The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Sunny (Chennai, India) on 09/24/2010
Hi Ted
This is Sunny from India. I am a 35 year old woman with two kids aged 7 and 31/2 years. After my second son is born I got severe hyper pigmentation and Melasma and also my immunity came down and I put on 10 kg s of weight. I get frequent colds and cough which are so severe that I used to be on bed for at least two days a week. Then I saw Earth clinic and started Food Grade H2O2 therapy and also Baking Soda. I am using right now from past four months and I want to stop now as my sicknesses came down drastically. But one side effect is that my face and neck has turned to almost black after I started using H2O2 and Baking Soda. In a country where skin color and complexion is given predominant importance I am not even able to step out of the house. I tried many cosmetic treatments like laser, peels which only further aggravated my problem. They told me to avoid working with computer as it sends UV rays and increases pigmentation. They gave me many suggestions to avoid sun through windows also at home, avoid going out in the car too in daylight even with sunscreen. These are so impractical for my lifestyle and anyhow I am avoiding direct sun exposure. My rest of the body is a shade better as usual but it is also darkened a little after using H2O2. Only my face, neck and feet are very hyper pigmentated. So my now only hope is alternative and folk remedies. So Ted please help me why all this happened. Does H2O2 aggravate hyper pigmentation? Now my only help is YOU. So please reply at your earliest convenience. Thank you
Kind Regards
General Feedback
Posted by Olga (Fall River, Massachusettes) on 09/24/2010
CAN I take antibiotic while doing hydrogen peroxide oral treatments? I have pnuemomnia in my right lung..
General Feedback
Posted by Michael (Denver, Colorado) on 09/14/2010
I use h202 with vegetable juice fasting and it works very well. One tablespoon of 3% h202 in a glass of carrot apple juice.
General Feedback
Posted by Kelly (Anywhere, Us) on 09/13/2010
Just finished a lengthy article on the benefits of ingesting H202. Also, a mention of fasting. Since herx effect or healing crisis can be caused by outcoming toxins, does anyone have any experience with fasting and H202 ingesting simutaneously? Would combining the 2 (i know you are supposed to ingest H202 on an empty stomach anyway) make the healing crisis more severe? Thanks in advance. Many Blessings!
Posted by Randy (Jersey City, Nj) on 09/13/2010
I am interested in using oral H202 dosing to treat my long-standing candida issue. I see that one must generally take each dose on an empty stomach (4 hours after, 1 hour before eating). For a 3x daily dosing schedule, that adds up to 15 hours with little time to eat. Is it Ok to do these dosages all in the morning after waking, one hour apart? Thank you!
Posted by Randy (Jersey City, Nj) on 09/13/2010
I am interested in using oral H202 dosing to treat my long-standing candida issue. I see that one must generally take each dose on an empty stomach (4 hours after, 1 hour before eating). For a 3x daily dosing schedule, that adds up to 15 hours with little time to eat. Is it Ok to do these dosages all in the morning after waking, one hour apart? Thank you!
Posted by Rose (Tulsa, Ok.) on 09/11/2010
How did you do this, my husband has lymphoma, we don't know what stage. Chemo really did a job on him, they still won't give anymore chemo now. Would like to try this... Rose
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 09/11/2010 84 posts
I can only get an off the shelf 6% HP here in Ireland. I simply use sterilized water half and HP half. I would think that using neat 5 - 7% would cause oral problems. As a mouth rinse it is probably not necessary to use the sterilized water.
Posted by Sara (Mumbai, India) on 09/09/2010
Hi Ted I'm using HP 5% to 7% as a mouthwash in my tonsils-have started paining. Is it due to the use of HP? Pls reply- is it ok to use HP of 5% to 7%? I'm in very serious condition.
