Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
H2O2 and Mercury Fillings
Posted by Tracy (Charlotte, Nc, Usa) on 09/03/2009

Is H202 therapy safe for someone with multiple mercury fillings? I read elsewhere that it can cause further release of mercury vapors.

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by April (Jupiter, Fl) on 08/31/2009

You may have allergic fungal sinusitis, which would explain why the antibiotics are ineffective.

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Anon (Anon, Anon) on 08/28/2009

You're using too much. Try just a drop.

Antibiotics and H2O2
Posted by Brianna (Dublin, Ireland) on 08/26/2009

please can you ask tricia from ireland where she purchased hydrogen proxide in ireland? i live in dublin and i cant get it any where except the one for dying your hair which is 6 percent thank you

Antibiotics and H2O2
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 08/11/2009

I had to go to Doc today. Managed to lance myself with a rusty pipe that I backed my leg into. Minor surgery removed most of it but now I need to take a antibio ( a strong one at that). My question is - I had just started hydrogen peroxide therapy. I'm still only at 8 drops per glass X 3 per day and it is working for tonsil mucous reduction. Too early to say it is a cure. Anyway what effect, if any, will the antibiotics and peroxide have on each other and can I continue with peroxide therapy? Antibiotics are clarithromycin 500 X 2 per day. Thanks for all the informmation that you and the readers provide.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jens (North Vancouver, B.c.) on 08/09/2009

2 Year Update:

I have been consuming and using H2O2 for 8 years now and nothing has fallen off, never get colds or the flu, food poisoning affects me quickly and it is over soon after. I feed it to my pets when they are ill. I am also using colloidal silver.

I consume H2O2 (20-40 drops 35%) daily in my tea with honey, acv and vitamin C (see previous posting). It combines very naturally with honey (unpasturized). One of the best quality tests for raw honey is to dilute it and test for H2O2, the higher the H2O2 the higher the quality.

Recently an old neighbour moved back from Toronto after moving 10 years ago, he couldn't believe that I look younger now than I did then. jens ^j^

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Echorae (Linesville, Pa.) on 08/04/2009

I've been on the hydrogen peroxide therapy for 13 days now. My question is: Has anyone noticed a change with taste. Food just doesn't taste the same. Is it Me?!

Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Franz (Bangkok, Thailand) on 08/04/2009

HI I have a question and hope some one can answer me . I put in my drinking water some Apple Cider Vinegar and wonder if I can add as well Hydogen Peroxide as it is difficult for me to take it 3 times a day As well how many drops would be 1 CL ? I appreciate any feedback on this Frank

Posted by Anette (Plainfield, IL) on 07/30/2009

Can someone who is pregnant take 35% H2O2?

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Whitey (Warsaw, MO) on 07/23/2009

I have had itchy ears for a few months after having an ear infection. I used a very small amount of hydrogen peroxide on a q-tip. This has definitely worked. Although I would not recommend pouring it in your ear during a ear ache as I did this and ended up with a very painful infection.

General Feedback
Posted by Brian (New Haven, CT) on 07/18/2009

Kelly from Reading, Oh

Boiling water is not adequate. Personally I use a countertop distiller at home (from a wise company). The only problem I can think of with the store bought distilled water is the cheap thin plastic bottles which release chemicals very readily (PETE 1 - I use Pete 7 gallon jugs like the gib poland spring bottles are made of - some models use glass containers).

Hope this helps.

General Feedback
Posted by Rafael (Panama City, Florida) on 07/17/2009

This is to thank EC for answering my question on T cells and to thank Matthew for his advice. "Mind over matter" really works.

Posted by Victoria (San Diego, CA) on 07/17/2009

H202 cured my Periodontal Disease

After finding this site I started using the remedies on some of my health issues. I started rinsing and swishing with hydrogen peroxide daily. At first I wasn't used to the froth and the after-smell (for lack of a better term) so I took a capful. After I got used to it, and perhaps some of the resident bacteria was diminished, I started taking a full swig. I found this to be better because it didn't foam up as fast and got more parts of my mouth.

