The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Debbie (Desoto, Mo) on 03/26/2010
I am battling breast cancer and just started the hydrogen peroxide 3% therapy last night. I am just curious on how long it takes to get through the side effects? My stomach was not feeling very well today, vomiting. I have plenty of energy but worried bc tomorrow, when I increase the dosage, am I going to be in worse shape. I know I need to continue but I am scared that the side effects are going to be unbearable. If anyone can tell me how they felt when they first started the therapy then I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much.
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Pam (B.c., Ontario) on 03/26/2010
I have a question for anyone who might know.
I am on the H202 oral treatment and following according to Ted's recommendations and now have the detox symptom of a bad head cold. I know that this is detox because I don't get colds!! I haven't for many many years. But now my children have this same head cold; and are NOT on the treatment, so I'm wondering if a detox symptom like a cold can be contagious. I understand that h202 can kill parasites in the body and I've learned from Hulda Clark that inside a parasite lives many viruses including cold viruses, and that when a parasite dies it releases them into the person-host. So this detox of a head-cold might be contagious then right?
Has anyone read anything like this or had a similar thing happen? I then gave the kids all 5 drops of h202 hoping it would stop this cold - but it hasn't done anything. Any ideas?
Posted by Illyusha (Marshall, Michigan) on 03/25/2010
I've had Emphysema for 20 years so you can imagine the shape I am in. This is my reason for checking out Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy. Can someone tell me the right steps to take to treat my emphysema using Hydrogen Peroxide? Thanks, illyusha
Antibiotics and H2O2
Posted by Johnny (Dublin, Ireland) on 03/23/2010
h202 is great! be careful with distilled water though.....some studies show that it leaches the minerals from your system...and leaves you depleted..
General Feedback
Posted by Alain (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 03/23/2010
Answer to Sam from Edmonton: 3% peroxide is for external use. For internal use it should be 0.5% or below.
The ways to use H2O2 are:
1-External uses: Baths and body sprays
Alkalizing baths
Alkalizing foot baths
Alkalizing shower/spray from
2-Bill Munro H2o2 inhalation method
3-Internal - orally method (see below)
4-Internal - intravenously
For external use it does not have to be food grade.
Moreless alkalizing baths and shower protocols use regular 3% h2o2.
For internal use, all articles I read do not recommend the use of pharma grade. It has to be diluted Food grade. Bill Munro use phama 3% in his inhalation method. However, I would prefer to use a 3% solution made with food grade H2O2 if it is available.
For dosages please read the Dosage section.
Where to buy? It depends on the country. See the Where to buy section below.
Here's the recommendation from Earthclinic's Ted from
--Beginning of quote--
In the alternative health field, the maximum is actually 0.5% concentration. Actually and optimum H2O2 concentration was first determined in 1950s by Dr. Reginald Holman by implanting Walker 256 adenocarcinoma tumours. The drinking water for the rat used H2O2 optimum concentration needed to kill the tumors were about 0.45 percent.
Tumors completely disappeared in 15 to 60 days in rats. Of course a better way is to add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in the glass of 0.45% concentration of H2O2. This can be extended to treatment of almost any kinds of conditions, from virus, bacteria, microbial infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, flu, etc. My own experience of using just baking soda (also increases the body's oxygen) and ascorbate vitamin C about three weeks for a small tumor to go into remission.
A more effective I think in the future of peroxide therapy is to add baking soda to the 0.45% concentration to normal drinking water since baking soda is alkaline and increases oxygen, while the peroxide furthers this natural increase.
--End of quote--
Hydrogen Peroxide - Curse or Cure? by Dr. David G. Williams
The article has dosages.
Good Luck
Colds and Flu
Posted by Ben (Cartwright, M.b Canada) on 03/22/2010
Hi we had very good result from 35% hydrogen peroxide with our children, we diluted to 3% we use a spray bottle to spray in their mouth, when they had a sore throat. and also when they have chest pain, like hard breathing, we use a humidifier to mist hydrogen peroxide in to the bed room at night, i put 1/2 gallon of water and 15 oz of 3% hydrogen and turn it on for all night, the first night we use it caleb was about 1 1/2 years, he was very sick, but we were surprised to see how he was doing in the morning, we were very thankful to see him well again, i also use it to brush my teeth, i just spray in my mouth and brush, it works great,i also use it for my ears,i will give the result later..
