You all should be aware that many doctors advise strongly against ingesting Hydrogen Peroxide. . . Dr. Weil for one...
....although he is referring to ingesting 35% which no one is suggesting here. . But still advises against ingesting any form of it.
My allergies were annoying: scratchy throat, itchy ears, nose and eyes throughout the summer.
One day I sprayed h202 liberally on my face with my eyes closed but not squeezed tight, in my ears (not too close), up my nose (not too close), behind the ears, in my throat, on top of my head (will dye hair) and neck. Then I rubbed it all over my head and face so the beaded h202 droplets would blend and cover my entire head/neck area.
Within minutes the itching stopped and not returned. I am retired so I do this several times a day because it feels good on a hot summer day, keeps me squeaky clean and my skin is looking better and tighter than younger men, especially around the eyes which were puffy and old looking, especially in summer.
Lately I've taken to spraying even more liberally around the eyes and allowing some of the h202 to seep into the eyes and my eyes feel stronger than they have in years. It burns somewhat like Visine does but I am not recommending shooting it directly into your eye, but merely some excess. The first spray in the a.m. I follow up ten minutes later with eye/saline solution cleansing to rinse any mucous out that h202 may have dislodged. It could be my imagination but those black dots and squiggly things on the eye surface seem to be lightening or disappearing, and I'll know for sure in time.
So three days after taking H2O2 for the first time, she found herself with hands and feet that were burning up and purplish red from some new found circulation. This condition proved painful and she started holding her hands under cold water occasionally and only wearing flip-flops as shoes were unbearable. This overheated condtion lasted around three weeks and then subsided. Now another three weeks have passed and her circulation appears to be very normal. She is now wearing light bed clothing and will kick the covers off in the night, which is very different. She says that her circulation problems appear to be over. She is no longer taking the peroxide as it was just too upsetting on her stomach overall.
A sidenote, she has had significant constipation issues her whole life, and the weeks she was taking the HP, she became very regular, sometime having a BM 3x per day. Now that she has stopped the HP, she has started to become irregular again. Time will tell if the HP has cured her circulation issues, especially this winter. Will try to follow up this winter regarding. For me, it has been good. I have no major health issues, just overweight, which has a cure, but it is not HP unfortunately. (smile) I was extremely tired after taking HP the first few day and slept a lot. Now I am taking 25 drops once every other day. It is quite an energy booster and my allergies have been down significantly. Very impressed, and will continue to use it. Ted's comment that lecithin caps will ease the nausea has worked well for me, and I may get some benefit from the lecithin on weight loss as well.
Bad Breath
Broad Benefits
EC: Hi Jane,
You can check out posts here:
Or try or Google Shopping for vendors.
Bon sante. Nickie
EC: Hi Catherine,
Check out the South Pacific section here:
Hydrogen Peroxide Baths
I started a month ago, trying out the baths, the inhalation method, and also the food grade drops internally. For anyone who is worried that the h2o2 bath is less useful since it's used externally, don't worry about that. The baths work just as effectively. In fact, I've had to taper off the number of bottles (32oz at 3%) I use per bath, from 4/day to just one, because my detox symptoms started to become pretty bad. I've done a lot of metal detoxes, and I recognize from those the same anxiety and flu-like symptoms when my body can't clear out the toxins fast enough.
Anyway, for me drinking the drops in water led to a lot of nausea which was a deal breaker, so I stopped. The throat spray seems to have been incredibly powerful, but I stopped doing that as well since it irritated the back of my throat. The good news is, if you have those problems, you can easily get the same results from the baths alone. And they make my skin look excellent as well.
What I want to mention though is this: it is possible to overdo it! Someone else on this site wrote about a "hang over" effect from the h2o2, and I think that must be what I've had? I believe that the h2o2 is building up over time, and that it needs enough space between doses to clear itself out? Has anyone else had a similar experience, finding the upper limit on the dose they can handle? And what happens after that?
Overall, it seems that my muscles and joints are less rigid than before I started. I'm taking the h2o2 for persistent low level arthritis and fibromyalgia. Thanks so much earthclinic for providing such valuable information!
H2O2 Side Effects

Rheumatoid Arthritis
I went to Roy's website, it's God awful and really isn't ecommerce. Do you know as of 6/13/10 if they still sell Food Grade 35% Hydrogen Peroxide that as HAZMAT stickers on it. REAL 35% HP has to be mailed HAZMAT and since I'm in Austin would have to be mailed.
Austin, TX
H2O2 Side Effects
As per
"I would not put the drops of hydrogen peroxide in anything but highly distilled water (grocery store distilled tap water is not acceptable, either get double distilled tap water or distilled natural water). The reason is that other chemicals in water may cause a chemical reaction that prematurely strips the extra oxygen atom from the hydrogen peroxide atoms."
