Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Sinus Infections
Posted by Mike (Logan, Al) on 10/04/2012

I read for several hours about OP and then drove 20 minutes to town to fetch "OILS"... I have a sinus infection and was very uncomfortable and needed some relief. Sunflower oil for 20 minutes and my nose opened up and the sinus pressure is gone. I intend to continue with OP to see if the claims of better stomach health are true. It was not easy at first... There is a gag reflex, and I must admit that my mouth feels really fresh and clean. The baking soda brushing felt great also... Drink plenty of water and I am sure your experience will be just as good. I am amazed!

Sinus Infections
Posted by Lisa (Closter, Nj Usa) on 04/03/2011

BEE propolis with Manuka honey along with the oregano oil (P73 WILD is best) and the ACV ;and the cayenne pepper in tandem will cure the sinus infection. I used to get them 7x yr. All that chronic sinusitus is from candida. Eat clean and no sugar or refined carbs. I take a plastic spoon (as bee propolis will stick to a metal spoon) and dip it into the Manuka honey- then add a full dropper of Bee Propolis... Slide it down ur tounge into the back of ur mouth(as it can stick to ur teeth). Do 2xday. The Bee pollen in both the propolis and from the Manuka (i get any type over 80%pollen )has an antiallergen effect.

Dont believe the drug pushing drug companies. GOD gave us everything we need. How do u think other cultures survived for thousands of yrs? why was evoo, and herbs etc considered currency? EVEN BEER! Modern medicine is yesterday news. They try diff things but then 10yrs later u always see that people have lawsuits due to drugs they took. ESPECIALLY Now! DETOX first, then inflammation will go away, then restoration occurs. All diease comes from inflammation and cellular degeneration. Oxidation is also important. BUT THE MOST BY FAR- IMHO- is normalizing/testing regularly ur Ph. of BOTH the BLOOD/URINE. EVERYone is finding that acidosis is the main contributor of cellular degeneration. Check it out.

Sinus Infections
Posted by Casey (Morehead, Ky) on 01/31/2011

Avocado Oil for Sinus Infections

Had horrible sinus infection. Read your page and tried oil pulling. All I had was avacado oil at the time. Swished for only 12 minutes, but within another 12 minutes my terrible headache was gone and about 90% of the sinus infection was also gone. An amazing cure! Thanks!

Sinus Infections
Posted by Kaitlin (Chester, Va) on 05/10/2010

I have been incredibly ill with a sinus infection the last three days--high fever, sore throat, yellow mucus, horrible headaches, and even vomiting. This one was really a doozy; I haven't been this sick in a long time! I tried oil pulling with the extra virgin olive oil I had in the cupboard, and after three minutes I had to spit it out because I started coughing up mucus and didn't stop for five minutes. My head started clearing up, too. While my throat is now even more sore from the coughing, the rest of me feels relief for the first time in days! I will definitely continue oil pulling and update on the results.

Sinus Infections
Posted by Monij (St. Louis, Mo) on 10/23/2009

I was miserable last night with an obvious sinus infection and I decided to google natural cures for it and found this wonderful website. I tried the oil pulling technique with extra virgin olive oil and about 35-45 minutes later, the mucous began breaking up and I was able to cough it up and blow my nose! I've been telling everyone about it. Thanks so much!

Sinus Infections
Posted by Liz (Fairfield, CT) on 03/04/2009

It's day two of my oil pulling. The first shot, I felt my sinuses start to drain down my throat while doing it! This after a 10 day round of antibiotics that did not work!I was just AMAZED! As a bonus: my teeth felt like glass...as if I had just had a professional cleaning! I'm waiting for the fountain of youth thing to kick in. It was also not as unpleasant as I had imagined. I did it on my commute, then spit in the parking lot! That will give 'em something to speculate about at the water cooler! Tee-Hee!

Sinus Infections
Posted by Simon (Panama City, Florida) on 09/13/2008

Yea: I was suffering from intense sinus head ache pain from a prolonged sinus infection. I read about oil pulling and tried it twice the first day I felt better that day. The next day I felt like a million bucks. I had been suffering with this for two weeks. I couldn't believe how quick this worked for me. I had tried antibiotics,the netty pot,and decongestants but they did not relieve the symptoms. It is now the third day and I still feel better. I can smell again.YEA! I will continue oil pulling once in the morning.

Sinus Infections
Posted by Diann (Ft. Worth, Texas) on 06/22/2008

To Patricia...I had commented to someone else about the same thing, but for a loss of how to spell it, I cut my experience short. My sinus infection had gone undected for so long that the poison went into my lungs, and apparently I had pneumonia, but didn't even realize that until having found this site in desparation, and God's will, started oil pulling...it took two weeks for the mucous from my lungs to blow out of my nose a very dark green...I had never even blown dark yellow out before this OP experience, and have suffered with sinus infections all my life. Keep it up, and get rid of the poison...It took me almost 6 weeks, but for the first time in my life, I don't weeze, cough, almost smother to death in a lying down positon, and breath like I have a new set of lungs..I am 56 years old.

