"physicians like Dr. Farr believed that taking hydrogen peroxide orally could have a corrosive and tumorous effect on the stomach and small intestine and advised against using it. There is animal research supporting this caution".
He advocated intravenous treatment.
Does anyone know what these animal studies were, and what amounts of H2O2 were involved? Should we be worried about this?
H2O2 Side Effects
Can't help you with the hydrogen peroxide. It has also been given IV for those whose stomachs will not tolerate oral HP. From what I have read on it, HP is said to cure a lot (if not all) chronic health problems. I can give a personal account of using Bill's inhalation HP. I find it opens your head & chest up so you can breathe easier quite quickly and I had no unwanted reactions or side effects. I wish I had known about it when I caught pertussis (whooping cough) from a patient. That was one time my 50/50 ACV/honey failed me. When I started coughing one night after returning to work, my doctor looked at me and said "Sounds like you need to see the lung man". As I told him, "I know it sounds that way, but the problem is in my head. Feels like someone is spraying glue over my trachea, and my lungs are just working hard to keep it out of my lungs." I think Neti potting the nose with saline to stop the drainage would have been the best way to handle it, but that was before I heard of a neti pot. However flushing the nose with normal saline stopped the cough longer than anything else did. If you want my personal opinion, using both HP and the urine therapy at the same time, would probably be a lot safer than taking the combination of drugs given for HIV.
H2O2 Side Effects
H2O2 Side Effects
Anonymous from Truthville: Really we are no more lactose intolerant than the Britons or the Americans or the Chinese or the Canadians. However, I think one should start some research on the sulpher usage. Thank you so much
Just to mention most of Africans are lactose intolerant and dont drink milk unless its human milk. If your drinking milk from milk powder or cows etc that can give diareah and other problems, which paired with malnutrion causes of aids in Africa. Same with doctors aids drugs. you can have harmless hiv that the drugs and get aids.
Ps no Cocain or those hard street drugs either. you'll get aids that way. 1 Nutrition and 2 ozone therapy or the Hydrogen peroxide will do and 3 detoxify yourself. Get some sulfur so your cell walls can absorb nutrients. I don't want to Talk forever. Do the research and good luck.
First off you know only propaganda and lies about HIV. NO offense to you and 3 billion other people. Don't feel bad. HIV is harmless. We don't know how long Hiv has been in human bodies maybe millions of years. After we had big microscopes we found it. Go to Peter Dunesbergs website. Try to go to Google video and search if they still have the videos the aids myth, or the aids hoax, 10 reasons why aids is..., aids fact or fiction, etc.
Theres a few good videos and I forget if the names I listed are 100% correct but it should get you to the right videos if they haven't all been removed, to cover up the truth. Ok in a nutshell Aids is caused by medication doctors give once they find HIV. Or by drug addicts breaking down their immune system from drug use. This includes gays who use lots of drugs or habitually take antibiotics cause the do anal sex. In poor countries Aids is caused by diareah malnutrition and once again, doctors drugs shipped to those Countries in mass quantities. Just watch the videos check out the websites and wake up from your brainwashing. Learn the truth the 100 billion dollar industry doesn't want you to know.
NEVER, just Stop taking the H-202 in water suddenly, you must decrease your drops slowly each day, just like you Increase one drop each day to a desired amount, until you reach your goal & have results. Then just take a few drops 4-5 p/day for maintenance. For example, if you increase your intake to 10 or more drops several times p/day or even more than that, then you will slowly decrease drops each day till you get to 1-3 drops, and then you can stop.
If you STOP suddenly you will experience that your body has not finished it's cleansing and will give you other symptoms. Taking the H-202 orally, high amounts, for issues should be taken for a period of 2-3mos as your body will experience a cleansing process and it needs that time line to clean itself out! If you do not give your body ample time 2-3 mos. for the complete cleansing, your liver will have problems. Your LIVER is the garbage disposal, as well as your kidneys, and colon, so as your body receives the High doses of H-202 daily, your body is ridding its cells of all the toxins; fungus, bacteria, viruses, metals, all the pollutants, etc..., and healing itself, and in so doing , it dispels all the gunk into your liver, kidneys, and colon, then it will do a final elimination normally in the bathroom, and also as your body sweats.
Therefore, if your body is not given ample time to Detox, and Eliminate, because you stop your intake of H-202 from High doses to O, now you'll have a problem, all the gunk will be left in your Liver, Kidneys, or worse, in your Colon, now you may end up with another problem..., Do You Understand??!! I SURE HOPE SO.
General Feedback
You can find the 35%, Food Grade type at the following: { www.h2o2oxytech.com }. Click on the upper left of the home page, find the retailer near you! For additional info, and more complete & conclusive understanding of H-202, and applications of this Amazing Product, see the Book Called "Flood Your Body with Oxygen", by Ed McCabe.