General Feedback
Posted by Sam (Edmonton, Alberta) on 03/20/2010
H2O2 dosing Schedule?
I can't seem to find the dosing schedule for the H2O2. I want to put my father on it because his natural doctor has told him that he is living on his own toxic waste. Then my father asked me a funny question that I'll share with ya'll - He said "If this peroxide stuff cleans up all my toxic waste, am I going to starve to death?" I thought that was pretty funny! Anyway, I can't find the directions on how much he should take. Can somebody let me know how to use the diluted method, the 3%.
Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Arnu (San Diego, California) on 03/18/2010
Ted posted an answer to this question, it took me 4 hours to find it and I think it should be placed here for those who are wondering about hydrogen peroxide to the ACV and baking soda solution.
and if Ted could take a look at this section and clarify it some more for the people that would be great. he said taking baking soda with HYDROGEN PEROXIDE is fine, NOT combining Apple Cider Vinegar, with baking soda and HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (do not take it all together at the same time).
02/08/2007: Fran from Houston, TX writes: "Can I add few drops of good grade hydrogen peroxide to the ACV and baking soda solution, twice a day? Thanks"
Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "No. Hydrogen peroxide will neutralize the vitamin C and other organic compounds in the apple cider vinegar. It is best taken for hydrogen peroxide with water alone, or at least 6 hours apart.
The reason is simple, hydrogen peroxide is an oxidant, while apple cider vinegar and baking soda is an antioxidant.
You can however, mix drops of hydrogen peroxide with baking soda in a drinking water. It creates a more alkaline form of peroxides which can also detoxify the body of accumulated poisons built up in the liver.
Posted by Jutta (South Surrey, B.C.) on 03/17/2010
to Bruce from New Westminster. Choices carries 35% Hydrogen Peroxide. The bottle says 35% and they have put a sticker on the front changing it to 29% , probably for some legal reason to keep it on the market. 4 litres for approx $60.00..smaller amts are cheaper of course.
Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 03/16/2010
Hi Tena...I've been using ACV plus baking soda and lemon/lime plus BS for over 4 years now on a regular basis. I use the lemon/lime remedy more often because it alkalizes better and seems to balance more internal parameters than the ACV remedy which is good for extra energy because of the malates created which are used in the Kreb's Cycle of cell respiration.
I also use just 1/4 to 1/2 tspn of Baking Soda on its own in a half glass of water if I need to top up on bicarbonates to alkalize my blood and intestines and I also use this remedy occasionally as an antacid -- always taken a half an hour after meals.
When I had Candida, I used mainly the lemon plus baking soda remedy -- 1/2 tspn plus a whole lemon in a half glass of water, three times a day. I did this to keep my blood and intestinal pH alkaline to help get rid of the candida. But now cured of candida, I take a maintenance dose of just 1/4 tspn twice a day about 3 times a week or whenever I feel I need it.
I also take HP internally. But I don't need to take this very often because there's nothing wrong with me..LOL. But I do take it, 6-10 drops 3% HP in a full glass of water for extra energy or a boost. I've been doing this for about a year now.
Hot Tubs
Posted by Ron S (Lloydminster, Alberta) on 03/15/2010
I have used food grade h202 in my hot tube for many years. It works well.
Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Tena (Champaign, Illinois) on 03/15/2010
Can you tell me how much of the FGHP and ACV you use, and how many times a day you use it? Also I would like to know how long you have been doing this. Thank you.
Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Bill (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/14/2010
Hey Kay in the valley. I've always mixed FGHP with Apple cider vinegar. You must however, be careful in Handling the FGHP, so that you don't Burn yourself. I just had a checkup at the doctor last week. My cholesterol was under 140, bp was 113/60, heart rate 53 bpm and my psa was down two points. This combination is working for me, thanks to Yeshua!
Bad Breath
Posted by Kris (Toronto, Ontario) on 03/12/2010
to Rob from Toronto: Here are some GOOD holistic Dentists in the Toronto area:
Dr. Wolch, Dr. Fortinsky, Dr. Sawiak (Mississauga). I don't have the phone numbers off hand, they're easy to find on the internet. I didn't live in the Toronto area when I had mine done so I had one of Hulda Clarks students who practices, give me this list for you.
go get those nasty things out!