As per the possibility of detrimental long term use of distilled water, I saw both sides of the arguments. Those recommending distilled water would say that the minerals on water (especially hard water) are not bio-available and will create with time mineral deposits and stones. I am not saying that I agree with this. At the moment I don't know enough.
My feeling is that for a person whose pH is balanced, this may not be a problem, and that a person whose is acidic will have its body try to use those "non bio-available" minerals and creates deposits and stones.
Skin Issues
Thanks in advance for any help.
H2O2 Side Effects
H2O2 Side Effects
"1. Long term used of distilled water is not healthy
2. Distilled water only short term use may help detoxify, but never use more than for a couple of days.
3. Distilled water depletes the body of bicarbonates, causing metabolic acidosis in the long run.
4. Some people use medicine added to distilled water to help absorption. This doesn't work for me because you are going from a lower concentration of distilled water to a higher concentration blood. Hence, more concentration of blood would not help absorption."
I'm not sure I understand what peroxide can do to distilled water but, I am concerned that it could make it worse and acidic.
Perhaps someone with more knowledge can enlighten us... but, thought a word of caution should be raised regarding long term use... which the h2o2 therapy is for. I think Alain from Ottawa, Ontario in an answer to Lucy below was a good idea. She mentioned adding baking soda to the mix. Which sounds like a really good idea according to the information provided by Ted regarding bicarbonate absorption.
H2O2 Side Effects
I gargle H2o2 twice daily with no side effects 5ml in 50ml of water, I have ingested H2o2 also with no side effects. 3% food grade always.
I was told by a Pharmacist friend that I would get Cancer from H2o2, conventional medicine does not like alternative remedies and seeing how H2o2 is a known Cancer buster I did not bother to respond. I also suspect your doctor jumped at the first and easiest diagnosis that being a reaction to H2o2.
H2O2 Side Effects
H2O2 Side Effects
Hi Laurie
Don't gargle with h2o2, especially not with 3% solution if you are not very careful.
For mouth hygiene it does not have to be 3%. I make my own at 2% and it is quite effective. It could be 1.5% or 1% or the way you can tolerate it.
What you do is you swish with it, and when it is all foam you spit it out. And rinse with water.
1-You can swish with diluted h2o2 solution.
2-You can swish with solution 1 mixed with some baking soda. The baking soda will neutralize the acidity in the mouth, making the h2o2 more effective for killing the bacteria.
3-Spray your toothbrush with h2o2 and put some baking soda on it and brush your teeth. Rinse with water, than swish with solution 1.
search for homemade mouthwash and tooth paste.
google "baking soda mouthwash"
You will find these below
To know more about how to use h2o2 for health go there
Good Luck
Alain from Ottawa
Good luck
H2O2 Side Effects
I have never gargled with it (don't see the need). Obviously you want to avoid swallowing it.
H2O2 Side Effects
I don't see any way to edit/modify my post. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
H2O2 Side Effects
1 week after I developed continual pins & needles in my hands & fingers & weakness & instability in my legs that has stopped me from running daily in the gym.
I am currently awaiting results from a complete clinical analysis to determine what is wrong.
has anyone experienced these or similar symptoms or can anyone offer a diagnosis?
Keratosis Pilaris
I would say an excess of anything is not good. I am using 3 drops of 35% in 8 oz of water to keep my glucose level stable.
In Feb of 09, my glucose levels were at and above 500. I fasted and flushed and was still unable to get it below 300, where it remained... until after 3 doses as measured above. Coupled with my oral medications, my glucose levels dropped to the low normal range, my A1c was 6.8 and my triglyceride level was in the low category. The only thing I still had to work on was increasing my HDL and lowering my LDL, but my overall cholesterol was below 200.
The study confirms my actual results with h202. Until I spotted that, I had no idea HOW it was functioning to do what it was doing, only that it did. Now I know.
I watched my father die of complications of diabetes, and for me, it was an easy decision to go outside the box regarding my glucose control efforts. Good luck and best regards.
General Feedback
It's all a matter of concentration. The maximum recommended concentration of H2O2 for internal use is 0.5%. But even 1/10 of it is still beneficial. There are other ways also than internal.
This page has a lot of links to H2O2 articles.
It does not hurt to read about H2O2, and people may learn a few things.
Bonne chance
Lung Issues
General Feedback
General Feedback
This is the pdf link to the study.

Take care.