Sinus Infections
Posted by Steve (Tacoma, WA) on 04/20/2008

I was reading about home remedies for a nasty sinus infection from CPAP machine I use for my sleep apnea. I read about the Apple Cider Vinegar and then about oil pulling. I just finished going to the store and getting both. I did the sesame oil and my non-stop nasel dripping ceased before my 15 minutes were up. Coincidence? I'm pretty excited. Also, I couldn't even breath through my nose because it was too painful, and that dissappeared at all. So cool. Thanks! (I have some ACV with tea coming up next. :)

Sinus Infections
Posted by Gislain (Phoenix, AZ) on 02/26/2008

Recently, I developed a nasty Sinus infection which was my first. I was on antibiotics at the time but they didn't help my Sinus headache, watery eyes, and horrible congestion. It got worse each day. I was just suffering at work! I read about ACV on this site and tried it. It helped instantly, and I thought I was cured...but the symptoms returned within an hour of each dose. ACV helped but I needed something to completely make this Sinus problem go away. Upon reading about Oil Pulling, my first reaction was, "Pulling what?" It sounded really easy so I thought I'd see what happens. After my first OP session, I immediately blew out loads of "stuff" from my nose and felt relaxed. Slept great that night! By the next morning, I felt significantly better. I was planning on going to the zoo and wanted to be able to go without suffering. After 5 OP sessions and two days later, I have no more pressure in my head and my chest feels a bit heavy, but I know it's a sign my body is healing. I feel better and my glands aren't sore anymore. I just know that within a few more days, I will be cured! In the U.S. "cures" don't exist. Medications have taken over over the Health industry here! All the pills we get just treat the problem(s) and creat more. Who wants to just treat?! I want a cure! In addition to my Sinus relief, my hair is shinier, my skin feels a little smoother, and I have had several bowel movements lately (much more than usual). I'm sold! Now, I just need to sell my girlfriend on OP because she has bad Eczema and has tried all the topical creams/medications that only treat her condition. She laughs when I Oil Pull my toxins away. It does make me sleepy at times after I do it, so I'll have to only OP at night. I don't see any reason to stop. I will do this the rest of my life. Also, I was a massive cheese-aholic. I cut that out of my diet completely! That is not easy to do.

Sinus Infections
Posted by Bas (Sebastopol, CA) on 02/01/2008


I started oil pulling two days ago. (1 tablespoon for 20 minutes first thing in the morning) The reason I started is a sinus infection that seems to be getting better. I was also pulled by the promise of detoxing from heavy metals since I have ingested a lot of lead as a kid. An other reason for me to give the OP a try was my allergy related respitory problems that I have had since early childhood. The reason that I am writing earth clinic is that I have developed a burning rash on my legs. I am wondering if it is related and if anyone else has had this happen. I did eat quite som pecan nuts the other day and am wondering wether I might have become allergic to them. (I am allergic to cashews) Thank you for responding. Bas

Sinus Infections
Posted by Rhonda (Rockwood, USA) on 01/13/2008

I started Oil Pulling with extra virgin coconut oil and saw results the first time. I have had a sensitive tooth for years that has not responded to any other treatment. One OP and it was gone. About an hour after the first pulling my eyeballs started to ache. It got worse until I had to blow my nose and got a lot of egg yolk colored snot. The eye ache went away. My nose stops up every night when I lay down but not after oil pulling. I have also tried cold pressed sunflower and will try cold pressed sesame tomorrow.

Sinus Infections
Posted by Antoinette (Raleigh, NC) on 01/05/2008

WOW! I was just reading about the oil pulling. I have severe sinus problems, as well as a host of other ailments, which I will relate at another time. I woke up this morning severely congested, with thick green mucuous. I searched the computer under sinus treatments and found this website. I decided to try it although I was scared. I didnt have sesame or sunflower oil, I only had extra virgin olive oil, so I tried it. I just tried right now for the first time. Within 2 minutes....yes!! 2 minutes! my nose opened up, and I could breathe!!! I started feeling more alert in my mind, and I was so shocked. I just spit out the solution a few minutes ago...... and I brushed my teeth, and Im going to drink the 2 to 3 glasses of water. I will post again soon. I will do it again tonight. Thanks!!!

Sinus Infections
Posted by Michael (Bowling Green, Kentucky) on 11/13/2007

Oil Pulling, Ok so it got so bad I turned to the internet. I was sitting at home suffering from the worst sinus infection I have ever had. So I thought I would google my problem and this website poped up first. This was the first time that I had ever heard of oil pulling. Honestly I have to say I thought it would be disgusting. However I was at the point of no return, I had to do something. So I was willing to give it a shot. At first I could not notice any effects of the oil and by the second time I tried it my symptoms were worse. But as the website said I continued and by my third time I was feeling 10X's better. It not only cured by sinus problems but made me feel more relaxed all around. Thank you so much for the info.

Sinus Infections
Posted by Valerie Wright (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 09/17/2007

Have been oil pulling for 12 days and taking coconut oil for 10. Am thrilled with the results. On the 2nd day of OP my sinuses started to drain (didn't know they were congested) and two days later my lungs started to expel mucuus. Also found that I was sleeping much better and had more energy.Of course, the mouth and teeth felt great. I am taking coconut oil about 3 times a day. It is all absolutely astounding. I just love your site. Aren't we lucky?

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