305 User Reviews
The problem was not the vinegar/Neti pot process. I had used way too much vinegar. I just did it again, using only 4-6 DROPS of vinegar. The thick nasal mucus immediately started to drain; and it went from thick white/slightly yellow tint to clear. And my breathing is clear and my sense of smell is working again.
FYI, when blowing your nose, pinch/press close one side and blow the other. Then do the same on the other side. Do not blow hard, it will force infectious agent into the ear canal, and create another problem. Instead inhale through an open mouth and huff blow in a 1,2,3 pattern until the 1 nasal side is cleared and do the same on the other side.
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Rancho Cucamonga, Ca)
I did the same thing with the netti pot and my head felt like it was going to explode and I couldn't breathe through my nose. I did a saline rinse immediately to dilute any damage the acid may have caused to my sinus passages. I have been using warm compresses to alleviate the pain and am still very plugged in my nose. Please warn people not to use the netti pot for this
I added 1 tsp per 1 cup of water and it was so strong that I had to stop, it hurt so bad. The pain didnt completely go away for a few hours. It was awful!
(Columbus, Oh)
You may have used a bit too much of the ACV. I find it easier, and less painful, to put just the tiniest amount in a glass of warm filtered water and sea-salt, and snort it. I cured my sinus infection in 3 days. I also gargled with the same solution, and did both 4-5 times each day.
(Columbus, Oh)
Also make sure you're NOT using tap water. This is very dangerous due to all the "crap" in tap water. Only use filtered or preferably distilled water.
(Hudson Valley, New York)
I had terrible results with the neti pot. I will never use them again. It seemed to make my sinus issues worse every time I used them. I use drops into each nostril with an eye dropper. I use a product which is essentially a mineral/water mixture that is supposed to help with restoring mucus linings in the body. Also will try salt water with Baking soda today. My infections are from exposure to toxins when I was younger working with the fumes from glue products that I was using with my work.
(Spokane Valley, Washington)
I did the act nasal rinse using the Neil med bottle and it was excruciatingly painful. Then my nose ran tons of clear mucous changing to darker and I started to feel better but my nose just ran. Then about two hours later extreme sinus pain. I had followed up with a saline rinse twice that night and steamed over hot water. The pain in sinus was extreme. My cheeks were bright red. So I don't know if it was a reaction to acv. Or
What you described would indicate that you used too strong of a concentration..
If you're going to do the neti pot, versus the Palm snort method, I would suggest that you start by ONLY using 5 drops of ACV (1/20 teaspoon) to 8oz of water.. then increase from there if no problems and a stronger concentration is desired/required.
(Newtown, Pa)
That does not sound good. I know I've used it by steaming it in a pot mixed with water and it can burn but I think it is also from the intense heat.
It may not have been the acv, but more likely that you moved the infection into your ear canal, which is closely linked to our sense of balance. Infections in the inner ear and head often create pressure which upsets the nerves that give us our sense of balance and result in dizzying spinning sensation. I get dizzy every time I am coming down with a certain virus because it is lodged near my ear canals.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I used the rinse three time a day. On the morning of the day, after I began using the rinse, I felt better. I improved each day for six days. The rinse worked for me faster than the antibiotics I have been prescribed the last few years.
The rinse was harsh the first few days in the sense that it burned. I read that the more the rinse hurts, the worse my infection was, so I stayed with it. Now, six days later the discomfort is no worse than that I experienced with a saline rinse.
Thanks to all of you who posted your positive experiences with the rinse, which motivated me to give it a try despite my great skepticism.
I am a believer now. Thanks.
(Montgomery, Al)
I believe the Apple Cider Vinegar is good but it stings horribly. I thought I had done something wrong. I'll keep trying.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
I recently started using Oregano Oil, or Oil of Oregano as it is also referred to and this also has some excellent anti antibacterial properties, it may be my new go to for Sinus infections, only problem is that it is EXPENSIVE! Good luck everyone!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I am looking forward to reading through the pages and pages of natural remedies! I've been on antibiotics (Azithromycin) for the last two years and can tell I'm becoming immune.
