Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Insights and Theories
Posted by David W. (Near Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) on 09/14/2021

Editor's Choice Check out Dr. Andreas Moritz's site. He recommends only a couple of minutes of OP. Longer recontaminates your blood system as the toxins that are pulled from around the gums will be absorbed into your blood system. Repeating the OP process an additional 1-2 times for just a couple of minutes is highly beneficial in reducing bacteria concentrations in the mouth. Also, Dr. Joseph Mercola has some insight into the benefits of OP. I have backed up this protocol by having swabbed my gums and checking a live culture Electron Microscope platelet and repeating the OP an extra couple of times show a benefit. This all depends on the health condition of your teeth and gums. I suspect that after a month of OP, your gums should be healthier and one OP per day would be enough. Just before going to bed seems to work the best for me. I was amazed at how much bacteria was present in my mouth, and researching how dangerous these are and the health disorders that they cause. Keeping our mouth analytically clean is paramount in keeping our Gut healthy and reducing many health disorders.

Insights and Theories
Posted by Pamela (Asheville) on 02/02/2020

I've read that it's better to do a sequence of 5 minute oil pulling sessions totaling 20 minutes instead of a single 20 minute session. Reason being that doing shorter “pulls” and spitting avoids the potential re-absorption of toxins one might get from the long pulling session. Makes sense to me! This might solve any gagging problems!

Insights and Theories
Posted by John (Averill Park, Ny) on 01/26/2018

I have been oil pulling with coconut oil for almost four years every morning and at night for 20 minutes each time .

I discovered oil pulling on this website in 2014. I am so very thankful for the countless people around this world who are generous with everything they share on here. A woman in 2014 wrote about O.P.. She advised everyone to thoroughly rinse their mouth after O.P.. She also advised everyone to wait one hour before brushing their teeth . She said the oil softens the enamel on your teeth from O.P.. She said you should wait one hour after you're done oil pulling to let the enamel harden before you brush your teeth . I've been following her advice since I started O.P.. I wonder now if it's necessary . Please tell what you think .

Thank you!

Insights and Theories
Posted by Suchitra (New York, US) on 12/01/2014

Oil Pulling is best if made into an everyday morning routine just as brushing. Start it with little oil for less duration to get used to it .. then gradually increase the oil amount to a full table spoon and duration to every morning. You may even want to do more often in a day, let's say 3 X 7 minutes each if you can't do for the full 20 minutes .. as this will help your body to start working the toxins.

Insights and Theories
Posted by Mikeggg (Albany, Ny) on 11/01/2012

I think you're right on in your assessment of what is going on when doing OP.

I would add that the emulsifying effect of the oil being broken down into tinier globules is probably also trapping any loosened material (food particles, bacteria, sugars, dead cells, etc... ) so it is removing a lot of the non-mucous membrane matter from your mouth. This also includes good bacteria, but by lowering the overall population of all types of bacteria, I think it levels the playing field allowing the good bacteria a chance to take hold to maintain the necessary balance for a healthy environment.

I also think that the body may be much more specific in which EFAs it absorbs there so it could pull just the ones it needs instead of everything that passes through the digestive track. These EFAs are also pure and not first acted upon by stomach acids or other digestive processes.

Insights and Theories
Posted by Sara (Rialto, California) on 11/10/2010

Hi everyone I am new to this site and the first thing I read about was all the benefits you get from apple cider vinegar and I tried it for heartburn that I had. For awhile I had a really bad stomachache from the heartburn so I did the Apple Cider Vinegar and it went away.

Well about a week later I came down with a really bad sore throat I had trouble swallowing I was getting paranoid cause I cant stand to be sick so I grabbed my Apple Cider Vinegar and did a mouthwash and gargle. Well lol I did it straight no water and after I spit it out I took a breath and couldnt so I held my breath with constant swalling till I could breath again. I guess maybe I should of drank something right after but I didnt. So anyways I was so relieved that my sore throat was gone. I was so happy so to get to the bottom of all this if you are op-ing and you have side effects can you use the Apple Cider Vinegar to clear some of the symptoms I want to do the op-ing but need to know if I can do other things to help with the symptoms thank you and good luck everyone.