Well, my teeth began turning white and when I went to the dentist recently he was shocked to see my condition of periodontal diseased gums completely reversed. He asked what I had been doing and if I had been flossing more and I told him I wasn't flossing at all but was rinsing with H202. He said he knew about it but didn't recommend it to patients as it kills the friendly bacteria. However, he seemed very pleased with my results and said I was 100% improved and though the tiny loss of gums I had suffered wouldn't grow back, everything else was reversed. I'm definately not worried about losing some friendly bacteria in my mouth for its far worse to have enemy bacteria eating your teeth, gums and causing havoc. Besides, I've been drinking Kombucha 3 x daily which is supposed to supply loads of probiotics.

This turnaround in my mouth is truly amazing because I have struggled with this problem for 15 years and I was able to get it in a mild state, but never get rid of it. I am very happy to report my success with h2o2 and the awesome additional benefit of whitening my teeth without expensive whitening systems.

General Feedback
Posted by Don (San Antonio, Texas) on 07/17/2009

Sounds like a great product, what is the name of it? I'm using 35% Food Grade right now, but is this fulvic acid thing better?

General Feedback
Posted by Mathew (Norfolk, VA) on 07/17/2009

the best thing you could do is make sure you take it at least 3 hours after you eat. It always makes me queezy even when i think about taking it. Mind over matter. it works. i havent thrown up before but have felt like it many times. remember if you do throw it up then you have to take it again.

i also got boils. but they went away and havent come back in years now.

keep it up.

General Feedback
Posted by Rafael (Panama City, Florida) on 07/16/2009

My question may appear to be stupid but, I would like to know what "T cell" is.

I have been following the protocol and am now up to 16 drops of 35% Food Grade 3 times a day. I have not noticed anything other than some boil-like eruptions are starting to show up on different parts of my body.

What can I do to prevent me from throwing up after taking H2O2?

EC: "T cells belong to a group of white blood cells known as lymphocytes, and play a central role in cell-mediated immunity."

General Feedback
Posted by CailinDeas (San Francisco, VA) on 07/14/2009

Although the original posting was from May 09 I just want to say that it is NEVER a good idea to take any corrosive materials on a flight, especially as checked luggage. Remember that the cabins are pressurized and luggage is piled on top of one another and there are electrical wires and sometimes even animals in the cargo hold. Check with your airline carrier but chances are a small amount (an ounce?) could be taken in your carry-on where if it ruptures you will know and can clean it up. There are strict regulations in place for everyone's protection, so if in doubt leave it out. :-)

Stomach Ailments
Posted by Kimboquinn (Grand Terrac, Ca) on 06/29/2009

The article I read said to take 3 to 4 lecithin capsules with h202 or 35% hydrogen peroxide-food grade only and should be duluted with distilled water only! I do have a question for you though. Do you have recipe for the treatment you are doing? I will say I am not a doctor but, I have a strong belief that this will work. I read about this in the 1970's.

good luck!

Skin Cancer
Posted by Will I am (Seaside, OR) on 06/25/2009

I have had a basil cell carcinoma on my back for about a year.

It got a little bigger and I decided to get rid of it.

I have been using food grade h2o2 Hydrogen Peroxide (25-35%)

It burns but works great. Just use a cue tip dip it into the h2o2 and it burns the top layers of over a few weeks. It's better than the doctor and cost's about $1.00 worth of the food grade peroxide.

I will tolerate a little pain, no pain no gain.

Heart Issues
Posted by Robert (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 06/24/2009

Question: I have four stints in my heart. How would hydrogen peroxide therapy effect me and should I do it?