Posted by Samantha (Lahaina, Hi) on 09/09/2010
RESPONSE TO: 02/16/2010: Al from Horn Lake, Ms- A great way to get your pH to raise and be more alkaline is to drink alkaline water made from an electrolysis process through a machine. I personally own a Kangen SD501 system and I am not affiliated with the company or selling them. There are other machines out there as my machine is probably 3x more expensive than the other company's, but after much research, I went with that machine and am very satisfied. The water is hooked in through a hose connected to the kitchen sink spout, the water goes thru a filter and then thru the 7 plates which uses a charge to separate the ions (H and OH-) and the water then flows out of the machine thru 2 spouts which they call acidic (H ) and alkaline (OH-) and you drink the alkaline water and can collect the acidic water for other uses. You can specify the pH level you want to come out of the machine. It's definitely a cool thing to look into and there is most likely a user in your area because it's so popular now and they will usually give you samples for at least a month of use to try before you buy kinda thing! Happy Hunting!
Dental Care
Posted by Amd (V Ville, Ca) on 09/08/2010
You will need to dilute it down to 3% minimum. So at 6%, just add the same amount of water, at 7% add more than that. Even start out diluting it a bit more.
General Feedback
Posted by Zsaqwe (Brownsville, Texas) on 09/07/2010
3% Hydrogen Peroxide (Drug/Grocery Store Variety) made from 50% Super D Peroxide, Diluted.
Contains stabilizers - phenol, acetanilide, sodium stanate, tetrasodium phosphate among them.
6% Hydrogen Peroxide (Used by Beauticians for Coloring Hair)
Comes in strengths labeled 10, 20, 40 volume. Must have activator added to be used as a bleach. Stabilizers used unknown at this point.
30% Re-Agent Hydrogen Peroxide
Used in medical research. Also contains stabilizers.
30-32% Electronic Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Used for washing transistors and integrated chip parts before assembly. Stabilizers unknown at this point.
35% Technical Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Contains a small amount of phosphorus to neutralize any chlorine in the water it is combined with.
35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (Also 50% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide)
Used in food products like cheese, eggs, whey products. Also used to spray inside of foil lined containers for food storage - known as the aseptic packaging system.
90% Hydrogen Peroxide
Used by the military as a source of Oxygen at Cape Canaveral. Used as a propulsion source in rocket fuel.
99. 6% Hydrogen Peroxide
This was first made in 1954 as an experiment to see how pure hydrogen peroxide could be.
Dental Care
Posted by Sara (Mumbai, India) on 09/07/2010
Someone help me with this. I'm not able to find hp 3% anywhere so would using 5% to 7% as a mouthwash be harmful? pls rply at its earliest
Breathing Issues
Posted by Yvonne (Crosslake, Minnesota) on 09/07/2010
Lynn can you please explain how you are using the h202 for help with resperitory.. I too am a smoker.. Ty Yvonne
Breathing Issues
Posted by Lynn (Washington Dc, Unites States) on 09/06/2010
Hi Damion, about your dry skin... If that's your only side affect, I would really try to stick with it... Maybe this is a detox side effect? I know that when I use virgin coconut oil, my super dry and ITCHY shins (which would most certainly appear ashen if my skin were a darker shade) feel and look way better. I've also used baby eczema lotion with success as well as virgin olive oil... I'm sure they have something great for it here on earth clinic... Try looking under eczema since that covers dryness and itchiness. Hope that helps. Lynn
Breathing Issues
Posted by Lynn (Washington Dc, Unites States) on 09/06/2010
Hi Patrick, it is my understanding that you should keep your intake at or around 3% if you're taking H2O2 in several ways and losing count of your intake. I guess if you're awesome at math you could use the highest recommended intake and calculate what your highest (combined) dosage should be according to that... Not sure how you would 'count' the humidifier, but I would just count it as having been ingested to be on the safe side... If you go above 10% I've seen neurological damage cited as a side effect. Also, I wanted to add that I've been doing h2O2 for about 2 weeks now (I'm using 12% FGHP diluted). I didn't realize any obvious WOW factors--until I carried my 2 year old up the HUGE hill where I live from the park today! Usually I'll tell my husband to take him and struggle to get to the half-way point (it's a fairly steep incline and a good 12-15 minute walk)... But even though I HAVEN'T (unfortunately) quit smoking, I had NO issues and was like this is WEIRD, as I think I could carry Omar and maybe even a fat kid right up another similar hill (I carried him for the entire walk)... It was absolutely nuts and amazing... I imagine what my body could achieve WITHOUT smoking...