I suffered with sinusitis and bronchitis my entire life and was finally diagnosed with PCD. My cilia do not work and my sinuses and lungs have no way of filtering out impurities. PCD is genetic and very rare so there is very little info on how to treat. So far, Zpack is the only thing that has shown to reduce inflammation in people with PCD, thereby producing less mucous. There's no cure.
The information in this article and the comments are priceless, perhaps lifesaving in my case. I will definitely give ACV a try and try going gluten-free as well. I've noticed I am worse after having ice cream, so I've already limited dairy products.
Thanks so much!
Hi my husband has just been to health shop to buy organic apple cider vinegar for sinus condition, the only one available was aspall organic cyder vinegar, is this ok to use? Thanks Sandra
Yes I had trouble finding some in major supermarkets and Aspall Cyder Vinegar (Organic) was the only one I could find.
I suffer from sinusitis and I have definitely noticed an improvement. This stuff acts like an anti-biotic without the horrible side effects!
I took 2 tea spoons, mixed with apple squash and warm water for a few days and noticed about 15 mins after taking it, I started to sneeze and then cleared my nose of horrible stuff and felt so much better.
Hi, I am a doctor and I suffer from chronic sinusitis because I was heavy smoker which had damaged my cilia. You should avoid dairy products which cause body secretions to be thick and become a nidus for Bacterial infection.
Hi, having been diagnosed with osteoporosis a few years ago, after giving up dairy under an anti-candida nutritionist for fatigue, I am wary of avoiding milk and cheese. Have you found a way to keep your calcium up? I have a friend who is a nurse who says from anecdotal evidence Calcichews can ruin your stomach.
Apple Cider Vinegar
After reading I decided to try ACV. Let me just tell you that my head had been pounding for 2 days and I had this awful mucus in the back of my throat constantly. I considered going to the ER, but didn't. I put about 1 teaspoon of ACV in my neti pot with warm water and did the nasal rinse.
After that I put 3 tablespoons of ACV in 2 cups of water and some honey and warmed it. It was hard to drink but I drank it.
I also got a heating pad and I put it all over my head, neck, and temples at high heat for about an hour just rotating it.
When I woke up in the morning to my surprise my headache was completely gone. UNFREAKING BELIEVABLE!!!! Wow, I am so thankful for this site! So happy!! This is amazing and it works!!!
(Palm Beach Florida)
I use to get sinusitis every 6 months when I lived in New York, they were so bad I would have to stay in bed due to dizziness.I always took antibiotics, I would loose my voice, run a fever, felt like I had the flu with a massive headache.Since I moved to Florida 4 years ago I have been very fortunate to have had only 3 sinus infections.I recently just got another one 8 days ago, this is a bad one, same symptoms as I had in New York.
My question is I just started reading about Apple Cider Vinger..I took it day 6 of the infection with hot water and honey twice a day.. will it help me that far into the infection and should I do this on a daily basis to help prevent future sinus infections?
Thank you, Nancy
(San Diego)
Yes Nancy, It will help you even though you have had the infection for a few days.
I do hope that you feel better.
Kimberly D.
(Fitzgerald, Georgia)
When I drink two tbs. of Apple Cider Vinegar in eight oz. water, a couple hours later my whole face is in very bad pain, it hurts to touch my face. Can someone tell me whats going on?
(Somewhere, Europe)
Emma, take way less.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I normally don't leave comments on anything but I had to this time. I've suffered from sinus infections for most of my life (30 yo female) and have had sinus surgery, etc. I felt one coming on and had a raging infection two days ago. I began using my Neti pot, as I'm trying to avoid antibiotics unless they're absolutely necessary. The next morning I found this post and starting drinking ACV in water and already I feel an incredible difference. The infection is not quite gone but I am continuing to Neti, sip the tonic, and drink tea my husband has made me from our garden. I'm amazed!
Apple Cider Vinegar
You need to try using the vinegar as a nose rinse. You have to mix it with warm water and put it in your nose. This is the most effective way of doing it.
(California, US)
I have been suffering from sinuses infections for years now. Antibiotics no longer work for me. Hellllp!!! My nose isn't even stuffy, but the post nasal drip (I assume that's what it is) is causing me to have a constant feeling of something being in my throat. I can clear it, but it comes back within seconds. It actually makes me feel anxious. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. There are so many natural remedies, I don't know where to begin. Thanks.