How are you doing? How is it all going for you? Somehow I missed your posts. You sound very committed to your decision to go the alternative route. If so, then really go for it! There are other healing centers available as well- Hippocrates Health Clinic located in Florida and run by Dr. Brian Clement and his wife which was originally started by Ann Wigmore and also The Tree of Life which belongs to Dr. Gabriel Cousens and is in Arizona. Both of them do amazing work and have turned around thousands of people's health- many with "incurable" cancer. You might consider one of these places but if it isn't possible, you can certainly listen to both of them on youtube and get unbelievable amounts of valuable information on their protocols that you can then apply. Green juicing, raw foods, sprouts- all sorts, sea veggies, colonics and enemas with wheatgrass will detoxify the body and help bring the body back to balance and then healing. Amazing stories and very inspiring which I'm sure you can use during this time. Stay inspired and see your true, whole self shining through. I wish you the very best and may God speed you to health. May Light surround you, Lisa
However, I strongly recommend you look into IPT (insulin potentiated treatment). It is intravenously delivered insulin, followed by miniscule amounts of chemo. The insulin opens up the cancer cells, and then, boom, in comes the big gun chemo. This treatment works -- really well, and it doesn't sacrifice one's immune system in the process. If it doesn't completely get rid of the cancer cells, this treatment will reduce your cancer load so that your body can take over and do the rest of the work. Then, it is up to you to detoxify, eliminate sugar, yeast-causing foods, grains, etc.
I've been through the whole drill with breast cancer, and I'm advising you to be careful about pursuing alternative treatments because the tumor may continue to grow. This happened to me, regardless of what I tried. By the time I finally found IPT, my tumor had grown from the size of a raisin to the size of an orange.
I'm fine now, nine years since starting the IPT treatment, and am pursuing mercury/parasite/candida elimination to really clean my system up and enable it to fight off any residual cancer.
They grow wheat grass and you juice it.. they suggest you drink 3 oz of wheat grass juice.. twice a day.. then you take wheat grass enema twice a day. Woman also douche in addition to the enema..They also drink Rejuvalac all day. The food they eat is all raw fresh organic which they grow there. their 800-993-4325 nice country setting. years ago was a motel.. they also have lecturers and exercise. Not expensive for what they give you.. peacful and quiet..
Stay well.. you are what you eat
Also for any cancers, especially breast, make sure your vit D3 levels are adequate. Mine are only at 50 ng/ml, but you need around 80 ng/ml for cancer treatment. I also have breast thermography to keep track of changes.
Good luck.
H2O2 Side Effects
Hi Lucy
You should tell us what you exactly did.
The maximum concentration for internal use is .5% as per Ted's
"In the alternative health field, the maximum is actually 0.5% concentration. Actually and optimum H2O2 concentration was first determined in 1950s by Dr. Reginald Holman by implanting Walker 256 adenocarcinoma tumours. The drinking water for the rat used H2O2 optimum concentration needed to kill the tumors were about 0.45 percent.
Tumors completely disappeared in 15 to 60 days in rats. Of course a better way is to add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in the glass of 0.45% concentration of H2O2. This can be extended to treatment of almost any kinds of conditions, from virus, bacteria, microbial infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, flu, etc. My own experience of using just baking soda (also increases the body's oxygen) and ascorbate vitamin C about three weeks for a small tumor to go into remission.
A more effective I think in the future of peroxide therapy is to add baking soda to the 0.45% concentration to normal drinking water since baking soda is alkaline and increases oxygen, while the peroxide furthers this natural increase."
To reduce 6% to 0.5% take 1 volume of FG 6% H2O2 mixed with 11 volumes of distilled water. But since it is the maximum you should start with much lower concentration and increase gradually. You can start as low as 0.05% (and even lower). H2O2 is powerful stuff. It is better to be on the safe side.
-Use Food Grade H2O2.
-Drink the diluted solution on empty stomach.
For more info on the use of H2O2 you can go to
Good Luck
H2O2 Side Effects

Do you think i should keep on drinking it and put some eucalyptus oil in my ear and gargle with water and the oil while im going thru the therapy if i must keep on taking the H202?
Although the benefits of using H202 are well documented, its serious stuff and needs to be respected accordingly. Perhaps you should consult the doctor whom initially gave you the treatment as well.
Back Pain
Antibiotics and H2O2
Antibiotics and H2O2
Ear and Sinus Issues
i have bought hydrogen peroxide 6% and was wondering is this ok to use in general.what i mean is all the comments that you guys are leaving doesnt actualy mention what strenght and as i will be a first time user of this stuff im kinda worried il make my problems worse.i want to use it to firstly clean my ear as i have a mild ear/sinus thing going on.i am a firm believer in anything herbal and will post my results.thanks
Antibiotics and H2O2
Antibiotics and H2O2
I should note that with most of these remedies I will initially feel that it is working then within 24/48 hrs return to normal.
