Health Benefits

Benefits of Iodine for Health

Posted by Larry Forsyth (Norwalk, Iowa, Usa) on 02/06/2012

From your iodine page:

Having been trained as a medic in the U. S. Air Force many years ago during the Viet Nam era, I have a working familiarity with Iodine. Back then, the antibiotics we used most for field use were Penicillin and cloromycetin (not sure about the latter's spelling). Cloromycetin was great for surgery in less than sterile conditions but it could have serious drawbacks, frequent or long term use being some of them.

For surface wounds iodine seemed to work for nearly everything since it would absorb "beneath the top skin layers". That was what separated it from other germ killing agents popular back then.

When using Iodine on a wound, it was never placed on the open wound itself, only around the edges of it. Hence its absorption usefulness.

Multiple Cures
Posted by David (Lubbock, Texas) on 10/27/2011

I noted someone had problems with burning eyes from taking iodine. I have taken 250 mgs daily for about eight months, luv it. It has fixed all my ailments, My eyes burn, if I don't wash well, scrub my face twice a day, I believe the iodine is loading up in the skin oils, and making it alkaline, which burns the eyes if it contacts them. Anyhoo, scrub your face, keep the oil off and you will live long and healthy taking iodine. david lubbock tx.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, La Union) on 10/04/2011

Hi Debbie... I too am continually astonished at iodine's beneficial effects on the body. Here are some other facts I've stumbled across looking at all the history and research on lugol's iodine:

* Iodine acts to lower cholesterol and also helps to successfully remove and clear plaque from the heart arteries.

* Iodine, as well as T3 and T4, tend to accumulate in the lungs. Iodine is anti-carcinogenic and anti-mutagenic. In the old pre-WW2 days iodine was used by medical doctors in much larger doses -- 300 mgs to 2000 mgs amounts (50 to 300 drops a day of lugols) -- to successfully treat chronic forms of bronchitis, asthma and emphysema. Lugol's Iodine is therefore highly protective for the lungs in general.

* In larger dose, lugol's iodine inhibits the conversion of histidine to histamine. So lugols acts as a natural anti-histamine against allergies as well.

* For low acidity problems in the stomach, taking oral lugol's iodine will treat the root cause and revive proper acid levels in the stomach for proper digestion.

* There is an artery that runs through the thyroid/parathyroid which trickles out iodine continuously into the blood. Iodine kills 90%-95% of all known pathogens.

* Iodine in the blood also prevents bacteria and viruses from attaching themselves onto host cells for invasion, attack or reproduction.

* Cyst problems such as uterine fibroids and fibrocystic breast disease are completely resolved and cured, usually over a 3 month period, by taking 50 mgs (8 drops) lugols iodine a day.

* Taking daily oral Lugol's Iodine can also resolve prostate problems in men.

* Larger dose lugol's iodine, just on its own, can completely cure systemic candida. Google Search "Orian Truss iodine candida".

All of the above benefits are associated with taking larger dose lugols. But most people still associate the small RDA microgram dose for iodine with just the thyroid when, in actual fact, the rest of the human body needs at least 100 times more iodide/iodine than the RDA recommends. Women also need much more iodine than men. For a lactating woman -- her breasts alone will need 100 times more iodine than the RDA.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 10/05/2011

Thanks Bill, all very interesting. A question, how much Lugols iodine should I give to my 4 1/2 year old son? He does have a language delay and other problems so I think he is definitely deficient.

Also iodine should be supplemented with selenium I read as well.

Here is an excellent youtube video of a speech by a Dr on some of the cancers that are caused by iodine deficiency, namely endometriosis which leads to endometrial cancer, PCOS is also an iodine deficiency which leads to cancer. Fibrous breast tissue also leads to breast cancer if not supplemented with iodine. Goiter also leads to cancer.

As the Dr says iodine has been removed from bread, and from milk and we are told not to eat much salt (for some people their only source of iodine). A disaster.

A worthwhile interesting video to watch for everyone.

Iodine Painting
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, La Union) on 10/04/2011

Hi Debbie... Regarding your precautions on taking Vitamin C with Lugol's Iodine supplementation -- I think your advice is perhaps incorrect. Ted from Bangkok has always advised taking Lugol's with Vitamin C to avoid headaches and other after-effects of taking the lugol's.

And recent research by The Iodine Project in 2005 would also suggest that taking Vitamin C with Lugol's Iodine is also quite beneficial. Here is their research:

Evidence that the Administration of Vitamin C improves a defective cellular transport mechanism for iodine: A Case Report

Vitamin C seems to help remove absorbed bromine from the body in rather large quantities, thus greatly aiding iodine transport and eventual iodine re-absorbtion by the thyroid and the rest of the body.

Posted by Jarret (Calgary, Ab, Canada) on 03/09/2011


Seaweed, Kelp, are high in arsenic and mercury. I was doing research into taking these as a 'natural' form of iodine. I changed my mind after reading up on it. Liquid Iodine and Acv has been working well for me.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 09/08/2010

Hello Akbor and Everyone of Earth Clinic; Here are some suggestions for you to consider. Iodine. It is greatly helpful for the removal of pathogens, metals, and the mucous that retains them and their waste. It seems that they reside very well in the digestive, lymphatic, and endocrine systems of organisms. The pituitary gland is notable because a high rate of growths have been detected in many people by surgeons. Viruses, excitotoxins, and mercury apparently have been detected in the pitutary also. These disruptions can cause a litany of symptoms. The N. D. , Dr. Lepore, writes that the pitutary leaks mucous that drips to the throat and into the chest and lungs. Supplemented Iodine discharges the pathogens and replaces itself rightfully throughout these systems, as it supports the survival of our bodies. Iodine can be desribed as a "vital force", because, among its many functions, it supports the arousal of one's instinct to survive. This is what I wish for you, Akbor. There are many brilliant posts here on EC about Iodine Cures that could help you. Also, you can take a tsp of kelp powder from a good source, mix in 1/2 glass of good water, take mouthful, swish for a couple of minutes, spit, and drink the rest several times daily. This can be done with parsely, mint, grasses, etc. I like to pretend that I'm a happy ruminant animal in the pasture. Thank you EC, for I learned about the use of this marvelous element from you all. Connie

Multiple Cures
Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 09/18/2010

Hello Bessie, Hello Y'all,

Yes, Thank You, I should have included the amounts taken in my post. "Case History": kelp eating and intermittent Iodine drinking in the past. (joke) I am a 53 3/4 Y. O. F, 5'4 3/4 H. , 121 w. , that needs to learn the metric system.

I used organic kelp powder in this test and chose to accept that 1tbl, 15ml, of kelp powder contains 7.5 mg of Iodine, as a given. (could be a wide variance). I also began with Atomic Iodine 2%, and switched to Lugol's 5% at day 8. (sorry folks, as I am still in a state of anecdotage, I do not have a good comparitive explanation for this, for you).

Wk. 1, 10 drops 2% Atomic Iodine tincture, 1tsp. Kelp powder in smoothie. End of Wk. 1, 15 drops 2% Atomic Iodine, 1 tsp. 3x daily kelp powder in 4oz water. Herx. Effects: mild acne on chin, mild constipaton, "roiling colon" with immoderate flatus. Began daily enema, followed with oral probiotic supp. (50 billion).

Wk 2, discontinued Atomic Iodine, began Lugol's solution 5%, 2 drops daily, 1 tsp. Kelp powder 3x daily. Began to apply Lugol's, undiluted 3 drops, to shingles lesions at base of spine and on bum cheek. (no pain here, but caution to others). Day 11, experienced mild heart palpitations and mild anxiety. (recurring songs in the brain). Began "pulsing", by discontinuing Lugol's and kelp for 2 days. Restarted Lugol's 5% 1 drop and kelp 1 tsp. At day 14. Continues to "pulse", skipping suplementation for 1 or two days, then restarts at lower dosage.

There appears to be a wide variance in an individual's needs for Iodine, and it's difficult to distinguish detox effect from side effect, but, for me, the benefits outstand the deficits in this endeavor. Bessie, I hope this "windy" discussion is helpful, as, finding one's indivdual needs is a good challenge. (maybe I have shown this, unwittingly) Tom from Sk. And Bill from the Philippines have provided us with great links to information about Iodine's effects, and I am grateful. Thank You, EC, Connie

Multiple Cures
Posted by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 09/19/2010

Many thanks Connie! I'm starting with Lugol's (1 drop twice daily) and virgin coconut oil (starting with 1 tablespoon and gradually working up to 2 or 3 tablespoons) for my hypothyroid problems. I haven't had too much luck with kelp in the past so I'll see how the Lugol's/VCO works. Many thanks for taking the time to explain your procedure! I've learned so many things from the Earth Clinic family - I'm very grateful :) Best of health to you!

The Importance of Iodine
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 06/17/2010

The audio link below is a must listen for all women who are suffering from fibrocyistic disease, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovarian disease, endometriitis, breast and uterine cancers and people suffering from hypothyroid goiter, allergy problems, asthma, emphysema, heart tachycardia and arrhythmia, diabetes and much more.

The interview below also establishes the important relationship between the lack of iodine in our diet and the simultaneous steady increase of other dangerous halogens like bromine and fluorine in our food and drinks with all the multitude of dangerous and disturbing physical and mental problems and diseases that can arise from this.

An Interview with Dr Flechas(audio recording)

Enlarged, Cystic Thyroid
Posted by Andrea (Winchester, Kentucky) on 04/15/2010

I have been using a colorless kelp iodine for several months for an enlarged and cystic thyroid. My blood tests for thyroid indicated a low level of the hormone. I used chemical replacement for a few months and felt much better, but the thyroid was still enlarged. I used 3 drops, twice a day as recomended on the bottle. The swelling stopped. I stopped taking the chemical prescription. My blood tests normal. The thyroid is still very slightly enlarged, but doesn't bother me any more.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Anna (London, England) on 04/25/2010

Update: I gave up on using iodine on liver spots because I couldn't see any change, but continued using it (although not quite as often) on my 2 areas of thick skin on my knuckles and 3 very small moles.

In my experience, when I started using providone iodine on any of these areas, there was a dramatic change in the first few days, which would lead me to believe that in another couple of days, the problem would be gone altogether. Well, that didn't happen, but now I see that the area on one of my knuckles is finally completely normal. I.e., it took 3 days for it to get 80% better, then 3 months to get 100% better. The other little moles are now small enough that you only notice them if you touch them (they were really small to start with). I'm going to keep on applying the iodine in the hopes they too will disappear completely. Oh, and my breasts are still not lumpy like they were before the iodine.

Posted by Linda (Titusville, Fl) on 01/21/2011

Is elemental Iodine the same as a saturated solution of potassium iodide (sski)?

Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 01/22/2011

Dear Bill, and what is the difference between Lugol's and kelp? Not that I have ever found Lugol's, I only know it from this site!

Thyroid Issues
Posted by Samlaunch (Knoxville, Tennessee) on 09/27/2009

I had hyperthyroidism. The area around my throat (thyroid) bulged out my eyes bugged out. Then, I took three vitamins (1 of each per day) and everything shrunk back to normal: Selenium, Co Q-10, L-Lysine. From using myself as a human guinea pig, salt seems to reactivate my thyroid condition. Baking Soda is sodium bicarbonate so you'll notice sodium (Na). The vitamins would fix the problem and the baking soda would bring the problem back. I don't have cancer so I don't need to use baking soda. Then, I stumbled onto hot cocoa (flavanoids) which reduces blood pressure. Cures won't work if you misuse your body by staying out of shape and eating junk food. I don't have hyperthyroid these days and sleep soundly every night, all night. My doctor in Tennessee said that everything looks good, throat looks normal, eyes look good and heart sounds nice and calm.

Food Poisoning
Posted by Pamela (Houston, Texas) on 11/16/2008

I had a chronic case of salmonella food posioning. I read in Dr. Hulda Clarks book 6 drops of Lugol's iodine 4 times a day would get rid of the salmonella. I forgot how long she said to take it. I usually take the iodine for a couple of days after I feel better. Lugol for me works every time I pick up any salmonella bacteria from eating out.

Sore Throat
Posted by Nancy (Austin, TX) on 04/02/2008

Swab throat with iodine---never fails to kill a sore throat, so just'the "sniffles" are left.

Sore Throat
Posted by John (Panama City, FL) on 01/20/2008

re: Iodine for Sore Throats/Ear Aches. I'm trying this for the very first time. Let me add this word of caution: KEEP TOWELS HANDY! Wherever you normally sit - say, a couch or favorite easy chair - place towels where your wrists and hands would normally rest. This is especially important if, like me, you sweat profusely even when still. I also suggest wearing clothing that you won't mind possibly getting stained, as the iodine WILL get all over.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Ian H. (Marton, New Zealand) on 01/09/2008

Three members of our family have been seriously affected by three different sensitivity disorders. Myself with fibromyalgia for 11 years, my daughter with MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) for at least two years and my wife with chronic fatigue syndrome for about two years.

I recently read the articles on iodine use for mammary fibrocystic disease and decided to treat us all with 12.5 mg iodine/iodate (50:50). The results after two weeks have been very promising. All three report increased energy and better sleep.

The MCS patient lowered reaction on exposure to voc, mold and carpet, absence of morning nausea.

The CFS patient: less depression, better hearing and better appetite, no headaches.

The FMS patient: less pain in major sites (cervical, thoracic and lumber spine), arm-wrist, better cognition, better tolerance to aerobic exercise, fewer migraine headaches. I will follow this up for six months and report again.

Skin Ailments
Posted by Leslie (Geneva, IL) on 06/07/2007

For 4 days I have been applying Lugols Iodine to my nose polyp, once in the morning and at night. Has reduced in size and shape. Before was very red, now looks like color of surrounding tissue. Will continue this experiment and report to you the outcome.

Skin Ailments
Posted by Donna (Dalton, GA) on 04/13/2007

I had been reading about Iodine and how it could get rid of different skin lesions, so I decided to give it a try on several Sebaceous Keratoses on my torso, several quite large. It has worked wonderfully. It took about 2 weeks for them to go away, and I applied it 2x a day most days. I put it on with a q-tip and let it dry before getting dressed. I sometimes scratched them lightly first with a emery nail file before applying the iodine. I use the Lugols, because I also take it by drops internally each day.

Ovarian Cysts
Posted by Robin (Houston, TX) on 03/01/2007

I took iodine for an ovarian cyst. It made it go away. I had been taking Depoprovara shots every three months to stop the formation of the cyst. I also gained twelve pounds. I stopped taking the shots and went on a diet and lost the weight but the cyst problem returned. This time I used iodine and it worked better with no weight gain.

Posted by Fran (Rocky Face, GA) on 02/12/2007

Please tell those who are asking that I had read where, if ACV was taken up to 36 hours straight right after a stroke, that all symptoms would be reversed. Also, you might like to know that when a person is getting a transplant they should be on kelp as this helps the body to receive and accept the body part. If not on kelp most likely the body will reject as a foreign part. God Bless You , Fran. I use potassium base iodine not sodium. you can read about this on should remove skin tags etc..

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Heidi (Troup, TX) on 12/07/2006

I had been menstruating for 7 weeks straight (very heavy) and went to my family doctor. She wanted to put me on birth control. I am 37 and I smoke so I didn't think that was a good choice. I decided to see me chiropractor who put me on the iodoral iodine and my menstrual period stopped in 3 days and has been regular for over 7 months. I also feel better and have more energy. I can tell if I haven't taken them. I start to feel "blah".

Skin Ailments
Posted by Wood Doctor (Houston, Texas) on 10/01/2010

IF you are using the Lugols for skin tags you stopped too soon. They will really swell to a couple of times there size. They become very tender to touch. You are so close at this point if you keep putting the iodine on twice a day. Usually within a few days they fall off. Don't stop applying the Lugols until the skin is perfectly smooth in that area.