To your health, Sam!
General Feedback
I'm continuing because I saw that the peroxide has a cleansing effect much like the fasting does, except I don't have to lose weight in the process. I have a few little matters that I mostly ignored because they don't HURT (nothing like some pain for motivation to change!!)....so decided to deal with them via the peroxide. I have a slight bit of tinnitus (which I mostly don't think about, but it's there so could get worse?), my eyesight (I wear reading glasses), my hearing (I miss some conversation), my BRAIN (ach! "senior moments" are not funny, really)...might the peroxide help in those????? I'm hoping! :-)
A couple days ago I had some cold symptoms develop, ( a LOT of sneezing and MUCH clear nasal discharge) which I know were just to be expected...but I seem to be past that. I have a couple questions!? About day nine I was nauseous after taking the peroxide in the morning, so thought to put four drops of my orange-flavored liquid stevia in each time, is that OK? Some places said use juice or milk, but other places said just water, and I hate to go through all this and not have it as effective as possible! AND for a while now I have put sea salt at the rate of a teaspoon per gallon of drinking water, as that is what Dr. Batmanghelidge says we need...is that OK with the peroxide? (He didn't say put it in drinking water; that was my idea since I don't like to salt my food much...and the water doesn't taste salty, just good) I'm using reverse osmosis water by the gallon from our local health store. I'm thinking of getting a reverse osmosis system for under my kitchen sink: they seem reasonable in price. Can anyone un-confuse me about the 3/4/5 phase systems in them, which is adequate?? I'll let y'all know how this peroxide regimen treats me in days ahead! I do believe my brain is slightly more clear already. :-) Oh, and I have for years had irregular sleep (I hate to call it insomnia)...hope maybe that is a problem the peroxide might help. Am I expecting miracles?! Well, that arthritic pain gone in two days was a miracle, wasn't it?!
2/16/2009: Jean from Somerset, KY writes, "I have another question. I read we should build up gradually to taking the peroxide AND decrease gradually, but I haven't read WHY the gradual decrease. What would happen if some morning I am tempted to think, I CAN'T DO THIS ONE MORE DAY!! (??) I might deal with that thought better if know ahead of time why I should and can decrease gradually???"
There is much confusion on this site about the H-202, and the percentages and how to apply or injest. I just finished reading the Most intelligently written book on H-202, called "Flood Your Body with Oxygen", by Ed McCabe. Read 1st, chapter 9, it will answer all your questions, specifically, to each of you, on all applications of H-202, orally/topically and the Power of H-202, Oxygen for your body!!!
Go to: www.oxygenhealth.com
To all the mis-informed, so called experts, and uneducated people who call this all nonsence, Oxygen & Water is in the H-202, and Oxygen is what your body runs on everyday, the minute you stop your Oxygen intake, How long do you think you'll survive?? Disease CANNOT SURVIVE IN AN OXYGENATED BODY! Therefore, when you ingest Extra Oxygen, H-202, food grade, (35%) diluted to 3% in (Distilled Water Only) IT WILL KILL ALL BACTERIA, FUNGUS, VIRUS, PARASITES, YEAST, EXPELS TOXINS OUT OF THE BODY , AND DOES NOT KILL HEALTHY CELLS !!!
Listen Up PLEASE: The peroxisomes are areas in our cells programmed to make hydrogen peroxide. The white blood cells engulf bacteria, viruses, or other unwanted invaders and squirt hydrogen peroxide on them. They simply burn up, or oxidize, the offending microorganism! That's your immune system in Action! The very fact that all your cells make Peroxide defines this process as your first line of immune defense. But, You must have enough Oxygen in your system to make it in the first place.
The peroxisomes make our peroxide continually, but normal healthy cells are left unharmed! This is Extremely Important for You to grasp, for it is the reason we can put Oxygen Therapies into our bodies without hurting the normal cells.
PEROXIDE: CALLED Oxygen Water, Dioxogen, Alphozone & Hydrozone.
For the past 100 years in America, people have tried imbibing or orally ingesting diluted solutions of pure H-202. They diluted it in distilled water and drank it. This old folk remedy that goes back to the 18th century has a remarkable ability to kill bacteria, and is unique in its simplicity. This information about the power of H-202, has been written about in the Medical Journals by Doctors in the US back in the early 1920's. Thousands of reports have been written about the Doctors success in treating their patients with diluted Hydrogen Peroxide!