Insights and Theories
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 02/14/2010 490 posts

After diving into EC again and seeing so many OPing with sesame oil and their reports of different things improved with this little old oil, I went to plant database looking for sesame. Wow, now I am going to have to get myself some of this stuff and see what it does with hypertension. It has a lot more than the chemicals I am going to mention (most of the B complex vitamins, iodine, etc) but I only wrote down the ones in larger parts per million (ppm).

I am leaving the ECers to search the chemicals to see what they can do, but at least 3 of these chemicals includes anti-alopecic (anti-baldness or anti-hair loss). Chemical parts per million

alanine 5,510 - 24,802
alpha-linolenic acid 3,760 - 3,945
alpha-tocopherol 22 - 24
arachidic acid 1,312 - 6,910
arginine 15,800 - 34,930
aspartic acid 9,890 - 23,795
beta carotene ppm not given
calcium 800 - 12,638
choline 1,320
glutamic acid 24,760 - 51,927
glycine 5,890 - l9,918
guaiacol 8,000
hexadeconoic acid 2,880
histidine 3,050 - 7,112
inositol 740
isoleucine 4,430 - 22,586
linoleic acid 123,656 - 278,784
lysine 2,890 - 8,729
magnesium 3,052 - 4,082
methionine 3,120 - 9,413
myristic acid 328 - 1,728
oleic acid 114,800 - 284,544
palmitic acid 25,584 - 54,144
phenylalanine 5,710 - 9,863
phosphorus 5,000 - 8,898
proline 8,100 - 14,277
serine 6,150 - 13,751
stearic acid 11,808 - 32,832
threonine 7,360 - 12,396
tryptophan 2,010 - 4,969
tyrosine 4,220 - 11,818
valine 5,490 - 15,527
zinc 24 - 102

Wow, wonder how the witch doctors, shamen, cooks, etc. came up with using this little seed before we had chemists to tell us what was in them????

At least now we know why the pharmaceutical companys, medical field, and other scientists went out collecting home remedies from all of the above, don't we????

Insights and Theories
Posted by Lee (Ridgefield, Ct., USA) on 12/10/2009

I used to gag on sesame oil. It was the first oil I ever used (per most suggestions.) First of all, don't stress over it. If you gag, you can always just spit it out. I found that using a better tasting oil was much easier (evco)- also, evoo plus a few drops of clove oil. Now I can use just about anything without gagging. I drink a little bit of water first and then use it as a peaceful way to start my morning. Don't give up - the results are worth it.

Insights and Theories
Posted by Antares (Tamuning, GU) on 02/23/2009

When I have an irresistable swallowing reflex while oil pulling, it's because of mucous that has been drawn out. I have to spit it out and then I can start with new oil to finish.

Insights and Theories
Posted by M (St Louis, MO) on 02/09/2009

EC, Could you include with the basic instructions on oil pulling Ted's suggestion to detox for two weeks before beginning the oil pulling process? I think he recommended using 1 tablespoon ACV with 1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda, stir well, add 1/2 to 1 cup of water and drink one or two times a day for two weeks; OR, take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water taken two times a day. The alkalization tends to remove toxins if done for at least two weeks. Then on the second or third week they can start oil pulling. This regimen is supposed to greatly reduce the Herksheimer effect of getting worse before you get better. It seems like many people are just starting out with the oil pulling first and wanting to quit because they didn't prepare properly and are suffering from the Herksheimer effect.

EC: =

Insights and Theories
Posted by Dana (PDX, OR) on 01/30/2009

Try using less oil. I could not use 1 TBLS. I use about half. If I start to gag then I stop swishing and just held it until the sensation passed.

Insights and Theories
Posted by Edna (Solomon, Kansas, USA) on 01/21/2009

I wanted to add a note concerning the addition of a drop or two of Oil of Oregano during the OP. You'll want to make sure that you get ORGANIC oil, and not only that, but make sure it is labeled as "Oil of WILD OREGANO! What sells under the label "Oil of Oregano" or "Oregano Oil" is really Marjoram, and does NOT possess the wonderful, natural, anti-biotic properties of Oil of Wild Oregano. Don't let 'em fool ya!

It is oil from a specific wild plant (not the same plant known in Spain as "oregano" and used in cooking) that grows on the hillsides of the Mediterranean region which is the real deal. It is the most powerful anti-biotic agent in nature.

I wouldn't have known the difference if someone hadn't once told me, so I wanted to pay it forward. Thank you for the opportunity.