Bad Breath
Posted by Rob (Toronto, Ontario) on 03/12/2010
Kris, can you recommend any good dentists in Toronto, who will extract the fillings properly?
Bad Breath
Posted by Kris (Toronto, Ontario) on 03/11/2010
Antibiotics and H2O2
Posted by Sudheer (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 03/10/2010
You can buy 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide from They sell 500ml for GBP.15.20 and 1000ml for GBP.25.50 plus courier charges. They have even shipped this to me at India. I got delivery within 10 days of my order. For Ireland you will get this much faster
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Piper (Toronto, On Canada) on 03/08/2010
Hydrogen peroxide has a lot of great uses, but I would be careful taking internally. I bought it as an O2 vitamin but I didn't notice any benefits. Try applying to a stain because it is really good at cleaning. Apply to a cut and see how it sizzles. I would be careful with the dosage. 9 drops sounds like too much.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Mike (Hendersonville, Nc) on 03/06/2010
Hydrogen peroxide, 35% food grade - three drops in 8ozs water cured many ailments by oxygenizing my blood more. Stopped all joint pain, stomach and back pain gone, healed!
Sickle Cell Disease
Posted by Faithinhealing (Forest Park, Ohio, Usa) on 02/27/2010
I say do a trial and see, have her levels tested after to see if there is any improvement.
Drug Store Peroxide
Posted by Nancy (Surprise, Az) on 02/26/2010
Thank you for your response. Also, can you tell me what harmful effects these stabilizers have and what they will do to you if ingested or inhaled? Thanks again.
Sickle Cell Disease
Posted by Rena (Mineral Bluff, Georgia, Usa) on 02/25/2010
Hi Al from Horn Lake,
I know it's frustrating not to get answers sometimes. Apparently none of the readers know of a remedy for sickle cell disease, perhaps you can post to Ted directly. If you do find a solution that can help people, please post for others the information you acquire, Peace, Rena.
Sickle Cell Disease
Posted by Al (Horn Lake, Ms) on 02/25/2010
I still need an answer. Can Hydrogen Peroxide cure Sickle Cell Desease? Do you know anything that can help?
Thanks, Al
Posted by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 02/24/2010
Hi Bruce - I'm not Tina but, when I lived in Vancouver, I bought my 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide from Choices Market on 16th Avenue (Vancouver). You may want to give them a call to see if they still stock it. Good luck!
Sickle Cell Disease
Posted by Al (Horn Lake, Ms) on 02/24/2010
Can Sickle Cell Disease be treated with Hydrogen Peroxide? We have a young friend who gets terrible episodes of the disease. We read she is lacking oxygen, wouldn't HP help?
Any other helps you know of?
Drug Store Peroxide
Posted by Thankgod4hp (Miami, Florida) on 02/24/2010
Hi Nancy, you can look on the back of the label for the 3% hydrogen peroxide and it will state, "Active ingredient"......."hydrogen peroxide 3%". If it says (stabilized) then it has stabilizers, if not then its ok.
Posted by Bruce (New Westminster, British Columbia) on 02/23/2010
This is in response to " Tina's" post from Vanvouver. I was wondering where in this city of Vancouver she was able to find Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide ?
Posted by Ciarán (Dublin) on 02/20/2010
Hi people.
I have been using food grade h2o2 for about 2 weeks and am absolutely amazed at how energised I have become since using it. Initially I did have flu like symptoms for 3-4 days but that has now ceased. I am buying h20s from an online co. in the UK through ebay. I recommend it its use in accordance with appropriate guidance. Good luck to all.
Bad Breath
Posted by Ciarán (Dublin, Ireland) on 02/20/2010
It is recommended that you only use diluted 35% food grade h2o2 for ingestion. All others have additives which are deleterious to your health. 35% is diluted before ingesting ( as per info.)
Posted by Mink (Vallejo, Ca) on 02/19/2010
Its true that undiluted 35% FGHP is dangerous if handled or ingested. That's why you must dilute it to a 3% solution. And that's easy enough to accomplish its just an 11 to 1 ratio. So 11 ounces of distilled water to 1 ounce FGHP will give you a 3% solution.