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Ken (Atlanta, Ga.) on 06/23/2009

Started on 35% food grade 10 days ago. Am using 12 drops 3 times daily as recommended by Cavanaugh. I have been in the heating and air business for 30 years and have suffered from chronic sinus and ear infections due to the dust and molds that I encounter at work. I have had two sinus surgeries over the years that have done nothing to help me. The doctors give antibiotics that never seem to clear the infections all the way and the infections always return. I am happy to say that my ears and sinuses are responding to this treatment. I really don't know what "normal" sinuses feel like. Can't believe that this has been here all along and I have suffered all these years due to the medical communities bias. Thanks for this forum. Ken from Atlanta

Broad Benefits
Posted by Carol (Fullerton, CA) on 06/11/2009

I started taking H202 about two weeks ago because of a number of health problems: sinus infection, chronic earache, frequent headaches and bronchitis, yeast infection and weird, unexplained nerve pains in various parts of my legs. I figured it couldn't hurt as I had so many problems that kept reoccurring for so long, I was willing to try anything.

I've been using the 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (without stabilizers) from Wal-Mart and CVS and have been trying various different methods over the last two weeks which include:

3 drops H202 in full glass of distilled water 2-3 times daily; inhalation; sinus flush; gargling; couple drops H202 in each ear; douching and baths with one pint of H202. Of course, I didn't do all in the same day, but would try one method one day and another method another day, however always had at least two glasses of distilled water with 3 drops H202 at least twice daily.

At first, I noticed that whenever I would drink the water/H202 solution, my temperature would go up to a low-grade fever which made me suspect it was activating my immune system to fight my health problems. After two weeks, I'm thrilled to report that my sinus infection appears to be gone as is the chronic ear pain in my right ear, no more bronchitis or headaches and the mysterious nerve pain in my legs is gone as well as the yeast infection symptoms. Yea!!! I'm sooo happy! In addition to that, I have lots more energy and can think a lot clearer than before which is another blessing for me.

I plan on continuing with the 3 drops per glass of water on a daily basis to maintain my new-found good health.

- Carol

General Feedback
Posted by Stan (Perth, Western Australia) on 06/09/2009

You also can use Spring water

Milk Lasts Longer
Posted by Desert Rat (Phoenix, AZ) on 06/06/2009

I add about 1/4 teaspoon of 3% H2O2 to a carton of milk when I first open it. Since we slowly go through milk, it helps stop the milk from souring. If I still have the same carton in the fridge in two weeks, I will add a bit more. I have had milk last a month in the fridge without going sour!

General Feedback
Posted by Jerry (Mt Dora, Fl) on 06/04/2009

Article from: http://www.physorg.com/news163253821.html

Hydrogen peroxide marshals immune system (w/Video)
June 3rd, 2009

When you were a kid your mom poured it on your scraped finger to stave off infection. When you got older you might have even used it to bleach your hair. Now there's another possible function for this over-the-counter colorless liquid: your body might be using hydrogen peroxide as an envoy that marshals troops of healing cells to wounded tissue.

In the zebrafish tail fin imaged here, a small wound is inflicted at the tip of the fin. Red represents high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, and blue represents low concentrations. The chemical burst far exceeds the single cell diameter and reaches well into the surrounding tissue. Credit: Philipp Niethammer

Using the zebrafish as an animal model, researchers in the lab of Harvard Medical School professor of systems biology Timothy Mitchison and Dana Farber Cancer Institute professor Thomas Look (http://www.dana-farber.org/) have discovered that when the tail fins of these creatures are injured, a burst of hydrogen peroxide is released from the wound and into the surrounding tissue. Teams of rescue-working white blood cells respond to this chemical herald, crawl to the site of damage, and get to work.

"We've known for quite some time that when the body is wounded, white blood cells show up, and it's really a spectacular piece of biology because these cells detect the wound at some distance," says Mitchison. "But we haven't known what they're responding to. We do know something about what summons white blood cells to areas that are chronically inflamed, but in the case of an isolated physical wound, we haven't really known what the signal is."

These findings are reported in the June 4 issue of the journal Nature.

