The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Stomach Ailments
Posted by Sheri (Laughlin, Nevada) on 12/17/2008
I just turned 41 and started getting horrible indigestion, as painful as the worst freezer brain ever, but in the center of my chest. After trying Prilosec for a month, what a joke. I called my nurse after an 8 agonizing hour bout of indigestion, she prescribed Prevacid @ $178 for a 30 day supply, this was also crap! I was laying on my floor in agony and could hardly breathe it hurt so bad after taking 2 doses. 3-4 hours later I felt no improvement. I don't know why, but I got up and decided out of desparation to try drinking a few drops of regular bathroom peroxide, 4-5 looking drops worth from the cap, into a half full water bottle, less than 1 minute later, no exagerration, try for yourself, there wasn't even the faintest bit of pain! I went to bed and laid there waiting for it to return, it never came back, I was asleep within minutes! Everybody should give this a try, its amazing! This stuff is some kind of miracle concoction, I don't know what else to say, just try it!
Colds and Flu
Posted by Carol (Wellston, MI) on 12/17/2008
I have used hydrogen peroxide as a gargle for many years. My weak spot for a bug to come into my body is my throat, so when I get a sore throat or infected tonsils, I gargle with a capful of 3% hp so that it reaches the tonsils, (gag a little) and then spit it out. Repeat after 2 or 3 hours, and perhaps one more time later in the day. 90% of the time, my oncoming cold is nipped in the bud!
I also use a homemade paste of 3% hp and baking soda, with a drop of peppermint oil for toothpaste. I keep it in a closed jar to prevent drying out.
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by T W (Milan, Ten, USA) on 12/10/2008
If you will look up boils on the EC site, you will find that Turmeric will help you get rid of boils. It is so good that it even helps heal MRSA boils. Give it a look-see.
Cold Sores
Posted by Wendy (Small Town, NC) on 12/09/2008
Hydrogen Peroxide has worked great for my acne and periodic cold sores. Once or twice a day I swab my face with it after washing. I also rinse with it after brushing. I have not had a blemish or cold sore since!
Lung Issues
Posted by Paul Johnson (Scottsdale, Arizona) on 12/08/2008
I got an H202 treatment at a clinic in Scottsdale and was shocked how it helped clear up my lungs. I was sick for a week but took it all in stride as I knew it was because the H202 was clearing out my lungs and other toxins in my body. I am a firm believer in H202 therapy and I looked at it like this...It can't hurt me...I might as well try it. And am glad I did. PJ
Back Pain
Posted by Martin (Barrie, Ontario, Canada) on 11/30/2008
The first time I heard about 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide was during a visit with an old man (84 years), but who walked with the gait of a 20 year old! He credited this to the use of the above-mentioned H2O2.
For the last few years I have been tormented by aches and pains in the lower back that gave me sleepless nights and great difficulty in just getting up out of bed in the mornings. I can not understate this was getting to the point where I was seriously thinking about having to leave my career.
Anyhow, to make a long story short, the fifth day after taking the hydrogen peroxide program as recommended in the book by Dr. W. Douglass, I woke up to find that I could literally bounce out of bed! I was so happy I had to dance around the bedroom! My back pains are perhaps 50% of what they were before, but at least the joints are pain free now. I'll continue on the program for some time more, but up to now, this stuff sure has worked like a miracle for me!
Posted by Amber (Tampa, FL) on 11/21/2008
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide(full strength) cured my wart on my index finger that has been plaguing me for 3 years. I've tried every suggestion banana peels, apple cider vinegar and duct tape. I just didn't have the patience to stick with these for months. I just bought H2o2 at my local health food store and took a cue tip and held it on the wart for as long as I could stand. It took like 10 minutes(also I've tried a band aid to hold in place). After the 2nd or third application it started falling off. Thanks earth clinic. I've been reading you guys for years.
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Gigi (Palm Coast, Florida USA) on 11/08/2008
I got the 'hairy tongue' symptom also. But, I followed Ted's info somewhere that the HP should be diluted - I was taking 3%. I stopped taking the HP for a week, then began with a diluted form and my hairy tongue disappeared, and did not occur again. It did not seem like thrush was involved. Gigi
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Carrie (Boise, Idaho) on 11/06/2008
To the boy with the 'hairy tongue' It sounds like you have "thrush" go see a doctor.
Gum Sensitivity
Posted by Sylvia (Ozark, Missouri, USA) on 11/06/2008
I just found this site and read this reply and wanted to add that I use the peroxide to brush my teeth. First I wash out my mouth with the peroxide, then spit the peroxide on my brush and then brush away. I make sure I don't swallow any. Sometime I will do the same thing with the mouthwash that is supposed to stop plaque build up and then use the peroxide again.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Nicole (Woodstock, IL) on 10/29/2008
Suffering from sinus infections, colds and headaches chronically lead me to try drinking 35% hydrogen peroxide mixed with juice three times daily. I started by adding 1 drop of 35% peroxide to an 8oz drink and have increased by one drop each day. Thus far I have only made it to 13 drops per drink and have noticed that my headaches have lessened and I am coughing up nasty mucous.