Sometimes what feels like sinus drainage is actually acid reflux coming up in to your throat. Check some remedies for reflux. If that solved the problem, then you are having reflux, not sinus drainage. Or you could be having both. Lionel Richie, the singer with the Commodores, started having drainage. He went to numerous doctors who were treating him for sinus and ear infections, one surgeon even did sinus surgery on him. He still was not getting better. Finally he was put in the hospital for something gastrointestinal related, he was having some kind of problems that made him really sick, and found out what had been making him sick all along was reflux. After hearing that, I no longer trust doctors to come to the right conclusion any more.
(Chelmsford Uk)
Hello Anne, I have only just found out that sinus problems can be caused by acid reflux.
I used to get throat problems where I tried to clear it like you and it just comes back time after time. I also used to get anxiety attacks through it until my GP told me it was acid reflux and prescribed omeprazole. I am now using silicolgel before meals as this coats the stomach lining and this seems to work better. Hope this helps.
(Somewhere, Europe)
Anne, have you tried eliminating dairy for a bit?
Warning! Apple Cider Vinegar can be one of the worst things to take if one has histamine intolerance. It won't thin your mucus, it will cause MORE blockage if you have a buildup of histamine.
Mmsg, I've been having a dairy free diet since almost a year back, still got that constant feeling of something in my throat (mucus). I suspect it's my allergies (first diagnosed 17 years ago) since it worsens some months.
Anne, I've found ACV being really helpful with this problem! It helps instantly. I've been drinking it (2 tsp ACV in 2,5 dl/8 oz water) 2-3 times a day since yesterday. Hopefully you'll do with just 1 time a day, I need to repeat it still. I've read some ppl gargle it and then swallow, trying that out at the moment so no tips/own experience there yet.
Hopefully, in time, my allergies (am bothered by it 10 months a year) will get better. At the moment (now in my worst allergy period) I still need antihistamine along with the ACV though. So, I'm better but not cured!
Hi everybody, I just thought I'd throw this into the mix. I also had very bad sinuses, until I was diagnosed with cancer, and not wanting to go down the road of conventional treatment, I found a natural practitioner/ bio dentist, had root canal and amalgams removed and was put on a ketogenic style diet (low carb high fat and protein and no grains) I've been clear for three years now and one of the unexpected side effects is that I'm completely cured of my sinus allergies. You see, grains were a big problem for me, and is for many of us without realising it. If this is of any interest to anyone, there are some very good movies about the truth of wheat, how it's been genetically modified and grown and how it's having detrimental effects on our health. Well I really hope this will be of some help to someone out there, allergies really are a misery.
Try Oil Pulling too. I have had hayfever and taken antihistamines my whole life, but I started oil pulling 2.5 years ago and my allergies are so much better than they used to be. I started with 2 times per day and now just do it once per day. You get 2 tsp or so of any organic oil (I like to use raw sesame or coconut oil) and swish it around in your mouth for 10-20 minutes. Then spit it out on the ground or in the trash so it doesn't ruin your drain. Never swallow it. It apparently pulls a bunch of bacteria from your mouth which basically frees up your body from a lot of toxins that those bad bacteria can produce. The main reason I love it is that it causes my sinuses to clear out quite a bit. The combination of the oil pulling basically lowering the load of toxins my body has to deal with, plus the mucous clearing out, seems to have made my allergies much better. I never take anti-histamines now. My bad days now are almost like my good days before. I have also found that a no grain or low grain, low sugar diet makes a huge difference for my allergies. Another huge help during allergy season is stinging nettle, and quercitin (which is a natural antioxidant that acts like an anti-histamine). I will have to try the ACV thing too.
How should I figure out if I have histamine intolerance..
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
I'm going to try using the ACV capsules and see if they make me feel less sick on the stomach because I can barely stand it long enough for the sinus infection to begin to retreat.
(Billings, Montana)
I hate having common colds because inflamed sinuses are very painful. In my case, the pain will only lessen if I will be able to sneeze mucus with trace of blood. I will try taking ACV daily to treat it but would it do be better if I also do an ACV rinse? How do I prepare the rinse?