Philipp Niethammer, a postdoc in Mitchison's lab, and Clemmens Grabber, a postdoc in Look's lab, initiated this research project with no interest in wound healing. Rather, they were studying a groups of molecules called reactive oxygen species, or ROS. These small oxygen-derived molecules, of which hydrogen peroxide is one, have the potential to be both helpful and hurtful. Niethammer and Grabber were simply curious to find ways to detect ROS molecules in an organism.

To do this, they took a gene engineered to change color in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and inserted it into zebrafish embryos. Once the embryos entered the larvae stage after a few days, this synthetic gene spread throughout the entire body, essentially "wiring" the fish so that any discreet location in which hydrogen peroxide appears would glow.

But how do you coax the fish to produce a reactive chemical like hydrogen peroxide in the first place?

Since white blood cells have long been known to produce hydrogen peroxide, one obvious way to initiate chemical production would be to inflict a small wound onto the fish, and then, using microscopy, observe patterns of this chemical as white blood cells gathered around the wound. But much to the researchers surprise, they found that hydrogen peroxide immediately appeared at the wound site, prior to the arrival of any white blood cell, and quickly disseminated into neighboring tissue.

They repeated the experiment, this time in zebrafish where they'd disabled a protein that was previously discovered to produce hydrogen peroxide in the human thyroid gland. Not only did hydrogen peroxide not appear at the wound site, but white blood cells failed to respond to the injury.

"This was our real eureka! moment," says Niethammer. "We weren't too surprised that we could block hydrogen peroxide production through this technique, but what we didn't expect at all was that white blood cells wouldn't respond. This proved that the white blood cells needed hydrogen peroxide to sense the wound, and move towards it."

Of course, zebrafish are not people, and while our genomes share many similarities with these tiny fish, it isn't yet clear that natural selection has conserved this process throughout the evolutionary family tree. Still, these findings offer something of a conceptual shift in how to view human conditions where hydrogen peroxide plays a role.

"When we look at how hydrogen peroxide works in people, this really starts getting intriguing," says Mitchison.

In the human body, hydrogen peroxide is produced primarily in three places: lung, gut, and thyroid gland. Because hydrogen peroxide, and the proteins responsible for producing other ROS molecules, are especially present in lung and gut, the researchers hypothesize that human diseases relevant to these findings would include any in the lung and gut that involve disproportionate levels of white blood cells, like asthma, chronic pulmonary obstruction, and some inflammatory gut diseases.

"Our lungs are supposed to be sterile; our guts are anything but," says Mitchison. "It's very logical that both those tissues produce hydrogen peroxide all the time. Perhaps in conditions like asthma, the lung epithelia is producing too much hydrogen peroxide because it's chronically irritated, which, if our findings translate to humans, would explain inappropriate levels of white blood cells. This is certainly a question worth pursuing."

Mitchison is currently laying the groundwork for investigating this hypothesis.

More information: Nature, June 3, 2009; 459 (7247) "A tissue-scale gradient of hydrogen peroxide mediates rapid wound detection in zebrafish"; Philipp Niethammer, Clemens Grabher, A. Thomas Look, Timothy J. Mitchison

Source: Harvard Medical School (news : web)

Posted by Tina (Vancouver, Canda) on 06/02/2009

Hi Glenys, bin a bit busy lately, more energy and the sun is shining. I have stuck with the HP oral drops now for 4 months, and am almost pain free. I only suffer from tendon pain and muscle pain latelty, which my chiropractor believes might be from the rapid weight loss I experienced, I dropped 20 lbs in the first 3 months. I have posted another entry dated April 14, 2009 which is page one of the peroxide page at the moment which has more details of what I have been experienceing lately. I am glad that you gave it a try.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Tina (Vancouver, Canada) on 06/02/2009

Just thought I would give a little update. I have been on the HP oral therapy now for 4 months and am doing well. Since I have started I have lost 20 lbs and my face has cleard of acne, which I have suffered from since my early teens, I don't feel any joint pain in the way of my RA any more, I do still have pain but it's changed to tendon and muscle pain, my chiropractor thinks this may be due to the rapid weight loss. I am still taking 25 drops 3 times a day of the diluted 3% Food Grade, and plan to stay on it for a couple more months. I have found that I injure my muscles and tendons quite easily, but I believe that to be because for the majority of 3 years I have been pretty much immobile due to joint pain. I have planted my first garden this year, in order to get some light exercise and enjoy the freshest veggies possible, and was able to weed it. Just curiouse, from some of my readings some say it is safe to be on the oral peroxide therapy for 6 months some say longer? Any suggestions?