Posted by Aranma2 (Mpls, Mn) on 09/05/2010
Hi, my name is Randy from MN. Go to and follow the links to Dr Caldwell. He was on the radio a couple of weeks ago and spoke of this topic. He stressed using food grade h202 as sparingly as possible. But, and it's an important but, only use with DISTILLED water. It won't work any other way. Filtered and tap water still have too many impurities all h202 will do is clean the water in these types of water. Distilled is the way to go.
H2O2 and Sperm
Posted by Blrobbins (Smiths Lake, Nsw Australia) on 09/05/2010
Hi there, I just started Hydrogen Peroxide therapy and we are trying for a baby and I just realised I better find out and make sure it won't harm sperm in any way. I can't find much info. Are you guys aware of any potential harm to sperm and if I should stop the therapy. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Posted by Elizabeth (Nashville, Tn) on 09/03/2010
Have you thought about using the H202 in a nebulizer to bypass the stomach upset? You would still get the benefits of higher oxygenation but without having to ingest it. I've used it in this manner and found it to be quite effective. I would dilute it with distilled water to about 1% to start with. Hope this helps.
General Feedback
Posted by Sara (Mumbai, India) on 09/02/2010
I'm not able to get 3% hydrogen peroxide anywhere, so can I use 5% to 7% for mouthwash? pls rply
Posted by Jerry (Kennewick, Wa) on 09/02/2010
I was diagnosed with stage IV Lymphoma 11/2/09 I'm 47 yrs old. The dr, cut me open and took my lower organs out in hope to cut out a 6. 5x5.6 mass. I woke up from the surgery and he stood over my bed and told my sorry can't help you, your to full of cancer and I would have to remove your intestines, bowls ECT. So I then started taking Chemo five bags every three weeks. Never again! The cancer shrunk to a 3.5cm x 2. 4cm. THE Dr said the chemo didn't remove the cancer any more then this. So I learned about H202, also high doses of coral calcium and vitamin D.
In May this year they said I still had 10% in my bone. Started this regimen and had blood test weekly my white blood cells went from 1.7 to 2.7 the first week, by week four all of my blood work was normal. August 11th they did a PET scan no signs of cancer in my bone or the body. White blood cells 9-1-2010 6.3. The range is 4-11. Since I have taken the H202, I have not had a cold or any sickness.
20 drops in water 2 times a day.
Posted by Kathyw (Seattle, Washington, Us) on 09/02/2010
I started the FG h202 as part of a cancer protocol a few days ago. I am up to 5 drops but WOW, I think I can't go beyond that because it is causing me too much gastric upset. I have tried adding sea salt (as per Teds suggestion in the cancer section) but to no avail. As this is an excellent oxygen donor, can anyone suggest how to eliminate these symptoms? Thanks in advance.
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 09/02/2010 84 posts
HP will definitely cause hair colour change if applied directly onto the hairs. It is an ingredient in hair colour. Internally, I haven't seen any reports on this site but I do remember that at some stage the New York Times(I think it was that paper)published an article about a university study that claimed an excess of HP in the body caused premature greyness. They weren't talking about ingestion of HP but conversion of another chemical to HP within the body.
H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Oz (Miami Beach, Florida, Usa) on 08/31/2010
Does hydrogen peroxide treatment causes the body hair color to change? Since the beginning of the current treatment of hydrogen peroxide that I start I notice that my eyebrows hair becomes brown/ blond (my normal hair color is black). I tried to look for any kind of post about it- and I could not find any post that talks about such an event. Is this normal or am I the only report on the hydrogen peroxide Therapy I already went through the daily level of three times a day and right now I'm taking the 3% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE every 3 days 20 drops and soon I'll start to take 20 drops once a week.
Posted by Sharon (Park City, Utah) on 08/31/2010
Hi Tina,
I'm just starting the H2O2 therapy, I'm now at 11 drops 3x a day. I'm trying to cure my rheumatoid arthritis. My affected areas are more inflamed and swollen that they were before going on this therapy. I'm hoping that things will kick in soon. Can you tell me what you eventually did? Did you stop your therapy or continue, did you have your surgery?