Then I found the information about Bill's inhalation remedy which intrigued me. Rather than use the readily available 3% hydrogen peroxide found in stores I found a website that lists the proper dilution for 35% hydrogen peroxide. It says to use 1 part 35% hydrogen peroxide to 11 parts distilled water. So I've made my own solution using the above dilution chart and have begun inhaling it using Bill's method. (Side note: I tried inhaling my solution via my nose and it was very uncomfortable! It did seem to clear my nasal passage, but I don't think I'll be trying that again!) I'm excited to see where this goes! I'm feeling slightly better each day, but I can't wait to be free of these viruses!
Here's the web address of the other website I mentioned. The dilution chart is listed here and they also have advice on other uses for 35% hydrogen peroxide. Healthy Healing Everyone!
Posted by Simona (Irvine, CA) on 10/23/2008
Carol, For help w/Cancer look into red grape cleansing & detoxing. See the book "the Grape Cure", by Johanna Brandt.
www.thegrapecure.comAlso read about cayenne pepper and its powerful effects in healing/reversing cancer. Take 40,000 H.U.(capsule) 3x/p/day to start, and best after a meal or with apple juice, do not take on empty stomach, it will be uncomfortable. Best success & blessings to you. S.
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Elizabeth (Dallas, TX) on 10/04/2008
in response to the hydrogen peroxide swisher that ended up with 'hairy tongue'- I spoke to a chinese medicine/natural doctor about this, as the clinic recommends swishing with it once a week in oral hygiene care. She told me that hairy tongue is a fungal reaction, and that the reason this would have happened is one would have to have a lot of fungus and bacteria in the mouth. In an act of detoxification, as the fungus and bacteria is pulled out from swishing, this COULD happen (not common, though.) Their recommendation was to keep swishing once a week to continue the detox process.
Excessive Mucus Condition
Posted by Lyn (San Francisco, CA) on 09/25/2008
Never take h202 with tap water. All water must be filtered or distilled. You never know what chemicals are in the tap water that can interact with the h202.
For me:
I mix 4 drops of 35% food grade h202 as in DROPS (not droppers full) in 16 fl oz bottle of filtered water. OR 2 drops of 35% Food grade h202 in 8 fl.oz glass bottle. (pre-mixed) If I feel it is too strong, i just dilute it with more water.
I shake the bottle before i drink it. I also use the (pre-mixed h202 that I made) with my Hydro Grossan sinus/nasal rinse. I usually out 2 tablespoon of my pre-mixed h202 into the water container, and fill the rest with filtered water and salt. I stir the water content and close the lid. I start rinsing my nose with it twice per day.
When I first started out - my nose was totally blocked in one side, constant post nasal drip, could not eat anything without having allergies. I went to doctors and had all kinds of antibiotics and even anti fungal for my candida - nothing worked. I would have phlegm everytime i ate something until I went on strict diet. Even with strict diet, I would still have constant hacking out of plegm after my salads.
One day, I just went on clear broth diet boiling (Chicken bones with filtered water and vegetables(any -but no carrot due to sugar content) and drinking it for every meal. I eat nothing else. This is to help me keep my symptoms down while i do my h202 treatment and let it work. I drank my 2 of my pre-mixed 16 fl. oz of h202 throughout the day (I continue to drink water in between at least 6 cups). I rinsed my nose and throat with the premixed h202 with salt 3 times each nose every 3 hours for the 1st day. The second day, I rinse my nose only twice a day - 3 times each side.I figured that if there is something in my sinus so deep and stubborn, I have to be more aggressive or stubborn than the bug to get rid of it. I was right!
You should have seen the gunk that came out of me. At first it felt uncomfortable, alot of mucus came out through my nose and mouth continuously, i let it come out for 2-3 days whenever it feels like coming out. The 4th day, my post nasal drip lessen considerably and my cough stopped. Amazing! I kept on doing the nose and throat rinse daily (twice a day- once in the morning, once before i sleep) and drinking at least a bottle 8fl oz. of my own pre-mixed h202 daily and now I am back to normal!! I have so much energy to do the things i want to do.
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Elizabeth (Jacksonville, NC) on 09/23/2008
re hairy tongue from hydrogen peroxide: I heard that you can restore the body's natural defense (an enzyme???) contained in our saliva. So find someone to kiss, and soon it will be naturally consumed. :)
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Kevin (Bancroft, NE) on 09/16/2008
I would never ingest over-the-counter HP, because of the additives. That is probably what made you nauseous!
Hepatitis C
Posted by Patty (St Petersburg, Florida) on 09/08/2008
RE: Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade: Hi, can anyone advise if this remedy would be worth trying for Hepatitis C? I don't want to go on Interferon (again) as it has left a horrible bunch of side effects like brain fogg and arthritis to name a few. If it is worth a try what would you recommend the dosage to be in the beginning to help clear this virus?
Genital Herpes
Posted by Joe (Albuquerque, NM) on 09/05/2008
Soaking in a bath up to your waist with a cup of peroxide has helped in stopping genital herpes outbreaks for me, when you feel the onset of an outbreak.
