP is as good if not better and cheaper than name brand mouth wash. It helps with gum disease.

Toothache and Tooth Abcess
Posted by Sheryl (St Louis) on 04/18/2006


Gum Sensitivity
Posted by Liz (Killeen, Texas) on 04/26/2006

For years, when I get sensitive gums, bleeding or otherwise inflamed, I rinse my mouth with HP. After the rinse I also brush my tongue while the HP is still bubbling in my mouth. Mouth sores disappear in about a couple of days.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Yoland (Houston) on 05/25/2006

Hydrogen Peroxide cures sore throat, any bacteria blister in or around the teeth and gums, insects bites, and cuts. Hydrogen Peroxide is great for sterlizing the affected areas. Does not sting my kids and grand kids trust it and enjoy seeing the little form bubbling up. I tell them it is killing the germs. Thank YOU a bunch. I also am a believer of its cures and yes, it was passed down by mom and grandmom and it will always be a very great cheap cure for people that cannot afford go to the doctor.

Bad Breath
Posted by Nature Lover (Grand Rapids, MI) on 06/20/2006

I had a problem of Bad breath for many years now. I had mints all over the place to make sure I had them all the time. I brushed my teeth after every meal and yet within an hour the bad breath was back. Then I came across Sharon's advice last week. Tried it and it WORKED!!! No bad breath from then on. Amazing! I rinsed my mouth in ordinary peroxide for about 2 minutes. Yes, my tongue was a bit sore. I rinsed after lunch and didn't have dinner-- I wasnt hungry, just so very happy. Next day my tongue was back to normal. Thank you very much, Sharon! It has changed my life. A question: Do you think it is okay to have a quick peroxide rinse everyday morning? Does it harm the teeth enamel in any way?

EC: Read more bad breath cures here.

Bad Breath
Posted by Sharon (NYC) on 12/15/2005

My boyfriend started using pysillium a few weeks ago to cleanse his intestinal tract. He felt great, but my God! his breath became so foul!! After a few days of being polite, I finally figured that I needed to say something and help him find a cure. I figured it had to have been caused by a change in his intestinal flora from the pysllium. The change must have caused severe candida overgrowth. His tongue was coated in white -- a sure sign. I had him take a few capsules of ParaGone (it was what was leftover in my medicine cabinet) to start to kill off the candida. That seemed to help, but didn't completely stop the halitosis. This is going to sound gross, but I made him open his mouth to detect whether the stench was coming from his breath, or from his teeth. I have particularly good smell and pinpointed that the smell was coming from the upper right side of his mouth! Well, after that I had him soak his mouth in straight hydrogen peroxide for about 3 minutes. Once it foamed up, I had him to it again. That was the cure! No more bad breath! The peroxide did make his tongue sensitive for a few days, so I would suggest to anyone trying this that they dilute the peroxide in water. I think that bad breath is often a sign of candida or yeast overgrowth so killing it in the mouth with peroxide AND taking some kind of candida cleanse is the answer. One more note: I read on the internet that it can take up to 3 weeks to cure bad breath. Well, this took a few minutes with the peroxide. Don't believe what you read! Hope this helps some of your readers. Thanks. Sharon.