I hope you were able to resolve your issues.
Take care,
Posted by Dark Shadows Follow Me (Formerly West Palm Beach, Fl) on 08/28/2010
I am right on with your sentiments Hawk! Bartlett is the quack who needs to be watched. I ordered some of the 35% fghp online but then I saw the warnings about it so it has been sitting in my cabinet. I am reconsidering giving it a try. BTW what is the best water to take it with and also any hesitation about taking it while taking other supplements (obviously wait 2 hours and empty stomach, etc. Btw is this the same Hawk that was the housemanager for the veterans home? I did some community service there several years ago. If it is you hope your doing well and bless you for the job you are doing for the vets and my apologies if I was a bit of a slacker who didn't follow through back in those days. I have my act together these days and I have stayed out of trouble since! I even went back to school and am working on a graduate degree. Lesson learned..
Milk Lasts Longer
Posted by Orrie (St. Augustine, Florida, Usa) on 08/21/2010
What kind of milk are you using? Pasteurized, ULTRA-Pasteurized, Raw? I have found that the Ultra version (which has had all the vital nutrients removed by that very process, lasts WAY longer than the sticker date).
Artificial Joints
Posted by Orrie (St. Augustine, Florida, Usa) on 08/21/2010
Hello Anyone, I, too, have an artificial joint (hip, May 2010) and have wondered the same thing. EC is the best I've found for reliable information! I spend hours every day researching health related questions (no TV :). The only negative thing found concerning H2O2 therapy is if you have had an organ transplant. The results of increased immunologic responses from the body could cause rejection of the organ. Thus far nothing found concerning artificial joints. The closest positive so far is that H2O2 will aid in strengthening bones. The most important thing you can do is to maintain an alkaline diet: ditch the fast foods and prepackaged stuff. Learn to cook/prepare a real, live food diet "a la grandmother. " There are a host of sites to research that will help, just be careful, read and read and learn the truth! I'll be trying the therapy whilst carefully monitoring.
Posted by Sharon (Park City, Utah, Usa) on 08/21/2010
To Jean from Somerset, KY or anyone who may have used probiotics while ingesting Hydrogen Peroxide: I have had Rheumatoid Arthritis for about 2 years now and I'm just starting my regime of Hydrogen Peroxide 3% food grade (until I get my order of 35% food grade) and would like to know what else you are taking to keep your body in balance such as probiotics, selenium or Vitamin C, anything for your stomach to protect it from an ulcer? Also, has anyone ever been on antibiotics while ingesting Hydrogen Peroxide? Today is my first day and the dosage that I'm currently taking with the 3% fg is 11 drops in 8 oz. Of pure water (Reverse osmosis) 3x a day for the first day and increasing 11 drops 3x each day...... When I get my 35% fg I will then cut it down to the correct dosage. Thank you, Sharon
Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Tonib (Billings, Mt) on 08/20/2010
Hello Eddie from Port Erin... If you become nauseous from increasing the H202, all you need to do is cut the quantity back. It is best to continue taking it, just cut back the amount.
Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2
Posted by Eddie (Port Erin, Isle Of Man (u.k.)) on 08/17/2010
I've been suffering from various ailments for years. Heart trouble, arthritis, diabetes, terrible knee problems. Full of drugs from my doctor, but nothing working. I've tried just about every "remedy" known to mankind, but they've all failed. I recently found out about Hydrogen Peroxide, and started taking it mixed in Distilled Water. Unfortunately, as I took stronger doses, I started to get nauseous, so I had to stop taking it. I've just been looking at this site, and came across a message from Bill (1/12/2009), who recommends taking HP mixed in Apple Cider Vinegar. I'll start taking it immediately, and I'll report back as soon as possible. Here's hoping this one works.
Drug Store Peroxide
Posted by Ahlia86 (Rotorua, Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand) on 08/16/2010
Lisa - 35% food grade must be diluted to 3% with water. Check out Teds Earth Clinic articles on Hydrogen Peroxide
Cheers Marlane
Drug Store Peroxide
Posted by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 08/14/2010
Hi Lisa - Try asking your health food store to order 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide for you. Some customer-oriented stores are more than willing to do that because people use it for sprouting, as well as for other purposes. Also, stores usually do not keep 35% food-grade HP on the shelves due to safety regulations (you don't want kids opening up a bottle and spilling it on themselves) so they keep it in the storeroom. You just have to ask them to retrieve it for you. The one I go to in Calgary keeps it in the back room. Good luck!