General Feedback
Posted by Tigerlily (Seaside Town, MA) on 05/31/2009

If you search the web for products that increase the level of oxygen in your blood, that might be a good way. For example, there's one I know of that has fulvic acid with a good number of trace minerals. Just a few drops of this starts the "healing crisis" - I feel a boost of energy and get a sense that my body is detoxing. Recommended doses are up to 21 drops per day, but I usually start with three a day for a few days, then increase to 5, then to 7, etc.... I find that I don't need the full 21 to get the benefits.

Good luck.

General Feedback
Posted by Linda (Clinton, Iowa ) on 05/26/2009

I think I might have candida.I was considering just using the 3% hydrogen peroxide from my medicine cabinet until I did a little research.I have smoked for years so I know my body could use some extra oxygen.I wanted to know is their any foods, supplements, techniques or anything else I can do to produce hydrogen peroxide NATURALLY in my body? I read that it is in rain water and breast milk. I just dont want to dilute the 35% GRADE SO i WAS WONDERING CAN i GET IT ELSE WHERE?

Posted by Glenys (Wellington, New Zealand) on 05/24/2009

Ok, I got up to 15 drops three times a day, but only for a few days. I take my hat off to those brave souls who get this far and keep going - I couldn't - Disgusting LOL! I was feeling nauseous, not from the effects, but from the taste - just couldn't handle even the thought of it. So now I've backed down to 15 drops in 750 mls water once a day, and am trying the inhalation method for the rest of the day. Not into the habit of remembering yet, but will get there. I wasn't sick to start off with, but I came across this site when I had a week off work with sinusitis, and I'll give this therapy my best shot for a while - see if I can fix my nose. I am sqirting 2% up my nose too, when my nose gets blocked. At first I couldn't even tolerate the smallest amount of HP in my nose, but now I almost welcome the sting. So far, I DO feel good, and I think my sinuses are improving. I will post again. Good luck everyone.

General Feedback
Posted by Lori (Tampa, Florida) on 05/23/2009

I heard the Coast to Coast show where Earth Clinic.com was mentioned. It began with a discussion about the boy with cancer in Minnesota, the parents want to treat him naturally but the state is taking them to court to force chemothrapy. A women called in and mentioned the H202 threapy for cancer and mentioned this website. Which is how i found it. Have only known about it for a couple days, and love it. Thanks.

EC: Thank you so much for letting us know - much appreciated. Welcome!

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Cpfpub (Toronto, On) on 05/23/2009

I would like to add that I do experience some itching on my arms after applying the diluted H2O2 spray on my arms. I wash my arms with soap and water prior to using the spray. The itching lasts about 1/2 hour and began after about 2 weeks of use. Could this be a reaction to the detox effects of the H2O2. I'm using this treatment because I have RA. Any comments?

General Feedback
Posted by Geneva (Atlanta, GA) on 05/22/2009

Hello All, I am so interested in this remedy. Do you know if it works for Fibroid tumors? Can anyone tell me what is the different between Fibroids tumors and cysts? Thanks for the info

General Feedback
Posted by T (Maryland, USA ) on 05/22/2009

This is the show archive link for "Coast to Coast" - you can click any show title and there will be streams you can listen to, or you can download the shows as MP3's. I'll give a listen a little later to see if I catch that Earth Clinic mention :)


05/22/2009: T from Maryland, USA writes: "(Awww, crumbs...the show archive is for paid subscribers :(

General Feedback
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 05/22/2009

Interesting that hydrogen peroxide were mentioned on Coast to Coast. I didn't listen myself, but will give some stories relating to this.