Back Pain
Posted by Jake (Little Rock, Arkansas) on 09/03/2008
i use to work at a lowes and was loading some wood on a huge flat bed, i hopped down as easy as i could and had a freak thing happen where my hips came out of place,the doc gave me pills well as a chain reaction a few spots in my back and neck came out finally a year later i read about chripractors, and they have helped greatly, but in my mid back i would get that burning maybe inflamation...almost like a phantom pain. id go in to the chiropractor early and he would say i shouldnt have been hurting bad bc i really wasnt out,
i started taking h202 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and my back will stop burning and my whole body feels more flexible, have to have the chiro but the h202 really helped with the inflammation...
Sore Throats
Posted by Ryan (London, Ontario, Canada) on 08/30/2008
I found out about Hydrogen Peroxide and Apple Cider Vinegar through this site. I have experienced how wonderful these two products are to the body. I originally purchased H2O2 for general health, but little did I know it would get rid of the sore throat almost instantly. One morning I woke up with a sore throat, and decided to try my H2O2, and I was shocked with the results. I took my Food Grade H2O2 35% with Coke, not the greatest idea, lol. So a full can (355ml) Coke + 15 drops of Food Grade H2O2 and and drank her fast as possible, my throat had a slight tingle, but within 10 minutes of ingesting the H2O2 my throat soreness was completely gone. My GF had the same problem, was skeptical of the H2O2, but I finally got her to take it, and she was surprised at how well it works to get rid of sore throats.
Posted by Hawk (West Palm Beach, Florida) on 08/20/2008
Tom J., The link you listed is from Quackwatch. That site would not be biased in anyway towards any remedy that is not allopathic in nature, now would it? Tom, please this is the wrong place to try and infiltrate with FDA and Big Pharma biased negativity, which BTW, quackwatch is a part of.
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Tony (Oregon, USA) on 08/19/2008
Dear Friends: DO NOT use hydrogen peroxide in enemas or colonics. i tried it once and ended up in the hospital. when the HP hits the bacteria in the colon it explodes and causes severe painful cramping and uncontrollable contractions. i was sick for almost a week and put on a iv for dehydration. ive talked to other people who have done this and ended up in the emergency room too. i am a believer in hydrogen peroxide cures. i inhale it and have not had a cold or coldsore of been sick in 3 years. honest!! inhaling is the best method in my experience. i even swallow whats left in my mouth and never have a problem but never never never use it in an enema!!! it could kill you. it could cause intestine to burst and bleed to death. a painful horrible death.
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Daniel (Chicago, IL) on 08/15/2008
Just to let people know that I got a condition known as hairy tongue about a year ago when I first started messing about with H202. If you are going to use it for a mouth wash, make sure that even the 3% Peroxide is diluted. At most, the ratio is supposed to be 1:5 in the water.
Anyway, I took it straight and it caused a horrible unsightly condition called hairy tongue which I have NOT been able to get rid of. I have posted something on this site about six months ago - tried everything, salt water, h202 dilute, lemon water, brushing it with a scraper etc and NOTHING works.
I am not knowing Hydrogen Peroxide. I am sure it is good stuff and has its uses but don't use it as a mouthwash like I did without diluting it. Be careful when experimenting.
Take Care (and if anyone knows something that can help me, please let me know)
Colds and Flu
Posted by Jennifer (Henderson, NV) on 08/14/2008
In 2006, I worked in an office where a few women would literally be sick with colds, flu, etc. like every other week. No Joke! Well, they had small children at home and I'm sure this is where they were continuing to pick up viruses from. But they would keep coming to work -they wouldn't call in sick, so they would be coughing, sneezing using the phones, touching fax/copy machines, spreading their germs around continuously on the equipment that we ALL used.
SICK of catching their viruses, my friend looked up remedies for the common cold. She found something about peroxide in your ears could stop a cold before it could develop.
Well I tried it, and I have been doing it for the past year and a half every time I feel one coming on. If I feel a sore throat, runny nose, etc coming on I just use a small eyedropper and put about 4-5 drops of 3% peroxide (bought at any drug store) in one ear, (tilt head over the sink) and wait about 2-3 mins until you feel the peroxide stop bubbling and get thru the ear wax. Repeat in other ear.
This has saved me so much time, money and kept me side-effect-free, that I can't be grateful enough for finding out about it.
This past winter I worked in another office where mostly women worked, and once again kept getting and bringing to work all the wintertime viruses for colds and flu. If I felt anything coming on, I just did the peroxide remedy and am happy to say I remained healthy all winter long while surrounded by repeatedly sick co-workers. I told them all about the peroxide in the ear remedy, but they were skeptical and I don't think any of them tried it. Even when I challenged them to the fact that I was the only one in the office who had not been sick at all and had missed no work~
There should be a LAW :)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Angie (Sparta, USA) on 08/14/2008
Hello Dave, my husband also has arthritis, which is especially bad in the winter time. Could you be more specific on the recipe for the topical. such as how many drops of the food grade hydrogen peroxide to how many cups. Thanks, Angie.