Previous to these things I have tried tumeric, cayenne pepper, oil pulling, iodine painting and magnesium. I continue to ingest acv,bread soda and borax which I had taken for other things and none of the above have given me any relief from the constant mucous forming at the back of my throat.
Like you, this started with a bad cold. Although I have had a specialist put in a camera through the sinus and tonsils and says there is nothing amiss, I am beginning to feel as though there is some sort of structural damage. I have this about 3/4 years now.
I don't think any of the above will affect the effect of HP except for acv which when the two are combined change the type of acid. So these two require a time window.
If you find anything that helps on this I would be grateful if you would let me know.
Antibiotics and H2O2
Hot Tubs
Sinus Issues
Well, it was quite simple. I just put a little H2O2 in a very small container, dipped the q-tip in it so it was wet and then put it in my nostril but pretty far up. A lot of sneezing will then occur but you will feel all the mucus immediately loosen. And as I said, for myself it was like a faucet had been turned on. My kids had the same experience. I was with them as they did it but they used the q-tip themselves after I instructed them what to do. I would just explain to your daughter what to expect before hand. Take care, Lisa
Sinus Issues
Sinus Issues
Both my 11 year old and 13 year old did it quite successfully while we were doing it and that was over a year ago at this point. One other thing I would inquire about is, how much dairy does she eat? That could be the culprit. If she does eat dairy, try cutting that out and for certain you will see a big change. As for H2O2 in a humidifier, I don't know about that but if you have read about it and it sounds like something viable, then go for it. I always read and study and if it feels right, I give it a go and see what the results are. Honestly, it's all a big experiment! Life, sheesh...
Sinus Issues
Ear and Sinus Issues
I have not had an ear infection or cold for three and a half years now. The H2O2 gets used in each ear twice a week, and I simply tissue and Q-tip my ears dry each time I shower. That's it! Hydrogen peroxide is the most effective and CHEAPEST supplement I've ever tried. Thanks again for this website--three years free! :) :) :)
H2O2 Side Effects
I didn't have any reaction but I started out with 1 drop per day in 6-8 oz of water but also added Colloidol (spell?) silver-they work great together. I worked my way up to 11 or 17 drops per day with no reactions.
It may be that sometimes the detoxing in the body that goes on can be somewhat painful or a discompfort and I have read that the stomach may blow out a bit-theres a lot of stuff in the body that is dead and the H202 is eating it up, but not harming the healthy tissues.
Anyway, it was a great experience for me because it lowered my hepatitic C viral load from 23,000,000 copies down to 5,000,000 copies. I stopped because you ARE supposed to NOT EAT 3 hours before and for 1 hour after, maybe that is why I didn't have problem with it.
I love coffee first thing so I made sure I woke up during the night/am-3-4am to drink the H202 (kept the container I was using in a bucket of ice water to keep it cool during the night)and went back to sleep. This way I wasn't going throughout the day with out eating for such long periods of time.That is why I stopped, but I am starting back slowly now to kill the rest of the virus. I am starting with 3% in a gallon of water so that I don't have to fast yet and will work my way back to the normal protocol of NOT EATING 3 hours before and 1 hour after-I like to eat! 8-)
Yeast Infections
I sent the following to 'Jamgirl' recently. Why don't you also give it a go. Keep upping the dose until you are happy/comfortable. It seems to work for me. Shaun
03/18/2010: Shaun from Old York, Uk replies: "Hi Jamgirl, I have had a similar issue in the past on my chest (and behind and in my ears). I tried just about everything for years to clear this up, but it wasn't until I soaked in Sodium Carbonate (washing soda) in the bath that it stopped it stone-cold dead in its tracks (I must point out that I had some success with Milk of Magnesia prior to this. Both have a high pH). I would suggest two cup full's of washing soda in a medium bath. You may have to do this a few times over a few days/weks 'cos Candida (and malassezia sp.) are bloody tough yeast's/fungus's to deal with. You may also want to apply a strong mix directly to the effected area. Washing soda is something of an irritant and you will likely get a reaction the first time you use it. This is normal. After bathing rinse down in apple cider vinegar to neutralise the skin. This also has the effect of a double whammy. Also, rinse the hair with both WS and ACV 'cos the yeasts are found/hiding there also.
Check out Hulda Clarks cancer cures - her methods of curing cancer are amazing - but h202 is also very good and apparently very quick. Just hang in there girl, you can do it! How much are you taking?