The hydrogen peroxide, case after case I see cancer disappearing. It's a long story, but I will be brief. I had once case of a person with cancer on his jaws throughout most of his life, plus cancer around in his forehead area. Ever since childhood, this man, a European had abnormal nail growth full of irregular ridges which he thought is due to his genes. Upon taking the hydrogen peroxide, one capfuls per one liter of water for three weeks, the cancer on his jaws completely disappeared, the skin cancer of his forehead fell off.

In another case a woman of cancer tumor of the breast, which is about 3 inches in diameter, rather small, but upon drinking the hydrogen peroxide in water for about two months and the tumor shrink. It was also interesting that acne, and muddy skin completely disappeared, and the effects of younger looking face set in by about one year. So a 33 year old woman for example began to look like 23 years old. Apparently the hydrogen peroxide cleared up the toxins, and the cells regenerated.

In yet another case, a person had a thick large cancer on his legs. and used a full 35% concentration and claimed it didn't hurt if it was applied on the tumor. In any case the cancer burned off, but with a scar. I don't use 35% and tend to use a much lower concentration. A 3% would be the highest I would do and it still stings. I usually not try to exceed 1.5% concentration.

If there is any other application, I had a 10 year acne on my jaws a long time ago. It disappeared and the skin cleared up by adding one cap 3% H2O2 per liter of water. It's also used for some people who don't like the MMS taste.


General Feedback
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 05/21/2009

We received an email this morning and apparently this website was mentioned on the radio show "Coast to Coast" last night about a hydrogen peroxide treatment. Did anyone hear it? If so, can you tell us what it was about? Thanks!

Lung Issues
Posted by Usablegoods (Waterford, MI) on 05/21/2009

So.... what was the HP Therapy you received that helped you?? Was it Inhaled? Drank?? The Dose? How many Days??? Please fill in all the blanks.....

Thanks for your info...

Stomach Ailments
Posted by Bob (Memphis, TN) on 05/21/2009

I am up to 23 drops 3 x per day. I can tell you be sure to take the h202 at least 1 hour or more before you eat anything and at least 3 hours after you eat anything and I mean anything even a cracker. The food and the h202 do not mix well and your stomach will get upset. In your case with a sensitive stomach you have to be even more careful. I am only experiencing a slight queeziness but it goes away in 15-20 minutes. My only complaint at this point is that it makes you really hot and you sweat easily when you do any kind of activity. I am guessing that is good for removing the toxins.

General Feedback
Posted by Dan (Chicago, Illinois) on 05/21/2009

To Ben from Cape Town; Regarding T-Cell counts. I have just started experimenting with 35% orally. I am starting and stopping as I am having some stomach upset. I did four days of the drops as indicated (then stopped) and coincidentally had some lab work done at the same time. I had a 20% to 25% increase in my T-Cell count to my highest ever number (742) I have been following these numbers for 12 years. Obviously this is purely anecdotal and not scientific but it is inspiring me to find an answer to the upset stomach problem.

General Feedback
Posted by T (Maryland, USA) on 05/20/2009

35% appears to be quite volatile, and besides that I would bet that it is not allowed to be taken on a plane in the first place. Don't do it.

General Feedback
Posted by Rena (Mineral Bluff, Georgia) on 05/20/2009

Hi Ang, when I went to Europe, I had to buy H2O2 in France due to a tooth ache and I did not have a problem bringing it back in my check in luggage. I would never attempt to put it in my carry on luggage though. Granted it was not food grade H2O2, but perhaps you can transfer it in a small container and put it in check in luggage. The worst thing to happen is they take it away, and you will still have the majority safely at home. Peace, Rena.

General Feedback
Posted by Ang (Calgary, Alberta) on 05/20/2009

I should clarify that it's 35% food grade and I'm concerned about the dangers of taking it with me. Opinions???? Thanks!