I have been using this wonderful product myself for the last 2 yrs, with great success!!! I have not had a cold, flu, nor any other issue. In fact if I get a headache I just take a glass of water (distilled) with 35% (about 5-6 drops) of H.P. in my water, drink it, and headache gone. I also place the H-202 in my water when I exercise and have excellent energie in my workouts. I also place diluted 35% H.P. (in distilled water) in a spray bottle and spray on any area of pain in my body, spray several times per day, and with great results. OXYGEN IN THE BODY, OR APPLIED TO THE SKIN, HEALS!!!!!!!!
1. Never mix the Hydrogen Per. with any other liquid other than Distilled Water if taking orally!
2. For oral use to irradicate whatever issue in your body, Always Start Slowly, example;
start with distilled water 4-5 once, and 3 drops 35% H.P. 3x p/day, then increase by one drop every other day, you will notice as time passes that you will feel cleansing reactions such as, a cold, or a rash in a previously injured area, or loose stools, or a fever. The cleansing reaction means the oxygen has hit the spot where you start burning up, or oxidizing, or destroying the bacteria, the viruses, the fungus, and the pathogens.
If the cleansing symptoms are too harsh slow down the dosage of H-202 intake for a week of so and then start to increase dosage again, accordingly.
Always use Caution & Common sense. Read the Book mentioned above first, and educate yourself!
3. Always, (when taken orally, the water with H.P. take One Hour before a meal, and one hr. after.
4. NEVER, just Stop taking the H-202 in water suddenly, you must decrease your drops slowly each day and then just take a few drops 4-5 p/day for maintenance..., if you STOP suddenly you will experience that your body has not finished it's cleansing and will give you other symptoms. Taking the H-202 orally, high amounts, for issues should be taken for a period of 2-3mos as your body will experience a cleansing and it needs that time to clean itself out!
5. Wear gloves when handling the 35% H.P., as it can burn/irritate your skin.
6. Never, Ever, take the H-202 anywhere near your eyes, it will cause major damage.
Remember, the H-202 by itself cannot do it all, one also needs to eat a healthy menu, ie;
lots of fruit, vegetables, chicken, fish, drink lots of water and stay away from sugars, boxed food, fast food, dairy..., and BREATHE MORE OXYGEN, YOUR BODY WILL LOVE YOU!!!
**I do hope this has been helpful for many of you! I wanted to return the favor to "TED", and say "Thank You TED" for a wonderful site, with much wisdom! This site has given me so much and has opened my eyes and helped me to see a hidden Secret!!
God Bless All of You,
Simona, Irvine, CA
General Feedback
I am taking all the major vitamins and minerals including-ginseng, aloe vera, ginger, hawthorne, turmeric curcumin, ginseng, bilberry, butchers broom, fengreek, 2ala's, chromium, garlic, bromlein, l-carnosine, coq10, bee pollen, calcium magnesium, potasium, flax seed, acidophilus, l-glutamine, worm wood, lecithin, grapeseed extract, selenium, zinc, glucosamine chondroitin, pancreatin, pau d' arco, l-argine, l-ornithine, l-lysine (I vary what I take).
I have had Candida for 20 years, now diabeties, angina, hardening of the arteries. Bluntly - H2O2 Seems the safest however there is much confusion about the correct dosage to take and the percentage of peroxide. Appreciate your prompt assistance in advance.
They go over the different dilutions, etc. Very good info.
General Feedback
My question is, am I reducing the effects of h202, releasing 02 by mixing the h202 in juice instead of water? btw, sometimes i have taken 3 teaspoons of 3% h202 in a glass of cran/rasp juice, with no ill effects. (equivalent to 24 drops of 35% h202)! Need your inputs.
H2O2 Side Effects
H2O2 Side Effects
I have taken 35% food grade h202 several times through the last 7 years of my life. always starting at 1 drop and increasing 1 drop a day as far as 25 drops and coming down in the same manner sometimes staying at a certain dosage for a few days.
One day i felt i was getting sick. I hadnt taken h202 in over a year. i decided to experiment with it. i took 10 drops one day skipped a few days and did it again. this is not reccomended as it caused my body severe problems. The h202 shocked my system into a clensing crisis through the skin via Herpes Zoster better known as Shingles.
it was very painful and the nerve which was affected followed into my eye and caused me to get iritis. the iritis caused my vision to go blurry in that eye. I was able to get steriod drops from the opthamologist and managed to rid myself of it after a few months.
I am a firm believer in h202 and its healing abilities but heed my warning: H202 is not to be taken for granted.
Colds and Flu
If this truly is healing her like we believe the pharmacutical companies and doctors should be ashamed of what they are putting people through in the name of cash revenue.
These are Gods miracle healers.
God bless you all at earthclinic.
Ear and Sinus Issues
PS/ You may edit my poor English if you want to publish my experience.
Max from Costa Rica
She talks about her Hep c and how she had good results. Hope this helps