Drug Store Peroxide
Posted by Lisaj (Stamford, Ct, Usa) on 08/13/2010
I've been reading the posts and Bill Munroe's accounts with H202. I went to the drugstore - on the bottle it said 3% stabalized and if swallow contact your local poison control. It says for external use only. I know alot of readers and Bill has been using this for inhaling but it kind of scared me off. I think I would rather try the 35% food grade and dilute it. The closest health food store doesn't carry it. I'm wondering if Whole Foods might. What do you all think? That 3% would have been ok or does anyone know off hand if Whole Foods carries it. This site is fantastic. I'd like to thank everyone who posts for their helpful comments. Thanks, Lisa
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Posted by Tina (Utrecht, Netherlands) on 08/05/2010
To Fransix from Toronto. Thanks to your comment, I finally think I know why I feel so bad using the hydrogen peroxide therapy. (you can read my question if you scroll up to the candida section. ) But I feel alot better now knowing that there is a reason to why I am starting to feel bad. Have any more info on the peroxide hangover? I'd like to read more on how to procede with the therapy. Thank you, Tina
Posted by Holly (Los Angeles, Usa) on 08/02/2010
WARNING!!! I'm sure this works great, but you MUST dilute the HP before you put it in your mouth. Stupid here read this post and decided to take a swig of 3% HP. It felt like my teeth were cracking apart and being pulled out. Excruciating. Told myself I was an idiot, tried it again (after rinsing mouth with water and checking that my teeth were still in place) with a capful in 8oz. That was fine.
Posted by Tina (Utrecht, Netherlands) on 07/28/2010
Why is everyone feeling so good while taking the hydrogen peroxide and am I feeling so awful? I started taking it about 5 weeks ago, 1 drop 3 x a day, 1 hour before and 3 hours after meals. I use 35 % food grade in distilled water. And I went to 20 drops 3x a day and I couldn't take it any longer, felt so terribly sick, I went to 2 x 20 drops and have been there for a few weeks now. I am amazed at these people that have more energy, I still feel terrible. I hate the taste of the stuff and after taking it, I get a high heart rate and my stomach protests to the point where I just do not have to vomit. This lasts about half an hour. Is this my body detoxifying or what is this? I have been on the 20 drops for a while now, as I read that if you feel bad, you should stay at that dosage until you feel better. So I am waiting. . . I started the hydrogen peroxide cure because I have a dermoid cyst that will have to be removed by surgery on Aug. 31 and hoped that this would cure it. If it wouldn't cure it, I would at least be detoxed and in better shape for the surgery. I must say that I react really sensitive to everything- homeopathic medicines work within minutes for me. Could that have something to do with it? My biggest worry is that I feel my heart rate going up to 100 per minute. Is this normal and does anyone know why this is? Would it be harmful to my heart? I would not be able to ask my doctor, he will tell me that all this natural stuff is a big LIE and will not support me with this. He scheduled surgery for me. Should I taper off? I do make sure that I drink enough distilled water 2-3 liters with a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar included. Any advice is very welcome because right now all I can think about is just quitting the hydrogen peroxide cure and going back to 0!
General Feedback
Posted by Mary (Portland, Tn) on 07/24/2010
35% Food grade Hydrogen Peroxide is absolutely a miracle cure. . . . Over time. So many benefits! ! ! ! -and not the side effects that synthetic drugs come with. Take the opportunity to research ALL FG H2O information and see for yourself the results that arise after using. Big Pharma cannot patent H2O therefore it does not add to their bottom line as do all the synthetic "garbage" they produce, thus the discredit manuevers they have successfully employed to sabotague FG H2O. Don't listen to someone else, find your own information to make your OWN decision. All The Best!
General Feedback
Posted by Liz (Rehoboth Beach, Delaware) on 07/22/2010
General Feedback
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 07/22/2010