I would like to warn you against using 1% or 3% solutions found at your local pharmacy. They contain harmful stabilizers. Stabilizers are added to give Peroxide a longer shelf life since FGHP will lose potency at approx 1% per year. These stabilizers include chemicals like Acetanilide that are an irritant and can make your asthma worse over time. And there are no studies that document what ingested Acetanilide does to the body. Its best to just get the pure stuff that we know is good for you.
Drug Store Peroxide
Posted by Nancy (Surprise, Az) on 02/19/2010
What is meant by stabilizers and contaminates in the drugstore type of Hydrogen Peroxide, and what harm can it cause if it's ingested? I've read on this site that there are people who are using the drugstore variety and no mention of any health issues with this type of peroxide.
I'm interested in trying peroxide therapy but not sure which to use. I'm a little fearful of the food grade type because of it's potency and I found a site where you can purchase it, but they have to send it haz mat. The drugstore type sounds easier and you can buy it directly from the store, but the stabilizers and contaminates have me concerned.
If you add the store peroxide to a glass of water, can the water be from the tap, or should it be distilled and how much peroxide to how much water? Please help with questions. Thank you.
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/16/2010
The hydrogen peroxide(HP) therapy is a very useful therapy to kill viruses, bacteria, cancer and fungus for sure. But HP's primary method for this is by providing and delivering a more oxygenated environment for the cells in your body, it does not increase the alkaline state of your body.
To use effective methods of alkalizing your body, see this link, concerning Ted's alkalizing remedies, for full descriptions of the remedies:
I've successfully used all of Ted's alkalizing remedies for my intestinal candida. These remedies were my prime method I used to attack and get rid of my intestinal candida. I'm completely free of candida now and its made quite a difference in my life, I have so much more energy these days. And I still regularly take these remedies even now.
You can also safely use HP therapy together with these alkalizing remedies, since they don't interfere but actually will work to enhance each other.
By taking bicarbonates internally, this will not only alkalize your body, but bicarbonates are necessary in cell respiration, for the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between your cells and the blood. And since HP increases the delivery of oxygen to your cells, this exchange is bound to become more efficient, thus increasing your energy even more.
Posted by Stan (Perth, Western Australia) on 02/16/2010
Al, try the Baking soda with H202 1/4 Teaspoon
Posted by Al (Horn Lake, Ms) on 02/16/2010
Hi Beckie I have taking hydogen peroxide orally. I am now up to 25 drops x3 per day but cannot control my PH. I go to 5.8 to 6.0 on the acidity scale. I have tried PH booster but cannot get near 7.0. Can you help
General Feedback
Posted by Jeanette (Manchester, Tn) on 02/02/2010
I have a question about taking H202 orally. I read several books and all say to take on an empty stomach. Does that mean you can't have a morning cup of coffee? I want my husband to get the benefits also but he smokes, should he wait until he quits? What's best to mix it with other than water, to hide the taste. I know lemon and carrot juice are not good!
Also about the bathing in it. I have city water, so can I use it to bath with or do I have to use distilled water for every application?
Sore Throats
Posted by Chrissy (Akron, Ohio) on 01/29/2010
I have had a sore throat for a week now. I put the 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (no mix)onto some Qtips and then rubbed it onto my tonsils. It completely got rid of the white pus sacs on my tonsils and was foaming. The Qtips actually had pus all over them..Kinda gross but it worked!! I IMMEDIATELY felt better and am able to swallow now without pain..What a miracle that stuff is! I would rate the pain before using the peroxide, a 10, after using it a 1. Slight discomfort but not really noticeable. I also did it until I saw no more pus on my tonsil or on the qtips. Use a clean qtip each time. Also, this can cause you to be careful with that. Thanks so much for this website!
Antibiotics and H2O2
Posted by Brianna (Dublin, Ireland) on 01/29/2010
hi tricia, i got it in 1 litre bottle it cost 30euro
Antibiotics and H2O2
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 01/28/2010 84 posts
Hi Brianna - I wondered how you were doing as you hadn't posted in a while so I'm glad to know you're ok. Thanks for the tip. Did you get it in small quantities i.e 500 mls as oppsed to 5 litre drums. Storage would be a problem for me. Also did you, by any chance, come across distilled water in your travels?