(Billings, Montana)
Drinking diluted ACV for colds and sinus inflammation worked as promised! But I still want to know how to make ACV rinse though. Hope someone here can tell me. Thanks!
(Irving, Tx)
I would like to know how to mix ACV for the rinse to put in the nose? Does anyone know the measurements and how to administer? HELP? ~in Pain~
Hello... Thanks for the info..... Do you recall how much ACV to drink each day? Thanks
I put 1/2tsp Apple Cider Vinegar and 1/2 tsp salt in 2 cup filtered water. Microwave for about 1 minute then put into the neti pot & administer. Do this 2x a day. It burns slightly but it works for me every time.
My all sinuse I.e. both maxillery, frontal sinuses are infected at caused polyps inside the nose It also causes throath infection with caugh. I taken allopathic treatment severaly but the medicine effect terminate after some time. Doctors suggest me to have operation. I am trying yoga jal neti with apple cinder vinegar. since six months last . but still no so much relief.
Dear R P Sharma,
Regarding your long term sinus infection:
Try garlic with some honey. Crush one clove of garlic and mix it with honey and take it on a spoon. We have used this three to four times a day for a week for a serious infection and it worked well.
You might try putting a drop or two of castor oil into each nostril (Lay on your back and let the oil get deep into your sinuses) once or twice a day. (If you have polyps, I would do this for at least a month.)
Avoid all dairy products until you are better.
You could try Earth Clinic's wonderful cure for sinus infections. It has helped my son and me greatly in the past.
Hydrogen Peroxide for Sinus Infections
Try gargling salt water a few times a day as well - 1/4 teaspoon salt in 1 ounce very warm water.
I hope you feel better soon!
~Mama to Many~
Hi Mama to Many - Tennessee. I have read quite a bit on the internet as I too suffer from Sinusitis almost all year round. About a year ago I had Surgery to remove Nasal Polyps, straighten a bent Septum and generally try to clear my Nasal passages as I couldn't breathe through my nose - Septoplasty/Ethmoidectomy/Antrostomy – Intranasal /Turbinectomy - Left and Right for all procedures other than the Septoplasty. NASTY OPERATION - HURTS LIKE HELL AFTER, but at least I can now breathe through my nose. PROBLEM - I HAVE NO SMELL AT ALL, and now very little taste. Smell and Taste both relate to the OLFACTORY receptors and sensory which is around the bridge of the nose and is responsible for Smell and Taste. No Smell, usually very little Taste as Smell is the major component of Taste. I read your comments on Hydrogen Peroxide and came upon a PRINCETON UNIVERSITY STUDY on the website LIVESTRONG that states DO NOT USE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE as a Nasal irrigation as it can cause major damage I.e.
Aspiration Pneumonia
Cellular Reaction
Hydrogen peroxide interacts with the enzyme catalase, releasing water and oxygen. The release of water and hydrogen constitutes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. 1 cc of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide releases 10 ml of oxygen. If the rate of oxygen release exceeds the maximum solubility in the blood, venous embolism occurs. It is conceivable that chronic use of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide for nasal irrigation can yield a risk of chronic aspiration, and resultant venous embolism. Chronic lung exposure can cause partial or complete collapse of the lung.
I am again at the stage of almost despair as a world without sense of smell and taste combined with horrible thick mucous build up in the Sinuses is not a nice thing to live with.
I currently use a self made Nasal Spray in my attempt to keep any further Nasal Polys from forming. It contains a drop of Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil combined with about 8 drops of Lemna Minor and Calcarea PhosphoricaI (homeopathic drops) combined with Distilled water in a 25ml Nasal Spray container. I use this daily, which momentarily helps to clear a little of the thick Orange coloured Mucus build up (not Yellow or Green).
Unfortunately the thick Orangy coloured Mucus build up returns quite quickly so I will try the ACV tonic for ingestion and also for use with a Neti Pot combined with Sea Salt to see if in fact it helps with the Sinuses and post the results.
Orange mucus? I been dealing with it for several years and can't seems to get it cured. My sinus infection is minor. I have no pressure, just post nasal drip and challenges sleeping my nose playing up I was really concerned about the orange mucus
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar