Broad Benefits
I took a break now to try green juice for a while but occasionally I have beetroot juice.
I noticed on the beetroot juice that I lost tons of fat in places where I never could lose fat before. Also, people would tell me that I looked great and wondered what I had done to look so healthy.
The coolest thing though. I have done Bikram Yoga about 5 times/week for 3 years.
About a month after I started with the juice my flexibility increased exponentially. I all of a sudden could get into a couple of poses that I simply could not get into before. I then read that beetroot juice has a lot of oxalic acid, which supposedly breaks down calcium deposits in your body. Makes sense to me given my miraculous yoga experienced. I mean, I made years of progress in 4 weeks.
However, the most energy boosting thing I have ever tried is eating 3-4 medium sized beetroots raw first thing in the morning. I don't know what happens but it just gives my an insane rush of energy. Scary actually how powerful that is. But it is really time consuming to chew them down.
Fountain of Youth