Antibiotics and H2O2
Posted by Brianna (Dublin, Ireland) on 01/27/2010
hi tricia from ireland if you look up the yellow pages you will find a few places that sell hydrogen proxide in dublin one place is in jfk industerial estate bluebell i forget the name of the company the name of the hydrogen proxide is merick and its made in germany the place in bluebell sells it in one litre bottles but i dont know if it sells to the public i asked my doctor about doing the proxide therapy because of my emphysema and she said i had nothing to lose so i told the chemist i needed it for cleaning my veg and my house becaue of infections i keep getting i also had my doctor to back me up altough i didn.t need her the chemist ordered it for me but you can try some of the places in the yellow pages they can only say no then try your local chemist
Jock Itch
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, La Union, Philippines) on 01/26/2010
Hi Thomas...I had jock itch for 7 long years. The area affected went right round from my genital area and on my inner thighs to my rectal area, big red welts.
I researched jock itch and found out that tinea cruris (jock itch) was exactly the same as tinea pedis(athletes foot). Both are the same fungus.
Initially I started using athletes foot powder during the day, and after my shower at night I would douse the whole area, front and back with ordinary Milk of Magnesia (MoM) using cotton wool(this is very soothing, bye the way). I would leave this on all night, then wash it off in the shower the next morning. I was amazed when the jock itch completely disappeared without a trace within 3 days !! Killed it dead.
Leaving the MoM on overnight might not be such a good idea for those with sensitive skin. You can also apply the MoM and leave it on for just 20 minutes -- until it's dry and powdery -- then and wash off. The MoM has a pH of 10 -- very high -- which kills all fungus, yeast, bacteria etc. It's also best to apply a hydrating cream onto the skin area afterwards because MoM has such a drying effect on the skin.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Dragoncloud 888 (Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom) on 01/26/2010
Due to the fact that store bought Hydrogen Peroxide has stabilisers in it I decided to use food grade 35%.
The first thing I noticed is that it seems to be stronger than store bought 3% even when diluted to 3%. So I now only use it from 1%-1.5% (22:1)only.
I am an ex-smoker of 1 month, and would not recommend that smokers use the inhalation method in the back of the throat as smokers have usually done quite a lot of damage to their lungs, not to mention oxidising the 4000 odd chemicals lodged in their lungs, whereas people who have never smoked have a better chance of benefiting by using this method.
I tried this method for three days and found that I had all the benefits of clearness of mind and more energy, but the downside was odd pains in my chest. I then tried using saline solution that you can buy from a chemist (I.V.drip clear bottle) and made up my 1.5% Hydrogen Peroxide with this.
This felt a lot better and seemed to buffer the Hydrogen Peroxide, but I still had a slight uncomfortable feeling in my lungs so decided to use a nebuliser (1 drop to 90 drops water). I loaded my nasal inhaler with just pure saline solution before I nebulised, sprayed directly into my lungs (8 squirts) so as to coat them with some kind of buffer and to hydrate them.
Then I Nebulised for 5 minutes and felt absolutely amazing afterward. I have done this twice a day for three days and feel very comfortable with this method. I have had a very strong flu like virus that gave me a very bad cough for 6 weeks with yellow then green mucus but the Hydrogen Peroxide has cleared it all away.
I also had been snoring heavily for the last two years and this has completely stopped, and only after two days!
Thank you Earth clinic and everybody for planting the seeds to better health for everyone.
Antibiotics and H2O2
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 01/25/2010 84 posts
Hello Ger, I never managed to locate 35% HP. All Chemists sell HP but only at the 3% or 6%- the latter being the more common, so usually I get them to order it at 3% for me. It is a commonly used antiseptic for hearing aids and cleaning so should be readily available at all chemists. Check around this website for Ted's reccommendation on checking for stabilisers in HP before ingestion.
Distlled water is another matter. Hard to believe but this seems to have gone off the market here. I tried a number of places and couldn't get it. I settled for sterilised water which I was able to buy in the chemists for about 3 Euro. That was the closest I could get.
Posted by Renee (El Dorado, Ks) on 01/24/2010
Blood Stain Removal
Rinse loose blood with cool water. Apply hydrogen peroxide to both sides of material. Repeat until all traces of blood have disolved. Works on furniture as well.
Antibiotics and H2O2
Posted by Ger (Dublin, Ireland) on 01/24/2010
Hi Tricia
Can you tell me the name and address of the chemist where you buy your 35% HP foodgrade and what exactly you ask for. Also do you know where I can buy distilled water. I have contacted numerous pharmacies in Ireland and cannot locate either product.
Sinus Issues
Posted by Kasimon00 (Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, Usa) on 01/22/2010
i am new to h2o2 use. my best friend is getting them iv for post cancer treatment . i was sick with chills fever stopped up nose. went to her dr. and he gave me a nebulizer treatment with h2o2. i shared with him that my daughter suffers with sinus issues on a regular basis she has a heart condition that if she takes over the counter meds. she gets heart palpitations. it then gets bad enough that she ends up at dr. getting a steroid shot. i was told i could tell her to do a nebulizer treatment of h2o2 at the onset of sinus problem.
i have a nebulizer but not sure what strength h2o2 food grade to buy and how much to put in and do i dilute it in water and what kind? also if you have any other suggestions in the way of preventative for her it would be appreciated
General Feedback
Posted by Sachin (Delhi, India) on 01/22/2010
Hello Sai and all,
My name is Sachin. I am a member of this site. Do you have any idea that from where can one purchase Food Grade Oxygen in India... particularly so in Delhi?
One more thing that bothers me is the release of oxygen atoms (not molecules) by the Hydrogen peroxide. The oxygen atoms are the free radicals that are a highly reactive species and are resposible for high and fast oxidation. I dont buy the idea that oxygen atoms are harmful only to anaerobic organisms. Its a checical reaction, oxygen atoms can chemically react with any chemical (even from a aerobic organism) that can distort the checmical structure of the molecule of the aerobic organism... The change of molecular structure (by reacting with O atom) of a aerobic substance means the O atom has effectively given harm to the aerobic bacteria or aerobic tissue of the human body... Though I am not against the effectiveness of oxygen in treating diseases, I suspect adverse affects of oxygen free radicals on our living tissues in our bodies..
An alternative method can be using water with higher levels of dissloved oxygen. These will be oxygen MOLECULES and not atoms i.e. not free radicals.. may be one can obtain this by use of Hydrogen Peroxide as well. O atoms are highly reactive, they are very unstable also. There are O atoms produced in a solution of h2O2 and water mixture. it may happen that after keeping the solution at rest for sometime, the O atoms being unstable may combine with each other in the solution to form O2 molecules. Thus creating dissolved oxygen in water. To explain chemically:-
H2O2 ----> H2O O (highly reactive) (in water)
O O ----> O2
What say??
Also Sai, please let me know if you know about any vendors for Food Grade H2O2 or Oxygenated water in Delhi or in India.
Many Thanks in advance!
Antibiotics and H2O2
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 01/17/2010 84 posts
Sorry to all. I only just saw ec comment on brand name. Thanks Eduardo. Threre is no brand name on the bottles, it just says "Pharmacy brand" at he top but it is made by a company called Ricesteele, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland. They make both the HP and borax that I use. I think they have a parent company elsewhere (USA probably). When It comes to tonsil mucous it didn't work. There was a reduction but by no means a cure. I am trying oil of oregano at the moment and again I can get to a watery reduction but not a cure. My next attempt is to sniff HP into the sinus and spray the throat/tonsils. Hope this helps.
Antibiotics and H2O2
Posted by Eduardo (Lima, Perú) on 01/16/2010
Hi Tricia ... I live in Perú, South America ... and would like to get the trade mark of Hydrogen peroxide you have tried, as long as I am worried tu use the right product .... Please I would really appreciate your help. Thanks!