Loving this site! :0)

Be blessed!!

Insights and Theories
Posted by Van (Gooseby, UT) on 07/14/2008

As an extra safety measure after oil pulling, i swish colloidal silver around for a few minutes before i drink anything. cheers.

Insights and Theories
Posted by Molly (San Francisco, CA USA) on 03/28/2008

Editor's Choice I've OPed for about three years now. And I've followed endless discussions about what it does and does not do. I now have a theory.

I don't think that OP "pulls" anything out of the system. What it does seem to do is infuse your body with EFA's sublingually (under your tongue) which enters the bloodstream bypassing gastric juices. I found a patent that uses oil as a transporter of medication for a sublingual medication. From what I read, Oleic Acid is commonly used for this transport.

It makes sense why some people have skin conditions clear up with OP. They are being dose with good oil.

Secondly, there is now no doubt that the health of your mouth is directly linked to your organ health. A well-known biologist, a friend of my Dad, said he thinks that the bacteria in the mouth, the really bad stuff that forms plague, is very attracted to the acids in the oil. So the oil melts this bad stuff, and then you spit it out. That's why your teeth get much cleaner than by conventional means, like alcohol-based rinses.

And so, when you melt this bad stuff, you simply spit it out..buh bye.

Now, I think this is the major link to why people experience healing while OP. As your mouth is populating with all this nasty bacteria (or worse, infections), you are swallowing the stuff. That bacteria is attacking you internally. That is why some people have had heart attacks after a dental procedure, like a root canal, that infuses their body with nasty stuff. Yes, it can attack the heart and other vital organs.

OP simply removes it so that it cannot go anywhere else. Dr. Karach talked about curing a long time blood disease. Perhaps his dental health was very bad.

Add a drop of Oil of Oregano to your oil pulling for about a week every 3 or so months, and you have a powerful anti-bacterial agent to kill all this stuff. Oregano Oil is natures anti-biotic, so it should not be abused, and used just like you would a pharmaceutical anti-biotic.

All these theories I have come from a long time listening and discussing this modality.

OP is very gentle. It's just food for goodness sake! And I believe that it should be a common morning occurrence, just like brushing your teeth.

I've actually used it to get rid of sinus infections and lung infections. It has cut down on the time I am sick, but darn if I've hardly gotten sick since I've started OP. Also, my long time seasonal allergies are gone. If I do have any lung complaints, I OP back to back until I don't cough anything up anymore.

I have used (always unrefined and organic) Sesame, Sunflower, Walnut, Macadamia, coconut, Udo's Oil, Total EFA Oil....amongst others. My personal all time favorite is Sesame, hand's down. I have noticed that if you change your oil about ever two months, it's like a renewed therapy. Don't know why, perhaps your body is getting used to that particular EFA formula. But I have noticed that when I change, my teeth get whiter even more.

Thought I'd weigh in since I haven't been here for awhile. Actually, it was myself and Ms Kitty from Oregon that turned Earth clinic onto this some years back. I'm so pleased to see that this is still being discovered and that people are having such good results.

OP is a no-brainer. It's not dangerous, it can't pull stuff out of your body, like medication, it's simply swishing some "food" around your mouth. But what it does do is invaluable.

Keep Swishing!!

Insights and Theories
Posted by Charlie (Portland, Oregon) on 12/09/2007

This is an addendum to my previous post. When you practice oil pulling you might want to, also, run your tongue around your mouth in a circular fashion so that it glides across and lightly touches the front of all your teeth. Five circuits of your mouth is about right. This is best done shortly after beginning a session and again right at the end, while looking down. Sometimes rotate your tongue to the right - sometimes to the left. There is no particular rule to it. Experiment. Tongue rotation is beneficial with or without oil pulling. One of my teachers pointed this technique out to me awhile back. She said this motion cleans and balances the electrical aspects of a person's mouth and, because of the connections between our mouth and the rest of our body, benefits everything else, too. For those of you who find oil pulling somewhat difficult, you might want to just let the oil sit in your mouth for a minute or so before beginning pulling, swishing and so forth. This gives your body a chance to get used to the oil, making it easier to relax into the experience. Also, I am still offering the directions for Ujjayi Pranayama breathing. See - 10/16/2007: Charlie from Portland, Oregon Charlie

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