H2O2 and Medications
Posted by Vince (Etowah, Nc, Us) on 01/16/2010
Hydrogen Peroxide and Diabetes
I would like to know if I can start drinking a H2o2 solution with my diabetes meds. I'm on Metformin 1000 mg and Glipizide 10 mg and Onglyza 5 mg for type 2 diabetes and want to know if I should stop taking the pills during the H2o2 regimen.Thanks for the help
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Phoenix75 (Carmel, Ca, U.s.a.) on 01/15/2010
I have been ingesting the 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide, diluted to a 3% solution...I am currently taking 1oz in 5ozs of water, 3xs daily, for a week and then I increase...however during the course of this protocol I have noticed that it is exacerbating my immune system conditions...also, when checking my urine ph levels, I was already acidic, but it seems to have made it worse for me. I am at a 5.5 when taking it...can anyone suggest why this is the case and what I can do to make myself more alkaline? Would a combination of baking soda, or apple cider vinegar do the trick?
Hepatitis C
Posted by Sheryl (Ellsworth, Maine, Usa) on 01/15/2010
In response to Donna from Tampa: Please research "Iodine" here in Earth Clinic. I believe you will find help there for your fibromyalgia and fibrocystic breast disease - perhaps more. LOTS of good information!! Please try it.
Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Matt (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 01/11/2010
Hi Noel,
i have not used HP with ACV but I use HP regularly as a nasal/sinus flush. it's brilliant. I add 4 mls of 35% food grade HP to 500ml distilled water and snort it into each nostril every morning. Then I gargle. It's an instant shot of alertness and clarity alnd clears my sinuses. Just like an early morning surf. the recipe above is less than 0.50% in strength. i find anything stronger burns my nasal passage. I've seen some posts recommend 3% but it is way too strong for me.
I also take H2o2 internally and use it baths.
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Bunny (Santa Ana, Ca) on 01/11/2010
If you have an ulcer you should deal with that first. 2 ounces of fresh cabbage juice 5 times a day for a couple of weeks will usually do the trick. Most ulcers are caused by NSAIDS (aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, etc.)so you need to watch those. If this doesn't improve things you'll need to have your doctor run a few tests to see if something larger is going on.
Posted by Jeffers (East Anglia, Uk) on 01/11/2010
i have been using hp for about a month now as i have many health probs including arthritis. after 2 weeks of use (i didnt build up i started on 25 drops)i had very little pain and felt great. i stopped and got an attack of flu with loads of catarrh, very sore throat chest pains felt nauseous and had a nose that dripped like a tap.i did a bit more research and discovered on here about the toxins leaving the body. i went back on and slowly this flu like prob is clearing up i have very little phlegm no sore throat or chest pains so i hope to resume clearing my well abused body of all the toxins in the next few months. i am taking 25drops 2x day in water or milk. how will i know that the detox has finished bearing in mind that ive had arthritis for over 20yrs have diverticulitis am diabetic and have an aorta aneurism (36mm which they do nothing about till it reaches 5cm) ive also had 2 heart attacks and take that many pills that i prob have more inside me than the chemist shop. i read about cayenne pepper and i take that 2x day in hot water and my angina is much much better as i havnt used the spray for over 2 weeks now (i used to use it at least 2-3 times daily) this site is fantastic for info thanx all
Colds and Flu
Posted by Mac (Keaau, Hi) on 01/10/2010
I had a couple questions: first can i do the hydrogen peroxide therapy if i am breastfeeding? furthermore can i do it in order to pass down the hp treatment to my sick baby? and the second question is it alright to give to my sick 3 year old? any information would help, thank you.
Bad Breath
Posted by Mac (Keaau, Hi) on 01/10/2010
hello I use baking soda to brush my teeth since regular tooth pastes have fluoride in them which is actually really bad for you. it messes up your enamels and also fluoride is the same chemical that is used in rat poison and it was used by hitler to confuse and control his solders. the waters have also been contaminated with fluoride in order to keep the general public confused. doctors tried to get me to give my babies fluoride supplements. I told them they were crazy and when I brought up all this information to the doctor he was stumped and couldnt reply. anyway baking soda make your teeth white from the first time you use it and my teeth feel so much cleaner than when using regular tooth paste. Great Site!!!
Broad Benefits
Posted by Kathy (Mooresville, Indiana) on 01/09/2010
reply to the ones drinking 3% hydrogen peroxide. You should be using 35% food grade. Please do your home work. Thanks Kathy